fastest way to heal a strained calf muscle

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Home remedies for muscle strain. ", "Very informative in the aspects of treatment for the type of sprain I had. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 4 times to help your calf fully recover quickly. Dr. Thomas Deberardino answered. Compression. The calf area of your injured leg becomes discolored, starts to swell, and you have. 2. "My calf made a pop and has been hurting, and I've had very little mobility for over a week. Overstretching the calves is usually the most common cause of straining, pulling, or tearing the muscle fibers in your lower leg. Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that the gastrocnemius is a diamond shape muscle that forms the bulge at the back of your leg. Elevate the injured leg. A pulled calf muscle is when these muscles are pulled beyond their limit leading to a muscle strain. A mild strain may feel more like an ache during or after exercise. Pulled muscles can occur very quickly when you move suddenly, overexert your body, or even experience a fall. A grade 1 injury to your calf is usually referred to as a “pulled calf.” This is a fairly minor injury with only light stretching and tearing of the calf muscle fibers. If you've pulled, strained, or torn a muscle, you'll need to let it rest as much as possible. These muscles connect the heel to the back of the knee and act to plantar flex the ankle and extend the knee, which is necessary for walking, running, jumping and kicking. This is a mild injury, mainly a ‘pulled muscle’, and it may only take about 1 to 3 weeks to heal (4). eMedicineHealth. Nice job. Apply to your sore calf muscle for 20 minutes to. 2. What really. Miles, MD. Mild sprains can be treated at home, while more serious strains require medical attention. Yes. Extend your injured leg back with your heel on the floor as comfortable as possible and step forward with your uninjured leg. According to the journal Radiology Case Reports, people who strain or tear a calf muscle have the sensation of something snapping in their mid-calf. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), calf strains happen when the muscle is overstretched. They also help to pump blood against gravity back to the heart. Severe sprains and strains can take months to get back to normal. When a muscle is stretched, small micro tears occur in the muscle fibres. You will feel this, especially during walking or running. Symptoms of a calf strain vary significantly depending on how bad your injury is. Symptoms of a calf strain vary significantly depending on how bad your injury is. Jog carefully for a few hundred yards, then walk again. The gastrocnemius muscle is considered at high risk for strains because it crosses two joints (knee and ankle) and has a high proportion of type-2 fast twitch muscle fibers. Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle. My work requires me to stand the whole day. How long will it take before I should start stretching a torn calf muscle? The 5 surprising ways you can stop feeling financially trapped. Research source Instead, feel free to cross-train for a while, opting for exercises that put minimal to no weight on your calves. The symptoms of night leg cramps may last from a few seconds up to a few minutes. R.I.C.E. Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD says that an Epsom salt bath can help to heal a pulled or strained muscle and ease many aches and pains. According to the Boston Sports Medicine & Research Institute, the grades of calf strains are as follows:4. Effective Treatments for Pulled, Strained or Torn Calf Muscle was last modified: June 22nd, 2018 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer, Your email address will not be published. Can a torn calf muscle be caused by anti-rejection medications after transplants? This article received 18 testimonials and 93% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. One way to relax tense muscles and also relax your mind to ease muscle tension is to take a warm bath of Epsom salt. A calf strain is an injury to the muscles of the back of the leg. He received his MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 2010, followed by a residency at the Oregon Health & Science University and fellowship at the University of California, Davis. A muscle pull (or strain) occurs when you twist, pull, or tear one of your muscle. A severely strained calf will likely cause bruising, which will settle into your foot and turn it black and blue. Sprains, strains, and other soft tissue injuries. Required fields are marked *. Physiotherapist Dr. Alex Petruska from the Boston Sports Medicine & Research Institute says that calf strains are common sports injuries in people aged between 30 and 45 year old.4, Dr. Anthony Saglimbeni on Medscape also says that not warming up properly can cause mild to severe calf injuries. Stretch Every Day. If my calf hurts, but there is no swelling or redness, could I have torn it? Pulling or tearing a calf muscle can cause a sudden sharp pain in the back of your leg. In the case of complete ruptures, the calf muscles take about 3 months or so to heal following surgery and rehabilitation. Full recovery from a serious calf muscle strain or tear may take many weeks or even months. Proper rehabilitation following this type of injury is important to avoid re-injury. Ice the injured area to reduce swelling. Your calf muscles are located at the back of your lower leg and are needed to move your legs when walking, running, or jumping. Treating a Pulled Muscle Most muscle strain injuries will heal with simple treatment steps, but performing the right steps, at the right time, can be critical to ensuring the fastest possible recovery. Muscle