The Apple-Samsung lawsuits. Shumaker, S.J., 2002. 05 billion in damages. and Yoon, J.C., 2013. A sales forecast was conducted, by operating systems, to determine the sales of tablets and smartphones to users worldwide. Wingfield, N., 2012. Boston University Law Review, 93, p.1605. Tang, V., and Huang, B., 2002. The court ordered a stop to the selling of the copied products of both companies. It is also important for a company to register with patents so as to protect their products from copycats who exist in the market. Scribd members can read and download full documents. This case study "Business Strategies of Apple and Samsung" seeks to discuss the strategy employed by Samsung and the strategy used by Apple. Helmers, C. and McDonagh, L., 2013. by Gary Benton. Helmers, C. and McDonagh, L., 2013. Whether damages will be tripled is a decision for Koh in the coming weeks. Yesilay, R.B., Ar, I.M. This case study here is looking at the competitive marketing strategies used by each of these names and what they need to step ahead from their rivalry position in future. … Kim, H. and Song, J., 2013. Filitz, R., Henkel, J. and Tether, B.S., 2015. Apple Inc. is an American multinational, was founded by Steve Jobs in April 1 st 1976, and has head office in Cupertino, California USA. The implication of United States verdict to International marketing. From the analysis of the case study, it can be said that patent infringement cases are very complex to make decision because there is a thin line between current and new technology. However, Apple v. Samsung reminds us why it is important to consider filing one or more design patent applications to protect the look of a new product. Patent litigation as a leading market indicator. This study contains the financial analysis of the Samsung and its competitor Apple as well as the industry in which Samsung is performing, and it also contains the unique issues that Samsung is … Cusumano, M.A., 2013. Social network analysis of patent infringement lawsuits. An exploration of the use of registered community designs.Research Policy, 44(6), pp.1192-1206. The Android Wars: A Case Study of Apple v. Samsung. Your task for this assessment is to read the Case Study 2 - Apple Vs Samsung in your text on pp. In Samsung’s case, I would say that it would lean more towards price inelastic. An unbiased Viewpoint, Analysis & Report 2. Patent litigation in the UK: an empirical survey 2000–2008. Available at SSRN 2340899. STEP 2: Reading The Apple Vs Samsung Devices Harvard Case Study: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. The jury evaluated the case and found that Samsung had truly violated Apple’s patent thus awarded Apple more than sh.1 billion for its damages and banned the sale of the copied Samsung products (Love and Yoon, 2013). and Temel, S., 2015. The patent problem. International Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology Studies Vol. Apple, which Samsung countered for $422 million, will not have to pay anything to Samsung. Though patents reveal the competitive position of large firms, it is an expensive way of protecting a firm from competition as it involves high taxation fees along other costs incurred in registration. The implication of South Korean Verdict to International Marketing. Bergman, K., 2014. In this report, the case of Apple vs. Samsung has been analyzed using the existing literature including supportive cases and legal guidelines. Therefore, Apple won a court case against Samsung for $1.05 billion because of patent infringement by Samsung for copying a specific feature. The court soon grew tired of this, and recently denied Apple's bid to add Samsung's Galaxy 4 phone to the case. For years, Apple and Samsung have clashed and have battled for sales. Utility patents protect the functional parts of a product. Reporting by Dan Levine and … The two electronics moguls Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc. find themselves again in another legal battle, but this time the South Korean has accused the Cupertino company of infringing on its patent related to long-term evolution technology (LTE) and faster fourth generation wireless networking. The forecast shows that Apple’s IOS had been the dominant operating system being used by approximately 61.5 percent of worldwide tablet users in 2012 when Samsung had 45.8 percent in the same year, but Samsung lead the market in 2013 with 61.9 percent while Apple’s IOS had 36.0 percent of market share. For the past four years, Apple and Samsung have been the key players of an unprecedented legal war. Fletcher, R & Crawford, H 2014. International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective (6th ed). Samsung argued that Apple violated its five patents, but the jury found out that Apple had violated two Samsung patents while Samsung had violated one Apple patent, therefore, the jury made a split decision that awarded small damaged to both companies (Filitz, Henkel & Tether, 2015). Lee, P.C., and Su, H.N., 2014. Case Study: Apple’s lawsuit on Samsung, what happened? 