t44 war thunder

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This allowed the hull's frontal armour to be increased to 90 mm thickness without overloading the front road wheels. Lastly, just try to confuse your enemies by any means. When there are enemies occupying the capture point, it's a good idea to avoid obvious routes and try to snipe the enemies from afar or flank them, because they will always have an advantage on you. This is a fast, manoeuvrable with low profile tank that should be played as a brawler, flanker and ambusher. The T-54 (1947) is a rank V Soviet medium tank with a battle rating of 7.7 (AB/RB/SB). Well dealing with maus isn't very hard but with t95,leopard,foch,object 120,tortoise? to kill a tiger 1 it needs to be closer then 500 m and use apcr well if you tried those you know they do little to no damage every time and bounce at 30 degree angles. Some T-44 were upgraded with parts from the T-54 main battle tank and was called the T-44M. Always look around, and try to cover your sides. The five tier system should be expanded so the stretching of the germans and japan isnt so bad. The T-44 sports a 90 mm thick frontal plate sloped under at 64°. All the tank's components and mechanisms were significantly improved. This change, along with the removal of hull sponsons, allowed the crew compartment to be built with more space, and subsequently more comfortable for the crew even for a smaller tank. აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა. with a battle rating of 7.0 (AB/RB/SB). Off-road performance and mobility drops compared to the T-34-85 due to the T-44's increased weight. The armour isn't very thick, however, it does have the potential to bounce some shots. Two prototypes were made for the T-44-100 in February 1945, one with a D-10TK gun and another with the LB-1 gun. The vehicle had a new engine that delivers 520 hp and could travel at 60.5 km/h. This tank was accepted while all further development on the T-44 stopped. #1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Well the T44 may have a bit more armor, but a 30 sec reload. The design also had the driver and assistant driver spots switched, but still retaining the large driver hatch on the front glacis. The T-44-100 is a very versatile tank for its Battle Rating of 7.0. After you get those, you can grind what you want. It was introduced in Update 1.57 "Battle March". All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Due to the fact Germany lost the war, they dont have much Tier 5 vehicles in the decade between the end of WWII and the introduction/concept of the Leopard. You should play with more caution, and your main strategies should be: ambushes, flanks and medium-range sniping. The front of the turret is only 120 mm thick and despite it being oblique, it will be still penetrated by nearly any tank gun at the given BR spread, with some being able to penetrate the turret even at long range. By May, the next batch of prototypes arrived with improvements. This way enemies will not be able to explicitly focus fire on you. It’s recommended to get the modifications of the Category “Firepower” and “Protection” first. This cannon may be effective at around BR 5.3, but will struggle at BR 6.3. CRSED: F.O.A.D. When flanking with the T-44-100, you need to be cautious of enemy flankers. On paved surfaces, the T-44 reaches a top speed up to 60 kph, has very good acceleration and, with a trained driver, is pleasantly agile as well. There are tracks giving additional 18 mm of armour on the lower back of the turret. War Thunder is the most comprehensive free-to-play, cross-platform, MMO military game dedicated to aviation, armoured vehicles, and naval craft from World War II and the Cold War. It was introduced in Update 1.55 "Royal Armour". The gameplay is slower in Realistic, and the T-44-100 will be outmatched by early Leopards and other fast vehicles (AUBL, M50 Ontos, Ru 251 etc) in terms of mobility. !Thanks a lot;) Veteran players with the T-34-85 will instantly recognize the turret and the gun, as the T-44 is armed with the same ZiS-S-53 85 mm gun as the T-34-85, but there are no more further similarities between the two. Well i think its going to be good if its fully upgraded but for the stock,its crap. War Thunder llegará a PS5 y Xbox Series X/S a mediados de noviembre con 4K y 60 fps. The T-44 with the 122 mm gun was deemed impractical in the trials and was discontinued while the T-44 with the 85 mm gun went on to further development. The vehicle still retained the 85 mm cannon. Here, it is suggested to lower the ammunition load to empty the ready rack, located at turret’s rear - this will prevent ammunition detonation in case of turret penetration. Which by default means, anything the t44 does, the t54 does better and consequently seeing, higher tiered opponents. The T-44-100, compared to the original T-44, had its turret ring diameter increased, thicker armour overall, and increased weight. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. The T-44 expresses a different and more modern-looking layout of the tank compared to the T-34, with the turret now in the middle of the hull, and the tank is noticeably lower to the ground, with an extremely sloped frontal armour plate. One went to Brest in Belarus, another to the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, another in Poklonnaya Hill Victory Park, and some to the Kubinka Tank Museum, including one of the two T-44 prototypes mounting the 100 mm D-10 cannon. Personally, I hate this tank very much because the armor is really bad of course its in 7.0. While this is an improvement over the BR-365A APHE round (aka the top round of the T-34-85), it is still overshadowed by other medium tank guns at the given BR spread, such as the KwK 42 L/70 on the Panther, the 90mm M3 gun on the T25, or the British OQF 20-pounder gun on the Centurion Mk.3. Some T-44s were reconfigured to other roles during its service life, such as armour recovery vehicles, command tanks, and engineer vehicles. The biggest drawback you will experience is the lack of stabilizer, which makes it harder to play reactively (heavy tanks and tanks with stabilizers will be able to get their guns ready faster than you). Rushing objective points is also a valid tactic in Arcade, although it's best to pick points with the most cover because you shouldn't get shot as stated previously. On large open maps such as Mozdok or Kursk, the T-44 can be used to outflank the enemy and either cap the enemy’s base (when playing Battle mode), or rush into the enemy rear and surprise any enemy tanks by shooting them from behind! The T-44-100 is a rank IV Soviet medium tank with a battle rating of 7.0 (AB/RB/SB). As already mentioned, the armament of the T-44 is identical to the T-34-85’s gun. The undercarriage's reliability was increased owing to the use of torsion-bar suspension on the road wheels. Important Note: Don't over-angle your hull because side armour is not thick enough to block most shots. This medium tank was introduced in Update 1.43. The Heavy Tank T32 is a rank V American heavy tank with a battle rating of 7.3 (AB/RB/SB). War Thunder. This might get annoying, and you will turn away from this wonderful machine - don't do that. We also should not forget the low profile, which allows the tank to use the terrain to either provide hardcover or to conceal the T-44's movement. Overall, the design allowed the T-44 to be much more protective in armour thickness when compared to the T-34 while remaining a lower profile. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Not a balanced shooter, The T44 was only out for one major battle operation very late in the war. One of the competition was against the German Panther tank. Gameplay of the T-44 from the War Thunder Ground Forces Closed Beta! Take your time to learn what enemies are easy to penetrate (British medium tanks, German Leopards and JPz 4-5, US M46s etc), and what tanks will take time and effort to outplay (Conqueror, Maus, T32, etc). Arcade Battles review of the Russian medium tank: the T-44. War Thunder. Push with your teammates, but let them take the hits, then poke out and take a shot or two. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to … EDSmike74. Now its sitting in my hangar zapping my money. 560 × 315; 640 × 360; 853 × 480; 1280 × 720; Width: px Height: px After every 3-4 shots, try to change your position - it's best to move forward and find cover, but moving sideways will also help. War Thunder para PS4 es un juego online gratuito de guerra, con una buena aproximación a la simulación, que nos lleva a la época de mediados del siglo XX. Podremos controlar aviones, fuerzas de tierra y fuerzas navales con modelos reales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y años próximos, en grandes batallas masivas online. The T-44 was never exported to other countries in the Warsaw Pact, unusual behaviour for the Soviet Union. What are its strengths and weaknesses? Is 2 would be appropriate as t3 tank rly and t44 idk. Play the objectives - they award points, and if you stay to defend them, you will be able to get some easy hits on those who try to get it back (by ambushing them). In the autumn of 1943 at the Stalin Ural Tank Factory No. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to penetrate more heavily-armoured opponents frontally. Trials with the first prototypes began in February 1944. Packs Crowns . That way you will have the advantage over them. To begin with, ambushing is a very successful strategy, and it can be employed in almost every map. The results indicated that the T-44 with the 122 mm gun was impractical and was discontinued while the T-44 with the 85 mm gun went on to further development after a few faults were discovered. While the development underway to constructing armour plates, the project was placed on hold with Nazi Germany's invasion in Operation Barbarossa and all production facilities were mass-producing the T-34s to counter the invasion. The weight was increased to 35.5 tons, which had the road speed reduced to 43.5 km/h. Use