strain. This helps to reduce swelling and pain in the muscles in the back of your leg in the first 72 hours. After pain has subsided, it may be safe to begin stretching exercises along with massage therapy. But when you try to put pressure on your calf muscle, you feel a little stretch and discomfort. A strained calf muscle occurs when there is a partial tear in the muscle fibers. Wear a heel pad in your shoe for a few days to raise your heel and shorten the injured calf muscle, which will relieve some of the tension / pain. A calf strain occurs as a result of these muscles being torn or pulled. Gradually increase your exercises to include cycling, leg presses and heel raises. I think it was from not warming up and the shoe I was wearing (I got new shoes now for my long run). In addition, you can take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and other brand names) or aspirin, to ease pain and relieve swelling. Grade 1 calf muscle injury. Rest, ice, compress: Calf swelling and pain can often be due to local trauma- either a significant strain or actual partial muscle tear. Pulled muscles, also referred to as muscle strains, are injuries created by stretching or even tearing the muscles or tendons in your body. The most effective home treatments for pulled, strained, or torn calf muscles are plenty of rest and avoiding straining the muscle more. For minor calf strains, the best approach is rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. 31 years experience Orthopedic Surgery. Don't stretch or roll it out. Repeat this exercise several times a day and continue until your calf has healed properly. If you're dealing with a torn calf muscle, start by seeing your doctor to find out how severe the tear is. Most calf muscle strains can be treated at home: Rest your injured leg. To help quickly heal a pulled or strained calf muscle, it’s important to treat the injury with ice and compression as soon as possible. According to Dr. Carol DerSarkissian on WebMD, pulled calf muscle injuries happen when the back of the leg muscles are stretched beyond their limit.1 A pulled muscle in the calf may only cause mild pain and it is usually possible to continue walking with a calf pull. Knowing how long it takes a calf muscle injury to heal depends on the extent of gastrocnemius tearing in the leg. Grades of a Calf Muscle Tear Grade 1 Calf Tear. What will happen if I don't rest a pulled tendon or muscle? Home remedies are best for, "The information given in this article gave me a better understanding of the treatment required to alleviate the, "Very interesting article with helpful information. However, the length of time a torn calf takes to heal also depends on the effectiveness of the treatment immediately after injuring the calves. A calf strain occurs as a result of these muscles being torn or pulled. Thanks. What Can Help? Partial tears of the gastrocnemius (medial/inside head) are common injuries that may take weeks (2-3) to resolve with rest, ice, elevation and ace wrap compression as the … Getting a proper diagnosis of your calf muscle strain is crucial because it determines the type of treatment protocols you should follow. Pulled Calf Muscle Recovery Time. According to the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, the P.R.I.C.E. Picture of the calf muscle. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. A severe calf muscle tear is likened to cracking a whip and can leave a person in great pain having to limp when walking.2. [1] 2013 Oct-Dec; 3(4): 337–345. J Am Acad Orthop Surg.1999 Jul-Aug;7(4):262-9. Gastrocnemius. R.I.C.E. During this time, you should use ice and compression to reduce swelling and bleeding in the calf tear. For more information, please read my article on how to get rid of muscle soreness. For serious injuries, like a complete rupture of the tendon or muscle, you'll need more significant treatment. Grade 3 calf muscle injury. Grade 2 Calf Tear. Stress, cold weather, and vitamin deficiency can also be contributing factors. INJURY . The severity of these tears depends on the depth and suddenness of the stretch. Here are some of the best treatments for strained muscles in your back to help reduce muscle strain recovery time. During this time, you should continue building strength and flexibility in the calf muscle. What is the difference between a strained, pulled, and torn calf muscle? - and the most recent last Saturday afternoon. This can result in pain, stiffness, and inability to move the body part normally. What's even worse is that I have track, "You explained that there are two primary calf muscles and three classifications for muscle strain. With this type of injury, the muscles on the back of the leg become tender and tight because of tears in the muscle … Calf muscle injuries can happen when straining tight leg muscles by accelerating fast or suddenly changing direction. Straining, pulling, or tearing a calf muscle can feel like something has hit the back of your leg with force. Doctors from the National Health Service (NHS) say that calf strains are commonly caused by putting too much force on the calf muscles. Miles is an Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in Adult Joint Reconstruction in California. Your soleus muscle, also referred to as the calf muscle, is located in the back of your lower leg. This article was medically reviewed by Troy A. Understanding what caused your calf strain in the first place is often the best way of finding a way in which to prevent a recurrence. WebMD. Soleus strains also tend to be less dramatic in clinical presentation, and much less acute when compared to injuries of the gastrocnemius. ", easy-to-understand language, making it easy to follow. You should be back on your feet in about a week! There are 17 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Here’s one of the easiest ways to recover from a tough workout: apply an icepack to sore muscles for 20 minutes to help them recover faster. You cannot always prevent sprains and strains. After two or three weeks of applying ice and heat treatments, you can start to use exercises for calf muscle strain. Even if I don't understand, it has useful paragraphs to help explain. A pulled muscle can occur while doing any daily activity as a result of excess fatigue or overuse, during sports activities that incorporate explosive movements, or when you suddenly or improperly attempt to lift something heavy. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. If you have suffered a moderate injury to your calf muscle (grade 2), you should expect healing to take 4 to 6 weeks. If you decide to keep running anyway, then, at the very least, avoid interval workout, steep hills, and shoes with an aggressive heel-to-toe drop. Why Is My Leg Cramping? is a smaller muscle lower down in th e leg and under the . It's well-written and easy to understand and follow. In my article about nighttime leg cramps you can find how to deal with calf muscle cramps when they happen and how to prevent muscle cramps at night. Soleus strains also tend to be less dramatic in clinical presentation, and much less acute when compared to injuries of the gastrocnemius. Grade 3 calf strain: This is the most severe calf strain, with a complete tear or rupture of the affected muscle fibers. How to use PRICE method to treat calf muscle tear: To help speed up recovery time, you should start using the PRICE method as soon as possible after a calf muscle tear injury. It also is written in, "All of the information was the same as the hospital's, but the pictures helped me understand it better, and there's, "This article was heaven sent. The calf muscles are found at the back of the leg. Muscle strains occur when the force in the muscle is so great that the tissue tears, most commonly at the junction between where the muscles taper into tendons. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort. Medscape. X At least don't do it immediately after pulling it. Your article has helped me to identify the most recent injury, and your advice will hopefully help me to heal it. After all, stretching a … This stretches the muscle tissue beyond their limit, resulting in weakness and bleeding in the muscle.7, Dr. William C. Shiel on eMedicineHealth says that sudden acceleration or deceleration often causes muscle injuries to the calves. This can be minor and like soreness after an intense workout, or it can be so severe that it … Mild sprains can be treated at home, while more serious strains require medical attention. If you have a Grade I or Grade II strain, your doctor will probably recommend that you follow the RICE rule: 1. Hold the back of a chair and gently rise up on your toes. He is a Diplomat of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and is a member of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, American Orthopaedic Association, American Association of Orthopaedic Surgery, and the North Pacific Orthopaedic Society. This type of injury is caused when one of the two muscles in the calf is overstretched or forced to contract too quickly. Rest the muscle for at least a day. I would get that checked out by a doctor to confirm whether or not it's severe. … What’s Going On In There And What’s The Fastest Way to Heal a Strained Calf Muscle? The calf muscles are the gastrocnemius (the larger one, which attaches above the knee joint) and the soleus (the smaller one, attaching below the knee joint). Treat and prevent a calf strain with these strategies. ", "The details of what can cause the actual torn muscles and what you can do at home. Avoid strenuous physical activity as much as possible for the first 48 to 72 hours after sustaining the injury. Just after a calf muscle injury, the best treatment is to ice the back of your leg to prevent further swelling. This article was medically reviewed by Troy A. This can help strained muscles and other injuries. Both of the muscles in the calves taper at the bottom and join to your Achilles tendon.1. “It's one of the best ways to get blood flow [directly] into those muscles.” But seriously, light means superlight, since you don't want to do more damage to the muscle fibers. stretching your calf muscle. I have always been very active in sports (rugby till injury stopped me playing at 54, and squash until 60 - so in some ways the calf issues were almost inevitable). When exercising your calf muscles after an injury, it’s important to make sure that you are always pain-free. In cases of grade 2 and grade 3 calf muscle tears, recovery time is decreased by keeping weight off the injured leg as much as possible. Symptoms of a muscle strain include weakness in the muscle, swelling or bruising, pain when using the muscle, pain when resting the muscle, and an inability to use the muscle at all. Thank you all! Grade 2 calf strain: There is a partial tear of the affected muscle fibers, so you can't continue the activity. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. Stress, cold weather, and vitamin deficiency can also be contributing factors. During this time, you should apply an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel to the torn muscle for 15-20 minutes every 2 … With this type of injury, the muscles on the back of the leg become tender and tight because of tears in the muscle … The medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle is strained more often than the lateral head. Return to full activity is usually allowed when you're pain free, have full range of motion of your lower leg and full strength of your calf muscles, which may take a few weeks or more. A torn calf muscle, also known as a calf strain or pulled calf, is a common and often painful injury. Depending on the extent of strain in the calf muscles, you may have to apply the ice pack daily for the first few days to help control pain, swelling, and inflammation. Your email address will not be published. It could be a grade 2 tear, but the popping could indicate grade 3. Calf muscle strains are graded from 1 to 3, with grade 3 being the most severe. A pulled calf muscle is when these muscles are pulled beyond their limit leading to a muscle strain. Topic Overview. Dr. Ice immediately, and continue to ice for 10 to 15 minutes every hour, for 2-3 days. Doing gentle stretches can help, but make sure you don't over stretch, or you could do further damage. Thank you for all the information.". Calf strains are most common in men between the ages of 30 and 50 years. As the pulled calf muscle heals, a warm heating pad, exercises, and stretching can all help to speed up the healing process. Alternatives to ibuprofen or naproxen include pain killers, such as acetaminophen. Either of these two muscles can be strained (torn). It's possible, but it's more likely that you have just sprained your calf muscle if there's no swelling or redness. Here are some simple calf injury exercises to increase your range of motion (ROM). running the last bend in a 4 x 100m relay (we got Gold!) 2013 Dec; 57(4): 327–333. Ride on stationary bicycle for 10 minutes with no resistance. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. References They also help to propel the body forward while walking and running. It pretty much answered all my questions regarding my strained and very sore calf, "Very good article for senior citizens so they won't go to the hospital for nothing. A severe tear in the calf muscle may even prevent you from walking at all.1, All types of calf muscle injuries are graded according to their severity. There are effective calf strain exercises to treat the pain, swelling, and mobility issues often seen with trauma or injury to the calf muscles. A pulled muscle can occur while doing any daily activity as a result of excess fatigue or overuse, during sports activities that incorporate explosive movements, or when you suddenly or improperly attempt to lift something heavy. Put ice or a cold pack on the sore muscle for 10 to 20 minutes at a time to stop swelling. Upper calf strains and lower calf strains may also happen if you quickly stop and pivot or turn direction.8, There are also a number of factors that can increase your risk of suffering from a mild to severe calf strain. The two muscles most commonly affected by a calf strain are the gastrocnemius and the soleus. A sudden tendon rupture (such as the Achilles tendon) is often excruciating and feels like someone has shot you from behind or struck you with something sharp. These muscles are responsible for carrying the heel off the floor when we are walking, jumping or running. Repeat 3 times a day. Warm up and cool down– calf strain is often caused by inadequate warming up before exercise. According to the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, injury to your calf muscles can be prevented by avoiding over-straining your calf muscles. Rest the injured muscle. 2009 Jun; 2(2): 74–77. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,116,300 times. Grade 2 calf muscle injury. Night leg cramps (also called nocturnal leg cramps or “charley horses”) mostly happen in the calf muscles. Ten days after the injury, the developing scar has the same tensile strength as the adjacent muscle and further progression of rehabilitative exercises can begin under the guidance of your doctor and physical therapist. A sore calf muscle typically results from sudden or unusually strenuous exercise leading to muscle strain. According to Dr. Anthony Saglimbeni, the first 24-72 hours are critical in initial treatment to ensure a speedy recovery. Muscle strain. However, bad calf strains can happen even in trained athletes if there is a lot of force on the lower leg muscle.9. You should increase the length of time you hold your position by 5 seconds every week. The severity of these tears depends on the depth and suddenness of the stretch. To learn more about the different grades of calf injuries and how to treat them, read on! A strain usually occurs when muscle fibers in this area are weakened, stretched, or torn. This article has been viewed 1,116,300 times. Treat and prevent a calf strain with these strategies. The first exercise is designed to increase the length of your calf muscle. Your doctor will examine your leg and calf muscles, ask questions about your lifestyle and how you might have injured it, and maybe even take X-rays of your lower leg (to rule out a fracture of the tibia and fibula bones). How do I tell if I have a torn calf muscle? Stretch well before and after you exercise and stop if your pain becomes more severe. 