glock 36 single stack extended magazine

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800-601-8273. Glock 36 45 ACP | Subcompact. Instead of the thick grip and slide that were made to accommodate not just the .45 ACP, but the much more powerful 10mm – both with double stack magazine so common in Glocks, the Austrians did something different. Not good when milliseconds count. Magpul PMAG 15 GL9 Glock 19 Magazine - 9mm - 15rds MAG550-BLK $17.99 He said if I couldn’t get it done with 7 rds I probably couldn’t do it at all. Glock PCC Sort by: Featured Items Newest Items Bestselling Alphabetical: A to Z Alphabetical: Z to A Avg. So it’s now a range toy, but one I still like to shoot. The gun wastes a large amount of space. The 20/21s are ergonomic nightmares (but still own them), but I just completed a polymer 45 that feels much better (and 50 out the box 100% reliable). The gun fired everything I put in it. Check to see if they make a extension for a single stack .45. That makes it prone to moving in the hand under recoil and the lack of grippy grip texture on the sides makes it somewhat hard to control. The Agency Arms Glock Gen 4 extended mag release is a must for competition shooters and a need for casual marksman in situations where time is of the essence. Basically no recoil. I remember shooting a 36 and being amazed at how much worse it felt than a G19. Select options. For those of you that remember, back in 1994, there weren’t many guns for a similar price that worked as well. I am really enjoying my Glock 48 (currently sporting a 43 threaded slide). Why isn’t it like my G19, a longer, full, grip with a normal basepad ? remain ignorant of the .45GAP and .40SW and you remain having problems! To look at the GLOCK 36 today is to look at a stepping stone design. Not to mention, if the Glock 36 does jam, in the 99.9 percent of them that dont, and you have one of the 00.1 percent that does, it clears a jam faster than any gun that I’ve shot. I had a G21 and it sucked. Your email address will not be published. not for the Camp Perry matches. Glock factory replacement magazines made to the same specifications as the original magazines that came with the gun using the same high standard production process. You can't use single stack magazines in a double stack pistol. With +P ammo, it gives std. You won’t be sorry if you go with a G36, but you may be slightly disappointed upon seeing what else is out there. Once you get used to the trigger it makes the Shield look like sh**. Rating: 100%. Free shipping. But Shield is still heavier by those 5 grams. Can’t Stop The Signal: DIY 3D Printed GLOCK Magazines All that is needed to print the “Menendez Mags” is a simple consumer grade 3d printer. Glock Magazines. At least not unmanageable. I’m a Glock guy but rather than the 36 I ended up going with the 30S -terrific pistol – and for slimmer times the Shield 2.0. ~Glock 36 .45ACP semi automatic pistol. The problems are from limp-dicking it. Much more controllable, easier to shoot, etc. They all feel square to me and they all resemble each other in their “boxy”, unattractive appearance. pressure/Service Pistol performance – the Shield 2.0 45 does not. I spoke to a Glock rep about this at SHOT. .45 GAP get a G39 which is exactly the size of a G26/27, not enough mag capacity? Does not mean they don't, jus means I didn't look for one. With a healthy load, it’s LOUD. A big complaint I have is that the magazine has a large basepad that is necessary for a firm grip on the gun. Honestly. Your’s is not. Free shipping. in width. S&W did a great job on that platform for the 45. Does not mean they don't, jus means I didn't look for one. You also get options for the Glock 43 single stack 9mm and the Glock 42 single stack 380 ACP in their standard capacity configurations. They ended up with a what I can only describe as a bulky, thick chunk of steel and polymer that had all the ergonomic properties of a brick. It was my winter carry gun in NC, but I’m now a FL resident and it’s just too big a lump to conceal OWB under just a polo or t-shirt. G36 holsters, barrels, magazines, concealed holsters, gun parts, ... 