629 - 633. Unlock the full document with a free trial. Golden, J.M., 2014. In the United States, the jury trial between Samsung and Apple openedJuly 22 with Apple seeking about $2.5 billion in damages. How to forecast cross-border patent infringement?—The Case of US international trade. It started in 2010 with Samsung’s launch of Galaxy S smartphone, which to Steve Job’s disbelief resembled and used similar technology to the iPhone, the breakthrough phone that his company launched three years before. Refining in Remedies in Patent Litigation: Three (Increasingly Immodest) Proposals. Jeruss, S., Feldman, R. and Walker, J.H., 2012. The order by the court for Samsung to stop making and selling their products in the United States resulted in great losses to Samsung and also resulted in a decrease in the supply of Samsung product to the International market which would also have a great impact on Samsung Customers. If the copycat company accepts to pay the penalty or licensing fee, it can either accept to incur the cost on its own or shift the costs to its consumers by increasing the prices of its products thus resulting in decreased demand if prices of the competitor’s products remain the same (Tang and Huang, 2002.). Discover everything Scribd has to offer, including books and audiobooks from major publishers. Litigation in the Middle: The Context of Patent-Infringement Injunctions. Law enforcement should make use of these things," Gula said. Apple vs samsung 1. Apple is well known for personal computers, Mobiles, electronics and its software. Competition L. Int’l, 8, p.19. Brazil is another leading consumer country for Apple smartphones as they tend to believe that Apple products are designed to say something about the countries in which they are made in those in which they are sold in (Cotter, 2013). In 1996, the Apple brand bordered on bankruptcy. Apple is the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia. In my first post, I wrote about SVAMC offering innovative ways of thinking about tech dispute resolution. Love, B.J. This is achieved by ensuring to have the legal requirements by law when taking protective measures against competition in the market. LJ, 30, p.1. Patent litigation precaution method: analyzing characteristics of US litigated and non-litigated patents from 1976 to 2010. CONTACT US IF YOU WANT A SIMILAR HIGH QUALITY PLAGIARISM FREE CASE STUDY ON THIS TOPIC OR RELATED TOPIC, Outline of Apple’s and Samsung’s sales comparison and their leading consuming countries. The Apple-Samsung lawsuit involves proceedings resulting from the violation of two types of patents; utility patent governing the features of a phone or tablet and design patents governing the appearance of phones or tablets. Apple sued Samsung yesterday, the latest in a long line of IP lawsuits against Android device manufacturers. The Development of Design Law: Past and Future, London, pp.99-149. For instance, when Samsung was denied by the judge to make the argument that Apple’s iPhone design was derived from Sony ideas (to illustrate that Apple was just as much of a conceptual plagiarizer as Samsung) they released the information to the media (Paczkowski, 2012). Over the past several years, Apple and Samsung have dominated the smartphone market and while doing that, they have ignited a rivalry. Innovation, firm strategy, and patent litigation. Watch this exciting video to know about the patent war prevalent between Apple and Samsung since 2011. Apple Vs Samsung Case Study. For two days in late May 2012, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung CEO Gee-Sung Choi met with a judge in the U.S. District Court of Northern California in an attempt to reach a settlement in a high-profile U.S. patent case, a sobering example of negotiation in business. Your task for this assessment is to read the Case Study 2 - Apple Vs Samsung in your text on pp. Last week, Samsung filed a case management statement against Apples latest … Other consuming countries of Apple products are Japan and South Korea (Jeruss, Feldman, and Walker, 2012). and Lee, P.C., 2012. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 12(05), p.1550021. Protecting aesthetic innovations? Santa Clara High Tech. The loss made by Samsung may turn into the costs to the consumers when the court bans the use of Samsung devices with the copied applications from Apple devices (Su, Chen, and Lee, 2012). Protecting aesthetic innovations? Paik, Y. and Zhu, F., 2013. Samsungimmediately incurs Judge Kohs ire by publicly disclosing material that hadbeen excluded from the trial and for failing to prevent deletion of relevantevidence. ISBN: 9781442560833. Question 1: A Brief Explanation of Apple-Samsung lawsuit and its impacts on consumers and the smartphone and computer tablet industry. 629 - 633. The Relationship Between Direct Government Support for R&D and Patents in Emerging Economies: A Turkish Case Study. Shumaker & Sieffert, PA. Su, H.N., Chen, C.M.L. and Yoon, J.C., 2013. Design rights and innovation: a psychometric analysis. Aside from that Apple also asked for a remedy by asking the court to block the making, use, sale and import of Samsung products in the United States. Scientometrics, 92(1), pp.181-195. A California jury ruled that Samsung would have to pay Apple more than $1 billion in damages for patent violations of Apple products, particularly its iPhone. Personal essay … Communications of the ACM, 56(1), pp.28-31. This case study "Business Strategies of Apple and Samsung" seeks to discuss the strategy employed by Samsung and the strategy used by Apple. Discursive topics list for an essay short essay on kisan ki atmakatha in hindi. Refining in Remedies in Patent Litigation: Three (Increasingly Immodest) Proposals. Yesilay, R.B., Ar, I.M. Design rights and innovation: a psychometric analysis. What can brand leaders learn from how Apple builds everything they do around “making technology so simple that everyone can be part of the future.” Apple has done a great job in taking that brand idea and stretching it across their brand story through advertising, and their innovation plan (as they have entered many new technology categories). In April 2011, Apple filed multiple lawsuits, spanning dozens of countries, against Samsung for patent infringement. The judgment passed in the verdict that the copied products of both Apple and Samsung should not be sold resulted in a decreased supply of the products in the market and increase in prices of other existing products of the Companies to compensate for the lost costs. The America Invents Act 500: Effects of Patent Monetization Entities on US Litigation. In the original 2012 case, Apple sued Samsung saying it copied various design patents of the iPhone. Lately, Samsung conducted an investigation of new Apple products and presented a plan to … JL & Tech., 20, pp.11-14. It is said that case should be read two times. It is also evidence of the role played by the political government in ensuring fair competition in the market. Gotts, I.K., and Sher, S., 2012. Conflict Between Apple and Samsung: The Argument In negotiation, Apple argued that it had lost significant profits in the smartphone market to its most significant competitor, Samsung, due to blatantly copied features. It is said that case should be read two times. Social network analysis of patent infringement lawsuits. Lately, Samsung conducted an investigation of new Apple products and presented a plan to add the iPhone in a … Su, H.N., Chen, C.M.L. Building a Patent Portfolio that Supports Your Business Objectives. Question 3: An analysis of South Korea’s Verdict and the United States court verdict. Key lessons are learned from this case that competitors should respect other firms’ patents and always strive to be innovative to avoid coping features of other devices in the industry. … The South Korean verdict involves the filing of a disagreement by Samsung in the South Korean Courts. Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems and the iTunes media browser ( Fisher , 3). Apple is accusing Samsung of infringing on software patents related to its iPhone. If the court ruled in favour of Samsung, then it will be compensated US$ 6 million while if it ruled in favor of Apple, Apple would be compensated US$2 million for damages (Helmers & McDonagh, 2013). Heating and Cooling Brampton; Heating and Cooling Markham; Heating and Cooling Mississauga; Heating and Cooling Richmond Hill It was just another computer company without any real point of difference. Notably, 99 percent of the jury verdict was based on Samsung’s infringement of design patents, with only about 1 percent (around $5 million of the approximately $540 million jury award) based on Samsung’s infringement of utility patents. The implication of Apple lawsuit to smartphone and computer tablet industry. The jury in the much-hyped Apple vs. Samsung patent infringement lawsuit recently handed down a verdict which basically gave Apple everything it wanted: A billion-dollar payment from Samsung, plus the possibility of an injunction against sales of infringing Samsung smart phones and tablets. Cotter, T.F., 2013. 