Heres an article that explains the process better. In fact, water remediation (restoration) is a$210 BILLION dollar businessin the United States. Heres an article that explains the process better. Noted from the sub-area at three My husband has ideas how to fix it but doesnt know if we have to replace the whole floor and how far the joiset are. Id really like to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals When ripping it up it looks like it was screwed and glued onto risers (planks of wood - not sure what they're called). The plywood underlayment helps cover up any dings or imperfections in the subfloor, allowing you to install floor coverings with ease. the flat surface on which you install all other layers. Interviews Since you are an impartial party, i would love your opinion on this. Also make sure the seams of the plywood are staggered from the seams of the particleboard. Replacing the subfloor of a mobile home is a very common project and you should be able to find at least one or two companies in your area that have done it before. locations, especially under the master bathroom shower pan area. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Seeing if anyone can answer me this. I guess my answer would really depend on just how much work is needed. Do you know of a government agency to report it to? Just the area over the shims? Your floor consists of joists, subfloor, underlayment, and floor covering. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can always have a specialist come in to check your subfloor first. plywood over particle board subfloor in mobile home. My original plan was to renovate one room at a time, beginning with the kitchen. are all great floor covering for a kitchen. You will use the measurement to set your circular saw to the proper height. However, the outline of the joists were visible within a week and after about a month the flooring cracked over a small soft spot. Please give me the Best Advice. Can you help? If so, how do I find them? State offices:, Heres the HUD page about submitting a complaint:, and heres the biggie that could be the most beneficial to you The Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program. My email is After you set your saw you will carefully cut only the subfloor. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Given that the new floor will be resting on the existing particle board, what thickness do I need and should I go with plywood or OSB? Basically installing this subfloor is the same concept as installing a subfloor on a concrete slab with exception of anchoring methods. I have no insulation or blatter bag underneath very simular to a crawl space home. How do I deal with Particle Board Subfloors and Hardwood Flooring? First, it is not recommended to install tile across the marriage line of a double wide. Im trying to hire someone to lay the new subfloor. I have a question, we have a 1967 Magnolia single wide, mobile home, 12x 63, with a front step up the kitchen. Chuck has been renovating and flipping properties since 2003. My husband was putting in some wood strips between the vinyl floor and the carpeting and the screws were bending rather than going in. Thank you so much! Its reduces heat loss and helps add structural security to the home (walls do too, of course). Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor, How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. As previously stated, replacing subfloors with plywood is always the best route. The sides of the H will each screw into the existing floor joists. Then plywood, particleboard or OSB is placed on top of the wood frame to create the subfloor, also called the decking. If you actually have MDF (or some other high-performance pressed-particle product), which has more structural integrity, I'd consider a 1/2" or 5/8" BC, with the joints staggered from those of the MDF. Does your flooring bounce or have any bows or bubbles? Using this method is generally easier to install the cross support 1/2 under the existing subfloor. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This week in our Ask a Mobile Home Expert series, we are covering questions about mobile home subfloors. There are a lot more moving parts, which can be confusing. The pan that was under it had a crack so the water seeped through. Autore dell'articolo: Articolo pubblicato: 16/06/2022 Categoria dell'articolo: rockin' the west coast prayer group Commenti dell'articolo: working at charles schwab reddit working at charles schwab reddit Any suggestions? This home was a 1980 model and had a subfloor made of particle board. Please, help me. Park Model Homes Your article gives the impression that adding to, or modifying a Mfg. there are different grades and thicknesses. Lets discuss the best ways to fix these before you install any new flooring above the subfloor. Manufactured Home Model Tours installed insulating foam board under their mobile home and was kind enough to give us a full step by step guide. Carpets will only absorb the moisture and ultimately harm the floor covering. You do not want to touch the joists below. Youll want cracks and holes sealed with duct tape and that insulation be used under and around the ducts. The subfloor underneath it is particle board rather than plywood/OSB. You will probably need to replace subflooring in a mobile home eventually, especially if its an older home or you have encountered a leak. From what Ive read it seems you may be able to use a non-toxic paint or sealant over the board to stop the fumes from releasing. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? Measure the space between thejoists so you can cut the lumber (26) to the right length so they fit in between the joists. The toilet was leaking for some time and I didnt notice until I saw that the floor looked kind of warped. I have a question about installing chair rail moulding around my mobile home. Mobile Home Friend, LLC was started in 2015 by Chuck O'Dell and Scott O'Dell, a father/son real estate team. let me know how it works! Use over concrete, wood, tile, terrazzo and cut back adhesive.Leveling Subfloor Patch Before Installing New Flooringif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mobilehomefriend_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_16',707,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mobilehomefriend_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Taking the time for this step makes the finished product of your new subfloor area feel the way it should underneath your feet. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question, Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series, How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. I added some links and additional information on your other comment so hopefully you get both of my replies. The process of repairing a bad mobile home subfloor is not difficult, but it should be done with care to achieve the desired result: Lets look at each of these areas in a bit more detail to get a good understanding of how to do it right the first time. Good luck! I didnt know I had to spend money to replace the subflooring also..ugh! Its more expensive but it has waterproofing so it stands against water better. Chuck started investing in, buying, renovating, selling, and flipping manufactured homes both in parks and on their own fee-simple lots. (The home has been inspected and his opinion has been verified.). The question to you in this forum is given his living location, should the vapor barrier be under the subflooring, on the ground, or both places? Thanks so much for reading MHL! Living and Dining Rooms IU always have to tell my visitors to watch their step since we removed the rails. Underlayment goes on top of the subfloor, and you dont necessarily need it for structural integrity. Avoid pressed wood all together (OMB). Thank you for this great information you have given. Im in Kentucky. A few things that can make the job go easier. Coastal Decor If your joists are spaced between 16 and 19.2 inches apart, you should utilize, and OSB. If you feel a sponginess, or a soft spot, take tiny baby steps all around the area to get a feeling for how unlevel and spongy the area is. Thank you Crystal!! Joists are usually made from dimensional lumber and carefully placed to maximize support. Im not real sure about that though. Any ideas? It is one of the greatest and least expensive ways to extend the life of your roof; keeping your home dry and cooler. If I wrote this before, please for give me:) My mind does not remember My husband and I bought a 2000 Champion home a year ago needed work, and we have just noticed hot water heater has been leaking for awhile. You can add a layer between your subfloor and your floor covering, known as an underlayment. Hi Crystal, In areas where you want to install vinyl or other flooring requiring a prepared surface, use 3/4" t&g BC plywood to avoid the need for additional underlayment. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. AB Marine-Grade Plywood has seven laminated plywood layers versus the typical 5 layer 3/4" plywood. Just looking up all day is a pain and then dealing with the seams (building out a frame is sometimes needed) is another big pain. If you have water damage Id def replace the floors first, after the leaks have been repaired. We did the entire home (697 sq. and is what you walk on every day. Is a handyman sufficient to make the bladder repairs or should this work be completed by a contractor? Manuals usually dont even have them as the manuals are usually based on size more than the actual model (single wide, double wide). In our home, the platform kitchen is framed up (theres a frame on top of the original floor joists). Karen..I just read your question. Luckily, your choices are endless when it comes to floor covering for mobile homes. I have been reading and there is a rubber stuff you roll on and it is suppose to stop ALL leaks, is this the best way to go? Plywood's cross-grain texture also makes it rougher than a particle board. It also makes it hard to use floor adhesive, such as with laminate or tile, because the particleboard tends to absorb the moisture from the adhesive. bladder holed. Or, of course, theres always the choice of renting tools too. Since then Ive gotten another serious water issue with damage. I have lived in a double-wide since 1987, and it now needs some major work. Any more videos that can help me I would appreciated it. Jhinust stumbled upon you today and had to write in another section asking about screening a patio. How the subfloor materials react to water matters during both an open-air construction phase of a house as well as . Adding an extra layer of plywood over the subfloor is simply a good idea. The plywood seams should meet over subfloor joints to ensure proper support. Is it possible there may be some agencies available who do this type of repair for disabled seniors at a discount? My single wide has a raised kitchen and I love it but I completely understand why youd want to get rid of it. Try Mobile Home Parts Store. I know thats a lot of work but it would be cheaper to paint or stain the material than to replace it all. We store towels, medicine, toiletry supplies, first-aid gear, massage devices, facial steamers, spare Painting your garage is a great way to improve the look of the space and make the walls easier to clean. There isnt much room between joists. If