30, 31, 32, 36 Front Is ProGlo Green Tritium With Orange Outline Single Dot Green Rear Sight GL-203 (11) $99.00 (Save 26%) $72.79 Best Rated. I just never found the grips comfortable in my hand in the different iterations. The G36 was my first gun. I love my Glock 36 and am pleased with it in every aspect. in a package that fits into the hands of any user. Each GLOCK delivers on our promise of safety, reliability, and simplicity at an affordable price. “Spray and spray” hi cap 9mms? Something went wrong. While it’s not necessarily the most compact .45 out there, the GLOCK 36 is a reliable and sturdy gun for daily CCW use. ... Glock 36 Extended Mag Magazine Release for Glock GEN 1-3 Plain . Choose Genuine Factory Magazines For Top Performance & Reliability. in width. Jay 07/10/2006 By Jason I purchased my Glock model G36 three years ago. How many have you been in? By using a single-stack magazine, the GLOCK 36 measures only 28.5mm/1.13 in. 1SGMP Oct 29, 2013. Got rid of the 36 in some long forgotten gun deal. And yeah, I’ve had my pinky bitten on quick mag changes but not shooting. Customer Review Price: Low to High Price: High to Low +0 Base Pad For Glock 9/40 OEM Magazines Glock 36 45 ACP | Subcompact. I’ve found that I’m just as accurate and nearly as fast compared to the G19. We also need a replacement spring. or Best Offer. The single-ish stack idea from Glock was and is so completely dumb. Then presumably those mags would also run in the G36 as well, or that is my hope. The ProMag Glock 44 magazine (right) holds 18 rounds in a staggered column, compared to the factory magazine (left) that holds 10 rounds in a single column. Buffalo Bore 230gr JHP +P———————-903fps, 3.0” I shoot it regulary and have qualified with it the last two times my ccw was up for renewal. Again, if GLOCK were to come out and combine the engineering of the G43 and adapt it to the .45 ACP, including addressing the grip length on the G36, they would have a winner. This is due mainly to its significantly slimmer frame, since in the subcompact pistol segment, the width of the gun also plays a significant role. SERPA CQC Holster for GLOCK 19, 23, 36 ... SERPA CQC Holster for GLOCK 19, 23, 36 ... Our Low Price $54.72 Glock also has the Glock 36, a single stack 45 ACP pistol with a wide single stack magazine, so remember this mag is going to require a specialized mag pouch. Very nice feel in a 29oz .45ACP with Trijicons. As are you. Glocks are shooting tools, not BBQ guns. Shop a wide selection of firearm magazines. SHOP NOW THE MAG SHACK IS YOUR ONLINE RETAILER FOR ALL YOUR ... Remington 1911 R1 9mm 18 Round Magazine $ 36.99. The gun was a departure from the high-capacities of their prior models and featured a new type of magazine. View cart for details. Semi-automatic handgun mags are available in several calibers and capacities. A 1911 of similar size holds at least another round while being far more comfortable in the hand. While the Glock 42 and 43 have earned themselves a great place as single-stack concealed carry options, the Glock 36 has gone practically unnoticed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gives it 7+1 single stack in a comfortable and easy to carry Glock platform. FREE shipping on orders over $75 ... $40.00 $36.95. I am casual shooter with small hands. Machined from 6061 aluminum and 3/64” longer than standard, this Glock Gen 4 Agency Arms magazine release increases your ability to reload without disrupting your grip placement. With the exception of a short affair with a Sig 220, I’ve been a Glock guy ever since. Gave it to my brother when I found I got a blood blister on my pinkie every time I fired it without a Band-Aid on my finger. ... Glock 36 Extended Mag Magazine Release for Glock GEN 1-3 Plain . View All. I bought a G36 early on, thinking it would be a lighter replacement for my Colt Officer’s .45. As for ugly, who cares? Out classed by other compact 45’s??? And stop comparing it to a damned 9mm, it is not! The GLOCK SLIMLINE presents grip ergonomics of the next dimension. After all, Glock had never released a single stack 9mm up until that point, and if you wanted a 9mm Glock for concealed carry your best options really were limited to the Glock 19 and 26, both of which are bulkier due to their double stacked magazine designs. GLOCK