While this is a worthwhile endeavor if you plan on working on your own rifle, I believe it is cost prohibitive if you were paying someone to do it for you. And at $400, you're getting into the price range of an AR build. There are few guns as rugged and versatile for such a low price. SKS 7.62x39 for sale and auction. 1993: SKS 93, 16.5” barrel, accepts standard AK magazines. The front sight assembly needs to be indexed then cross pinned to the barrel. Rather than trying to unscrew the barrel from the receiver, I decided to mount the entire barreled action in the lathe. They only made them for export. For example, most … A quick trip to the bandsaw (these aren’t made of hardened steel) and belt grinder to shorten then copy the profile of the original bayonet. The factory pins were within .001″ of a #39 drill. The East German proof marking appears to be a 1 in a triangle. Seller: robertc1955 robertc1955. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Sell your SKS 7.62x39 for FREE today on GunsAmerica! In order to turn down the barrel, it needs to be mounted in the lathe. I love it. Buy a SKS 7.62x39 online. The inexpensive and robust carbine, chambered for the ubiquitous 7.62×39 cartridge, is reliable, accurate enough, and easy to maintain. Rifleshooter.com and its authors, do not assume any responsibility, directly or indirectly for the safety of the readers attempting to follow any instructions or perform any of the tasks shown, or the use or misuse of any information contained herein, on this website. $1.50. Before I removed the barreled action from the lathe, I test fit the front sight assembly on the barrel. 8 Image(s) SKS GAS TUBE ** FACTORY OEM NEW BY NORINCO ** $160.00 WITH FREE SHIPPING!!! That gun spent many days with me at the range, it worked with 100% reliability. It's not a particularly accurate caliber. I found the conversion to be a lot of fun. Add to My Saved Parts. I dont think they cut sks's down to make them. Product #: 766860 Part Key: 1. Add to cart. SKS Serial Numbers | Serial Number Lookup and dating an SKS Rifle. Recently we ordered some SKS rifles to sell at our retail store. Once I cleaned them up and test fired them, I was transported back in time nearly three decades and found a renewed appreciation for the SKS. - posted in Milsurp [Rifles]: Finally getting around to getting all the cosmoline off of the group buy SKS (yeah, yeah, I know) and I started trying to figure out the numbers and markings. These guns distributed by Chinese factories are old.What Is an SKS Rifle? To remove a bayonet from an SKS, the base of the bayonet needs to be slid and held back. SKS Paratrooper Package! Some Albanian guns have no year reference numbers on them. Some, prior to being exported, were modified in China to have a 16.5″ barrel, in what was called the “paratrooper” configuration. I have this paratrooper sks with the blade bayonet and was wondering what the value might be. Ammo prices are in the same ballpark with steel case .223. SKS Identification - Where are all the numbers/symbols? To do this I used a small level and then swept along the flat part of the front sight with the indicator. China Jin Ahn, Southfield, Mi. After a quick look at my beat up Type 56 SKS, I decided I should be able to cut one down and make my own paratrooper conversion. Of the many SKS I have had or currently own, I have never witnessed an inaccurate SKS. Check the design of your NORINCO rifle. At this point, it is a good idea to remove the bayonet. 225 sounds like a good deal these days. 1993 to 1994: SKS M, new production, accepts standard AK magazines. To do this, I installed the bayonet and marked it with a sharpie. 75 round drum & 30 round steel mag! Before we get to work, let’s take a look at the following disclaimer…. The Paratrooper with a standard 10 round fixed magazine and bayonet was imported by many different companies but the most common importer seen is CJA SFLD, MI. Auto Burst Trigger System $49.99 Add to Cart More Info Order# AB225. $900.00. I have looked for one for sale with no luck. how to tell if your chinese sks is a military type 56 or one just made for export. Now I have a headache and I'm really confused. The SKS rifle is ripe for modernization, and the current crop of mods being offered can take your rifle a long way. My first centerfire rifle was a Chinese Type 56 SKS in a synthetic stock that my father bought me for $80 in 1992. Israeli marked Russian SKS. This rifle is a Norinco SKS chambered in 7.62×39. With the barreled action leveled in the vise, I can now ensure that the front sight is properly indexed so it won’t appear canted on the finished rifle. No cracks in stock, There is a chip out of the wood at the grip( see picture) Stock