php vs perl

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PHP 5.x is the slowest with results between 47x to 60x behind C++. PHP solves a very specific problem: building Web sites and Web applications. May 31, 2002 at 9:36 pm: This all started in a little debate between me and a friend of mine who I think is as much a PERL zealot as I am a PHP zealot (I was briefly pondering the idea of a Win32 API extension for PHP), and the results were rather Perl has the same trend as Python and is steadily 22x slower than C++. In a way, Perl and PHP are competitors in the programming world. It is about 10x faster than PHP 5.x, and about 3x faster than Python which is the next fastest script language. Facebook. Guides. These are only the fastest programs. Perl versus PHP fastest programs. WhatsApp. PHP is another computer language. PHP 7 made the big surprise. It was authorized beneath Imaginative Permit … LAMP != open source at all. This makes it very fast to code web pages and fast to deploy a new site, thus speeding up Web development and lowering overall cost of ownership.PHP is secure. Both languages have relatively similar learning curves, work well in the server environment, and have similar overall capabilities. Overview. Perl was designed as a general purpose programming language. July 7, 2000. [PHP] Speed comparison of PHP vs. PERL (not conclusive) Daniel Grace. Share. Twitter. PHP code gets embedded into HTML pages, unlike Perl. Kirk Brown is a systems software engineer with expertise in Perl, PHP, Ruby, and Python. vs JavaScript; vs PHP vs Python; vs Ruby. – GEOCHET Jun 15 '09 at 17:14. Web Automation: PHP vs. Perl vs. PHP. Guides Web Automation: PHP vs. Perl vs. PHP. By Matthew Keller. Perl vs PHP. The general consensus seems to be that people use PHP because it was invented specifically for creating web pages, whereas Perl has a lot of other uses as well — or, in other words, people use PHP because they don't know any better, and people who know better use Perl. Thanks, Rich B and Frakkle. Updated January 10, 2019 Perl comparison operators can sometimes be confusing to new Perl programmers. PHP - A popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Look at the other programs. Kirk Brown. Always look at the source code. Perl vs. PHP: A Personal Experience Ever since I converted it from a client-side Javascript-powered affair, my online photo gallery has been written in Perl. – Limesoda Jun 15 '09 at 17:12 @Limesoda: You changed the entire meaning of the question after you had answers. The tests were run on a Debian Linux 64-bit machine. They may seem more-like a fair comparison to you. Perl - Highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 26 years of development. PHP is a Basic, intelligent, object-oriented, utilitarian and procedural programming dialect. Perl PHP; Perl is an object-oriented, useful, Multi-paradigm, intelligent, procedural, basic and event-driven programming dialect. our editorial process. PHP VS Perl was kind of the meat of what I was asking, Active Perl looks interesting. Pinterest. Perl and PHP are often compared with each other, largely due to their mutual popularity for web site design. I’m going to briefly tangent away from my usual HOWTO-style column, and get a bit teary-eyed and philosophical. Perl is indeed mature in that it’s been around for a long time, prior to the Web in fact. There have been some challenges along the way, figuring out how to use hash tables has been one, but everything has worked as expected.

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