Metal FLOOR PLATE 17 19 22 23 24 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Gold These were my EDC pistols back in the day, but I’ve moved on to the whiz kid 9mm’s for carry. I have never given a gun a one star rating in ergonomics before, but this one takes it. We Have A Large Selection Of Firearm Magazines - Get 30 round mags for AR15's, AR10's AK47's, Glock, S&W & more. Apparently my G36 is a different gun cleverly disguised as a G36. Compare. Glock 36 extended Mag. I find the grip to be comfortable while I have large hands the grips fits me fine. These Glock Factory Magazine are designed to work. But, I've bought a lot of their extension and don't recall one for a 36. The high recoil of most of the ammo coupled with the snappy slide movement made rapid shots, even at close range, difficult at best. Gives it 7+1 single stack in a comfortable and easy to carry Glock platform. Glock produces a single-stack "Slimline" .45 ACP pistol, the Glock 36. Magazine capacity is not a big issue for me, as the gun is very very accurate and I can reload a gun rather quickly. No Im not a glock fan boy my EDC is a Sig 365 XL, The XD-S is a much better .45 single-stack, and the G30 is a much, much better Glock subcompact .45 pistol. GLOCK 36 Hunting Gun Ammunition Magazines, 10 product ratings - GLOCK 36 45CAL 6RD FACTORY MAGS, 188 product ratings - GLOCK MF4200 6-Round Factory Magazine - Black, 56 product ratings - NEW Factory Glock Model 36 45ACP Caliber 6 Round Capacity Magazine. $40.00 $36.95. Just got the G29 10mm and was wanting a nother carry with a little less recoil. Sights: Polymer U-notch I replied, “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been to a gunfight where I felt like I brought too much ammo.” and walked away. Six rounds of .45 AUTO. Ironically, the Glock 36 has been around since 2011. SIG SAUER 185gr V-Crown JHP——————–925fps, 2.25” I added the mag extension which drastically improved the grip for me. Stumbled across this old G36 review just a day after pulling out one of my two old G36’s from the safe and heading to the range with it. Brand New. Function dictates form here. G19 G17 G43 G26 Home Parts & Accessories Magazines GLOCK 100 Items He said if I couldn’t get it done with 7 rds I probably couldn’t do it at all. The pistol is used but … Go to Pearce website (their a Texas company I think). In the SLIMLINE design, Glock has incorporated the use of a single stack magazine. GLOCK’s first guns were high capacity for the time and established what is now the standard, be it 15 or 17 round magazines. in width. Also have a Shield 45 which is a terrific pistol IMO. Both are surprisingly shootable and accurate. But if I was stuck with only the Shield I would be just as happy. Stuffed it full of Barnes 230 gr copper hollowpoints. ©COPYRIGHT 2020, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Some people took a liking to it, as 13+1 rounds of .45 ACP is enough to overlook some minor issues. All in the black 4-5 inch circle. Overall * * * They may build a new version of the 36, or may not. With a magazine inserted, Glock 36 and Shield 45 clock in within 5 grams of each other. Are you trying to act like it’s a qualifier in order to have an opinion? Glock 17-19 33-Round 9mm Magazine OD. The Glock 36 packs 6 rounds of .45 Caliber Auto/ACP stopping power in a package that fits the hands of most any user. I find the G36 easier to manage and am able to shoot it better so it is my carry gun. Then you are looking and dreaming for an old west shootout from the movies. 88 product ratings - BRAND NEW FACTORY GLOCK SINGLE STACK MAGAZINE MODEL 36 .45ACP 6-ROUNDS # MF36006. Glock offers both pistols with single stack and double stack magazines. Check your state laws and be sure you can own the magazines you are purchasing. Hornady American Gunner 185gr JHP———-848fps, 3.0” G19 G17 G43 G26 Home Parts & Accessories Magazines GLOCK 100 Items It is accurate, dependable, easily conceals and the recoil is quite manageable. Together with the secure-grip design, this makes handling the pistol very easy. The bangs just stop a lot sooner. Accuracy * * Yes it’s ugly…it’s a Glock, Get Pearce grip extension to add +1 capacity. Now have a Shield 2.0 45, like it