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Case Study Apple vs Samsung For Later. Texas Law Review, 92(7). 953 Words 4 Pages. Apple’s victory over Samsung would have a wide range of impacts on the consumers and the industry that include; Setting of higher prices- for the latest features of their smartphones that would have a negative impact on the users due to increase in prices while the Apple’s rivals would have to work harder to have a market share (Bergman, 2014; Fletcher & Crawford, 2014). Apple v Samsung – a visual study Even after the dust from the epic Apple v Samsungbattle has settled, the design patent infringement comparisons from Apple v Samsungwill continue to serve as meaningful data points that practitioners can reference when assessing … One significant negotiation to observe happened in August 2012. Patent litigation in the UK: an empirical survey 2000–2008. Protection Plans; About Us; Free Quote; Locations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 86, pp.125-131. Assessment and intervention in social work essay vs case Apple analysis samsung study essay on my space travel. Filitz, R., Henkel, J. and Tether, B.S., 2015. The paper pays much attention to the factors that have contributed to the success of Apple in the smartphone industry as opposed to Samsung. Despite the increasing sales experienced by Apple, Samsung still leads in the market worldwide. In the recent months Apple has accused Samsung of infringing upon a different set of … Such disputes show that Samsung product sales are leading worldwide such that they pose a threat to Apple products, therefore, this reveals how other competing firms will put more efforts to bring it down (Lee and Su, 2014; Wingfield, 2012). Paik, Y. and Zhu, F., 2013. and Lee, P.C., 2012. Bullying case study australia essay on topic a cricket match. Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News on everything pertaining to technology Particular Antitrust Concerns with Patent Acquisitions, The. The judge eventually reduced the payout to $600 million. Such is the case of Samsung vs. Apple which is sprinkled with patents, trademarks or industrial designs case files and also with banning products on one or more markets. Take a look at our Apple case study. The Relationship Between Direct Government Support for R&D and Patents in Emerging Economies: A Turkish Case Study. Jury awards $1 billion to Apple in Samsung patent case. The case in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, is Apple Inc v. Samsung Electronics Co Ltd et al, 11-1846. Summary of Apple Case Study Analysis 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Introduction of Apple: Apple Inc. is the most famous name in the technology sector, it is an innovative electronics manufacturer, which is giving benefits to the consumers and to the suppliers, and the company is using successful strategies in the market so the best results could be achieved. According to the South Korean court rule, the judgment passed was fair enough to protect both companies and to create a fair competition in the market. Expanding Patent Law’s Customer Suit Exception. Ahmetoglu, G., and Chamorro-Premuzic, T., 2012. Cotter, T.F., 2013. Litigation in the Middle: The Context of Patent-Infringement Injunctions. Smartphones forecast sales have also shown that Apple was still the dominant operating system having sold 8.36 million smartphones in 2010 and the sales continue increasing over time (Ahmetoglu & Chamorro-Premuzic, 2012). Building a Patent Portfolio that Supports Your Business Objectives. IMPORTANT!! As a consultant, I would urge Samsung to use strategies such as; The print ad given below should be used in the “Daily Express Newspaper”, in the Life &Style section to Advocate for Samsung products in the market when Samsung opts to implement the focus on lower markets strategy by investing more funds in advertising its products to the public. Apple also requested the court to order Samsung to stop selling the copied products, but the jury denied the request (Shumaker, 2002). It is almost impossible for firms to search all patent holders or to gauge confidently if a company is violating another firm’s patent, therefore, large firms can defend themselves either possessing bargaining chips or by litigation. The lawsuit posed a threat to even other smartphone producers in the industry to avoid copying any applications of the Apple Company; therefore, the producers may end up making low-quality products as they try to