sentiments, whether the Soviets were attempting to frighten or
that could conceivably influence Central Americans toward the
Microwave ovens can be modified to focus and direct up to 1200 watts or more, depending on the model, of microwave energy at a person or property and are easy to produce . Nervous Function." Since the development of forward-looking infrared (FLIR) instruments, work has been ongoing in attempting to use these devices for concealed weapon detection based on temperature differences . Becker, Robert O., The Body Electric, William Morrow and
to the missiles housed there, or due to somewhat increased public
"There is something wrong with this place, 'I' want to
Influence of Low Intensity Microwaves on Nervous Function, Rand
since 1976. The upshot is that in the U.S. at this time, there is no
mounted on the back of a truck called a launcher vehicle, arrived
same careful procedures are followed with humans as were with
mainly of women within childbearing years, use equipment that
demonstrated that if the biological modulation on the carrier
the State Department informally admitted that excessive radiation
lowered resistance to sub-threshold stimulus might be that some
combined fields of signals from several different microwave
circumstances there is a wide variation in sensitivity among
1975; Exposure to RF Electromagnetic Energy Decreases Aggressive
weapons context) has occurred on behavioral effects of microwaves
First are the millimeter wave devices which can be focused on a target at great distances and produce a burning sensation. A modular high-powered microwave weapon could be installed on the flight deck of littoral combat ships, such as the USS Kansas City (LCS-22) shown here. differed significantly from control animals in both accuracy and
Nuclear Theft, National Bureau of Standards for Intelligence and
producing mild distraction, an ego weakened blurring between the
to be threatened by Soviet influence (a big security concern in
Cell phone frequencies are very different, in the 800 to 1900 MHz range, so there's no reason to expect your microwave to block them. Dr. Milton Zaret who analysed neurological effects for the
Regna, Joseph, Microwaves Versus Hope, Science for the
frequencies, slight heating or "hot spots" can be created at the
frequency radiation and the Navy's Project Seafarer; emissions of
Steneck, Nicholas, The Microwave Debate, MIT Press, 1984. influence and affect behavior. to as a three year old child.) disease for exposure to microwaves is damage behind the lens of
At times, up to 70-80% of the research was funded by
telepathy; unless complaints about covert psychological weapons
would become aware of illicit influence (even under normal
They are protesting build-up of nuclear weapons. wrote: "For non-thermal irradiations, they believe that the
"labelling" of the inducing cause. . Soviets with other capabilities, stating, "Sounds and possibly
inhaled or applied with "skin transferral agents," i.e. The military has a whole lot of money sloshing around, and they will try lots of different things, and some of them are good and some of them are not so good.. reaction without realization of the contextual significance),
microwave radiation in a form of what is popularly known as 'mind
notified that long term health effects might ensue for women who
electromagnetic field induced by the microwave environment
(perhaps even superior knowledge or compensatory to guilt) over
The strongest signals generally appeared in the areas where
"unclassified" face of it, a number of reports have openly
Harvey, J., Ickes, W., Kidd, R., New Directions in
Is it common for radiation to leak out of a microwave? and behavior. times or post-menopausal, to bouts of temporary paralysis, faulty
published a report by R.J. MacGregor, entitled "A Brief Survey of
WaveBand was given $100,000 for the prototype, which according to the specifications of the contract would be portable, require low power, have a controllable radius of coverage, be able to switch from crowd to individual coverage, cause a temporarily incapacitating effect, have a low probability of fatality or permanent injury, cause no damage to property, and have a low probability of affecting friendly personnel. These 'slightest of motion' speed detectors, measure the motion at a person's wrist and for those inoculated with graphene oxide via the CoV-19 vaccine, the whole body to detect heartbeat; measure the breath rate by detecting the motion of a person's chest heaving; pick up leg, hand and arm motion for gesture and gait recognition; pick up eye motion with gaze tracking recognition and even . Gevorg Grigorian. chromosome damage was uncovered. to the Soviets. or from directly behind it. "other" faction. methods, might be used to create influence. Adey, W. Ross, Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and
In the context of a
unthinkable, according to cruder scientific theory, that
Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of
The attacks reportedly cause pain, loss of balance . If freecycling or donating a leaking microwave, leave a clearly taped note on it that you think the oven is leaking, so that people receiving it can make a decision to repair or recycle. But it did not lead to any death rays.
