This is the part where he shamelessly plugs his Google+ and Twitter page in hopes of getting a new follower or two. Even though Bullseye managed to survive death, this categorized Daredevil as an anti-hero. Survivor: The 10 Must-Watch Seasons (According To Reddit), Batman VS Daredevil: 5 Reasons They Would Make Great Partners (& 5 They Would Hate Each Other), 14 Best Daredevil Team-Ups in Marvel History, Daredevil: 30 Crazy Details About Kingpinâs Anatomy, 15 Superpowers You Didn't Know Daredevil Has, Batman V. Superman: 10 Things About The Batcave You Missed, The Batman: 10 DC Characters We Hope To See (Who Weren't In The Dark Knight Trilogy), Batman: 10 Robert Pattinson Memes Starring Him As The New Batman, Harry Potter: The 10 Saddest Things About Harry, The Mandalorian: The 10 Most Shocking Scenes Of The Series (So Far), New Girl: How Much Every Character Changed Throughout The Series, Ranked, WandaVision: 5 Things We Learned From The Latest Trailer (& 5 Questions We Still Have), Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D: 10 Things You Never Noticed About The Team's Costumes, Academy Awards: 10 Surprise Best Picture Winners, Ranked (According To Rotten Tomatoes). The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Daredevil vs. Batman. Let's find out! They'll start roughly 50 feet apart, have their standard gear and they will be in character. Batman has strength but daredevil has the speed and agility. Ali's speed trumped Tyson's strength. Plot. So again, all Batman has is fear. He spent a couple years learning how to embrace his powers and learn to fight before he was abandoned and left to wonder where his mentor went. Daredevil relies completely on touch and echolocation, plus his super-sensitive hearing means loud sounds leave him doubled over in agony. BATMAN. Daredevil vs. Deathstroke vs. Deadpool vs. Batman vs. Nightwing? As stated above in Equipment/Powers, Daredevil's radar means his reflexes are fast enough to block and even deflect bullets. In a one-on-one fistfight, Daredevil could surely hold his own. Batman to me mostly just has a great supporting cast, his ⦠Daredevil may not be as inclined to deal with Riddler's riddles as much as Batman is, but he would figure it out eventually. Batman's often considered the world's greatest detective for a reason, folks. Now, Batman clearly isn't the best in hand-to-hand in his world, but the man is a master of 127 different forms and, just like Daredevil, has decades of encounters proving why he's one of the best. share. Its a 2 on 2 match, the setting is a allyway at night that gets dragged into junk yard,at night time, 1 comment. Who do you think will win in a fight that takes place in New York City (Manhattan). It would be far too easy for Batman to exploit Daredevil's shortcomings and sneak-attack him. Matt Murdock started his hero journey trying to help his city from the corrupt drug lords and gangs that have taken control of the city. Batman and Daredevil are very similar characters with just a few differences in their personalities. If you've been reading along in the feature, then my answer should be pretty obvious by now. Daredevil was selected due to overwhelming demand to see the character used in this segment. Despite being part of a super team, he never really fit in and never really wanted to. Place your bets because it's time for the hero from Hell's Kitchen to throwdown with Gotham City's protector. It's fair to say Batman knows pretty much everything Murdock does and then some. Both boys lost their dads, both boys grew into men that would fight oppressors trying to terrorize their cities. But Daredevil has no fear whatsoever. report. Daredevil is a more sympathetic character to me, plus he's less rich than Batman which I can really identify with (laughing). The last thing they want is attention and go through great lengths to prevent being seen or heard. Batman has no friends or law background to ever hold him back from taking the law into his own hands and he usually does whatever he deemed necessary to take down villains. While Batman has superior strength feats (like temporarily holding up a 1,000 lbs wall) and even endurance feats (see 'Knightfall'), it is Daredevil's reflexes which make me inclined to give him the nod in this regard. Batman can usually out think and outfight his opponents but Joker has proven that he can outdo Batman at his own game on more than one occasion. Throughout the three seasons and the comics, Daredevil has never had any fancy gear or gadgets besides his staff and his suit only improves after he is almost killed. Bruce Wayne AKA Batman made his 6th Live-action appearance in the last 30 years and he was brought back to life by the seasoned actor Ben Affleck. In this case i ⦠The Punisher vs. Batman to me mostly just has a great supporting cast, his ⦠Do you agree or disagree with the outcome? Saved by mscw Drifter. There is no people so they can do whatever they want. He eventually embraces the name and has his suit designed to resemble Satan and the lore behind the biblical character. Batman VS Daredevil è stato in passato uno dei crossover Marvel/DC Comics più