its speed and impressive agility to worm into unexpected places and fire on the enemies' sides. The T-44-122 is a premium rank IV Soviet medium tank with a battle rating of 6.3 (AB/RB/SB). Some T-44 models when they were unveiled from secrecy or when they were retired were given to various military museums in Russia. Stay mobile as much as possible and engage only when penetration is assured - the T-44 is simply not sturdy enough to survive head-on shootouts with enemy heavy tanks and tank destroyers. In November, chief designer A. The Т-44's appearance led to the creation of the entirely new Т-54 combat vehicle. The Soviets kept the T-44s around up until the end of the 1970s when it is retired. The tank's speed is quite good in Rank IV (compare with previous version T-34-85 and Panther variants) and its gun can compete with 88 mm gun of Tiger II (amount of explosive, shell velocity). NEWS / UPDATE. A vastly improved tank over the T-34 series, the T-44 features similar mobility with much better frontal armour protection. The most distinctive feature of the T-44-122 is its excellent 122mm cannon. The T-44-100 trials in March and April resulted in the positive performance of the T-44-100. Innovative design on the T-44 was the placement of the engine perpendicular to the axis of the tank. One T-44 in the Kubinka Tank Museum, with sponsorship from Gaijin Entertainment, has been restored to full, running condition in six months and painted in a parade camouflage style of the 29th Tank Corps of the 5th Guards Mechanized Army. Follow this with various gun upgrades, especially the BR-367, since it eases combat and allows one, in combination with BR-367P, to combat the Tiger II (H) effectively. The T32 is a post-World War II he… Having said that, it's best to make your way behind the enemy lines throughout any game, and then clean them up for your team. Useful Performance modules are all located in tier III and IV; all three provide more horsepower, and henceforth improved acceleration and agility. The frontal armour is, however, far from invincible! Against certain enemies, the recommended tactics are: The first modifications you should get are “Parts” and “FPE”. When grinding the first modifications, Arcade Battles might be more fun, because of faster-paced gameplay and the ability to see all threats. It is a standard T-44, but with the stronger 100 mm D-10T gun, the same one as on the SU-100 and the T-54tanks. The T-44is a rank IV Soviet medium tank with a battle rating of 6.3 (AB/RB) and 6.7 (SB). As a direct successor of the T-34-85, the T-44 truly was a pi… Most medium tanks you can penetrate through the turret ring, but it's a gamble sometimes. The T-44 is a tank that has great mobility and agility, somewhat bouncy but not impenetrable armour, and an 85mm cannon. Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=T-44-100&oldid=86211, Rolled homogeneous armour (Hull, Turret roof). Guys can u help me decide which tank i should buy,i wanna make my research for tier 5 get faster.I personally think t34-100 is better because the guns is the stronkest gun ever made,but i struggle because t44 has more survivability and the gun is also ok.Pls help me decide!! War Thunder T-44 Restoration Project. The best order for this is Parts → Horizontal Drive → FPE. The mobility will also help you in any stand-offs because you can keep moving your hull and your turret randomly to increase the chances of enemy shells bouncing and hitting only your cannon barrel or track (allowing you to take your time and return fire). By 1947, a total of 1,823 of these tanks were made, including 655 made during the war. The T-44-100 is a rank IV Soviet medium tank Moreover, you have 3 crew members in the turret, and if an APHE shell penetrates anywhere, or someone penetrates the turret side, you are most likely dead in one shot, so protect your turret. Tank height comparison, the T-44 was 300 mm lower than the T-34, and the driver's vision from his hatch is much better than on the T-34. Spaced armour is put on the side that gives an additional 6 mm. It has the same design as the standard T-44, but comes with a 122 mm gun instead, giving the tank a very high boost in firepower compared to its previous 85 mm cannon. It was introduced during the Closed Beta Test for Ground Forces before Update 1.41. Improvements and changes went into the design until it was accepted in November 1944, where it was placed into service of the Soviet Red Army. Compared to the T-34-85, the T-44 had the same road wheels, engine, and turret; but the suspension was replaced with a torsion bar suspension and a simpler hull shape for a smaller profile. Production started in 1944 at Factory No. However, the ammo stored on the left side of the tank was easily hit and could detonate, destroying the tank. Premium and Battle Pass Coins Vehicles Customization . Testing began at October 1944 for this upgrade at the Ural Tank Factory, with the T-44 armed with the 100 mm to be called the T-44B (or the T-44-100). 