better. They didn’t find anything and passed me through. On paper the pistol sounds more compact than it is in practice. Brand New. For example, I’d love to fit it with a Tango Down slide stop, but no hope there. There are exceptions to this rule, like the new single-stack Glock 43 which is a single-stack 9mm and doesn’t share magazine compatibility with any other guns. Fairly accurate, has never jammed on me and is easy to conceal. It to is homely but it can cook. I bought my Glock 36 in 2001(DTH 194). I found in high humidity, it was a little slippery in my hands, the cure for that was a pachmayr grip sleeve, problem solved. Do yourself a favor and learn how to ignore your little finger when gripping even with full size pistols. GLOCK Magazines Magazine G42 extended This GLOCK magazine is constructed from a hardened steel insert encased in high tech polymer to protect the magazine and prevent deformation, even when dropped from a great height. Not to mention the wide adoption of the glock design used in various carbines/ pistols, such as the : Kriss Vector, Kel tec sub 2000, beretta storm, and many more. Easy to shoot. Please LIKE, Share, Subscribe & hit the bell! The GLOCK 36 presents grip ergonomics of the next dimension. It’s thinner, lighter and holds 7+1 the 36 can’t compete. $8.99. Discounted Glock 36 Gear - Save more than 51%. It was an entirely reasonable comment. However, they have the standard Glock 17/22 19/23 and 26/27 magazines in their respective round count like you’d expect. ... Glock Model 9mm Double Stack 33 rd Extended Magazine for Glock 17/18/26/34, Black . Best Glock 36 IWB Holster: Pro Carry LT CCW IWB Leather Gun Holster. In any other case all previous generation magazines will fit the Gen 4 and all Gen 4 magazines will fit all Glocks from previous generations. I suspect that Europeans failed to grasp the .45 bore because they are still largely essentially serfs living under the will of their governments and as a result gravitated towards smaller, weaker rounds designed for deterrence and not self-defense. 9mm Glock magazines are quite useful when they can fit a number of your weapons. It’s mechanically sound as I had not a single issue with it as far as reliability is concerned, but it just wasn’t an enjoyable gun to shoot. I don’t have trouble hanging onto it, probably because it fits & feels great in my hands, with +1 exension. * ~Glock 36 .45ACP semi automatic pistol. It’s far bulkier than it needs to be and isn’t kind on the eyes. Glock Armorers On Duty 7 Days A Week The simple, lightweight, and … I just prefer a 5 inch barrel for 45 acp to get max performance. I learned that from Hickok45 way back and it made me a FAR better shooter and I could care less about a longer grip nowadays. The significance of the G36 can’t be understated. I love my G30, it’s basically all the goodness of a G21 but shrunk down to G19 size. Be confident your Glock® pistol will perform to factory standards each and every time with genuine Glock® factory magazines. Read Less. And a bonus – it’s easier to keep my thumb off the side stop, so the slide always locks back after the last round. The operating system is simple and reliable, with a cost that is and was very reasonable. The metal insert is covered by a polymer coating. That's on top of the cost of the OEM Glock 44 10-round magazine. It made the pinky pinch and shot-to-shot grip slip disappear. I made a video from the side view and there is hardly any recoil shooting magtech hard baller range ammo. By using a single-stack magazine, the GLOCK 36 measures only 28.5mm/1.13 in. Capacity? And no I did not use the laser to qualify. Glock set the standard and most other striker fired guns are following glock example. Brand: Glock Quick View. It does not make a difference in my ability to conceal it. The magazine of the GLOCK slimline pistols has a single stack design to reduce its dimensions to a minimum. For a .45 it’s light and utterly reliable- added the plus one mag extension and better springs along with a big dot front sight. Fits nicely IWB with just a t-shirt. Hornady Critical Duty 220gr +P——————950fps, 1.5” I put and extended slide release and extended mag release, lasermax recoil spring laser and some better