Multipara definition: a woman who has given birth to more than one viable fetus or living child | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A para III has had three such pregnancies; a para VI or more is also known as a grand 'multipara. Multipara: A woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. Préfixe, du grec para, à côté de, entrant dans la composition de nombreux mots avec le sens de « à côté de », « en marge de » (paralittérature), de « complètement » (parachever), de « presque » (paratyphoïde). -a•ras, -a•rae (-əˌri) a woman who has borne two or more children or is parturient for the second time. Paradigme : définition, synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. grand multipara listed as GM Looking for abbreviations of GM? The term para refers to births. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Multiparity: Condition; Multipara. A para III has had three such pregnancies; a para VI or more is also known as a grand 'multipara. Multipara: A woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. A woman who is para III has had 3 such pregnancies. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Read medical definition of Multipara. mul•tip•a•ra. multipara: medical dictionary: A woman who has had 2 or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Obstetrics A woman who has completed 2 or more pregancies resulting in the birth of live infants, or to the point of viability. GM - grand multipara. The term para refers to births. A woman who has given birth one or more times can also be referred to as para 1, para 2, para 3, and so on. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. Cf Multigravida. M stands for Multipara. Multi- Du latin multi, nombreux. Viable gestational age varies from region to region. “Multipara.” Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. noun - plural: multiparae / multiparas. neonate. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. A woman who has given birth two or more times. pertaining to birth. multipara definition in English dictionary, multipara meaning, synonyms, see also 'multiparty',multiparity',multiparous',multilateral'. A woman who has given birth 5 or more times is called a grand multipara. rae [muhl-tip-uh-ree]. This video is unavailable. Medical Definition of Multipara. ‘The risk for preeclampsia in the elderly multipara is significantly higher than expected on the basis of age and parity.’ ‘Nulliparous women are reportedly at a higher risk of developing complications of pregnancy and delivery than multipara.’ ‘Most of the patients were multiparae, followed by primiparae and grandmultiparae.’ /mʌlˈtɪp əˌri/. Obstetrics A woman who has completed 2 or more pregancies resulting in the birth of live infants, or to the point of viability. multipara definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary. Dernière modification: 3-11-2020. : a woman who has borne more than one child — see grand multipara — compare multigravida. Watch Queue Queue. A woman who is para vi or more is called a grand multipara. Watch Queue Queue multipara n pl , -rae a woman who has given birth to more than one viable fetus or living child Compare → multigravida (C19: New Latin, feminine of multiparus multiparous) Définitions de par(a)-. Definition of multipara in the dictionary. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Glossaire : santé Définition du terme Multipare : Se dit d'une femme ayant eu plusieurs enfants. Read medical definition of Multipara. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Mots Avec est un moteur de recherche de mots correspondant à des contraintes (présence ou absence de certaines lettres, commencement ou terminaison, nombre de lettres ou lettres à des positions précises). What made you want to look up multipara? multipara (multip) many births (a woman who has given birth to two or more viable offspring) natal. A woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. Grand multipara describes the condition of having given birth five or more times. Se dit de la femelle qui a plusieurs petits à chaque portée, par opposition à unipare . Multipara is a term that describes the number of pregnancies and children a woman has had. help; contact; sitemap; multipara definition. See more. Read medical definition of Multipara. (mʌlˈtɪp ər ə) n., pl. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Pluri- Du latin plures [pluri-], plusieurs. rae A woman who has given birth two or more times. (12 Dec 1998) Lexicographical Neighbors of Multipara. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2012 - CNRTL 44, avenue de la Libération BP 30687 54063 Nancy Cedex - France Tél. Stedman’s medical dictionary (27th edition) defined it as ‘the condition of having given birth to an infant or infants, alive or dead; a multiple birth considered as a … The third stage of labor begins with the delivery of the baby and ends when the placenta and membranes are expelled. a woman who has borne two or more children, … Multipara: A woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. 1. multipara. Mod 4 Chapter 9 Obstetrics and Neonatology. Obstetrics. Information and translations of multipara in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Looking for abbreviations of GM? Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Expulsion generally lasts 2 hours for a nullipara and l hour for a multipara. [1870–75; n. use of feminine of New Latin multiparus multiparous] Meaning of multipara. 68 terms. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. HeatherPosner381. Don’t forget to test your knowledge on this content by taking the free gravidity and parity quiz. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical… Chercher. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Hierarchical classifications of Multiparity. Definition of gravidity and parity; Definition of nullipara, nulligravida, primipara, primigravida, multigravida, multipara; How to calculate a patient’s gravida and para. Learn more about what multipara means and its associated risks. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? multipara. : +33 3 83 96 21 76 - Fax : +33 3 83 97 24 56 Grand multipara: The term "multipara" applies to any woman who has given birth 2 or more times. grand multipara listed as GM home; dictionary; word tools; courses; study skills; forum; about us; Search. There was a significant relationship between preferred mode of delivery and parity (p = 0.008); 35.3% of, In our study most of the patients with major degree placenta previa were, The mean score for overall stress was highest for urban primipara participants (8.9), followed by urban, Hornihane (1980) says, the tendency of increasing foctal weight gives rise to relative cephalopelvic disproportion in grand, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Childbirth Fear and Associated Factors in a Sample of Pregnant Iranian Women, GRAND MULTIPARITY AND MATERNAL OUTCOME IN ABSENCE OF ADEQUATE ANTENATAL CARE, FETAL AND MATERNAL OUTCOME IN MAJOR DEGREE PLACENTA PREVIA, A comparative study of ultrasonographic birth weight with neonatal birth weight in a first referral unit of Guwahati, MATERNAL AND FETAL OUTCOME IN GRAND MULTIPARA, Stress perception among rural and urban perinatal patients, Relation of age, parity and duration of subfertility as risk factors for ectopic pregnancy, COMPARISON OF INTRAPARTUM AND NEONATAL OUTCOME AMONG GRAND MULTIPARA AND MULTIPARA, Institutional study of primary Caesarean section among multigravida, A comparative study to asses the outcome of grand multipara with that of great grand multipara, Multiobjective Optimization Neural Network, Multiobjective Problem Solving from Nature, Multiparameter Alternant Molecular Orbital, Multiparametric Demand Linear Transportation Problem, Multiparticipant Airbattle Training System. n , pl -rae a … This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome. A woman who has given birth at least twice to an infant, liveborn or not, weighing 500 g or more, or having an estimated length of gestation of at least 20 weeks. Have you ever wondered about these lines? A woman who has given birth one or more times can also be referred to as para 1, para 2, para 3, and so on. Like gravidity, parity may also be counted. The term para refers to births. Multìpara: Si dice di donna che ha partorito più volte o che ha partorito più figli in una sola volta. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. Lecture on Gravidity and Parity 98 terms. Multiparous definition, of or relating to a multipara. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … A grand multipara is a woman who has already delivered five or more infants who have achieved a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, and such women are traditionally considered to be at higher risk than the average in subsequent pregnancies., a woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in viable offspring; called also. A para III has had three such pregnancies; a para VI or more is also known as a grand 'multipara. It is grand multipara. Viable gestational age varies from region to region. The term para refers to births. … Multipara: A woman who has had two or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. [1870–75; n. use of feminine of New Latin multiparus multiparous] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Definition of the noun multipara. Post the Definition of multipara to Facebook, Share the Definition of multipara on Twitter. Cf Multigravida. Delivered to your inbox! It is grand multipara. Medical Definition of multipara. What does multipara mean as a name of something? The following list attempts to classify Multiparity into categories where each line is subset of the next. Medical Definition of Labor. slamantia. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying multipara-. -a•ras, -a•rae (-əˌri) a woman who has borne two or more children or is parturient for the second time. multipara is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Dont la définition contient. synonym: multip; Printed dictionaries and other books with definitions for multipara. (mʌlˈtɪp ər ə) n., pl. Accessed 28 Dec. 2020. ... Medical Term: Obstetrics and Neonatology. Looking for online definition of multipara or what multipara stands for? Grand multipara describes the condition of having given birth five or more times. What does multipara mean? Like gravidity, parity may also be counted. Définitions de multipare Se dit d'une femme qui a accouché plusieurs fois ; par opposition à primipare , nullipare . A woman who has had 2 or more pregnancies resulting in potentially viable offspring. Terminologie médicale, termes contenant les racines commençant par la lettre M M - TERMINOLOGIE MEDICALE - M . Disease Ontology - OBO (Open Biomedical Ontologies) Other family circumstances dictionary help. If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Multipara, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Multipara in English language. Learn a new word every day. Keep in mind that the abbreviation of M is widely used in industries like banking, computing, educational, finance, governmental, and health. A woman who has given birth to more than one child. A woman who is para III has had 3 such pregnancies. Définition multiparity dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'multiparty',multipartite',multipara',multipath', expressions, conjugaison, exemples mul•tip•a•ra. He's making a quiz, and checking it twice... Test your knowledge of the words of the year. A para III has had three such pregnancies; a para VI or more is also known as a grand 'multipara. It further explains a multipara as a woman who has given birth to a live child after each of at least two pregnancies. Iii has had 2 or more is also multipara medical definition as a name of something ;! Medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Multiparity: condition ;.! Information for Multiparity: condition ; multipara or 'all Intents and Purposes ' or 'nip it in the bud.. Times is called a grand multipara termes contenant les racines commençant par la lettre M M - MEDICALE. 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