9 tanks destroy by T44 amazing tankhttps://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA00182_00 T44 is BR 6.0 while the T54 is 7.7. This tank isn't suitable for front-line roles because of the lack of armour and gun depression. Interestingly, the BR-365A shell actually sports significantly more HE filler and better-sloped performance, making it a better round in general. These changes were made possible mainly by one important aspect of the construction - the relocation of the engine, a V-44 V12 diesel engine producing 500 horsepower, to a position perpendicular to the axis of the tank. Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example: © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. In tight city maps such as Cologne or Stalingrad, the T-44 is great at out-circling lumbering heavies and placing shots in their flanks, as well as in capping target zones in Domination and Break modes. The first prototype was completed on January the next year and two more in February. 25 diciembre 2020 You should find a piece of cover around the middle of the map, and look over the main pathways that the enemy team is likely to take (e.g. The thickness of the side and rear hull armour plates was also increased. The space previously occupied by the gunner/radio officer was used for a fuel tank. The first two prototypes are armed with the 85 mm D-5T gun with the designation T-44-85, while the last had a 122 mm D-25-44T cannon similar to the one on the IS-2 tank (Though differing from one-piece ammunition and better muzzle brake) designated the T-44-122. The T-44 finally entered service on November 23, 1944, after a few more upgrades (upping the weight to 32 tons), but did not actually see any World War II service. The armour on the design featured 75 mm thick plate on the front, 90 mm on the turret mantlet, side armour is 45 mm thick with the capability of mounting an additional 30 mm of armour. Because it's a medium tanks you should also get the modifications “Filters”, “Transmission” and “Engine” as fast as possible, to have better mobility. The Soviet Union tank T-34 began production at the end of 1940, but there were already plans to upgrade the T-34 design as early as 1941 by incorporating modern technology. Feb 27, 2015. This was evident by its usage of an 85 mm gun, whereas the army requested a mounting of the more powerful 100 mm D-10 gun seen on the SU-100. The prototype went through improvements again and was designated the T-44A, which had the front armour thickness increased to 90 mm and turret front armour increased to 120 mm, yet had a weight reduction to 30.7 tons. In fact, it was this very problem which in real life that led Soviet engineers to develop upgunned T-44-100 and T-44-122 prototypes, armed with 100 mm and 122 guns respectively. The improved mobility and speed should be used to confuse the enemies and keep your position unknown (i.e. This gun can penetrate many tanks frontally, although often you have to look for weak spots. ", [Vehicle Profile] Successor of a Legend: the T-44. The T-54 mod. 19:37 23/10/2020 | La actualización 'New Power' llevará War Thunder a la nueva generación de consolas con mejoras gráficas y nuevo contenido que se añadirá también a las versiones de PS4 y Xbox One. Enlisted . If your tank is fully upgraded, you can try rushing in and causing panic, although there is no guarantee that you will survive through that (your team usually pushes in at that point, and most of the time you get the capture point in the end). In November, chief designer A. If an enemy tries to angle, shoot at the front side that they're showing because it usually has negligible armour. Used properly, the T-44 will serve well as a highly mobile effective medium tank. However, the T-44 inherits a great degree of mobility from the T-34 thanks to its wide tracks. Thus, only two working prototypes were made before the entire tank design went into an overhaul. Despite the T-44's superiority over the T-34 tank, it used the same gun, the 85 mm ZiS-S-53, as its main armament. Combine this with the mentioned low profile and the T-44 can zip around the map and reach a desirable firing position quickly. The T-44 is a rank IV Soviet medium tank This allowed the hull to be made without sponsons, gave the crew a much bigger fighting compartment, had the turret placed on the centre of the vehicle and reduced the vehicle's overall length. The T-54 is a tank that excels in close-range engagements, where its relatively poor gun performance is less of an issue, and its frontal armour and stopping power can be used to its greatest potential. It is one of the first American tanks to be released with the American ground tree in Update 1.45 "Steel Generals". War Thunder es el juego militar dedicado a aviación, vehículos blindados y barcos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Fría. Interested in purchasing something from the War Thunder Store? Next Video. Special offers Golden eagles Pay with a gift card Vehicles Premium account Soundtrack. Though the T-44 did not see combat in World War II, it was issued to tank brigades for training purposes. If the capture point is in a hilly area, peak over the hill slightly sideways (don't go straight-on), because your side armour will be more angled than the lower plate, and also you are less likely to be one-shot if spotted. The first two prototypes are armed with the 85 mm D-5T gun with the designation T-44-85, while the last had a 122 mm D-25-44T cannon similar to the one on the IS-2 tank (Though differing from one-piece ammunition and better muzzle brake) designated the T-44-122. rubble around B point on Stalingrad, or the passage from B to C on Tunisia, etc). This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. 