4:54 pm. I am a very new newbie to reading chart. Mary Dennis, Emily Wessel February 5, 2021 @ After reading this I am thinking in my question the answer isplease confirm if correct or not. Hi Oana Im sorry, I really couldnt say, perhaps contact the designer? Andrej Isakovic/AFP via Getty Images. Jo Ann 8:19 am. January 13, 2016 @ I presume I repeat the pattern once but what do I do with the centre stitch? Emily Wessel July 30, 2019 @ Although I was hunting for knitting, most of what I found were charts for crochet. ~ Em, Linda 10:42 am. Alexa Ludeman September 23, 2018 @ Does this mean you knit the first 4 rows? February 8, 2016 @ June 27, 2019 @ June 8, 2015 @ Alexa Ludeman October 21, 2020 @ Hi hmmm, thats interesting, Im still not sure I understand why a blank square doesnt just mean purl on RS, why the extra instruction for the other symbol? :P March 1, 2017 @ Here are a few of the ones I liked best. Cynthia Webb The pattern I am using is Fionas Top and the no stitch appears in chart B and B1. January 12, 2022 @ Does the pattern indicate any special instructions? Sorry for the repeatI left this question the other day but cant find it now. Im knitting my first pair of mittens (Norwegian) and am struggling to understand how to understand the pattern to make increases for the thumb gussets: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/norwegian-mittens-for-mimi. Thanks! Im not sure, is there a key for the pattern? I dont understand, alexaludeman January 13, 2018 @ It is also to separate it out from any repeated instructions. Thanks. Or continue with what is in [ ]? Knitting Projects. No typo, I think. January 12, 2018 @ alexaludeman Hi Carol Im not familiar with that pattern, but my suggestions would be to ask at your local yarn shop, and if they cant help, then contact the pattern designer directly with your question. Hi Toni sorry, I have no idea, there should be information on that in the pattern or the chart notes. Kaye Sharp Hartwell Emily, Nancy Oetinger 12:51 pm, Hi Ben The stitch is meant to be added at the box, so as you are going along in the chart, where it says m1, you are going to do an increase right there (I like to do a bar increase, we have a tutorial for that here: https://blog.tincanknits.com/2013/10/03/m1/, Holly Belian June 11, 2016 @ December 15, 2016 @ Thank you, Alexa Ludeman Discover is a registered trademark of Craft Yarn Council. Since there is just a chart for a right handed mitten, how do I get the left handed mitten with the thumb at the right place. March 8, 2015 @ Im knitting a baby sweater in 12 month size. 2:19 pm. How do I do that? Do I slip those 2 sts. British: Czech: Danish: Dutch: Estonian: Finnish: French: German: Icelandic: Italian: Japanese: Norwegian: Russian: Spanish: Swedish: Turkish: The Google ads are gone! Could you please explain how the increases are inserted? my unblocked sample, knit on 32 stitches in worsted weight acrylic, using #8 needles . More Great Patterns Like This, Cable and Eyelet Columns Knitting Stitch. July 5, 2019 @ As I find more of these charts I will keep adding them to this post! 3:43 pm, joy All rows are written out. alexaludeman March 29, 2015 @ January 24, 2016 @ This is a collection of knitting terms from various languages. Do I start with K3, and then the entire row 1 (including the remaining yo), then repeat the pattern repeats until I reach the end of the row, where I will knit the remaining yo and then the K3? Thank you! I guess that would be called mirroring? German - Estonian, Saksa-Eesti Silmuskudumise Snastik; Knitting Fog. April 5, 2021 @ June 6, 2020 @ I cant tell if each row in the chart represents one row of work or two rows. May 13, 2021 @ Natalie Beck Carla Ficorilli August 30, 2019 @ I am trying to figure out what no stitch means when reading a chart. It might feel awkward at first, but dont worry with just a bit of practice, youll easily get the hang of this technique. Have you checked the chart key and any chart notes or notes in the written pattern about this? November 1, 2020 @ alexaludeman I think Im okay except for one detail. June 6, 2014 @ I am struggling with Ann Budd & Anne Hansons Top-Down India Print Henley. However, a left handed person may prefer continental knitting and a right handed person may prefer throwing. May 6, 2016 @ Can you shed any light on what these symbols might mean? Or is it knit a stitch? Im really confused. alexaludeman Knitting Instructions. May 12, 2021 @ Im doing size 8 sweater, there are 83 stitches, which doesnt add up equally for the repeat or edge stitches. Kathryn Types Of Knitting Stitches. 