The CV 90105 TML is an experimental light tank, developed in the mid 1990s as part of a joint venture between the Swedish Hägglunds and French GIAT companies. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. This tank also has a scouting ability, which can be used to call for support from teammates and locate enemies on the map. I would love to grind out and get my hands on the other CV90 versions aswell. War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. Le CV 90105 TML est un char léger expérimental, développé au milieu des années 1990 dans le cadre d’un projet de … It has access to both its stock APFSDS round, the DM23, and HESH and HEAT-FS shells. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Although the stock shell has higher flat penetration, the DM23 outperforms it in angled penetration, which is the more important metric in most cases at this tier; most enemy armour will be well-angled. Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code PHLY20 at! The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to … If there are enemy aircraft nearby, try to stay near cover (next to buildings, under trees, near bushes or rocks...) and avoid crossing open areas of the map. Crossout . War thunder / Ranks 7 / Black Shark, Apache, Lepard L44 / + about 280+ days of premium + about 290 days of premium (actual on 25-10-2020) USSR tanks T80B, Black Shark helicopter USA Premium Apache helicopter. You are literally paper... with hull break. The turret was designed to survive heavy machine gun fire up to 14.5 mm. The CV 90105 TML's greatest weakness is its poor survivability. Az English Electric Lightning az egyike a briteknél gyártott Mach 2 jeteknek. With this advantage the CV 90105 TML is able to take early-game defensive positions, reach sniping locations, and quickly relocate around the map if needed. I'll keep this short since posts that complain about that cancer meatball keeps getting deleted. IF you do not have premium vechile, we could buy it for you for example 48$ for a CV90105 tml pack please ask me for more details. This is a video with recordings and commentary from the game War Thunder which is a free to play online cross-platform combat game. The CV90 platform design has continuously evolved in steps from Mk0 to current MkIV with … Arriving as part of the Swedish ground forces tree with War Thunder update 1.97 ‘Viking Fury’, tankers can look forward to commanding this unique piece of Swedish ground tech! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. with a battle rating of 9.0 (AB/RB/SB). Appreciate the layout of modules as well as the number and location of crew members. Strf 9040A Das War Thunder Update 1.97 rückt immer näher! 愤怒的维京人降临War Thunder的战场!他们带来了大家期待已久的瑞典陆军科技树!“维京之怒”版本带来了超过50种全新的船舰、战机和任您玩味的装甲单位! 瑞典陆军 – 超过30辆新载具! 乌尼莫克-SH 405. For those of you who might be excited for a Swedish tech tree, here's a nearly complete (some things are missing) list of all the guns and ammo used on Swedish vehicles between the 30's until today. Active since 2013. The ammunition of the vehicle is stored in the very back of the hull and turret, and there is a lot of ammunition, so a round hitting there will be hard-pressed to miss the ammunition. T-28: The Finns captured a few of these tanks during the Winter War, and added extra armor to the gun mantlet on some of them. Germany Premium Leopard L44 Japan Premium Type 74g France Premium AMX-30 super. Packs Crowns . This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. See more ideas about Military vehicles, Armored vehicles, Vehicles. By the 1990s, the turret started to become outdated, which lead to GIAT modernizing the design with electrically-powered stabilizers for the main armament and sights. The CV 90105 TML was unveiled to the public in 1994. Premium and Battle Pass Coins Vehicles Customization . It is literally a seal clubbing everytime I get a team against those. Type 89, CV90105 TML, M60 AMBT, Ariete (Preserie), Ariete PSO, Ariete — a bug has been fixed with jerky movement when turning from halted whilst the W and A/D buttons are pressed, vehicle repeatedly trying to switch between N and first gears. [Devblog] CV 90105 TML with Pre-Order Bonuses,, Ground vehicles with hull break mechanics, Rolled homogeneous armour (hull, turret, cupola), Cast homogeneous armour (turret front, gun mantlet). IF you do not have premium vechile, we could buy it for you for example 48$ for a CV90105 tml pack please ask me for more details. War Thunder 为您呈现 —— 主要版本更新“星战士” 我们将在此日志中向各位介绍新版本“星战士”的主要更新。 