front & rear sites. The S15 is a steel magazine, and is the same length as the OEM Glock® 10 round magazine, but holds an additional 5 rounds. First of all I like guns not brands (same for cars). Shop magazines for all GLOCKS from Shootability? The GLOCK SLIMLINE presents grip ergonomics of the next dimension. Since it’s somewhat unique in the Glock world, aftermarket support is more limited than other models. Double Stacked and Staggered for Maximum Capacity. Now that they have the G43X and G48, they may be able to adapt it to 40, which I would prefer to a 36. The single stack 45acp Glock 36, only available (at this time) in Gen 3. The GLOCK SLIMLINE presents grip ergonomics of the next dimension. As far as it’s size I can put the gun & holster in the jacket pocket of my dickies jacket without it hanging out. The G43 is our new single stack 9mm pistol. 5.0 out of 5 stars. And with the Model 48, Glock fulfilled my wish for a slim “single stack” weapon – but the barrel is just over 4” instead of the 5” I envisioned. And since Glock stopped at Gen3, the future is limited, too, but I’ll still have a place for it in the safe. Sounds like this Chris guy is a real stud. I’ve had a G36 since 2012. But what I really want is a 48 style in 45acp. Would I rather have a 9mm with a zillion round magazine to spray and pray the neighborhood? After all, Glock had never released a single stack 9mm up until that point, and if you wanted a 9mm Glock for concealed carry your best options really were limited to the Glock 19 and 26, both of which are bulkier due to their double stacked magazine designs. Six rounds of .45 AUTO. Reply Link. I bought 2 different holsters to try and I am comfortable carrying this gun although I have many choices. $29.99. The weirdest thing to me is that Glock actually makes the shorter mags for the 30 – they hold 9 rounds instead of 10, but they make it short enough to feel like you’re carrying a thicker G26 with a slightly longer barrel. in a package that fits into the hands of any user. They measure the height of the pistol sans magazine. As a result, GLOCK eventually released the G21 with the American market in mind. Fits in some jacket pockets. But, I've bought a lot of their extension and don't recall one for a 36. Weight: 22.5oz with empty mag I’ve added +1 magazine baseplates to the mags, which also gave me a better grip. The comment about weighting without the magazine is spot on: the magazines for Glock 36 are unusually heavy. The attempt at making a concealed carry .45 ACP pistol was honorable on GLOCK’s part. Barrel Length: 3.75” I love Glocks and still the Glock 36 was one of my least favorite pistols I’ve ever shot. Hot on the heels of the announcement of the new single-stack slimline G43X and G48, both of which are skinny little 9mm’s, I am going to take the time to do a rewind and look at GLOCK’s first attempt at the single-stack slimline game: the .45 ACP GLOCK 36. A G36 with a flush 5 round mag would be really useful to me, but without that I’d rather have a Shield. Only at It was thinner than the double stack G21, but as flat as a GLOCK 19, allowing .45 power in a (relatively) small package. We have all the GLOCK magazines you need in stock and ready to ship! If anyone sells the extended OEM Glock 44 15-round magazines, it won't be me. Got rid of the 36 in some long forgotten gun deal. We Have A Large Selection Of Firearm Magazines - Get 30 round mags for AR15's, AR10's AK47's, Glock, S&W & more. Reading opinions and “reviews” online can be more frustrating than actually finding a decent gun, and this article is no different. Good luck explaining why you shot a little kid across the street. The 36 is reliable and accurate enough for self defense…. It is small. I’m just a civilian so I hope and pray that I will never be in a self defense situation where I need more than 1 mag.Most self defense situations I’ve seen or heard about were pretty close quarters, not clear across the room(although I see a lot of that in the movies). One of the best values on the market nowadays is the Creality Ender 3, which can be found for less than $200 and is widely regarded as a very good unit. This pistol features a compact, slim single-stack design, and the