i regret joining the navy reddit

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Makes me jelly as fuk. Wait … what? 2 years pass and you're ready to go active? This might seem off topic, but does anyone else feel nihilistic? At the RCC, we wanted badly to spend those millions of dollars, but couldn't. Sorry if I went off on a tangent. Want a c school? The 2 week deployment was no problem.I then proceeded to use the skills I learned in A school. There are many things to consider when joining the Navy. 4 Things I Wish I Knew Before Joining The Navy + ADVICE - Duration: 23:32. JustYoon 71,899 views. I've gained nothing from the navy. I do this twice. I planned to do three and get out. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's not new to the navy. I don't even know why I still show up to these bullshit drill weekends. If you’re looking out for what’s best for you, don’t join the military. Wanna go to school? Too bad we don't need you. The Navy Reserves are a game of patience. See combat, do something challeneging and hopefully travel and then utilize the GI Bill. Members. When I joined the navy reserves it seemed like I had so many options, I can deploy, try to go active, go to school, be a civilian, or try to commission. 1.2k. I have fed my family for 40 years with those skills. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Joining the Navy was one of the smartest things I ever did. All we do is PowerPoints and gmts. 0000 FC here. They stopped allowing FC for a while because no billets. When I joined the navy reserves it seemed like I had so many options, I can deploy, try to go active, go to school, be a civilian, or try to commission. When you joined the military you pictured doing a job that's meaningful to your country and feeling a sense of fulfillment and pride in your role as a military member. I have no use to the navy, I get paid $200 to drive 1.5hrs to show up and do nothing all day, only to spend another 1.5 driving back. You're getting some flak, but that's to be expected. I regret joining the military. Let me explain by beginning with an Old Soldier’s regret. At the Yellow Footprints of Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego We were made to duck our heads below the bus seats as we were being driven to our own personal hell. But, what am I even doing it for? should i join the navy reddit Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'll also echo what someone else said about your NOSC and unit failing you. and if I had to choose between them and a do-over I would still choose them. Nah we don't need FCs with no C school. Don’t join the military. See a lot of kids who joined the military instead of going to university, and they're getting all their tuition paid for in the ROTC program. ... DO I REGRET JOINING THE NAVY? Hi, FCC here. Little did I know that doing anything in the reserves is impossible. - Duration: 7:07. Are you in San Diego, Norfolk, or another major fleet concentration area? Learn about the different ways to join the United States Navy as an enlisted Sailor or Officer. Just one of my many stories of harassment. Wouldn't surprise me if he was still in. Whether you are currently stuck there or are out and wish to help others do the same, you are welcome here. But CTN is faster ranking up.... And still has enlistment bonuses... EDIT: CTN's hardly ever deploy. The shock was slowly starting to set in for some of us. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This is a subreddit for people who regret joining the US military. 0000 FC here. And most importantly, why didn't I go Army active as 11b? I don't regret meeting my future wife, getting married, having kids, etc. DO I REGRET JOINING THE NAVY? You regret the very little time you spend with loved ones but you know that the navy gives you life skills that you help later on in life as well as a few good memories in a job that’s largely negative due to its stressful nature I would join again but I would continue my plan to leave after 12 years. I regret joining the navy. Instead, you'll be encouraged to reach your academic goals by working in an environment where advanced education is supported. Honestly I don't regret joining, I hate my existence but I feel my reason for joining the navy has been accomplished. I might get some flack for this, but the reserves was largely a waste of time for me. Yes and no. Did they change that shit in the past 10 years? The problem is junior sailors don't have the pull or knowledge to get what they need from the reserves. Your average military scrub would just point and laugh at someone struggling, even if it was an autistic kid. N'Dierra 10,395 views. (not a good reason, I know.) I was just watching this YouTube video, they were interviewing this autistic kid and it got me feeling some type of way about kindness. Have been since 2001. My two weeks was spent doing busy work in a shipyard and my drill weekends were just GMTs and CPO 365. Joining the military as an officer like my dad did is very hard these days. It's been around since pre ww2. I had great friends, people in my community looked out for each other, people were up front and honest. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. As I get closer to sending in my enlistment application I am thinking more and more if this is a wise decision. Like, I didnt realize how good I had it growing up. Is there anything I can do to push for a medical discharge? Yeah, the military is just another shitty job that doesn't care about 90% of its workforce. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Didnt consider Navy because i dont like the Donald Duck uniform. I'm in the process for a waiver, but I'd rather get out. Airforce just seemed lame and boring. Does anyone else regret not joining the military? 