calf pain no swelling or redness

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It most often affects the skin of the lower legs, although the infection can occur anywhere on a person’s body or face. If you suffer from the symptoms up to three days, you may have incurred a more serious injury and have to visit the doctor. A number of conditions can cause these symptoms. It can also occur in the unconditioned athlete. Generally speaking, anything capable of causing left leg swelling has the potential to also make your right leg swell. Pain can be caused without swelling or redness. it happens after lying down for while or from hours of standing on hard floors. “Yes, it is possible — especially early in the development of the DVT,” says Susan L. Besser, MD, with Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore; Diplomate, American Board of Obesity Medicine and board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine. The collection of symptoms together may be indicative of the cause and calf swelling on it own is non-specific meaning that it does clearly indicate an exact condition. Leg swelling can also be caused by inflammation in leg joints or tissues — either a normal response to injury or disease or due to rheumatoid arthritis or another inflammatory disorder. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Connect by text or video with a U.S. board-certified doctor now — wait time is less than 1 minute! Does it come on when you walk and stop when you stop. I had no injury or trauma before the pain and did not start any new medications either. no swelling. Lower leg swelling and discoloration is a common symptom, but you may also notice other issues such as itching and tingling, cramping in legs, pain that becomes worse when standing and improves when legs are elevated, varicose veins, ulcers on the ankles or legs, and wound on the ankles or legs that heal slowly. Dr. Besser urges people to undergo an evaluation to make sure the pain is not from a DVT. Symptoms are fever (high body temperature), redness, pain and swelling of right or left ankle, or an overlying skin sore. If tenderness too is absent, than DVT is quite unlikely. Third-party ads or links to other websites where products or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by Scary Symptoms for the third-party sites or their products or services. Cervical cancer does not cause leg pain of any kind. One of the most common and serious is cellulitis, an infection of the skin. dvt? A doctor will recommend a lot of involved treatment and methods. About this Site | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, Copyright 2016 | All Rights Reserved |. Doctor refer skin infection as cellulitis, and it is caused by bacterial infection. Increased pain, swelling, warmth, or redness of the leg, ankle, or foot. Providing easy-to-understand information about your medical concerns. Swollen Ankle But No Pain. We always hear how a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can cause pain, swelling and/or redness in the affected area, which is commonly the calf. Although MTS is ... And because it is you should rule it out immediately. Also known as a popliteal cyst, it is a bulging fluid-filled lump that develops behind the … no swelling, warmth or redness. The redness and swelling can spread quickly. The blood clot may also form in the upper leg or behind the knee. • Were you recently in a car for hours without stepping outside for a leg break? Scary Symptoms does not make any representation regarding the accuracy of any information contained in those advertisements or sites, and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the content of those advertisements and sites and the offerings made by the third parties. How Long After Air Travel Does DVT (Blood Clot) Risk Last? Happy to do 2nd opinion to h ... Possible muscle strain. If you are not taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement, there is no worry. • If the pain in your calf is activated only when you walk or climb stairs, this points to a sore muscle, but if it doesn’t go away after several days, the suspicion for DVT increasingly rises, especially if you have risk factors. The symptoms of a blood clot that occurs in the calf or foot includes redness and swelling, tenderness, warmth and pain at the site of the clot. … Or if both ankles are a little puffy after a long flight but there is no pain or redness of the calf, and the puffiness settles quickly then you do not need to see a doctor. An injury to the foot or ankle could cause swelling in the ankle and lower … HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. Show More. sharp pain in lt calf sudden pain no redness or swelling? Did you try a step aerobics class for the first time the day before? no swelling. Cellulitis refers to a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying soft tissue that causes … In severe cases, one may experience pain, redness of the skin, and swelling. • Older age, though young adults, even kids, can get a DVT. Leg swelling related to inflammation. Get a left lower extremity ultrasound ASAP. Can a DVT Come Back in Its Original Location? Blood Clots. It is illegal to copy, reprint or republish any content or portions of content from this site without the author's permission. sudden onset of pain on side/bend of knee in l leg w/calf pain,no swelling or discoloration.worse when walking.have may-thurner.cause 4 concern? If there is tenderness and swelling along with the pain, it's definitely an injury or a strain. The other sign to look for DVT would be tenderness. inconsistent calf pain; no blood clot, no swelling nor tender to the touch, poor shoe support and standing long periods. Sudden foot swelling; A noticeable change in foot swelling; Swelling in only one foot or leg; Sudden swelling along with other new signs or symptoms such as severe headache, vision changes, upper abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, or shortness of breath Do you recall any type of injury to the knee? A blood clot is a serious medical situation requiring immediate treatment and … (no particular order) If you’ve always told yourself, “I can’t possibly have a DVT because there’s no swelling or redness,” it’s time to overhaul this way of thinking. If one of your legs is red, swollen, painful, or warm, get it checked out right away. Instead, it … Injury to a vein or physical inactivity can also cause a blood clot. Minor swellings from bites or trivial injuries don't usually need medical attention. i finally got insurance & scheduling doc. The blood clot may also form in the upper leg or behind the knee. Left leg swelling is not an uncommon occurrence since it can arise from a collection of different causes. You'll usually feel pain with inflammatory disorders. it happens after lying down for while or from hours of standing on hard floors. Tell us more. However, the reverse, that is ankle joint showing signs of inflammation but causing no pain is suggesting an underlying medical condition. Baker’s Cyst. • If the pain is in both calves and began about the same time, and there are no other symptoms, this is reassuring and does not point to a blood clot. These causes are, however, highly varied and most indicate a potentially seriousor at least problematicunderlying issue. • Recent major surgery, especially abdominal and joint replacement, • Excessive bed rest from the surgery or from a pregnancy, • Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy, • Genetic blood clot disorder or personal/family history of a deep vein thrombosis, • Prolonged periods of sitting throughout the day. If you have acute swelling of one leg, you have to make sure there is no blood clot. the calf hurts for ten mins or less at a time, not constant. A swollen, red-looking, inflamed ankle after a cut, insect bite, laceration or break in skin surface may be due to skin infection. An ultrasound will detect it. Better safe than sorry. Absolutely. Injury to the foot or ankle. All text is copyright property of this site's authors. • If you’re wondering about new-onset pain in your calf, behind the knee or anywhere in the leg, ask yourself if you’ve been on a long flight recently. calf pain. Seeing doctor may help sort things out. This is commonly known as Charlie horse. This is why it's always important to … 25 yr old. If you have been squatting a lot, you are using different muscle groups than you normally would use in your legs. A calf muscle strain occurs when the muscle fibers in the calf tear either partially or … With no swelling, warmth and redness, the pain in calf is not likely due to DVT. Can a deep vein thrombosis ever cause pain in the leg without any sign of swelling, redness or even pinkness? Medically reviewed by Susan L. Besser, MD. • Did you suffer an acute calf cramp (Charley horse) overnight? A direct calf muscle injury. Shaking chills. In most cases, back of knee swelling is caused by a build-up of fluid or an abnormal growth in the popliteal space – the soft area at the back of the knee. The presence of swelling, redness or other symptoms such as excessive warmth in the leg is not predictive of how easily the clot will break off and travel to the lungs and block airflow. There are a number of different causes of swelling behind the knee. must i worry about a blood clot?" Can a deep vein thrombosis ever cause pain in the leg without any sign of swelling, redness … Have you been stented? Possibilities include sprain/strain or an inflamed tendon or muscle. Also, some have baker's cyst, a fluid filled structure related to the knee joint. Given your medical history make sure you don't have a blood clot. As aforementioned, ankle pain but no swelling is often associated with minor injuries that heal on their own without any medical intervention. went away as calf pain began - now swelling in calf. Muscle strain. If not see an orthopedic surgeon. Over the time, a toenail fungus can become thick, brittle and misshapen. 3 days ago i started having moderate left calf pain. does calf pain after a long flight have something to do with the muscles swelling or something? I have a bulging vein in my lower left calf and some swelling and redness in my feet. calf pain, 2 days, no swelling,no discoloration, not hot to touch. will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this site. occass. Your doc may elect to get a D-dimer blood test as well. fBoyle Whether or n ... Vascular exam, pulses, and venous doppler may disclose some of the unusual conditions. If there is no swelling but the pain is constant and doesn't go away with rest, then it's probably a foot problem. Unexplained New Pain in the Calf or Upper Leg. Varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency: You get these conditions when the valves inside your leg veins don't keep the blood flowing up toward your heart. Treating The inner pain on inside of knee no swelling: The Pain on Inside of the knee no swelling is fairly Familiar, and many may be resolved Homely. can cervical cancer cause calf pain? Treatment will be immediate if a blood clot is found. been in a squat position a lot lately; only left leg hurts. • If the new pain is there all the time and is not triggered by movement, this is suspicious for a DVT, even if there’s no swelling or redness. The pain can linger into the day but will not cause a blood clot. If you’ve always told yourself, “I can’t possibly have a DVT because there’s no swelling or redness,” it’s time to overhaul this way of thinking. Cellulitis. The pain is worse when I am resting, either sitting up or lying down. Show Less. If a calf is swollen, red and painful (hurts, aches, or feels crampy), especially if there’s no explanation such as a traumatic injury or snake bite, this could mean a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). i've been extremely sedentary recently due to summer break. Lengthy time flying with little movement of the legs can cause blood clot formation. Answers from hundreds of doctors about benign to serious symptoms. This is… This site may contain third-party advertisements and links to third-party sites. There is no swelling, no redness or no heat around my joints. of swelling, pain and redness in just one calf. A swollen calf is a symptom of some localized problem within the lower leg (between the ankle and knee) and can be present with other symptoms such as redness of the skin, lower leg pain, leg numbness or other abnormal sensations and/or weak legs. While the flu-like symptoms went away the leg pain remained and got worse. More serious causes involve organ issues such as kidney failure or liver disease. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. If smoking stop now. or calf strain? • Unexplained pain behind the knee is also worrisome, as this is a very unusual location for a harmless muscle strain. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise or therapy program. On the other hand, they can be … This comprehensive limitation of liability applies to any kind of damage including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. blood clot!? Achilles tendonitis. Drenching sweats. If you suspect a DVT, don’t wait it out and figure “it’s nothing” just because there’s no swelling or redness. 1. In-depth explanations of symptoms you won’t find on other sites. The content on this site is meant for information and guidance only, not for diagnosing or treating medical conditions. Lower leg redness can be caused by a host of conditions, both benign and more concerning. i finally got insurance & scheduling doc Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered 52 … Swelling from DVT vs. Joint Replacement Fluid Retention, What Swelling in the Hip After Replacement Surgery Means, One Calf Swollen, Hurts, Red: Possible Causes. stretching helps. Here we look at five common causes of swelling behind the knee, the causes and symptoms of each, how to tell whether it’s something serious and the best ways to treat causes of swelling behind the knee. Causes. pain behind left knee for 3 days (posbly overuse) & couldn't fully extend; movmnt helped. • If it’s in one leg, ask yourself what you did recently that might be bringing it on. Calf injury due to a fall, injury, accident, or penetrating injury will affect … While most causes of calf pain are short-lived and benign, especially muscle-related diagnoses, there are some potentially serious ones, like a blood clot or claudication (when arteries in your legs are blocked). It occur due to fatigue of the muscles. Achilles tendonitis is caused by overuse, strain, or stress on the Achilles tendon. calf pain with no redness or swelling sometimes spreads to thigh and rib cage? Inflammation of the extensor tendons on the top of the foot lifts the toes that will induce top of foot pain. “Of course, other things can cause calf pain too (sprains and strains for example),” adds Dr. Besser. The dislodgement of the clot can occur whether there is redness, swelling plus bad cramping — or only just a mild sore feeling. Calf problems - Muscle, bone and joint injuries | NHS inform Blood clots can be superficial and then they are called superficial vein thrombosis. To learn more, please visit our. Conditions that can contribute to inflammation in the leg include: "swollen calf, no pain and not related to exercise. Did you go on a hard hike or do any jumping exercises? If so then consider intermittent claudication. Fever of 100.4°F (38ºC) or higher, or as directed by your provider . A doctor points out many possible causes (some very serious!) the calf hurts for ten mins or less at a time, not constant. Scary Symptoms assumes no responsibility for ad content, promises made, or the quality or reliability of the goods or services offered in any advertisement. That’s another risk factor. My left leg is swollen with no pain, no tenderness, and it is not warm to the touch. Yes, toenail fungus can cause extreme pain and swelling. stretching helps. Plus the best information on fitness, exercise and fat loss. Most often, it’s the first two causes, which we will go further in detail below but if you just had a long plane ride or sat down for a long time, blood clots can cause a condition called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). I'm pretty sure you're the same person who asked a similar question a few weeks ago. Was this helpful? causes for pain? Weakness or dizziness. Here are some of those conditions. can cervical cancer cause calf pain? My grandmother has arthritis related ankle and knee pain that resonates to the calf, so that's another cause in older people. Veins that cannot carry blood back to the heart can cause a backup and blockage of … not on birth control. Yes No . Although there are several possible causes for left leg swelling, they all fall under one of two umbrella categories: In addition to waste, your kidneys also filter … Some of them are harmless. When the clot reaches the lungs, it’s called a pulmonary embolism and, depending on its size and where it settles, can kill within minutes. no swelling. The swelling will reduce with rest and elevation but does not subside completely. Check all that apply. When the toenail is left untreated for several months or years, the infection spreads and enters the bloodstream. Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a vein of the body, usually (but not always) in the pelvis, thigh or lower leg. no pain when walking. cramp feeling when standing in certain positions. Come Back in Its Original location then they are called superficial vein thrombosis ever cause pain in lt calf pain. Calf cramp ( Charley horse ) overnight get a D-dimer blood test as well medications either,... 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