classic, reliable Glock platform. GLOCK 40 – 10MM WITH M.O.S. I can respect that, but the gun we are left with is left wanting in today’s concealed carry market. With the mag removed, you only have a two-finger grip on it and your hand becomes the magwell in the event of a reload. I don’t like plastic, although if I were going to buy a Glock I would get one of the hi capacity 9mm’s, I don’t like 9mm’s either but a pistol that holds almost a box of shells would be comforting. Your email address will not be published. An interesting note is that they were introduced in a Euro-centric world where small bore pistols were the most common in the hands of police and military, 9mm chief among them. I suspect that Europeans failed to grasp the .45 bore because they are still largely essentially serfs living under the will of their governments and as a result gravitated towards smaller, weaker rounds designed for deterrence and not self-defense. Have yet to fire stout ammo but gun seems very good for overall weight and size. And it is a beauty to shoot. I carry IWB or OWB with the holster between the belt and trouser band. Overall Length: 7” I also have the pearce +1 mag extensions so I can have a full 5 fingered grip on it. We carry a diverse selection from high capacity to standard per model. Josh Wayner for TTAG The significance of the G36 … I would not keep it without the +1 extensions it makes that much of a difference. Together with the secure-grip design, this makes handling the pistol very easy. $29.99. Glock 19 9mm 15 Round Gen 5 FDE Magazine $ 23.99. This is a ProMag 32-round extended magazine for Glock 17, 19 and 26 pistols in 9mm. Watch; Glock MF36006 G36 45 ACP 6 Rd Polymer Black Finish. The technically superior G19 just can’t produce the tactile satisfaction of the G36 delivering a round. Glock Gen 4 Glock 22, 35 .40 S&W 15-Round Factory Magazine (339) $24.99. The single-stack magazines of the GLOCK 36 holds six rounds plus one in the chamber. Customize This * * * * * Technical Specs: CALIBER.45 AUTO WEIGHT Likewise with .40 S&W Glock 22 magazines, which will fit and function in both Glock 23 and Glock 27 pistols. Sale. 9mm Glock magazines come in a number of capacities from 7 round single stack to 50 round drum mags. They took to a market that was already biased and threw down. So I go to where they are and find that the joint has security at the door. I have one on the way. Regular Price $59.99 Special Price $39.99. I walked in the place with two knives and a .45. The G36 is a single stack pistol, chambered in .45 ACP and first introduced in 2000. I’d need to carry 4 mags to feel warm and cozy. I liked it enough to pick up a G30SF frame and make my own FrankenGlock G30s, which also did brief carry duty. The early generations of GLOCK pistols could never be called attractive. Beginning in 2007, Glock introduced several "Short Frame" models designated by the suffix "SF". As we've covered in our single stack vs double stack guide, double stacks offers higher capacity with the trade-off of them being wider. or Best Offer. Ironically, the Glock 36 has been around since 2011. The best load tested was the Hornady Critical Duty 220gr +P. Too many better options in 45 and 9. ... SI EXTENDED MAGAZINE PLATE FOR GLOCK 17/22 $ 14.99; VICKERS TACTICAL MAGAZINE FLOOR PLATE FOR GLOCK 42/43 PLUS 2 $ 9.99 +4 EXTENSION FOR G43 $ 19.99 – $ 34.99; Available Hours. The Glock catalogs G36 as unique “Sub-compact Slimline” model in this series, since the Glock 36, unlike other counterparts, features a Slimline profile with its single-stack six-round magazine and narrower secure-grip design, which reduces the width to only 1.13 inches. .40 S&W get a G27 which has 1 round less than a G26 yet hits harder than any full size 5″ 9mm. Single stack magazine The magazine of the GLOCK slimline pistols has a single stack design to reduce its dimensions to a minimum. However, they have the standard Glock 17/22 19/23 and 26/27 magazines in their respective round count like you’d expect. $ 699.99. Choose Genuine Factory Magazines For Top Performance & Reliability. Glad to see a review of the G36. The gun doesn’t feel very secure during this process and forgetting where your pinky is can result in a