7:07. I am attached to a NOSC but drill with an FTS command. JustYoon 11,308 views. Why am I even here? This community is designed to help those who wish to leave, find a way out. Everyone that I know has retired from the Navy said they loved it & that I made a good choice... but I am getting a lil scared now. This is a subreddit for people who regret joining the US military. 3 Things I wish someone had told me when I joined the Military - Duration: 7:01. Good job homie. Why do I continue my futile attempt to stand out? Memes that everyone can relate tohttps://youtu.be/oi2NPP3uOEAShare your own stories in the comments section below! Nope. What do you guys/gals think you'd be doing right now if you never joined? There may be a way to find you some better work, and even get a C school. Some TSgt eventually found it and gave it to me asking if I knew who did it. It's ridiculous really, I joined the navy right after high school to get a nice start on my future. A fucking federal crime committed by a dipshit 29 year old Senior Airman who's biggest achievement in life was being the 4th highest ranked World of Warcraft player. I did most of that. If you know somebody who is, please send it along. There used to be quite a lot more,when there were the reserve frigates. Keep in mind this was my experience at my NOSC and I'm sure there are reserve units who have their shit together and do great things. And there was always money at the beginning of the FY for 29 days of AT, or ADSW orders, or ADT Training, or whatever ADT orders could be finagled. I know some guys who became truckers and some others who work offshore or in the oil fields. I'm forever grateful to my mentor who looked out for his guys and found them work in the reserves. Everybody from high school is already transferred to a university and are pretty much done, meanwhile I'm here almost done with my first semester of college, nothing in my navy "career" to show for. I was going nowhere fast. I know now that while war may sometimes be a necessary evil, it is alwaysevil. No seriously. I did one tour as an active officer before going back to the reserves. A lot of the navy is keep track of your own record, keeping track of what you're doing, and keeping your nose clean. Joining America's Navy doesn't mean giving up your plans for a master's, doctorate or other graduate degree. MY ACCOUNT LOG IN; Join Now | Member Log In. Gave me a shred of hope for humanity. It’s just not in your best interest. I never have to work another day in my life and live well. I used to volunteer with my church when I was younger, I really enjoyed helping others. I truly regret not joining the Navy and doing nuclear sub duty at 18 when I had the chance and my ASVAB score of 98 (iirc) allowed me my choice of duties and tours. Wanna deploy? Sure but we'll give you pointless trainings every year to disrupt your school and work, effectively putting you 2 weeks behind on life. And I would do it again. In this video i will answer the common question i always get about do i regret joining the navy. 2 years active duty on the JFK. This is a discussion on I regret joining the military within the Depression forums, part of the Depression Forums category; I joined the army in March 2010. Before I joined the Navy I talked to a lot of people & did some research because I didn't want to get myself into something I would regret later on. Once in a while, I'll see an act of kindness that gives me some hope. Part of it depends on the unit you're attached to. I joined at 25 to get my shit together since I knew myself well enough I wasn't going to do it on my own. Nothing came of it. PM me a few details and let's see what we can do. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm currently temporarily off flight status due to sleep apnea and hypothyroidism. Active duty Navy 6 years, out in the workforce now nearly 30 years. FC is new? I've had to grin and laugh at all these dumb jokes and look like I enjoyed being harassed because if I stood up for myself, I'd get harassed even more. I would have looked into joining a union or maybe getting some IT certs. I had the opposite experience. I've been keeping myself in top physical fitess for the day that I deploy (not going to happen.). The military, in general, only seems to want engineers. I agree. My Chief RDC in boot was an FC so it must have been around longer than 10 years even. You may well give some insight to people looking into the Reserves, which is helpful. Its very unfortunate that NOSC are like this. Commissioning while enlisted is harder than if I would have just been a civilian. The drop out rate at that school house is no joke. I'm not learning anything. Instagram: @kidthndr2Snapchat : @klop95Email: ybemerica@gmail.com FC weren't allowed to be in the reserves, you would have to cross rate to ET. I'm waiting to leave in April & I just finished reading a blog about this guy complaining about the military. Wasn't into it. I try my hardest ( shave every morning, get haircuts every week, work out 3 times a week minimum, get all my work done, and always show up to everything on time and ready. I wasted a year of my life going to A-school and boot camp. AFAIK, there still are no billets, I've changed my MAS code to volunteer, I've volunteered for billets, and I've never seen FC billets in any emails that I've recieved. After all the shit I went through in the military and seeing how nasty people can be to each other, I just feel numb towards humanity. Being in the military service elite groups, such as the Army, Air Force and Navy, is a truly a special experience to show your love for the country. Because this is one of the best pieces of advice I can offer, as an Old Soldier to future soldiers: Go to every school you can and get qualified to do anything you can. I truly feel like it made me a better, more compassionate person, as perverse as that might sound. And I dont think any other rates rank up as fast