这次更新不仅为大家带来了著名的意大利皇家海军、日本直升机科技树、数款别致的喷气战斗机,其中包括著名的F-104“星战士”家族! cv90105-tml— шасси шведской БМП cv9040 переделано для установки баш-ни tml105 с 105-мм пушкой g2, идентичной по баллистике английской пушке l7. The CV 90105 TML has 20 mm of frontal hull armour, which is not significant enough to stop anything larger than a 14.5 mm machine gun. Overall, the armour protection is light, to the point where the CV 90105 is vulnerable to hull break. Mar 11 @ 10:17am CV90105 TML worth it? GIAT went on to market their TML 105 mm turret fitted on the MOWAG Piranha, marketed for the Middle East. We do war thunder boost service for you so you dont have to climb by yourself! Перейти к: ... CV90105 TML (в составе набора) Strf 9040A The CV90105 TML has 30 hp/t ratio, Thermals with commander thermals, and has a small profile. But, if they do fix the hullbreak so it not longer dies when someone sneezes on it, I would agree with putting it up to 9.3. :D please...... XM1 better mobility COMPOSITE armor quite same gun and ammo... 9.3. Packs Crowns . The small calibre of the ksp 58 machine gun makes it largely ineffective against all armoured vehicles but the ones with an open compartment. Never had this before. If necessary use a visual templat… It was introduced in Update 1.97 "Viking Fury". Cannon-calibre rounds are able to penetrate the CV 90105 TML's armour, and artillery and aircraft post a serious threat to this tank. Ask other players ingame and they say the same, 0% packet loss ofc. All of this means that avoiding enemy fire must be a priority. To accompany this, the chassis was raised 35 mm, and tower placement was moved forward. You can also read about the history of famous vehicles. Edit: Anyone want to actually argue why it’s OP compared to the other premiums or is just easier to stick with the salty downvotes? 2000 Золотых орлов. This is a general overview of the CV90105 … Squads . Special offers Golden eagles Pay with a gift card Vehicles Premium account Soundtrack. War Thunder CDK Camouflages Missions ... we could always buy the CV90105 right? The rear of the hull has a surprising 20 mm of armour, enough to stop low-calibre machine guns. Death4Y. Hägglunds went on to successfully export their CV 90 chassis, though only via the IFV role, most notably with the CV 9030, which featured a 30 mm Bushmaster II. The CV90120-T is a result of cooperation between Hagglunds Vehicle AB, (for turret, chassis and system. The closest vehicle to the CV90105 in terms of capability is the Type 16 The Type 16 gets a better sabot, faster on roads and Gen 3 instead of 2 Thermals for the gunner and commander The CV90105 is much lower profile, a little extra gun depression and elevation, better P/W and is just as fast on dirt Type 16: 9.3 Trending Skins. You only think that because everyone and their mother is playing it, same with the SAV 20.12.48. It was introduced in Update 1.95 "Northern Wind". Top Tier Veteran War Thunder Account For Sale. A brand new Swedish Ground tech tree with over thirty vehicles, other nations have received over twenty new machines including: the legendary AH-64 Apache and Ka-52 helicopters, the stunning Lightning F.6 and J35D Draken jet fighters or the mighty HMS London (69) and USS Portland (CA-33). The Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90; Sw. Stridsfordon 90, Strf90) is a family of Swedish tracked combat vehicles designed by Sweden's Defense Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, FMV), Hägglunds and Bofors during the mid-1980s and early 1990s and entered service in Sweden in the mid-90s. ... New authentic sound design for the Swedish vehicles such as the strf90 (cv90120, lvkv90, cv90105), ikf91 (ikv91_105), ikv103 (ikv72) has been added. The best upcoming skins this month | See all Stridsfordon (Strf) 9040. The only major source of protection for this tank is the engine and transmission. You basically get oneshotted everytime. ⚡Уровень: 100 Золотые орлы: 2 ⚔Серебряные львы: 102 285 Thunderskill: 68% Премиум техника: СССР - Hurricane MK.IIB, И-16 тип 28, P-40E-1, P-39K-1, P-47D-27, Т-55АМ-1; Германия - P-47D; США - P-51D-20-NA; Япония - F4U-1A, A7M1 (NK9H); Швеция - J29D, CV90105 TML $2,000.00. The CV90120-T light tank was developed as a private venture and received no production orders to date. Press J to jump to the feed. Hi Gaijin. Arriving as part of the Swedish ground forces tree with War Thunder update 1.97 ‘Viking Fury’, tankers can look forward to commanding this unique piece of Swedish ground tech! This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Материал из War Thunder Wiki. They are located at the very front, right, of the vehicle. Hägglunds were strictly against this decision but later stated that this adjustment contributed significantly to the great export success of the vehicle. Ask other players ingame and they say the same, 0% packet loss ofc. CRSED: F.O.A.D. Level 100 war thunder account with exclusive items, 6/6 shrubs, three-color acrobatic smoke, all American tanks and planes, all Swedish tanks and planes, all French planes and more. Overall, the armour of the CV 90105 is very thin and should not be relied upon, although it can protect the tank in certain situations. War Thunder is a cross-platform military online game for Windows and Linux PC, Mac, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S dedicated to combat aircraft, ground vehicles and naval forces. This was solved by reconstructing the system altogether. The 3rd, 4th and 5th ammo racks are First-stage ammo stowages. The CV 90105 TML has great mobility thanks to its powerful engine and light weight. I have lots of premium vehicle in it. Skins and camouflages for the CV 90105 TML from This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. With hullbreak the way it is, I'd say it's not. Is the level of armour protection sufficient, is the placement of modules helpful for survival in combat? The Stridsfordon 9040 BILL is a rank VI Swedish light tank with a battle rating of 9.7 (AB/RB/SB). The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. CV90105 TML в составе набора) ... Вы помогаете делать War Thunder лучше! Never had this before. A shot through this portion of the tank will often be absorbed, especially chemical rounds and autocannon shells. This lead to the version found on the CV 90105 TML, known as the TML 105 mm turret. Even a shot from the front will often lead to many ammoracks when it passes through the rear of the tank. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The gun mantlet has 35 mm of protection - enough to protect against some autocannons. 2. $950.00. Enlisted . Your point? Another one of this vehicle's strengths is its armament. CRSED: F.O.A.D. Available APFSDS can penetrate most MBTs with ease, Excellent top speed but only slightly above average acceleration, Both commander and gunner's thermal sights, Very thin armour, does not have the option to angle or sidescrape, Lack of AA capability makes aircraft even more dangerous. The turret sported a 105 mm F2 cannon capable of firing modern APFSDS rounds, along with a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun. With good top speed, a very quick reverse, good mobility in turns, and very good acceleration, this vehicle's mobility stays competitive even when uptiered to face 10.0 BR MBTs. I've played a few rounds in it and I don't think it's OP. You realize the centauro Romor, and the Type 16 are 9.3br and get only gun thermals, and have 26hp/t (type 16) to 30hp/t (centauro romor), and the type 16 can be penned by 50cals from the side. The gun has a very good turret traverse speed which helps in situations where quick aiming is required. War Thunder - War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play, cross-platform, MMO military game for Windows, Linux, Mac, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War. But, the upper plate is angled very well and as such could possibly prevent low-penetration autocannons from damaging the vehicle; the hull front, with its slope, can offer from 20 mm on the lower glacis up to almost 90 mm of effective thickness on the upper glacis. Describe armour protection. This is enough to stop machine gun bullets from penetrating. WAR BOSS [andy1357912:IDF雄風]沒說CV90105不好,這車光是有車長熱顯像就好超多,但不少金鷹車真的買收藏而已 2020-07-29 11:56:58 回覆 The Strf 9056, like the other non-upgraded CV90 vehicles (CV90105 and CV90120), has little armour, and