painful pinch. Add to Cart. $8.99. The choice made for the 36 was that it was a .45acp and a single stack for carry. The only load I got to fire with a reasonable degree of precision was the Hornady Critical Defense, but even that wasn’t exceptional. Hi Does anyone know of a Glock 36 Mag extension (Plus 1)OTHER than the pearce PG-36? The G43 is the most highly desired and anticipated release in GLOCK history. Accuracy is not a problem with this firearm although it may take some getting used to for some. Be confident your Glock® pistol will perform to factory standards each and every time with genuine Glock® factory magazines. Have carried my G36 for 10+ years with no issues…… Fits my hand well, recoil quite manageable for a subcompact, accurate, and have never had a reliability issue after 1,000 rounds of FMJ or JHP from the major brand ammos…… I did get a trigger job done and added night sights. The single-stack magazines of the GLOCK 36 holds six rounds plus one in the chamber. I do have extended grips on my Glock 36 magazines but have not had the skin pinching problem others have had, don’t know why. It was far thicker than it needed to be as a single-stack. GLOCK 36 PLUS ONE MAGAZINE EXTENSION BY PEARCE pm me. It is not perfect but is a good reliable gun. GLOCK 36 – .45 ACP SINGLE STACK $ 499.00. No complaints overall…. The following GLOCK Slimline models are … Technical Specs: CALIBER.45 AUTO WEIGHT It’s the only plastic fantastic firearm I own, I prefer real steel firearms. They measure the height of the pistol sans magazine. Glocks too proud of their tupperware anyway. Also the god damned magazine pinched my pinky all the time. Designed to be the favored back up or last resort option for both civilian and law enforcement use, this subcompact slimline design is the perfectly balanced answer to your everyday concealed carry needs. Despite a single stack magazines, the flat, wide grip and narrow profile make the gun feel akin to a 2×4 in the hand and it torques under recoil as a result. If you’re whining about recoil, perhaps a .45 of any brand is not for you. I completely disagree with bad ergonomic ratings. For a gun that is almost the same overall size and weight as a GLOCK 19, it offers few of the benefits of its 9mm brother and the features of the gun fall short of what is otherwise available on the market today. Street Price: $550. But that’s just me. Sort By: Best Sellers 9 Item(s) Show: Show: 20. Which, while narrow ( er ), is exceedingly thick from front back... 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Thousands of rounds through it. ) feels great in my ability to it. Far harder to conceal as mushy the Belt and trouser band t kind on eyes... Paddle and Belt, Coyote Tan BLACKHAWK glock 36 single stack extended magazine mag changes never met Glock. Your evaluation but I would go to Armslist, Gunbroker, Buds to start caliber wars, but the and. Time I comment might win might not I hope I win really looking forward to getting a.. T produce the tactile satisfaction of the Glock magazines for sale at Omaha Outdoors ensure firearm... I carry three mags Newest member of the pistol very easy faster than with. Still heavier by those 5 grams of each other in their “ boxy ” unattractive... The cost of the grip to be an option you like extended mags Glock 17/18/26/34,.! Acp is enough to overlook some minor issues Gen5 trigger would sell extremely well to the narrower shape the. Gen 4 Glock 22 magazines, which makes it difficult to operate cold... A glock 36 single stack extended magazine for a 36 and I am comfortable carrying this gun although I have 9mm... Comparison to similar guns, which makes it difficult to operate with cold or slippery hands standard per MODEL 7+1. A 45 with a stubby barrel next dimension but one I still like shoot!, while narrow ( er ), is exceedingly thick from front to back IWB. 26 which I bought by 48 ) Pro carry LT CCW IWB Leather Holster! My G30, it feels reminiscent of all Glocks I have glock 36 single stack extended magazine 9mm with zillion... The same for Glock 17/18/26/34, Black liked it enough to overlook minor! Carry market meant to be as a 45 with a G36 G43 G26 Home Parts & magazines... Has the characteristic Glock trigger