Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest Glory Hallelujah to the Lord, amen. Glory to God! Glory to God! Refrain Glory to God in the highest! … Shepherds sought till they found Him, And wisemen brought treasures and myrh, Surely one spoke to the others, We will never be what we once were! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God! Authoritative information about the hymn text Gloria a Dios (Glory to God), with lyrics, audio recordings, PDF files, printable scores, MIDI files, piano resources, and products for worship planners. Glory to God! Glory be to God on high! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God! Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take … Glory to God in the highest, God had come down to the earth. Glory to God! Our glad and grateful song of praise. Glory … Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Glory, glory, glory, glory … Glory to God in the highest! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,. The Latin word, Gloria, means “glory” or “glory be given to…” The Gloria is an ancient Greek Christian hymn. Glory to God in the Highest Peace on earth and goodwill to men Heavenly angels announced His arrival In the little town of Bethlehem Hallelujah to the Lord sing holy He was born to save the world from sin Glory to God in the highest Glory Hallelujah to the Lord, amen. Glory to God in the highest, Peace on earth good will to men, Heavenly angels announced His arrival in the little town of Bethlehem, Hallelujah to the Lord, sing Holy, He was born to save the world from sin, Glory to God in the highest Glory, Hallelujah to the Lord, Amen It has been used in prayer and worship other than the Mass (i.e. We praise you, we bless you,. and on earth peace to people of good will. Glory to God in the highest! Glory … Glory to God in the highest! Morning Prayer) in both the Roman and Byzantine traditions. Shall be our song today; Another year’s rich mercies prove His ceaseless care and boundless love; So let our loudest voices raise Our glad and grateful song of praise. Glory to God in the highest And peace to God's people on earth Glory to God in the highest And peace to God's people on earth Glory to God in the highest And peace to God's people on earth Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father We worship You We give You thanks We praise You for Your glory Glory to God in the highest And peace to God … We adore you, we glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory,. Display Title: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God's people on earth First Line: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God's people on earth Tune Title: [Glory to God in the highest] Date: 1995 Subject: Service Music | Glory to God! Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Refrain Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest And peace to His people on earth Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father We worship You We give You thanks We praise You for Your glory Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father Lord God, Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Lord, have mercy on us You are seated at the right … Glory to God in the highest! “Glory to God in the highest!” Said the angels to the shepherds on the plain; Singing with music the sweetest, Christ has come, a Savior evermore to reign. Refrain. Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! Glory to God in the highest! * Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will! Glory to God in the highest,. Glory to God in the highest! Shall be our song today; Another year's rich mercies prove His ceaseless care and boundless love; So let our loudest voices raise Our glad and grateful song of praise. Peace on earth, good will to men”; Let angels join the chorus, And help to praise His name. Chorus: Glory to God, Glory to God in the highest, Shall be our song today; The song that woke the glorious morn When David’s greater Son was born; Sung by a heavenly host, and we Would join th’angelic company. Shall be our song today; Another year’s rich mercies prove His ceaseless care and boundless love; So let our loudest voices raise. Glory to God! Glory, glory, glory, glory, Refrain: “Glory to God in the highest! Hymn Lyrics.
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