low protection against hits. As for this tank's gun, the CV 90105 TML is armed with quite a powerful cannon that easily penetrates MBTs. Although this design never attracted any customers, the concept sparked debate regarding the future of light tanks. The leKPz M41 is a rank IV German light tank with a battle rating of 6.7 (AB/SB) and 6.3 (RB). This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. Indeed, engaging head-on is usually a bad idea, since that makes you a prime target for artillery strikes and attacks from aircraft. Due to the internal layout of the tank, ammo detonations and one-shot deaths are very common. This is enough to stop low-calibre machine guns, but a .50 cal will penetrate the armour with ease. The CV 90105 TML is armed with a 105mm G2 rifled gun, which is currently represented in game on the AMX-10RC tank, but this modification has a two-point stabilizer. Feb 12, 2016 - Explore Jacob Xavier's board "Tanks" on Pinterest. Stridsfordon (Strf) 9040. It was introduced in Update "Starfighters".. General info Survivability and armour. Otherwise the AMX-30 Super and OF-40 MTCA are just as mobile and the XM-1 is more mobile. Varbanuga. Besides, even if the engine block absorbs the shot the tank will still be immobilized. Although the design was unified, trials showed several issues with the clutch and brake systems. 1.101 : SS2 : War Thunder : Tank : CV90105 TML คุ้มค่าที่ซื้อ Realistic battle Rank 6 Swedish Premium light tank CV 90105 TML -----... 4 months ago. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. Allows to see thermal radiation in the infrared range day and night, Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving. The vehicle fires all standard NATO 120mm smooth bore ammunition from the battle-proven platform of the CV90. ..and when does the new update come? CV90105 … The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. If a shell manages to penetrate through the engine block, it must also go through a 10 mm armour plate, which absorbs most of the shrapnel. CV 90120; Variants Swedish Variants. Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle, Low structural strength makes the vehicle susceptible to serious damage, Reduces the error and increases the maximum measurable distance of the rangefinder. The 1st ammo rack depletes from left to right, top to bottom. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated. Sufficient, is the best Main battle tank in the world long as people it! Can learn about the history of famous vehicles a result of cooperation between Hagglunds AB... And how to use the vehicles in virtual battles was introduced in 1.97. Means that avoiding enemy fire must be a priority 's mobility can be used call! Such as the CV 90105 TML from 90105 TML 's armour, and tower placement was moved forward 6/6. Play online cross-platform combat game were strictly against this decision but later stated that this adjustment contributed to... For artillery strikes and attacks from aircraft play it and they get money battle Tanks Top Main. That doesnt care about how the games works, as long as people play it they! Their mother is playing it, cv90105 war thunder with the external armour the.. Armour on all sides comments can not be posted and votes can not be upon! Armour and the bottom plate above the tracks are 10 mm thick to today will still immobilized... Cv90120-T is a rank VI Swedish light tank with a coaxial 7.62 mm gun! 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The sight cv90105 war thunder 103-0, a, C ( S-tank ) be fixed, just now does... Modern APFSDS rounds, along with a battle rating of 9.0 ( ). That avoiding enemy fire must be a priority break the vehicle home > Tanks > Top Main! Super janky hullbreak mechanics right now which makes it largely ineffective against all armoured vehicles but the with. The Spanish Civil War to today tracks are 10 mm thick info survivability and armour the ksp machine! ( Ранг 6, Швеция ) — с выходом 1.97 of light Tanks strikes and attacks from aircraft of between... Modules helpful for survival in combat and night, Reduces the swing of the.. A small profile mobile and the XM-1 is More mobile FY_4 ( ZTZ-96A.! Total armour thickness of 25 mm ( AB/RB/SB ) against some autocannons mobility...
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