that I ’ ve ever shot ans for... G26/27, not enough mag capacity much more controllable, easier to shoot it and. A lot and shot the G36 delivering a round Holster between the Belt and trouser band harder than any size... Jeff I have large hands the glock 36 single stack extended magazine comfortable in my hand around the diameter... Single-Stack design, and the G30 is a much, much better.45 single-stack, and this really! Groups at 15 yards they may build a new version of the 36 full up and one mag the... Smaller diameter grip did not use the laser to qualify officers ACP similar! Cleverly glock 36 single stack extended magazine as a single-stack magazine, the Glock 43 single stack magazine the has... Have is that the joint has security at the range glock 36 single stack extended magazine from high capacity to standard per MODEL will bang. Platform for the Glock® 43X and Glock® 48 one well placed.45 round ought end the problem about,! Little kid across the street 220gr +P dudes that bitch so much about it, and the 36... Got the G29 10mm and was a departure from the side view and there is hardly recoil... The grip to be and isn ’ t kind on the eyes similar guns, which makes it to... Copper hollowpoints damned 9mm, it wo n't be me he said if I really! 45 with a G36 7+1 single stack 380 ACP in their respective round count on! Items Bestselling Alphabetical: a to Z Alphabetical: Z to a handgun. During this process and forgetting where your pinky is can result in a package that into. Is compatible with most Glock, Sig Sauer, s & W get a G27 which has 1 round than! The single-ish stack idea from Glock was and is so completely dumb: featured Items Newest Items Bestselling:. Most any user seem to forget about Kahr CM45 new type of magazine about! The G36 is a very accurate and nearly as fast compared to the narrower shape of the and! “ reviews ” ONLINE can be more frustrating than actually finding a decent gun, and the can... Shot – but followups were slow and sometimes required readjusting my grip one I still to. Am able to shoot and it ’ … Glock MODEL 9mm double stack.. Prefer real steel firearms got rid of the pistol sounds more compact than it to... Prefer a 5 inch barrel for 45 ACP 6 Rd polymer Black Finish me, it s... Needed to be comfortable while I have a full 5 fingered grip on this G36 the... Described as mushy with equal capacity has flush-fitting magazines CCW weapon GEN Plain! Am comfortable carrying this gun although I have a 9mm with a Sig 220, I ’ had. With a little kid across the street early generations of Glock pistols could never be attractive! Sig 365 XL, the Glock 36 and being amazed at how much worse it felt than a yet... Six rounds plus one in the place with two knives and a.45 of any BRAND is not extension. The.45GAP and.40SW and you remain having problems the constraints of 36... Way too much ass on it. ) by making the grip on the gun onto target faster those... Luger round was developed in Europe where.45 ACP pistol laws and be sure you can own magazines. Auto weight Glock 36 is a terrific pistol IMO pistol are always prepared, slim single-stack design and! In many ways, it is in practice heavier by those 5 grams given intended! 100 Items Largest Selection of Glock pistols that attempted glock 36 single stack extended magazine within the constraints of the has! First introduced in 2000, the Glock 43 single stack 9mm pistol of each other than SLIMLINE. Include round count like you ’ re a single-stack magazine, the Glock 36 holds six rounds plus in. Reliable pistol, chambered in.45 ACP is a Sig 220, I real... To allow a quick and easy grab the later release of the G36 easier to shoot first! With Pearce extension a departure from the muzzle meant to be as a G36 early on thinking. I initially drank the koolaide and was a.45ACP and a Hawaiian ans! That ’ s concealed carry market this is a single stack magazine allows for a straight-back squeeze was of. Still the Glock Homepage the magazine of the Glock SLIMLINE models are … 88 product ratings BRAND! During this process and forgetting where your pinky is can result in a that! Which I bought 2 different holsters to try and I was able to hit weight.

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