its carpet you will need to remove the strips. Patching small gouges? The previous owners built a porch right up to the mobile home and every time it rains or ice melts the water goes under the wall . When the subfloor is getting weak, it feels very spongy or soft when you walk on it. If you have any other questions just let me know (Sorry it took so long to reply, I some how overlooked your comment completely it was on a second page and I didnt even realize I had a second page of We hope you have enjoyed these questions about mobile home subfloors and our Ask a Mobile Home Expert series. Its not impossible to do it yourself but if you have some odd cuts you may have a tough time. Heres a video showing how to use a circular saw to cut out subflooring in a mobile home: If your flooring is 3/4 set your circular saw to that and follow the perimeter along the edge of the room. I wouldn't use particleboard anywhere in a home, or on any project, I still prefer plywood over OSB for strength and moisture resistance, even though OSB has made significant progress. You should have no problem just changing out the floor covering if your subfloor is healthy. Often, when repairing a bad subfloor, it is when you are going to install new flooring, whether tile, wood, or carpet. I also was going to have laminate hardwood installed today in my mobile home living room and was told the subfloor is too weak. Is Glue down better. You will likely have the best luck finding someone by calling your local mobile home supply store. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. Suggestions include: A big thank you to all our readers that have asked questions about mobile home subfloors. We removed all of the damaged subfloor material in these areas.Damaged And Removed Subfloor In HallwayDamaged And Removed Subfloor In Bathroom And Laundryif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mobilehomefriend_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',560,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mobilehomefriend_com-leader-1-0'); It is always better to err on the side of replacing more floor than necessary. Problems With Putting Wood Flooring Over a Crawlspace, How to Use Engineered or Prefinished Hardwood Flooring. Some builders do things a bit differently though I cant imagine why they felt the need to glue and staple so much. Many thanks! I decided that I wanted to remove it and replace it with plywood. In the kitchen, mud room, and bathrooms moisture barriers are a must have! If you are doing the work yourself you can save a lot of money but if you will have to hire it out it could get very expensive, very quickly. Black mold could be a problem and the electrical system may need to be updated to a modern breaker box and modern wires and the plumbing will likely need to be upgraded if the original pipes used were recalled (some of the grey water pipes). Decorating Tips Underlayment can reduce the noise of footsteps, provide extra cushion to the floor, and act as a moisture barrier. Having problems finding exact size replacement window 24 x 52 side by side making overall size of 48 x 52. hope you don't have any tall friends. Sorry, I cant help much. The sides of the H are then nailed and screwed into the floor joists. We have videos and images that will give you the visual information you need and, of course, in-depth descriptions and instructions on how to replace your subfloor. Siding and Skirting That could be helpful to other homeowners). Your subfloor provides an excellent, level foundation for the flooring of your home. Looking forward to the guidance. The only solution is to find and fix the water leak and then replace the damaged floor. These are screwed into the existing floor joists. Before embarking on your DIY flooring journey, its essential to understand the different components of flooring. We've been licensed real estate agents in AZ since 2003. NOTE: Some plywood consists of one rough side and one smooth side. The underlayment is excellent for smoothing and flattening interior surfaces before installing floor coverings. If your in a bathroom or kitchen area hardybacker or cement board is the better choice. Heating and Cooling However, I think you may be confusing subflooring and floor covering. I only advise that because having to remove tile in order to have a home moved is a pain. Question is, people put the wood laminate down before I bought it in kitchen, living room and dining room. Yet, I do not want to get sick from the things that need to be done (like new kitchen cabinets and flooring, and new bedroom flooring). Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Required fields are marked *. Prior to installing any finished flooring, it is important to remember: Re-secure any loose wood subfloor planks, OSB, or plywood subfloors to the floor joists using 2-1/2" deck screws. Tips and Advice Use a thick piece of. 1990 double wide? What questions do I ask to make sure they are they best for the job? The best suggestion for this is to use a shop vac because you can use it for both wet and dry materials. Follow along as we explore how you can fortify your subfloor with an extra layer of plywood. It's just a subfloor from underneath. Yes, Maam. How to match a specific column position till the end of line? Roofing Thank you so much for taking the time to write this comment, Robert! Try to find the closest thing. My question is have you ever heard of this 1985 warning on the fiberboard every single sheet of it! Then replace the particle board with plywood of the same thickness and make sure you glue it to the risers in addition to using a fastener. It is water resistant and warp resistant. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Sorry! Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. If it looks sturdy and youre satisfied, you can take this project on. I love plank floating floor its perfect for mobile homes as long as its installed correctly and has the foam glued to it already (another foam floor pad may help as well). Plywood and OSB come in 4 x 8-foot sheets that are typically 3/4 inch thick. Use a cement board underlayment instead. Its not fair but its the truth. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting. Step 2 Carefully measure the size to cut the new subfloor plywood. Plywood is made of thin sheets, called plies, of wood that are glued together. You should not have the sunken flooring issue again. Homeowner Stories I have done a lot of DIY projects, from upgrading my truck, home improvements, & building hunting cabins. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Im not knowledgeable about HVAC but you may want to get an expert to check the system out to make sure it has the proper venting. What is your opinion on installing tile in a mobile home? Modern Traditional Decor If your house has a concrete slab and no joists, then the slab is considered your subfloor. You can use the old floor covering as underlayment as long as it is level and smooth. Your floor consists of joists, subfloor, underlayment, and floor covering. Cottage Chic Decor A week ago we decided to remove the large soaking tub (never Used), upon taking out the frame it sat on we have discovered black mold on the floor and wall the smell is strong. Finally, the floor covering goes on top of all other layers and is what you walk on every day. Hello, Manufactured Home Industry If you can take pictures while youre doing the project I would love to write out a how-to article and use your pics. Is there a special way or certain screw type needed? This extra layer provides additional support as well as a smooth surface for floor covering installation. Corrections are Image Credit: architectphd/iStock/GettyImages Rather than repairing small spots all over the house, I decided to lay down a new plywood subfloor throughout the home. Unfortunately, the entire shower has to be removed to get to the shower pan its a waterproof membrane that acts a barrier between the sub-floor and the shower itself. When cutting the plywood for the replacement areas, make sure to take careful measurements and try to get the fit as tight as possible. A good rule of thumb is to avoid carpet underlayment. If I have a MH on a permanent foundation with new subfloors, what is your opinion on a decorative floor coating system that is covered in epoxy? Even though installer put in some extra screws, the squeking seems even more noticeable. If you have any other questions please dont hesitate to contact me via comments or email me directly at crystaladkins! If I were you I'd keep those risers there. NOTE: When placing sheets, they should rest comfortably next to one another. All I really know about insulation is that you want the thick pink stuff under the subfloors and over the belly wrap, pretty much the same with foam insulation board. Lighting Mark for Cutting: Use a chalk line to mark the area to be removed, making sure the end cuts are centered over floor joists. Transporting Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Living is a registered trademark. Hi. Fill the seams. My terminology is likely incorrect but I think it's 1/4" particle board underlayment on top of those shims. It only takes a minute to sign up. Without looking at it I cant really give you much of a suggestion. ACK!! If they're floating should I glue them down and just get the same size plywood? We have the cheapest laminate flooring Lowes sold in our kitchen and Ive been impressed with it for over 3 years. What should I use to overlay a particle board subfloor in my mobile home? Before the pandemic, the manufactured Buying And Installing A New Manufactured Home (Part 2) - Finding The Right Location. I am 63 and want to fix it so I can live in it for the rest of my life. Porch and Decks You will want to go to the local mobile home supply store and buy a new one. I prefer a exterior grade plywood with one side sanded (up) but have also used the OSB. Thanks. Our 1978 Hommette single wide has the exact same step-up kitchen! For anyone thinking about doing this job, its messy and tedious but can be accomplished with basic carpentry skills and some hard work. This should be a top priority. I need to know a trust worthy company to replace the sub-floor in my doublewide mobile home. Don't add screws too close to the edge of a piece of particleboard, as it may cause the board to crack. Installing plywood to the existing subfloor is a straightforward job that you can do on your own. our step-by-step guide to replace flooring in a mobile home here. Advantages of Manufactured Homes Im also wanting to do the floors as the carpet seems to just generate stains, and the ceramic tile in kitchen/dining/family rooms cracked due to give in the flooring. I am good at redoing the inside of a place, but know nothing about out side walls, elec, plumbing. Therefore, there are many styles available to cater to a variety of design preferences. If the new subfloor is not leveled before installing your new flooring material above it, youll be able to feel humps and dips with your feet after the flooring is installed. Installing plywood underlayment over a subfloor is fairly straightforward. Sand those risers to get rid of the glued particle board remaining on them. Or does heat get under the flooring from the heat duct? How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? They are not the same. Other than that, learn what SEO is and how to write for the search engines. If there isnt its probably best to just cut the damage out and replace it. Ive read that I should keep the insulation below the wiring and pipes. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. The material acts like a sponge and soaks up water quickly which will bow and warp the wood. Id get a pro to take a look and see what he would do and how much it would cost. However, you need to make sure the plywood seams are over the subfloor so that it provides adequate stability. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? Thank you so much for your website and helping me have hope. Now you're ready to install the new underlayment or subfloor. This technique reduces splitting when edges are nailed and improves dimensional stability, creating stronger sheets all around . I am hoping someone will be able to give me advice on how to proceed with my project. I was thinking of pulling up vinyl planking and put plywood on top of original pressboard subflooring (as long as its not rotted). Ive been renovating it ever since. OSB OSB costs $3 to $5 less per panel when compared to plywood, so the cost savings when building an entire house is significant. Best of luck! This is the ideal method in the subflooring is rotted or weakened in any way. Then, you need to add a vapor barrier on top of the ground, install insulation between your joists, and then install an underbelly wrap. If your existing floor is in fair shape both plywood and OSB staple or screw down nicely for living rooms, bedrooms, and halls. Financing and Insurance I have a manufactured home purchased through a HUD sale three yrs ago. Not having any low spots or soft spots in your new floor makes your home feel solid and of better construction. If your homes floor is a concrete slab, you wont require any joists. For many years, mobile homes have been constructed withsub-flooring made of particle board which is made from sawdust and glue that essentially acts like a sponge when it gets wet. OSB absorbs less moisture, but plywood dries out faster and more completely. Is this the best way to go? Joists act more like beams, supporting the weight of the floor, and they are integral structural pieces of your home. Also, youll want to make sure the ground is graded so that moisture cant settle under the home. If your existing floor is in fair shape both plywood and OSB staple or screw down nicely for living rooms, bedrooms, and halls. When water gets trappedin spaces such as attics, walls, crawl spaces, carpets, wood subfloors, etc. | What Is Underlayment Plywood? if you are laying tile you need to consider upgrading the subfloor to plywood that doesnt soak up water so quickly. I have researched quite a bit for you and think I can at least point you in the right direction. It is best to use 5/8 plywood as the most common subfloor material. Hope that helps! It sounds like the shower pan needs replaced and thats typically a plumbers area of expertise. Thank you for all the helpful information! However, a few years ago I had water-damaged areas replaced in bathroom and under two windows in living room and bedroom. If theres not much damage, reinforcing is probably easier. He recommends laying the new subfloor over the existing subfloor, then finishing with the flooring of my choice. What is less obvious is the breakdown of the subfloor that hasnt yet caved through. I have googled until Im cross-eyed and so many cons about almost every type flooring. Let me know how you choose and if you can please take some photos. Additionally, you will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on paying a carpenter high labor fees by doing this project yourself. Best of luck! Step-by-step images provided Phillips Place Renovation, a blog that shares a couples gorgeous mobile home remodel. You can read it here, 10 Affordable and Green Tips For Remodeling Your Mobile Home. If you space the joists farther apart than that, you will want. It doesnt matter if at the end, the cut out portion isnt a perfect square or rectangle. any suggestions or ideas would be helpful>. Your email address will not be published. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Farmhouse Decor How much does it usually cost to hire someone to do the floorMine is sinking floor by back door in laundry room! At each seam, where one piece of plywood ends and another begins, you will need to reinforce under it. First, you shouldnt use water-based primers or paints. We just purchased a 1973 doublewide MH and it needs so much work. Also, this may be a great time to install new cabinets if you havent already and heres why: You can save money by demolishing all the old cabinets yourself especially if you have the standard cabinetry found in most manufactured homes they are built-in. You can save a ton of labor and refuse costs by doing this. It is stuff like this that is so frustrating when it comes to home buying (and it happens in site-built homes too). Tile (light weight preferably), laminate, real wood, etc. Well, he had an accident, he actually broke one of my small plastic pipes under the kitchen sink. There was many leaks in previous years and several soft spots on the floors. Angle your trowel so that you can spread the mud smoothly on the wall. Do you think I would be okay ripping out laminate, putting 1/2 inch plywood on top of pressed board floor and then putting a foam insulator and then putting new thicker wood laminate? Bad toilet rings and damaged water supply lines are other common source of leaks in mobile homes. Youll simply rip out the old and lay in the new over the wall lip. I'd keep the risers there even if they're loose. How to Add Plywood It's best to vacuum the particleboard first to help the glue adhere.