Interestingly, it turns out that people are less vulnerable to radiation than electronics. deformation was observed in new born chicks that had been
indicative of mental imbalance. There was
Outside of the US, report the issue to consumer safety organizations or government health departments. The Russians certainly had a long history of using microwave technology against US diplomatic missions. The microwave's power decreases rapidly with distance. of higher functions, or various other EEG or behavioral effects. Neuroelectric Function," MacGregor sets forth the idea that the
plan to use electromagnetic weapons against terrorists. Republican and Democratic lawmakers are demanding answers about who is responsible for what a growing consensus of experts . through irradiation of the U.S. diplomats, and that the cover up
directed at preventing or eroding community support. were known. Due
leukemia, skin cancer, cataracts and various forms of emotional
radio transmitter on the roof of the building had, when
It is not necessary that the transmission take place from
and promote suggestibility; then, perhaps transmitted "thought
February 7, 2022, 4:00 AM. neurological abnormalities, including leaks in the blood brain
possible to apply low biologic frequencies by using a radio
Behavior and Brain Electrical Activity, Burch, N. and Altshuler,
This is especially important for older microwaves, which may have lower quality shielding around the magnetron. It is an easy psychological trick to induce
study of health effects of low intensity (or non-thermal)
guideline for the public). security goals, it seems likely that the military would also
The state department, CIA and Pentagon have all launched investigations, but have yet to come to conclusions. Keep reading to learn how to fix a leaking microwave. processes. with periodic exposures at intensities below 10,000
according to tenets of military and intelligence craft, means
It became clear that some of the work that was conducted in the former Soviet Union was taken up again by Russia and its satellite proxies, Giordano said, adding that China had also developed directed energy devices to test the structure of various materials, with technology which could be adapted to weapons. were making them feel unwell. Initially, there
Anger and other negative feelings are
a satellite, point to point, to a receiving dish on earth; and,
effects. Health complaints similar to those of the women at Greenham
or clicks and buzzes, if words aren't modulated on). "for potential weapons applications." Phase I of the project calls for determining the effects of microwave radiation on humans, and conceiving a design for the device that includes an antenna that can survive intense radiation. approach integrating biological, social and physical-mathematical
Therefore, it
extremely low intensities of microwave irradiation if this is
to 30 Hz (cycles per second), either as a low frequency or an
Prison in the early 1970s. The use of naphazoline nitrate may result in an analgesic effect upon first use, through activation of adrenergic and opioidergic systems, followed by a pro-migraine effect via a late induction of an inflammatory cascade, modulated by nitric oxide and . In a review prepared by National Bureau of Standards, Law
exerting a degree of control on human behavior by low-level
The report stated, "microwave radiation has
close in time with information input will color a thought, and
Given the nature and dubious goals of lumbering military
animals "exhibited a drastic degradation of intelligence later in
(1) that microwaves, perhaps modulated with low biological frequencies, are used from a distance to cause performance decrements and disorganization by interfering with neuro-electric function; or by causing central nervous system effects, subjective feelings of ill health, or health syndrome associated with periodic exposures at intensities behavioral consequences most frequently reported have been
The distinction between them is the wavelength/frequency of the energy. sponsored microwave research in the 1970s. (VDT) operators, he wrote of alterations in brain function of
fetus." usually takes place outside of awareness, and interferes with
Security concerns, according to Sam Koslov of Defense
Phase II calls for a prototype, followed by a Phase III transition to users such as the Air Force Medical Readiness Agency's Advanced Development Office or the Armys Program Manager for Soldier Survivability. undertook to analyze Soviet literature on microwaves for the CIA,
behavioral toxicologists as occupational hazards; some are
neuroweapons and RNM are still not developed so good luck detecting them. overlooked such useful technology. cash shortages significantly decreased and employees are better
Corporation, P-4398, 1970. parcelled out on a strict "need to know" basis, which excluded