famoso, ed è notizia di oggi che arriverà al Cinema!. While Daredevil is undoubtedly skilled and could maybe take advantage with a solid ricochet billy club toss or two, I can say with complete confidence that Batman should take a majority in this scenario. He's done this on plenty of occasions and often at the very last second. And Daredevil keeps daring him to try it. Not only will it allow him to see through smoke or dance around batarangs with ease, it'll let him keep track of the Dark Knight -- and that's huge if Wayne tries to focus on stealth. Daredevil is a more sympathetic character to me, plus he's less rich than Batman which I can really identify with (laughing). It'll be a hand-to-hand brawl worth paying to see, but at the end of the day, Batman is more indeed skilled and has more weaponry at his disposal to turn the tide. As for why Murdock can evade batarangs with ease, it's because his radar has enhanced his senses and the guy has become a regular bullet timer. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. That said, it's by no means a landslide in this regard -- not at all, in fact. Batman/Daredevil is a one-shot with a cover date of December, 2000. Batman decided on the Bat as his symbol as it was something that he has always feared due to a traumatic childhood experience. Whether it's Wilson Fisk he's facing or it's Elektra begging him to take a life, he has maintained his rule. Whether it's Foggy or Claire continuously begging him to stop fighting crime, he always goes back. DAREDEVIL vs BATMAN. Two ultra-acrobatic warriors. Yes, Batman does indeed have him bested in raw strength and endurance (not to mention he has peak human agility/reflexes, too), but it is DD's reflexes that greatly benefit his combat capabilities, after all. Daredevil underwent intense training and has a unique style which draws from boxing, ninjitsu, judo and much more. Official Discussion Thread for the segment. best. Now, this could be really good or really bad for Matt who we know doesn't take too well to criticism. Captain American siding with Daredevil to battle Batman and the Black Panther? 100% Upvoted. Although, what could spell particularly big trouble for Marvel's hero is if Batman decides to utilize a sonic device. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Batman and Daredevil ⦠1. Related: Daredevilâs Iconic Red Costume Was Originally Yellow Batman and Daredevil first met up in Daredevil and Batman, a one-shot crossover comic book by Daniel G. Chichester and Scott McDaniel.Where other crossovers had heroes journey to the other oneâs universe, this story actually took place in an alternate universe where Batman and Daredevil co-existed, allowing Batman ⦠10 Widely Hated Series Finales That Should Be Re-evaluated, Every Relationship In New Year's Eve, Ranked, The Mandalorian: 5 Ways Luke Skywalker's Reveal Was A Good Ending (& What It Sets Up For Season 3), Disney+: 5 Movies That Inspired High School Musical (And 5 Movies High School Musical Inspired), Lord Of The Rings: 10 Amusing Goofs And Mistakes That Made It Into The Two Towers, 15 Movie Characters Who Accurately Portray Mental Illness, 15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Hunger Games Movies, Everything We Know About Mission: Impossible 7 So Far, Christopher Nolan's 5 Best Films (& 5 Worst), According To Metacritic, Cast Away And 9 Other Movies About Solitude (Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes), The Big Bang Theory: Penny's 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Story Arcs. As the "Devil of Hell's Kitchen" he instills fear in the things and criminals of the city, often just terrifying them with his name alone. (judging by "show your work", apparently my green lantern vs pacman question ⦠Batman could really lay into Daredevil but because heâs bigger and stronger he could really hurt Daredevil if he lost it. And with the similarities between the cat ears on his costume and the ears on Batman's cowl, T'Challa bears more than a passing resemblance to the Dark Knight at a glance. It is a battle between the Dark Knight Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne millionaire playboy and Daredevil, The Man Without Fear AKA Matt Murdock the blind lawyer. Batman decided on the Bat as his symbol as it was something that he has always feared due to a traumatic childhood experience. 1 Appearing in "King of New York" 2 Synopsis for "King of New York" 3 Notes 4 Trivia 5 See Also 6 Recommended Reading 7 Links and References Featured Characters: Batman Daredevil ⦠He often only partners up with local heroes and has never left his city, in the comics or the show. I never thought that Batman vs Daredevil would be an amazing match. Batman and Daredevil crossover fanfiction archive with over 8 stories. Next month, though, I'm going to be selfish and use a character (or characters) I've wanted to include for quite some time. People tend to underrate The Man Without Fear's physicals because he's outclassed by Captain America in this regard (who is enhanced human, as stated by Brubaker). From his Batarangs, grappling hooks, Batmobile, and supercomputer, he relies on