avoid collision with Apple products. Be more market specific- so that it will determine a specific target and design products to suit tastes of the target in order to avoid the patent conflicts (Kim & Song, 2013). Shumaker, S.J., 2002. Find alternative means of settling such disputes- as Patent wars may have an intense effect on the company, thus, the companies involved in the dispute may agree to sit down and discuss the way forward by compensation payments made to the firm’s violated patent. In cases where a firm does not want to lose its market share, it may opt to produce new products on their own, thus impact occurs in the quality of products when producing similar products without copying the contents of those of a competitor. It may also result in the loss to consumers when Samsung devices are asked to take out the infringed applications, thus, Samsung devices are likely to disappear from the industry for some time. Samsung accounted for 37% of smartphone sales and Apple 29% in May 2016. Levy, S., 2012. Rich. Conclusion. The second Apple vs. Samsung … Question 2: Discussion on the Key Lessons learned from the case study. Cyborgs in the Courtroom: The Use of Google Glass Recordings in Litigation. This case also highlights the importance of conducting a patent search before introducing a new product to minimize the risk of your product infringing a patent. Lee, P.C., and Su, H.N., 2014. On March 31, a $2 billion trial between Apple and Samsung began in California court. Golden, J.M., 2014. Apple vs. Samsung: The $2 Billion Case Epilogue Case Solution,Apple vs. Samsung: The $2 Billion Case Epilogue Case Analysis, Apple vs. Samsung: The $2 Billion Case Epilogue Case Study Solution, Apple Inc. sued Samsung Electronics for approximately $2 billion, contending that Samsung offended some of its patents by duplicating Apple's product The jury ended up siding with Apple, agreei… It is therefore mostly encouraged to large firms that may be able to cultivate back the funds lost in lawsuits by maximizing their profits. Winner: We'll see. Posted on Graham Robertson Posted in How to Guide for Marketers. Such strategies will create a stronghold in proofing that Samsung is not capable of copying other company. Analysis on Apple vs Samsung on the political and legal factors, DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Different countries have different penalties given to the firm found with copied products, some ban the products from sale while others stop the making of the products, therefore, these penalties greatly affect international marketing as the disputes are usually fought in many countries (Yesilay, Ar, and Temel, 2015.). Case-Study-Apple-vs-Samsung University of Melbourne MKTG 90012 - Fall 2014 Case-Study-Apple-vs-Samsung. Apple is accusing Samsung of infringing on software patents related to its iPhone. Conclusion • The Apple vs. Samsung case was more than Apple simply protecting its intellectual property for the iPhone, iPad, etc. The ways used by firms, Apple, and Samsung in this case, to address the problem of infringement of goods, therefore greatly affect the international market for smartphones and tablets (Paik and Zhu, 2013). (See: Apple v.HTC, Apple v. Motorola, Microsoft v. Motorola, Microsoft v… Also, Case Study will describe why Apple Inc. is a very successful company. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, p.jpt162. Conclusion • The Apple vs. Samsung case was more than Apple simply protecting its intellectual property for the iPhone, iPad, etc. An exploration of the use of registered community designs. Apple vs Samsung survey questions is a questionnaire to understand customer opinions about Apple and Samsung smartphones. The competition between Apple and Samsung is great thing for consumers because they are forcing each other to improve their products year after year. The company may opt to shift its market to the weaker markets- in order to avoid violating the other firm’s patent or may increase resources towards marketing of their products in weaker markets in order to manage the risk. Your first days are free! Minns, S.E., 2014. Based on the contents of the “discussion” section of this report, it is important to point out … Ahmetoglu, G., and Chamorro-Premuzic, T., 2012. Gotts, I.K., and Sher, S., 2012. 3 pages. Despite the court’s rule, Samsung still has a role to play as the leading company and venture into creating new products that are not close to those of Apple products. Wired, 20(12), pp.202-209. Steve Jobs had been gone for over a decade. Facts of the case. Assessment 1- Part A- Case Study-1- Managing Growth…, Write a case study on supply chain network design.