12:32 am. October 12, 2014 @ Beth April 18, 2021 @ Im trying to figure out Work the Chart. No. We are happy to help, its just a little easier to follow the plot via email. March 3, 2020 @ 10:55 pm. Hi. Does that mean I do the chart 5 times or 6 (the first one and then 5 repeats) . The bottom of chart starts with 6 inches and after about 8 boxes high x 6 stitches there is a increase so next section has 8 boxes in the row . August 5, 2016 @ 8:46 am. Yet the pattern calls for a round needle. National Day: June 12 - Russia Day. My pattern says start at stitch 1 on chart and work to stitch 68 and then work at 20-70. May 8, 2020 @ 8:59 am, Hi Carla for that pattern the red and green lines are indicators for different sizes. Hi Tracey I think there must be a typo? Philona A famed statue of Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid, one of Copenhagen's biggest tourist draws, has been vandalised with the colours of the Russian flag. 12:02 pm. k2tog. 10:40 am. Or once I repeat this section, I should always have just the right amount of stitches to repeat it fully while also finishing the edge? July 13, 2020 @ Each row has a filled in color for the pattern (dishcloth will look embossed when finished as so many do). First row. This site is a work in progress and a passion project. January 24, 2022 @ Id be really grateful for some help. When reading [k3(2),m1] what does the (2) mean? Thank you so much. tincanknits@gmail.com, Cindy By the time you master this method, you will probably make a little swatch in garter stitch like the one shown in the photo below. Knitting is a 2 handed thing.. Zuzana WS: wrong side. debbie When I found an image that was interesting, I clicked through to the parent page and followed some of the in-page links there. alexaludeman Its hard to cut and paste the chart terms into on line Russian-English dictionaries (this was the best one for my purposes) because for the most part, the terms are there as images, not text. October 22, 2020 @ What are the green lines for? Amanda December 19, 2021 @ Purl is the most common stitch in this pattern, so a blank square is used to avoid visual clutter. Marie Can you please help me to decipher this chart? It states to start with chart 1 then follow same row on chart two, starting on the right side. There is most likely a pattern repeat that will be worked more times on subsequent repeats of the chart. 1:47 pm. 8:56 am. I remembered some that employed ornamental floats, so I wanted to find them again. So do I work the 7 stitch repeat in the chart until there are 7 stitched left, then do the edge stitches from the chart, yo, k2tog, then knit 4? Emily Wessel June 17, 2016 @ I am a beginner and I wanted to knit a colour work chart of My choice using only the purl stitch.. Is that possible..??? I would be glad to send you a copy of chart if you could help me understand this. Mindy Loucks Websites: Im knitting a patterned cardigan shrug with a japanese pattern. So I slipped the next stitch on the left needle to the right, then knit the next two left needle stitches together, then slipped the 2nd stitch on the right needle over the first stitch on the right needle. The triangle with the point at the bottom is a M1 purl. November 11, 2018 @ 9:54 am, Hi MaryAnn Im not really sure without looking at the chart but there are likely decreases incorporated either in the chart or in the written pattern, grimardfamjam Next row: work edging chart over 4 sts. 5:00 pm. 1:20 pm, Hi Rachael It depends what the pattern repeat is, but if its a knit on the RS it is probably a purl on the WS, Charlene Karpiuk The grey stitches can be completely ignored. Should I just switch the numbers on the pattern with 1,3,5 being on the left and 2, 4, 6 on the right? It transforms three stitches into a single stitch. January 9, 2016 @ 11:44 am, Hi Charlene Sorry, Im not really sure without looking at the chart or the pattern, Alice Rawlings August 2, 2017 @ I am having difficulty understanding how to complete the repeat with a different starting point. on bag of 1st row and at the end. 9:20 am. The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! January 23, 2016 @ Nuala McCormack Im doing this pattern: https://www.bhg.com/crafts/knitting/kidswear/knitted-guernsey-pullover-and-cap/ and Im confused about the chart to begin with. 2:24 pm, Hi Debra there isnt really a set of symbols that are used all the time. October 12, 2014 @ July 19, 2017 @ Do I just read each row left to right? I dont know what to do. February 9, 2015 @ And if so, why isnt there a blank square before the ssk? Pattern support is a little easier via email if you wouldnt mind emailing us tincanknits@gmail.com, Jenny These 2 lace stitches are a combo with a 5-st. garter stitch border with buttonholes. The written pattern instruction directly before the commencement of the chart says I should have 41 stitches which I have. The blank spaces part has thrown me for a loop, I'm guessing it's just there so it's not empty? I know that perler beads are done on an exact square pattern. So when working a pattern in the round you remain on the right side of the work, so you would consistently read the chart from right to left? April 29, 2017 @ 10:50 am. Hi Christine you are always working the next round of the chart, regardless of what else is happening in the mitten. 6:34 am, knitting a lace and cable sweater..buttonhole knitting instructions for RS row need instructions for second rowso the border pattern is not distroyed, Joan Horn Thank you for your help. 9:41 am. Its all in 11 rib. Round1: k1, work chartdoes work chart mean to work rows 1 through 6? The following might be redundant, since I guess you already know about them but just in case, Russian-English knitting glossary: The Orenburg Shawl is one of the classic symbols of Russian handicraft. November 27, 2018 @ However, each designer may have a different format and set of symbols. November 15, 2020 @ Starts row one of chart with three sts then the repeat begins. June 13, 2016 @ January 23, 2022 @ I would say probably, that is what it would usually indicate. January 19, 2018 @ Hello! Good question, just skip them. January 7, 2016 @ July 22, 2014 @ January 22, 2018 @ still work the same. Have a great day! alexaludeman 9:21 pm. How do I do this. Now bear in mind, I dont speak or read a word of that language. I make my stitches using the needle in my left hand, the working yarn is held in my right hand. Stitches to be knit are on the left needle and stitches that have already been knit are on the right. Its also weird because that part of the chart has repeat lines, so even if it was marking the center (for reasons I dont know) it wouldnt really be the center because its repeated. For the most part they look to be easily interpreted even if one doesnt read Russian. Hope you can help, alexaludeman 3:06 pm. Different books tend to use different symbols. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The 30-stitch chart pattern is done on both the front and the back of the poncho. Im attempting to knit my first hat and the instructions make no sense. December 26, 2014 @ Ive just finished the rib and need to increase in the next row. Thanks for thinking of how this could work, heidiworm Kathryn, alexaludeman February 10, 2021 @ This is one chart that becomes lop-sided when I follow it. Hi Kate The step ins represent the number of sts that actually exist at that point, so you can just keep following the chart exactly as before, stitch by stitch. For example: You can increase from 1 stitch to 5 by working (k1, p1, k1, p1, k1) in next st rather than (k1, yo, k1, yo, k1). The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! April 13, 2018 @ December 20, 2016 @ Connie Peden The needle gets a little heavier, changing the tension on the stitches. May 6, 2016 @ I had made black/white copies of the pattern pages from the book and so I had not seen that the No Stitch boxes were completely white, while the rest was in another color. 9:40 am. You can just totally ignore them. Horizontally there are 11 boxes and vertically 18 and only on the 17th row the 10th and the 11th stitch together are a right cross (2 stitches). Should it divide evenly, or ? The pattern does not seem to me that all wrong side rows are purled. 10:33 am. Im not clear when I read this in a pattern chart for knit in the round a cowl : Begin chart 1 and repeat the pattern 16 times and then knit chart 1, rows 1-6 3 times. 