as these 2 do. Nobody in the military cares about anything, just about showing face and themselves. Not one regret about enlisting. Currently, my afsc requires me to maintain a flight physical. All it was was a bunch of people with romanticized notions about the Navy who didn't even know how to write a tag out (and I was in SURGEMAIN). This is a subreddit for people who regret joining the US military. It was like pulling teeth at the unit level. I joined the Navy at 17 and Retired at age 40 to a tropical island in the Philippines. I think it's important for Reserve guys like you to pop in here and tell us how things are not working for you. What NOSC are you at? Went back to the reserves. I was active for six years, got out and thought it'd be a good way to do hold on to some of the things I enjoyed about the Navy. My 200 quickly turns into 100. I thought it would be hard but I figured I could make it. Ummm... Reserve to Active cross rate..? But despite the nobility and prestige that come with it, there are also important considerations you should look into before making a decision to be part of a life-changing call of duty. JustYoon 71,864 views. I really hate seeing NAT reservist that just graduated highschool or are in their late teens/early 20s come into the reserves just to sit at A NOSC. 12-22-2009, 07:55 PM Besitomio : Location: South Florida. You write your ticket in the reserves. The material isn't necessarily hard (not that it is easy) but the pace is the killer. Yet, you need some leadership to give you a direction. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit … Im the same way but for me A-school was the navy I never had. I can't deploy because FC is a new rate to the navy and nobody knows what to do with us. We go on deployments, get quals, and even work with active duty from time to time. 3 years ago. 2 years in the reserves first. If you’re considering joining the military, please read this. Potential sea-duty is an obvious consideration, but so are the jobs you are qualified to do upon entry into the Navy. CTN to name one. Whether you are currently stuck there or are out and wish to help others do the same, you are welcome here. I just retired and I still use those skills to earn extra money with just a few hours a week. And I think R's deploy as much as they have shore duty. I did a job I loved, served with good people and been to places I would otherwise never seen. It's up to each of us to make the best of it and find ways to be successful where we're at. Just curious, does anyone on here ever regret joining the military or serving in the military? This community is designed to help those who wish to leave, find a way out. But, there should have been a chief that could sit you down and say look, go sit in Tennessee and be a paper bitch for a year or do any number of things that suck just so you can find something else. The Navy doesnt care that I have a lot that im willing to offer it. That was the excuse I was given when I tried to apply for the officer candidate program back in September (I'm an Economics and Accounting Major). Listen, while I'm sorry you're having a bad time, some of the problems may be due to where you're located. Whether you are currently stuck there or are out and wish to help others do the same, you are welcome here. But not just yet. Little did I know that doing anything in the reserves is impossible. My time and life has been wasted, as the navy refuses to utilize me. This one time when I was deployed, this guy tampered with and hid my mail. Wanna go active? Lifelong reservist here. They cram two years of college computer engineering into six months. It's sad how there are guys like you chomping at the bit, and yet we would have to fight every year to get people to actually do their AT. No, too expensive. On top of that, no one E-6 and below had a clear understanding of how to do things. I worked hard and did my best in the reserves like in active duty, but everything just seemed pointless. 21 Reasons Why Military Members Regret Joining The Armed Forces. Most jobs don't really care about their employees. - Duration: 7:07. But after enlisting you realized that reality isn't exactly meeting expectation. I am a reservist. I have wanted to join the CG for a long time, but I know being in the military is not like most jobs or like school (you can't just quit or drop a class if you don't like what you are doing in the military). I went to Beep and A School (ET). I can't express what a failure this is on the senior enlisted leadership's part. This community is designed to help those who wish to leave, find a way out. For anything Navy related, not limited to US Navy. I know most people are generally proud of their service and sacrifice, but I have met some vets who wished they would have done something else like attend college or learn a trade. So yes, I regret enlisting, because it has caused me a huge amount of internal conflict, guilt and remorse. You can sign up if you have served or if you're new to the Navy. Prepare to study every day for six months. I'm about 2 and a half years in my 6 year contract with the guard and want out. There are more opportunities now, so they started allowing some back in. Youre never to old if you watch dragon ball super Subscribe for more Videos. I've been in the reserves since I was 19 (I'm 33 now). It was a great way to get out of my current situation and advance in life. I always get about do I regret enlisting, because it has caused me huge! 'M 33 now ) the different ways to join the United States as. Was the Navy right after high school to get out sleep apnea and hypothyroidism family for 40 with. For each other, people were up front and honest regret meeting my future nearly. A NOSC but drill with an old browser tour as an enlisted Sailor or officer Norfolk. 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