…, ACCT3102 Individual Case Study Assignment…, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CASE STUDY OF APPLE AND SAMSUNG, Samsung: Background, PEST Analysis, Recommendation. How to forecast cross-border patent infringement?—The Case of US international trade. Jury awards $1 billion to Apple in Samsung patent case.The New York Times. Plaintiff. The impact of patent wars on firm strategy: Evidence from the global smartphone market. Stats & Facts. Cyborgs in the Courtroom: The Use of Google Glass Recordings in Litigation. High brand recognition In Apple case study that to review the market broadly, Apple has invested $4.5 billion in 2013 for Research and Development as compared to $2.4 billion in 2011. "The terrorist in this case had an Apple 7 iPhone; that's an old phone that has many remote issues with them. In the spring of 2011, Apple began litigating against Samsung in patent infringement suits, while Apple and Motorola … Analysis on Apple vs Samsung on the political and legal factors The court argued that consumers would not confuse the products of the company, as they are not similar in any way. However, the decrease in sales before the launch of the iPhone 6 shows that Apple has the edge over Samsung in demand. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. Watch this exciting video to know about the patent war prevalent between Apple and Samsung since 2011. Samsung violated six of Apple’s patents, the jury said. Samsung asked for up to $399 million on its standards patents. In April 2011, Apple Inc. (Apple) sued Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd. (Samsung) and argued that certain design elements of Samsung’s smartphones infringed on specific patents for design elements in the iPhone that Apple holds. Apple claims that Samsung copied the features of their iPhone and iPad when they made Galaxy S, Galaxy S 11 and Tab 10.1.On the other hand, Samsung claims that Apple violated its utility patent by using its 3G capabilities in iPhones and iPads therefore Samsung claims for compensation (Golden, 2014; Levy, 2012). Patent litigation as a leading market indicator.International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 1(3), pp.280-291. 1.049 billion from Samsung to Apple. The Apple-Samsung lawsuits. On the other hand, Apple’s increase in the sale was supported by the high Chinese demand for the big-screen iPhone 6 lineup and expansion of 4G networks in China (Cusumano, 2013). Law enforcement should make use of these things," Gula said. High costs are incurred in the lawsuit- this is evident from the order of compensation passed by the court thus patent conflicts are not encouraged. SEE ALSO: Samsung: Background, PEST Analysis, Recommendation, CONTACT US IF YOU WANT A SIMILAR HIGH QUALITY PLAGIARISM FREE CASE STUDY ON THIS TOPIC OR RELATED TOPIC. I n May 2018, a California jury held that Samsung must pay Apple almost $540 million in a patent infringement lawsuit directed to smartphones. In the second trial, Apple filed a new lawsuit claiming that Samsung violated five of their patents and listed the copied products while Samsung also responded to a claim that two patents for nine phones were violated. The discussion of the case will be surrounded on the two (2) clusters on the crisis management part, which include crisis event management and post-crisis management. The paper pays much attention to the factors that have contributed to the success of Apple in the smartphone industry as opposed to Samsung. Also claims that the jury rushed into a decision of offering compensation to Apple while they had no knowledge of how patents worked (Minns, 2014). Tang, V., and Huang, B., 2002. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(5), pp.944-955. STEP 2: Reading The Apple Vs Samsung Devices Harvard Case Study: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. Past several years, Apple sued Samsung saying it copied various design patents the! List for an essay short essay on my space travel Judge Kohs ire by publicly disclosing material that hadbeen from... Over Samsung in Your text on pp and Social Change, 86, pp.125-131 wars on firm strategy: from! Lawsuit to smartphone and computer tablet industry B., 2002 not have to pay to... Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Pearson 500: Effects of patent on. Various design patents of the iPhone S., 2012 s verdict and the smartphone industry as to... Tablets are ; China, United States of America, India and.... Patents pose fear to entry into the market ( 5 ), pp.944-955 assessment is to read the Study! 6 ), pp.280-291 watch this exciting video to know about the war. 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