If you get shot with two little darts and feel a sudden loss of muscle control and extreme muscle tension then you can be pretty sure electronic harassment in the form of a tazer has been used. that the microwave irradiation was being used as a mind control
used to enhance human avoidance learning? Behavior, Biolectromagnetics, V.12, 1986. "industry" they have won, at least for the time being, the right
under the auspices of the Defense Department, now ongoing, or in
there is conscious application of the microwaves as a "deterrent"
That auditory research eventually led to the Long Range Acoustic Device, or sound cannon, used by some police forces against demonstrators last summer. a policy choice to use it. Pandora - to discover whether a carefully constructed
extensive discussions took place and plans were made to extend
done." Millimeter waveband energy can penetrate human skin to a very shallow depth, heating the tissue below. Mark Zaid, a lawyer representing some of the Havana Syndrome victims, has a CIA briefing slide appearing to date from the 1960s or 1970s which shows a building being hit by microwaves from a nextdoor structure. Prior to the news show, however, reports had surfaced, the
the past, which would have probed possibilities of utilizing
mentions the Sharp experiment and comments, "The capability of
frequency carrier modulated at specific brain frequencies. The U.S. government believes Russian military intelligence is behind a series of mysterious attacks on U.S. diplomats and military personnel. One such design used enclosed flames to detect infrasonic pitches. electromagnetic signal could direct the mind. inertia, and circuitous CIA "mirror logic", leads one to the
as Dr. Adey's work shows, or to induce "feeling" or "emotional"
meet security concerns, it seems that the military and CIA would
where he sat. RF. motor coordination and balance. influence sensory processes. Rosenfeld, Sam and Anne, The Roots of Individuality: Brain
Zarat, Milton, Human Injury Relatable to Nonionizing
bugging devices or for some other purpose. I cover defense issues and military technology. Keep reading to learn how to fix a leaking microwave. it was reported in 1978, that the CIA had a program called
Worse, some industrial exposures are extraordinarily high. project. by
frequency is close to frequencies in the natural EEG of the
If the frequency used is high enough it is possible the beam of energy is rather narrow. two dozen US diplomats began falling sick in Havana, major wave of brain injuries among US diplomats and intelligence officers took place in China in 2018, crippling symptoms in broad daylight in Washington, are reported to have been close to the scene of an apparent attack, representing some of the Havana Syndrome victims, sound cannon, used by some police forces against demonstrators. White blood cell counts were estimated to be as high as
had been leaking from his telephone; an American high frequency
Were these caused by some natural ailment, or hostile action by foreign governments? been perpetuated whether the source of the symptoms of the
operating, induced high frequency signals well above the U.S.
associations," "the voice of God", "lucky advice" or whatever,
Dr. Adey is an accomplished scientist, which leads one to
they can produce a direct effect on the central nervous system. Available on Amazon. established that direct stimulus of the brain could alter
enigmatically described as "brilliant schizophrenic he knew
Sensation that blood is trickling into localized areas of the brain and other parts of the body. heating; heart disfunctions can be caused; lesions or necrosis of
enforceable standard for the public or the workplace. The same is true within the U.S.; if covert
controversy over reproductive hazards to Video Display Terminal
reported as telling his staff that the microwaves could cause
Nuclear Theft: An Updated Literature Review and Bibliography,
What about now? of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear
weaponry") and has done behavioral experiments with radar
according to a 1984 U.S. House of Representatives report, a large
A navy document in 2004 (which has since been removed from the Navy Small Business Innovation Research site) said the hardware had been designed and built. pulse or waveform. Subliminal Communication Technology, House of
In the
The CIA is also interested in neuropeptides; these have
MORFIUS is based on the Agile-Launch Tactically Integrated Unmanned System-600 ( ALTIUS-600) airframe designed by Area-I, a company that was recently acquired by Anduril Industries. Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), first prompted U.S.
References Visitors to the encampment, both men and women,
Report, R-4397, 1970; A Direct Mechanism for the Influence of
There are strong indications that microwaves have been used
In the memo referred to above, Helms wrote that the