75 and continued building until 1947 with about 1,823 units produced. Luckily, most of the time that you penetrate an enemy, it will destroy it in one shot, due to the explosive nature of the available shells. Experiences earned with this tank is also easily transferable, as the next few Soviet tanks, the T-44-100 and T-54 (1947), are played nearly the same way, except with a much stronger gun on the former, and better armour on the latter. The ZiS-S-53 85 mm tank gun offers up to 142 mm of penetration with the basic BR-365A APHEBC ammunition, while the top BR-367 APCBC post-war round offers you up to 159 mm of penetration. Únete ahora y participa en grandes batallas en tierra, en el aire y en el mar, luchando con millones de jugadores de todo el mundo en un entorno en constante evolución. The trials proved positive and the decision was made to drastically modernize the tank before establishing production, as the larger turret ring diameter would require enlarging the hull so a redesign had to be made. Paste links to sources and external resources, such as: © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. The driver's position was moved slightly back so the hatch is now partly on the hull roof, and the vision flap on the hatch was simplified. The turret cheeks are weak points, 3 of 4 crewmen are in the turret, so it's easy to be one-shot, Big ammo-rack next to your driver in the front. The development of this project would eventually bring about the most-produced Soviet tank of all time, the T-54 main battle tank. Dying Light Accolades Trailer; Videos You May Enjoy. El equipo de War Thunder quiere desear a todos nuestros jugadores, su familia y sus amigos una muy "Feliz Navidad" y un próspero, pacífico y, lo que es más importante, un muy saludable "Año Nuevo" en 2021. Two prototypes were made, one with a splashboard on the glacis plate and the other with a smooth plate. This section is for players who are experiencing the sudden jump from Battle Rating 6.3 to 7.0, because you will see many new enemies, and gameplay changes quite a bit. Lastly, sniping will feel easier with the D-10T gun, and at Battle Rating 7.0 extremely fast rounds are uncommon, so you will stand a chance in most medium and long-range engagements. Also, don't forget you can ambush enemy flankers - they will often over-extend, and if you expect that to happen you can set up anti-flank ambushes for them. The Cold War that ensued after the end of World War II prompted the Soviets to keep the T-44 a secret, never shown publicly until the secrecy dropped in the 1960s, though some have been reported to be seen when the Soviet invaded Hungary in 1956. Depends on playstyle, T34 for more agressive playstyle, T44 for more sniperish playstyle. 183, the designers started working on a vehicle under orders of Stalin to have major improvements over the initial T-34s. That said, it is obvious the firepower is not exactly the strongest trait of the T-44. This is a fast, manoeuvrable with low profile tank that should be played as a brawler, flanker and ambusher. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. Sure, you can hit some one-shots through weak spots on some enemies, but the amount of times you will bounce and be destroyed straight after is bigger. This page was last edited on 28 December 2020, at 09:49. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. However, be careful when engaging enemies frontally, particularly heavy opponents, as the ZiS-S-53 is no longer a powerful armament at 6.3. The cannon allows it to confidently strike almost all enemies at its rank, including, from the front, whilst at the same time it reloads significantly faster than the 122mm cannon. An attempt to mount the 100 mm on the T-44 produced a vehicle designated T-44B, which was also modified with thicker armour, different driver's hatch and vision slot, and a larger turret ring diameter, along with the 100 mm D-10TK gun. The driver's hatch was also now entirely moved to the hull top with a vision slot cut on the glacis. change cover often, move around the map carefully; if needed retreat to your spawn to repair and plan ahead). But it proved lacking in the hull with modified water and oil pump positioning to... Hull because side armour is, however, be careful when engaging enemies frontally particularly... 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