has not been refinished. Due to the odd shape and size of the receiver, it wouldn’t pass through the headstock of my lathe; however, I was able to grab the rear of the action in the four-jaw chuck so I could machine the muzzle end. I decided to leave myself a little extra barrel length in case I ran into any problems with the conversion so I made this barrel 17″ long. In situations where continuous improvement is a “do-or-die” way of life – for example, a Cold War military-industrial complex – the life of a merely-satisfactory design is nasty, brutish and short. How many numbers are there on an SKS and where are they located? Gun Review: Norinco SKS. For the US consumer, its fixed magazine makes it legal in most states, and in many cases is more than enough gun for hunting, home … Schmidt and Bender PMII LP MTC LT 5-25×56 review, My bolt won’t close! Many of these rifles, prior to import restrictions against China, made their way to the USA as inexpensive surplus rifles. The Chinese Type 63 is the only SKS variant capable of automatic fire that led to the development of a series of new rifles with many design variations between them. This is shorter version of SKS and it has 16.5" long barrel. I wanted one. In this image you can see my dial indicator placement to finish setting up the barrel. Modded Out. Unfortunately, the real answer is, Photos from various auction sites and internet postings are used under 17 U.S. Code § 107, fair use, not for profit educational purposes. If any of the photos in this post are yours and you explicitly do not want them shown, please contact me at. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! If you are shopping for an SKS model M stock for sale, you might not want to look at an SKS paratrooper stock designed for a JW-15 rifle. At this point the conversion is complete. It is in good condition overall, with cosmetic damage showing from use and handling. This is my favorite lathe, a Precision Matthews PM-1440GT. The pins can be drifted out of the front sight assembly by using a bench block and a punch. Troubleshooting seized ejectors, 308 Winchester Load Development Part-2: 175-grain Sierra Matchking, Varget and Reloader 15, Trim rifle brass quickly and easily: Little Crow Gun Works World’s Finest Trimmer Review, USMC M40A5 Build-Part 2: Lug slotting the receiver, Customizing the 1911: machining a golf ball front strap, Tactical Shotgun Build: Back Boring a Barrel and Lengthening a Forcing Cone to Increase Performance, Build a Remington 700 bolt disassembly tool. http://www.jianshetrade.com/wm/en/AboutUs.aspx?id=4&tag=tag4. $48.00. I has box, sling and oil bottle. And half blind. Look at pictures, What you see is what you get. This assembly slides over the barrel and is held in place by two pins. The contents of Rifleshooter.com are produced for informational purposes only and should be performed by competent gunsmiths only. Of the 15 million plus SKS rifles produced, the Chinese made over 10 million of them. Shop by year and model of NORINCO rifle. With the receiver in the four-jaw chuck, I supported the muzzle end with a live center and a brass crown saver. Now the screw can be removed and the bayonet can be taken off and reinstalled later. Add to My Saved Parts. AK-47/SKS Cleaning Kit $24.99 $19.99 Add to Cart More Info Order# TK347. The front sight assembly now needs to be pushed off of the barrel. Never miss a post! These rifles were caked in Cosmoline and weren’t aesthetically pleasing. Type 56 SKS Paratrooper Conversion. Originally I had planed on doing this cowboy-style by eyeballing it and drilling by hand; but at the last minute, I decided to do this on the mill. I paid a wholesale price nearly five times what my original SKS cost! I don't understand why SKS's, paratrooper or otherwise, have gone up like they have. August 16, 2020 I used the drill to locate the holes, then cross drilled the barrel in both sections. For the US consumer, its fixed magazine makes it legal in most states, and in many cases is more than enough gun for hunting, home defense and plinking. Ak47/Mak90/Sks Military Grade Windage & Elevation Sight Tool $12.99 $9.99 Add to Cart More Info Order# LK349. The symbol indicates which factory the rifle came from and an estimate of the production date. In order to shorten the barrel, the front sight and bayonet’s mounting assembly will need to be removed. For this project, I ordered the following items from Brownells: This is the muzzle end of the donor rifle. It has a wooden stock, steel butt plate, and bayonet lug. No SKS's with the years 1972 - 1975 have been documented as of yet. It’s often said that the enemy of the good is the great. Some variants feature a stamped sheet-steel receiver, three-round burst capability, or a shorter 16" paratrooper barrel. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The SKS rifle is well over five decades old and has become a pretty American rifle, regardless of its origin. Product #: PDF0453 Part Key: 0. 0. While it may be possible to tap it off with a hammer, pressing it off works far better. Doug (he runs the store) and I lamented on how we should have purchased some Chinese “paratrooper” SKS carbines back when they were in plentiful supply. 1993 to 1994: SKS NR, new production, accepts standard AK magazines. Vintage SKS Wood Stock For Sale is a Vintage SKS Wood Stock~ Has sling swivel. The fit was absolutely perfect, the proper amount of friction present without the need for a hydraulic press to seat it. I do this by grabbing the bayonet shank with a pair of locking pliers. Eligible for FREE shipping * 1 Piston Enlarge Image. Savage B22 Precision Rimfire Rifle Review, Beretta M1951 mystery- cutting our way to the truth, Gunsmithing: replacing a curved steel butt plate with a rubber recoil pad, Project Guns- Gunsmithing articles and posts, Jewell trigger installation on Winchester 70/FN Special Police, Bipod rail installation (Atlas bipod adapter). I know nothing of the export stamping vs. the domestic military issue number-in-a-triangle but being raised in Missouri you would have to prove that to me as I am highly skeptical. The bayo lug was part of the paratropper sks. Unlike an AK, removal of the pins from this SKS was fairly easy. We set ourselves apart by supplying unique parts at a good value and standing by our products by offering outstanding customer service. Full Details. 7.62 X 39 Devastator (6 Rounds) $34.99 Add to Cart More Info Order# DV762. A quick look on gun broker found these paratrooper guns demanding a premium of between $750-$950! The first thing that needs to be done is to examine the Rifle for and Asian or Cyrillic markings, in an effort to identify the county of origin. I added a steady rest to the lathe to further support the barrel and machined the tenon to .548″. If you take a look at the section of the barrel that the sight assembly was removed from, you’ll notice it is turned down to a diameter of .548″ and is drilled in two locations for the two pins that retain the sight assembly. I did use a Manson Crowning Tool to finish the crown but forgot to take pictures of the process. The bayonet and cleaning rod both needed to be shortened as well. An AR is far more accurate than an SKS at distance. Iraqi marked Russian SKS. SKS Rifle Schematic W/ Parts List. At the bench block I used a punch to drive both pins into place. SKS Rifles are still very affordable. For this, I used a socket that fit the inside diameter to drive the barrel out the rest of the way. Copyright ©2016 SKSGUIDE.COM, All Rights Reserved, A: This is by far the most commonly asked question. Not currently available Notify me. We specialize in all military surplus weapons from AK-47s, AR-15s, Mausers, CETME, Enfields, UZIs, and much more! I used two pieces of 1/4 plate steel to support the back side of the assembly in the press, then used a hydraulic press to drive the barrel out of it. The SKS, short for Self-Loading Carbine of the Simonov System, is the odd one out. must ship to ffl also available standard issue sks with box mag still in grease $600 . I believe the SKS may be one of the most under appreciated rifles of the modern era. Piston, Reproduction. Modifications to a firearm may result in personal injury or death, cause the firearm to not function properly, or malfunction, and cause the firearm to become unsafe. Others include Century Arms Briklee Trading Company K-Sports Navy Arms Send me some pics of the importer on the side of your Paratrooper. The Israeli (IDF) proof marking appears to be a upside down crooked arrow. Please know that some rifles do not have any markings, but many Russian, Chinese and Korean models do. Gunsmithing, SKS Gunsmithing They sold the SKS's out of the depots just like they sold the crates of ammo and all the other stuff including the "converted to semi" AK's. Tell us what you find out. I believe the SKS may be one of the most under appreciated rifles of the modern era. This means we’ll have to turn down the barrel and drill two new holes. A diagram online will help match the SKS markings and worth of the rifle. Gun #: 918358473. Norinco SKS has one of the most difficult-to-find manufacturing dates of all the SKS rifles. All content Copyright 1998-2018 Rifleshooter.com, FTC disclosure: some links on this site are monetized. When trade agreements and political alliances de… I think that Norinco was the only company that made a paratrooper sks. 7.62x39 ...Click for … I’m really happy with the finished rifle. The SKS fires the same intermediate round, (7.62×39), as the AK47.With a 20” barrel, rather than a 16” like the AK47 has, the SKS boasts a slightly higher muzzle velocity and slightly longer effective range by a couple hundred yards over the AK47. They were old stock and new prioduction SKS rifle cut back to 16 inch barrels. The Iraqi proof marking appears to be an upside down 2 in a triangle. I fired about 10 rds through it and I believe that's all it's been fired. So called paratrooper, Cowboy Companion etc., cut down SKS rifles were produced in the 1980's for the US market and are commercial creations from military rifles.. East German DDR marked Russian SKS . They can be labeled as Chinese, Paratrooper, Albanian, Russian, and Yugoslavian. These small brass inserts protect the steel of the rifle muzzle from the hardened steel of the love center. The SKS has a conventional layout, with a wooden stock and rifle grip. Time to head over to the lathe. 0: $856.00: NEW Norinco SKS 7.62x39 - $600: 0: $600.00: NEW Chinese Type 56 SKS Rare 636 Factory Red Phenolic Stock: 0: $599.95: NEW Chinese - Norinco SKS Type 56 7.62x39mm - Serial Matching / C&R! The front sight assembly has a fairly long bearing surface, once the muzzle is flush with it, it still won’t come off. Note the full length rifle to the left, my conversion to the right, and the pieces of barrel, cleaning rod and bayonet that I removed. Kel-Tec RDB Survival Review: A Better Bang Stick? Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Milled Vs. Developed in the interim between the Mosin-Nagant and the … It can identify the timeframe and factory location of the weapon’s production. North Vietnam Put into production while the AK47 was simultaneously being developed and fielded, Soviet SKS rifles were only made for about six years, from 1949 to 1955, at … One of my favorite ones is so called SKS "Paratrooper". Butt Plate& some hardware attached. The stock has original military ID numbers 03402 on chin area see photos. 0: $599.00: NEW SKS CGA 7.62x39 Semi Auto w/ Folding Bayonet/ 20 Barrel: 1: $499.99: NEW The inexpensive and robust carbine, chambered for the ubiquitous 7.62×39 cartridge, is reliable, accurate enough, and easy to maintain. Depending on the rifle's nation of origin, you can usually determine its … I placed the barreled action on its side in the mill’s vise, then used a dial indicator on the side of the receiver to level it by sweeping along the y-axis. Bill Marr Any modifications made to a firearm should be made by a licensed gunsmith. It is a gas-operated rifle that has a spring-loaded bolt carrier and a gas piston operating rod that work to unlock and cycle the action via gas pressure exerting pressure against them. When the rifle was fully assembled, I function checked it with steel cased ammunition and it ran with 100% reliability. I'd take an AR all day long over an SKS. 1993 to 1994: SKS MC-5D, rearsenaled, accepts standard AK magazines. Failure to do so may void warranties and result in an unsafe firearm and may cause injury or death. The front sight assembly is removed from the barrel! North Korea Type 63 . Success! I would tend to believe these would be either prior to 1967 or after 1979 with the latter being the most reasonable. Most of the imports were around 16.5″. SKS takes regular AK mags , comes with one 30rd mag, has tapco black plastic folding stock . An SKS is a self-loading carbine assault rifle used by East European and Asian troops in Russia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Vietnam, East Germany, China, Korea and Albania through the late 1980s. It is a semi-automatic weapon that fires rounds that measure 7.62x39mm. A Russian weapons designer, Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov, invented it.The Chinese SKS rifle began in Russian factories during the fifties and sixties. The most straightforward way to modernize an SKS is with an adjustable composite stock, and the Tapco Composite Standard Stock System does the job admirably. APEX Gun Parts is your source for hard to find gun parts, parts kits, and accessories. Like many COMBLOC weapons, removal of this is best done on a press. $ 49.99 Add to Cart More Info Order # TK347 modernization, and easy maintain... To finish setting up the barrel and machined the tenon to.548″ and Yugoslavian many Russian Chinese... 7.62 X 39 Devastator ( 6 rounds ) $ 34.99 Add to Cart More Info Order TK347. 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Few guns as rugged and versatile for such a low price, AR-15s,,! First centerfire rifle was a Chinese type 56 SKS in a triangle to locate the holes then.
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