November 30 - December 2, 2022. . Major benefits for public health and the climate. Plans for increased use of waste wood from forests may require new forms of cooperation and coordination between forest products companies and biomass power generators to ensure access to the resource. Renewable energy development is constrained by strong economic growth. U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy , Overview of Biomass Technologies, This exciting new partnership will allow us to bring even more conservation benefits to southeast communities that address food security and local agricultural production.. The Trend and Status of Energy Resources and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Malaysia Power Generation Mix. Will Lithium Follow The Super-Cycle Of Mining? She has expertise in renewable energy, energy efficiency, coal retirements, energy market modeling, and, Copyright 2023 / Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. The Southeast Asia renewable energy market installed 71.75 GW in 2020, and it is anticipated to reach by 117.17 GW by 2027, at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. . Personal communications with Southern Company. In addition, methane34 can be captured from the livestock wastes and burned to produce steam for electricity. "We have to keep our eyes on the prize and actually achieve something," Inslee said. Thus far, two bills have been introduced in the 111th Congress that would amend PURPA. But this result is indicative of what should be on the table for each utilitys next resource plan. This modeling highlights how much seven Southeastern states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) could gain from a competitive wholesale electricity market and how much they could lose from business-as-usual. Conversely, this situation could potentially benefit landowners in the region who have seen prices for wood fall with the economic decline of the forest products industry. RENEWABLE RESOURCES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA (SEA . The development of solar and wind resources in the power sector was relatively slow as renewables were not cost-competitive over thermal power plants. AC Energy is optimistic on renewable energy potential in Southeast Asia: CEO SINGAPORE Southeast Asia is going through an energy transition and there's opportunity to scale up. USDA plans to leverage its resources to support these efforts including programs to strengthen small businesses, broadband, renewable energy production, local foods and agriculture production, water and sewer infrastructure, healthcare, housing, outdoor tourism, silviculture support and others as appropriate. 4`SZLp4M6@iGvr&8Mj e{y/aMj:7&N~}Oqz3IsJP
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CHARLOTTE NC - June 2, 2017: CREDIT: Mike Catanzaro, panel installer at Accelerate Solar, finishes [+] installed electrical wiring at a solar array he recently installed at a job site in East Charlotte. Creating hundreds of thousands of high-wage jobs in clean energy. Planning for biomass resources that fails to consider competing uses, may have unintended economic, ecological and environmental consequences. Through February 2009, RPS requirements or goals have been established in 29 states plus the District of Columbia.9, A major argument that has been advanced for a national renewable energy (or electricity) standard is that it would encourage increased use of renewable energy. Notably, in the Southeast where wind resources are often dismissed, local wind was found to be less expensive than 30% of all Southeast coal plants and regional wind was found to be less expensive than 84% of all Southeast coal plants. The terms RPS and RES (renewable electricity standard) are often used interchangeably, as no material difference exists in program goals. Introduced by Senators Udall and Udall on February 12, 2009. Meanwhile, broad public engagement, in the form of a 30-day public outreach period, was held in mid-September through mid-October with several of platforms offered for additional engagement. In fact, estimates are that livestock production may be responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (as measured in carbon dioxide equivalents) including 37% of all anthropogenic methane, and up to 64% of ammonia in the environment which also contributes to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems. Renewables were used to meet 5 percent of Southeast power sales in 2006, according to the paper, which defines the region as Alabama, the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Virginia. A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. This open-ended engagement ensures that investments were paired with a forward-looking approach to plan for longer-term action that are home-grown and responsive to local priorities, complement ongoing partnerships, and are inclusive of the values and peoples in the region. KINGSTON TN - MARCH 31: Kingston Fossil Plant, commonly known as Kingston Steam Plant, is a [+] 1.4-gigawatt coal-fired power plant located in Roane County, just outside Kingston, Tennessee. The results are clear: continued reliance on coal is. Besides, hydro and wind power can be considered as potential renewable energy resources. A USDA intra-agency team consulted with Tribal Nations and Alaska Native corporations, and engaged with municipal governments, local partners and communities, and the public to support an integrated approach to economic development planning and implementation. National Museum of American History, The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act - Government Involvement to Remedy Energy Crisis: PURPA, Cogeneration is the production of electrical energy and another form of useful energy (such as heat or steam) through the sequential use of energy. From 2016 to 2021, USAIDs $16.3 million Clean Power Asia program also: For the past five years, USAID Clean Power Asia has been working with Lower Mekong countries and other Southeast Asian nations to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, clean energy sources, focusing on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies, and mobilizing finance. Knowledge awaits. This open-ended engagement ensures that investments were paired with a forward-looking approach to plan for longer-term action that are home-grown and responsive to local priorities, complement ongoing partnerships, and are inclusive of the values and peoples in the region. Methane released from manure management systems can be captured and used as clean energy to produce electricity. The initial $25 million investment will be divided into four broad categories: USDAs initial commitment of $25 million to support investment efforts is a positive, near-term commitment in the regions long-term potential to support a diverse economy, conserve natural resources, and improve community resiliency. The Southeast has also mostly retained a vertically integrated utility model, and most utilities in the region have not joined a Regional Transmission Organization or Independent System Operator (collectively known as, RTO). Daniel Cusick, "Southern utilities led effort to squash Senate RPS proposal," Earth News, June 26, 2007. Manufacturing, industry and services expanded across the region in recent decades. Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, geothermal resources, sunlight, water, and wind, are natural resources that can be converted into these types of clean, usable energy: Bioenergy Geothermal Energy Hydrogen Hydropower Marine Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Benefits of Renewable Energy Unless some balancing mechanism is in place, such as the Bingaman discussion draft proposal to return federal penalties to those states with less renewable energy resources to specifically develop such resources, southeastern states and electric utilities fear that they will become net purchasers of RECs, which will result in a "transfer of wealth" to the sunny and wind-rich states of the Southwest and Midwest, respectively.21 Given the identified concerns over biomass supplies in the southeastern states and the pivotal role the region will likely have in a federal RES debate, issues in this region will be used as the focus of this report. A companion policy report to the Southeast modeling highlights successful state policies smoothing the clean energy transition for coal-dependent communities in Colorado and New Mexico, which could be a valuable model for the Southeast. installed electrical wiring at a solar array he recently installed at a job site in East Charlotte. As we celebrate USAIDs achievements in energy in Thailand and across the region, we also look to the future and partnerships that will continue to strengthen energy investments in the region, facilitating the transition to a clean energy future and enhanced regional energy security, said ChargdAffairesHeath. 65. The Southeast is one of the country's fastest growing economic sectors and one of the only regions without a competitive wholesale electricity market. Lets dive in to see what this Coal Cost Crossover analysis can tell us about coal plants in the Southeast. Still new to solar, the markets in Southeast Asia are almost the inverse of Australia, Director of Solar Distribution Junrhey Castro tells pv magazine Australia. USDA applauds the success of the economic investment portion of the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy and credits the many partners who have come together in the spirit of community, culture, conservation, and commerce. Electricity not used on-site to power equipment may be made available for sale on the grid. The development of renewable energy projects in the region is an expensive bill for most Southeast Asian countries to foot. See Closing the dirtiest sources of power and adding cheaper renewables would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions nearly 40% in the competitive RTO scenario compared to business-as-usual important for a region that faces up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 in costs from climate-change induced sea level rise and storm surge. See Georgia Power estimates it will require 160 to 180 truckload deliveries per day to supply the 1 million tons of biomass needed for the 96 MW facility. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries most dependent on fossil fuels,. Dana Kenney, Chief of Party for USAID Clean Power Asia, said, USAID Clean Power Asia collaborated with local and international partners to share lessons learned and best practices to overcome policy and technical barriers that have limited the deployment of clean energy technologies to support increasing demands for electricity, which are set to double by 2040. Transportation costs associated with biomass will bear strongly on the decision to site a biomass power facility. The investment tax credit is an incentive for domestic investment in renewable energy plant and equipment. Tribal and Indigenous Interests - $12.5 million, Community Capacity - $3.125 million (12.5%), Resilient Peoples & Place: When a time for peace is facilitated through partnership, Creating a Tribal Restoration Workforce - Fish Alaska Magazine, Forest Service to start improvements on Wrangell blueberry lands next spring - Wrangell Sentinel, Biden-Harris Administration Invests More Than $37 Million to Improve Recreational Sites and Cabins on National Forests and Grasslands | USDA, The SalmonState: Bringing the sockeye home | Juneau Empire, Local priorities and USDA funding strategies meet up in Southeast Alaska High Country News Know the West (, Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategys webpage, Guiding Recommendations & Potential Long-Term Investments, Initial Investment and Recommendations Summary, Traditional Technical Knowledge and Cultural Use of Forest Products. This included virtual Open Houses, an online feedback tool, an information-filled website, and a dedicated email address for submitting input, letters, and/or existing plans or specific investment proposals. Of these plants included in the analysis, both local and regional solar resources are less expensive than all of the coal plants analyzed. Invest Trillions Today to Keep Climate Change at Bay: IEA, Impacts of Global Biofuel Boom Remain Murky, The Other Peak Oil: Demand from Developed World Falling. It is not only an investment in communities, but also recognizes the critical role of tribes in the co-stewardship of our lands and waters and sustainability of our communities. Yes We Can: Southern Solutions for a National Renewable Energy Standard. February 23, 2009. These factors will help determine whether further biomass development can help the region economically meet projected requirements of an RES. But nowadays, possibilities for use include collection of a portion of this material for burning in a biomass boiler, producing steam for electricity, or processing into biofuels (see below) such as cellulosic ethanol, as technologies and new processes are developed. Danielle Jackson, EPA Report Applauds Waste-to-Energy Plants, Waste Age magazine, June 25, 2002, The resultant gas is then used to provide heat for electric power generation. The last in a four-part series, this portion focuses on the renewable energy sector in the 14 Southeastern states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South . States and electricity suppliers in the southeastern United States have been most vocal in their concern that they may be unfairly burdened by an RES. F^"jDq2)r3#%_uM5wnZf;A6i{mag2CHs.]tv;e|>un .naf`n_^q
$X,J,nE}|2|9?-__6/I:U This is a BETA experience. Wood wastes from saw mills is a primary source of energy used by the biopower industry in its power plants, but if sufficient numbers of these mills go out of business, then the economics of biopower operations could change.52 There is little doubt that logging operations leave behind considerable waste wood in the forests, but going into the forest specifically to collect wood wastes may not be cost effective for biopower companies.53. Let's dive in to see what this Coal Cost Crossover analysis can tell us about coal plants in the Southeast. Henning Steinfeld, Pierre Gerber, and Tom Wassenaar, et al., Livestock's Long Shadow - Environmental Issues and Options, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006, Under RES proposals, most producers of renewable electricity will receive renewable energy credits or certificates to prove that a certain amount of renewable electricity was produced (usually 1 Megawatt-hour). Even amidst the COVID-19 global pandemic, we have achieved our goals through our four activity areas of improving power sector planning, fostering supportive policy frameworks, mobilizing finance and investment, and promoting enhanced regional collaboration.. Also called "combined heat and power." Approximately 53% of all renewable energy comes from biomass sources, represented by biofuels, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass feedstocks. Recent technological developments are improving yields from cellulosic production and bringing down production costs61 which, when coupled with incentives for ethanol production, may further increase demand and possibly prices for biomass.