his tech to help him patrol the city. In Batman V Superman, it is revealed that Bruce has been Batman for over 20 years in Gotham, giving him decades of experience over Daredevil. Daredevil is my choice every time, to me Batman's goofy "grimness" gets old real quick, I'm sick to death of his parental issues. It's an incredibly effective method, allowing him to hang with (to some degree) talented characters such as Iron Fist, Punisher, Captain America and Taskmaster. By Thomas Bacon Jun 17, 2020 With DC's villains taken care of, Batman decides to show the Marvel supervillain Bullseye why he's even more dangerous ⦠I firmly believe Matt absolutely has what it takes to give Bruce an excellent hand-to-hand encounter, just not take the victory most of the time. Matt started his crusade as Daredevil just a few days before the start of the show, making him a three-year vigilante veteran. If these heroes were to ever cross paths would they make good partners? One major difference between Daredevil and Batman is that Daredevil has intentions on killing his enemies like Bullseye. Description. Daredevil/Batman: Eye for an Eye is an Elseworlds graphic novel published by Marvel Comics in 1997, written by D. G. Chichester, with art by Scott McDaniel.. Batman protects the fictional city of Gotham and usually only works with members of his Bat-family and like Matt rarely leaves his city. Batman is the king of gadgets and gizmos. Comic Book Characters Marvel Characters Comic Character Comic Books Art Marvel Dc Marvel Comics Art O Superman Batman Vs Spiderman. Take Mike Tyson vs Mohamed Ali for illustration. Una tavola da Batman VS Daredevil. Let's talk about your favorite movies or comics. A writer of all things awesome. We all know Bruce Wayne's resources and brilliant mind makes him a more than formidable character when throwing down against a character he knows, but what if he bumps into someone he has no knowledge of and what if he isn't in Gotham to utilize his resources? The Dark Knight vs The Man Without Fear! Just like over in the Battles Forums, the winner will be declared based on who I think will take the most victories in this scenario if it played out 10 times with these settings. Maybe it was his traumatic experience losing Robin or his dark and broody nature that keep him from working with others. I think that's the same case here. Stewie Griffin Vs. Bart Simpson: Who Would Win? Daredevil, while not as smart as Batman, is still plenty clever and his super senses give him an edge that Batman doesn't have when dealing with Riddler's traps. The Dark Knight takes a heavy majority, but Daredevil definitely goes down swinging and makes it quite entertaining. Matt's certainly an intelligent dude and he's definitely done some out of the box tactics with his enemies (distracting Bullseye with a decoy in DD #181, for example), but he's simply not Bruce's equal when it comes to being a tactician or raw intellect. As a young man, Bruce traveled the world to learn every type of martial art and skill he could so when he returned to Gotham he would be a capable hero. Will Daredevil's agility and reflexes lead him to victory... or will Batman take the win? Daredevil is a more sympathetic character to me, plus he's less rich than Batman which I can really identify with (laughing). For a majority of the three seasons and one season of The Defenders, Daredevil has always preferred to work alone to keep his friends safe and to keep others from slowing him down. Take Mike Tyson vs Mohamed Ali for example. Although he viciously beats most of the bad guys he faces, his Catholic faith and his good nature keep him from killing, no matter what. 1 Winner: Joker Daredevil has faced all kinds of foes over the years, but he's never faced anyone like the Joker and that's going to make a lot of difference. Working with someone as reckless as Matt could lead to a lot of conflicts, similar to Jason Todd and Batman in the comics. His superb agility and reflexes compliment his fighting style very well, making him a tough combatant for almost any street leveler. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In this case, Daredevil is now going against one of the best from the DC universe. RELATED: Batman V. Superman: 10 Things About The Batcave You Missed. If they ever meet would they be good partners? season, featuring the return of Batman from DC Comics and Daredevil from Marvel Comics in a duel to the end.. In this crazy world where comics have all types of variables anything could happen with the right type of writer and illustrator. It's something both these heroes take pride in. Batman, like Daredevil, has also been part of as superteam he helped form but he still showed some reluctance to work as a team when he decided to sacrifice himself rather than let his team help. Look, I think we can be blunt with this one. I Marvel Studios hanno oggi confermato che câè lâaccordo tra Disney e Warner per portare il mitico crossover al cinema (ricordiamo che la Marvel è ⦠Additionally, he has an advanced knowledge on pressure points. As you likely know, that's a key weakness for Murdock and using that could drop Matt's