9:38 am, How do you read and keep track of a double knitting chart where there are no symbols, only black and white squares? What do I do with the no stitch ? Do you know what I might be doing incorrectly? Thanking you in advance for your help!, Emily Wessel June 8, 2018 @ From stacking dolls, to brown bears and vodka, here's a list of Russia's most popular symbols followed by their origins, meanings and significance. This pattern is called the Lestrange cloak from the unofficial harry potter knits from 2013. 4:52 am. December 9, 2017 @ 1:45 pm, Im trying to learn charting. So my question is how many stitches am I suppose to have when I complete this stitch. Thank you for being so helpful with your explanations! 4:04 pm, What does it mean knit 2a,a and then 2a,b until last 2 stitches, alexaludeman August 24, 2017 @ Working through the back loop would make the hole created by the yo a little smaller, so it should be okay either way. My confusion comes from not seeing how many knit stitches there are before I begin the lace chart. January 5, 2019 @ NOTE: Some patterns refer to cables as "Back" or "Front" cross. The pattern repeat for row 1 says [ssk, k1, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k1], but isnt that only 7 stitches? That would be the natural direction my knitting would follow. Move your left hand so that your left index finger gets under the strand stretched between the needle and your left hand. Size 2: 250-300m. Michelle 6:45 pm. February 8, 2017 @ It starts of with a RS and WS and reading chart from right to left for RS and left to right for WS. 5:04 pm. July 13, 2016 @ 7: another empty box meaning NO STITCH ! row 2: V V V, 25 empty squares But thank you anyway. You might try asking the designer what they had in mind. alexaludeman Once youve reviewed the key and chart notes, and determined whether all rows are shown, or just the right-side rows, you can get started knitting from the chart. alexaludeman 1:30 am. I am knitting the Strange Brew Marshlands sweater. Thanks, alexaludeman Wouldnt straight needles make more sense since one is turning at the end of every row? February 8, 2021 @ We will get that all fixed up. 4:35 pm, I have a chart for flat knitting where all row numbers are on the right side of the chart. alexaludeman roberta kane Lace Knitting Stitches. Can you please tell me what it means? It says to repeat chart 6 times. Am I right? Hi Pat it depends on how big you want your dishcloth and which yarn you are using. October 6, 2019 @ The diagram shows all stitches seen from the right side (unless otherwise specified). Yes! Molly 8:50 pm, Hi Cheryl if you are working back and forth I would think you would start with Chart B, Gloria Currie Each chart is slightly different. is reverse stockinette (purl on right side, knit on wrong side). Also I am knitting in the round trying to follow the graph. I am a continental knitter, knitting a lace pattern on a sweater from a chart. The light went on!!! A.1 is the name of the diagram, and. June 15, 2019 @ 1:34 pm. December 21, 2021 @ April 10, 2017 @ Even trying to write out the pattern it doesnt tell me where the front, raglan, sleeve, raglan, back, raglan, sleeve, raglan, front breaks are. 1:06 am. 2:19 pm, Hi Mindy usually charts are read from right to left, because they go in the same order as your stitches are knit, Louise Boudreau This is exactly what peasant women needed centuries ago. 1:32 pm, Bertha Komm My pattern asks that I knit 1 below. November 15, 2021 @ I cannot address the designer as the pattern is not from Ravelry but from a book, so I hope you can help me out! Perhaps the pattern uses different symbols than us? Is the side of the work specified or are there any chart notes? uses traditional Orenburg lace base patterns. symbols 1. Hi Christina It looks like the charts have a 26 stitch repeat, which does go evenly into 130 sts. Keep practicing until you feel comfortable knitting the Eastern way. In the chart on row one it says it is a 12 count repeat. Just like lovers of charts frequently hate words which need to be prised from them and is the reason why patterns are difficult. January 9, 2016 @ Please help. 1:44 pm, No which is strange. To right needle and begin pattern row on 3rd stitch? 11:26 am. You are working the chart on the sts in between. January 17, 2017 @ January 30, 2017 @ October 24, 2016 @ Bev Tuttle This will explain which symbols represent which kind of stitches. 