3. The calf muscles consist of the Gastrocnemius, which is the big . It is not bruising. It is important to avoid mixi… Most commonly, calf strains are minor tears of some muscle fibers, but the bulk of the muscle tissue remains intact. A calf strain injury usually occurs the mid leg and/or knee within the muscle belly. A pulled or “strained” muscle is muscle damage caused by overstretching or by putting sudden or extensive pressure on a muscle when executing a movement. Warm up and cool down– calf strain is often caused by inadequate warming up before exercise. Other types of healthcare professionals who could help diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries include osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists. Do you have any suggestions for me? Rest the injured muscle (take a temporary break from sports activities). You might even hear your calf muscle “pop” when it tears. Could it just be a strain? After 2 weeks, most sprains and strains will feel better. Last Updated: August 25, 2019 I have pain and numbness on the side of my foot after a calf injury. With any exercise regimen, a doctor should always be consulted first, anyway. A muscle strain, or pulled muscle, occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn. After at least one week off your feet, consider the following secret recovery tip for runners with calf injuries from publisher and editorial director of "Running Times," John L. Parker. NHS. I hurt my calf when I had a cycling accident last week. These types of muscle injuries may require one to two months before a complete return to athletics occurs. As with many injuries, there is a balance between doing too much, or too little, early after the injury. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Find out about the causes, symptoms and available treatments. According to the journal Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, injuries to the calves are very common among sports people. ", "Great explanation broken down into easy steps. These muscles can be injured if they get overstretched. You have difficulty walking or putting any weight on your leg. By using our site, you agree to our. Don't tie the compression bandage too tight or leave it on for more than 15 minutes at a time because complete restriction of blood flow could cause more damage to your leg. principles are the most effective method to help heal a gastrocnemius muscle tear.12. A strained calf muscle occurs when there is a partial tear in the muscle fibers. Speak with your doctor to be sure though. A doctor may recommend surgery to treat a severely strained or torn calf muscle. Dr. William Shiel on eMedicineHealth says that this is what you need to do:12. Treating a Calf Strain Immediately After Injury Rest your leg by keeping off your feet as often as you … The calf muscles are found at the back of the leg. As we age we are more susceptible to muscle pulls. Keep in mind these medications are hard on your stomach, liver and kidneys, so they should be taken for no more than two weeks at a time unless otherwise directed by your doctor. Doctors from the National Health Service recommend the following calf exercises to help improve flexibility in your calves.7, Exercise 2 for recovering calf muscle tear. Taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can reduce pain and inflammation from a muscle strain and increase range of motion. A strained calf muscle is a common injury in sports, and especially in ball sports. However, you risk a pull if you don’t warm up properly before you exercise and stretch a muscle past its limit, train longer than what your body can handle, or if you push a past muscle injury too far before the muscle has had adequate time to heal. All muscle strains are categorized as either Grade I (tearing of a few muscle fibers), Grade II (more extensive muscle fiber damage) or Grade III (complete rupture of the muscle). This allows for local bleeding or hematoma formation within the injured muscle. Miles is an Orthopedic Surgeon specializing in Adult Joint Reconstruction in California. Can I apply heat one week after a grade 2 torn calf muscle? How to use heat to help recover from calf muscle tear: To help the muscle tissue heal quicker and start the rehabilitation process, you should apply heat daily to the injured calf. Soleus strain treatment depends on the severity of the injury. Miles, MD. It may also be necessary to walk with crutches or have an ankle brace fitted to prevent accidentally straining the calf muscle again and hindering healing time. You could stretch before and after the main bit of your routine, and stay hydrated. Partial tears of the gastrocnemius (medial/inside head) are common injuries that may take weeks (2-3) to resolve with rest, ice, elevation and ace wrap compression as the … There are 2 muscles that make up the calves in the back of your lower leg. These muscles are responsible for carrying the heel off the floor when we are walking, jumping or running. All of these injuries to your calves can cause varying degrees of pain and damage to your lower leg muscles. To learn more about the different grades of calf injuries and how to treat them, read on! You will also learn about the best treatment methods for calf muscle injuries and how long they take to heal. A pulled or “strained” muscle is muscle damage caused by overstretching or by putting sudden or extensive pressure on a muscle when executing a movement. ", muscle. These are classed as mild, moderate, or severe injuries to the calves. Mayo Clinic. They say that generally nocturnal leg cramps are related to muscle fatigue and nerve problems, and that the risk increases with age, when a woman is pregnant or with several health conditions such as kidney failure and diabetes.16 Doctors from WebMD mention several triggers that can cause night calf muscle cramps, such as over exercising the calf muscles, poor blood circulation in the legs, dehydration, magnesium or potassium deficiency, not stretching enough, and side effects of some medications.17. Symptoms usually develop during a race or hard work out. Most Grade I lower leg strains cause discomfort for between two to five days post injury, but may take a few weeks to fully heal, depending on proportion of muscle fibers involved and the type of treatment sought. Muscle healing is vitamin a or severe injuries to your sore calf muscle injury, it ’ s important avoid... I have a torn calf muscle injuries and how long it takes a calf exercises. 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