defense and then it's game over, man! Who wins this epic battle? Naturally, they have the objective to defeat the other character. As always discussed in this segment, Batman's gear is a ginormous factor. This precise set of attacks has reduced Hammerhead to tears, and allowed him to take down powerhouses like Absorbing Man and Mr. Hyde. When it comes to gadgets if daredevil can dodge and even block bullets, batman's ⦠Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. That's exactly the point of this monthly segment -- to analyze how The Dark Knight would fare in a random encounter against a character from a different universe. Il vincitore è quello con la migliore visibilità su Google. However, the agile hero is no slouch in this regard. When it comes to their "hero shifts" both of these heroes prefer to work at night and in the shadow. This could be an issue when he decides to break laws and Matt is forced to try to stop him. Batman has force but daredevil has the speed and agility. He uses the bat very similarly to Matt to instill fear into the criminals of Gotham and use a symbol of hope for the good people. No matter how many times he gets beat up and badly injured, he always comes back for more. Part of the reason Foggy hates that Matt is a vigilante is how hypocritical it is that he's breaking the law as Daredevil and protecting it as Matt Murdock. To make sure the segment is neutral, the matches will always be a random encounter (this means neither has knowledge on the other or prep time) and in a generic, unpopulated city setting at night (NOT Gotham). Batman vs Daredevil is the second episode of RatedM's second DEATH BATTLE! Interesting. This month, we're having Batman bump into the Man Without Fear: Daredevil. RELATED: The Batman: 10 DC Characters We Hope To See (Who Weren't In The Dark Knight Trilogy). Both are absolutely smart fighters, but I can say without any reservation that Batman takes it here. When you bring two guys who hate working in teams together, you're bound to get a few arguments and maybe even a few punches thrown. He is never been one for using gadgets and often depends on his abilities. It's DC's Greatest Detective against Marvel's Man without Fear! This is really a no brainer because Batman teaming up with the Black Panther is an almost ⦠Matt Murdock AKA Daredevil reintroduced himself into the screen byways of Netflix and Charlie Cox, who portrays the man without fear. I always saw Batman coming out on top one way or the other. I suppose that is the same case right here. RELATED: 14 Best Daredevil Team-Ups in Marvel History. He might not be a master of every style, but decades of comics with his encounters have proven that his mesh of various styles absolutely works. Get your first 3 meals free at up our all new t-shirt! Batman to me mostly just has a great supporting cast, his ⦠Batman started his crusade as a promise to his city that no one would ever have to suffer like he did after a criminal killed his parents in front of him. In the meantime, what do you think of this one? Summers 'skeptical' about student loan ⦠ to Ismahawk for the live action battle! Give reasons as to why you think that person will win. Pick up Daredevil and Batman here: It's Billy Club vs. Batarang when DD meets the Dark Knight. Read on to find out what I think! Batman is impotent against Daredevil, except for violence. Now, I'm not saying that'll happen every time or even most of the time, but in the event the Detective can find that out, it's safe to say he'll test the theory out with a sonic to end their little bout. Ali's velocity trumped Tyson's force. While smoke pellets and batarangs would prove ineffective here, just about everything else can be a game changer if it connects. Is the billyclub wielding skill of the man with radar enough to take out Gotham's Avenger? Speak your mind below! Burt's Bees apologizes for offensive holiday ad. Daredevil vs Batman - Scrivi due parole-chiave e clicca su 'Fight !'. hide. This, in combination with his topnotch agility, means I'm cool with giving him a small nod here. ""King of New York"":The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. He is so calculated in his attacks that he usually comes out unscathed. In 3 seasons, we saw Daredevil roam the city and protect Hell's Kitchen from the corrupt and we saw the character develop before our very eyes. He vows to never kill as to prevent himself from ever being like the lunatics he chases down. Or would they absolutely hate each other? Yes, Batman's cowl and belt is packing tons of tech, but Daredevil's radar is a key factor as well. Although it won't be as much of an issue, it could still lead to conflict between the two. RELATED: 15 Superpowers You Didn't Know Daredevil Has. 7 HATE: Daredevil Is Too Reckless level 1. Daredevil is my choice every time, to me Batman's goofy "grimness" gets old real quick, I'm sick to death of his parental issues. Although Batman is similar, he has always been a man with a plan and a plan after that. Daredevil may not directly kill someone but he wonât save them from death either. Matt often avoids breaking the law as much as possible and usually only wears the suit to intimidate the criminals. Battle. Facing a lot of near-death experiences and almost always going in on his own to take on small armies, three years is a long time. save. Gregg Katzman is a freelance writer for Comic Vine and IGN Entertainment. 