3:19 pm. Those boxes are usually just added to clarify the pattern. My work doesnt look the same as the pattern photo. I feel incredibly stupid. Should I still start at the bottom right knitting right to left and purling left to right on the even rows? Elaine, this has worked very well for counted-cross-stitch patterns, and I plan to do the same with lace charts I make an enlarged copy (and a spare, of course!) Hi Lori sorry to be unhelpful but I dont know TOO much about crochet patterns. Hi Mary Im sorry, without a key I cant really say. is the "slip one at beginning of row" type edge stitch, I think. Im guessing it has something to do with the symbol that is keyed to sl1, k2tog, psso. (Unless there are increases to balance them out), YOs and other increases work the opposite way, they take up a square in the chart but dont actually use a stitch, Oana December 9, 2020 @ Symbol. September 25, 2021 @ Thank you! I hope I explained my confusion in a way that makes sense. 1:13 pm. alexaludeman 12:27 pm. Erkunde die erste Swatch Uhrenkollektion mit kultigen Designs aus neuen umweltbewussten Materialien. 9:28 am. My square will be 2 by 2. Watch how to do it. 12:59 am. Hi, i brought a pattern from iceland back home, in the chart i see a cross line over 2, 3 or 5 stitches ending in a vertical line. March 21, 2016 @ Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. I dont know what stitches that should be. alexaludeman Row before has 16 stitches. It is in Russian, but if you slow down the video you can see step-by-step how this is done. alexaludeman Luz Evans Does that mean the first row is the wrong side and I read it left to right? November 7, 2016 @ Strikkesymboler. 4:09 am. alexaludeman Feels like UGG. 12:53 pm, Hi Sue Its hard to say without actually looking at the pattern, but usually the increase would start on the V, Sarah One partner is 8 stitches. 9:55 am, Bonfire blanket. 3:33 pm, Hi, I am having a hard time with a Mary Maxim vintage jacket pattern. July 7, 2020 @ When I do row 2, should I begin with Chart B or Chart A? Every knit pattern is followed the exact same way by a righty or a lefty. 8:53 am. 9:50 am. 6:48 pm. Churlygirl 12:29 am, Congratulations! Alexa Ludeman knit 1 stitch, slip this stitch from right needle to left needle, pass second stitch on left needle over first stitch and off left needle; return stitch to right needle; single right-leaning decrease. 10:34 am. alexaludeman October 5, 2012 Knitting Bee. alexaludeman I knitted a lace pattern hot water bottle as well before l left but from written instructions. I have finished the right hand Norwegian mitten. The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Some of the rows say YO,K1(8 times). alexaludeman You never know!one. Magpie October 15, 2018 @ Rebecca Boyce Thats the down side of repeat markers, when its a repeat that shifts you have to shift them all. The omission of wrong-side rows is common in lace charts, because many lace patterns are simply purled on wrong-side rows. I JUST CANT FIGURE OUT HOW MANY TO CAST ON Original symbol instructions in Russian. Hi Gloria just do nothing. ~Em, Jodi Chrisman You can knit or purl on any side, I suspect the pattern has the purl side showing or as the right side? November 15, 2020 @ So if you are a Continental knitter, you can skip this section. 9:21 am. Hi we cant provide pattern support on other peoples patterns, sorry! September 29, 2015 @ Just wanted to make sure I understand it correctly: August 30, 2016 @ RoseMarie Free Knitting Patterns for Toddlers Australia, See over 800+ more Free baby knitting patterns, 8 Ladies Chunky Cardigan Knitting Patterns Free, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Russian to English Knitting Chart Translation, free knitting pattern for mens raglan sweater. When working in the round you usually lose the edge sts and read all rows right to left. Hi Jen There are edge sts before the repeat starts, did you work those? On the second row do I do the reverse? September 13, 2020 @ Hello, I would like to use a knitting pattern found on the knittingkingdom.com website, but I would like help translating some of the Russian knitting symbols. 4:34 pm. Thank you to Sharon, Ella, Dianne and Crafty Beats. Hi Im afraid the answer is a pretty unhelpful, I dont know. Hi Jane Im sorry I think Im going to need a little more context to answer that? alexaludeman Stephanie I dont understand how they are suppose to go together. They are just inserted to show how the pattern repeats. Do I slip it and then knit it as part of the decrease on my final repeat? August 27, 2015 @