'DWTS' crowns new champion and viewers are not happy. The Origin Of Daredevil (L'origine di Devil) 23 pagine Stan Lee (script) / Bill Everett (art) / Bill Everett (inks) Prima pubblicazione: Daredevil vol 1 # 1, Marvel Comics (Apr 1964) Pubblicazione italiana: Incredibile Devil # 1 - Il diavolo rosso, Editoriale Corno (Mag 1970); Devil Gigante # 1, Editoriale Corno (Apr 1977); Grandi Eroi # 93 - ⦠Batfleck brought us a different version of the Dark Knight, giving us a veteran vigilante who has protected Gotham for over 20 years. DAREDEVIL Introduced by Stan Lee and Bill Everett in 1964's Daredevil #1, Matt Murdock gained superhuman senses after being doused in ⦠Sort by. In the end, I think Batman wins via knockout 8/10. He uses the bat very similarly to Matt to instill fear into the criminals of Gotham and use a symbol of hope for the good people. Electric attacks, cyro pellets, gas... all of these can hinder Murdock and leave him open for a solid strike to the noggin. Batman has more knowledge in this regard, and while both have hugely impressive feats (Matt giving Danny a good fight, Bruce hanging with Lady Shiva), I'm giving Wayne the edge in this regard due to a wealthier amount of knowledge and moves at his disposal. Green Lantern can overcome great fear. Personally I think daredevil would win. Game over! Relating to objects if daredevil can avert and even block bullets, batman's batarangs would be vain. Upon his travels, he meets a mysterious man with an organization that trains Bruce for years before he abandons the League to go back to Gotham. Daredevil and Batman must work together to defeat Two-Face, who partners with Marvel villain Mr. Hyde.Batman pursues the two villains to New York, where Daredevil ⦠Not only can he dance around gunfire, he's also swatted away bullets on numerous occasions. In both the comics and the movies, he reluctantly joins the League because he knew how much time it would take away from his patrol of Gotham. One thing about Matt and his abilities is that he has always been impulsive and overly confident in his skills. This boils down to Batman's gear versus Daredevil's radar. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Matt protects Hell's Kitchen and often stays in the confines of his city, even preventing him from getting involved in bigger events in the MCU. Hufflepuff, Taurus, INFP, Amateur photographer, professional adventurer. That said, one clearly has more knowledge than the other. NEXT: Batman: 10 Robert Pattinson Memes Starring Him As The New Batman. When Matt was young, he was approached by a mysterious man who shared his abilities and taught him how to control and use his abilities to an advantage. RELATED: Daredevil: 30 Crazy Details About Kingpinâs Anatomy. He's swung around a 400 lbs barbell like a bo-staff and even tipped over an occupied limo. Like Daredevil, he's ruthless with the criminals and doesn't pull back his punches but will never go too far as to kill them. However, the variety at Batman's disposal is something that cannot be overlooked, especially when one option can almost immediately shutdown the match. Gotham City is a ⦠Daredevil vs. Batman is a crossover of the Marvel and DC universes. The epic DC Versus Marvel comic crossover saw Batman go head-to-head with Daredevil's classic enemy Bullseye - and take him down without a problem. Both heroes are known for coming out of nowhere and disappearing into thin air like they were never there. Both of these characters have the skill to humiliate a staggering amount of humans in real life. Captain America and daredevil vs batman and nightwing. Yes, Batman's cowl and belt is packing tons of tech, but Daredevil's radar is a key factor as well. Daredevil is my choice every time, to me Batman's goofy "grimness" gets old real quick, I'm sick to death of his parental issues. Additionally, it's worth noting that this segment is treating all Pre-New 52 Batman feats as canon (New Earth, of course). While Daredevil has gone toe-to-toe with some of the best Marvel has to offer, I personally do not believe he has what it takes to win a firm majority over some of the more fordmiable characters listed above. While I don't acknowledge most crossovers as canon (unless otherwise stated, of course), it is worth noting that after some observation, Batman was able to detect that Daredevil's other senses are heightened base on subtle head movements and his flaring nostrils. The Dark Knight vs the Man Without Fear. For over 20 years one-shot with a cover date of December, 2000 Batman! Being seen or heard from boxing, ninjitsu, judo and much more speed and agility to say knows... Batman takes it here with just a few days before the start of the Marvel and DC universes boils to. Or two is the same case right here n't in the end and disappearing into thin like. 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