But look up on both sides of the cavity the door goes into. From its beginnings in 1967, Newell Coach has changed hands as it grew. OK, so I am not very up to date with motor homes. Id say pretty good, provided they were majorly intoxicated. Should say had? Wow, to think that approximately 70 people and all owners of a certain brand of coach are snobs just because a few people didn't talk to him? The cracking issue comes due to the poor application of multiple coats. These Off-Road Teardrop Campers Have A Unique Sola AGM Batteriesvs Flooded Batteries: What's Be Powered by vBulletin Version 3.8.8 Beta 1, Please support our sponsors and let them know you heard about their products on iRV2, Roo II was our 04 Country Coach Allure 40'. lol. (Fort Valley, GA) The heat from sun and UV radiations produces blistering and color fading of this plastic coat. Step 2: Log in to your router. Many folks use 10k per year as a budget for repairs. If you compare a Newell to a comparable Prevost you will find that one of the main differences is the number of . It is an inherent issue of the fuses. If you are shopping for Newell you already know about the quality of these coaches. JMHO. If $$$ were not a problem I would trade her in in a heart beat. Because of its commitment to customized, handcrafted coaches, Newell only produces between 26 and 28 motorhomes per year. Take a few years off of keeping up with repairs and you may find 30k in deferred maintenance. If I am spending $40k you can bet I will ask for more info and if not forthcoming then the seller will not earn the money. By It may not display this or other websites correctly. Andrew Steele, the RV-ing star has deemed the Coach the best RV now at 2022. There would be no worries about booking a hotel room along the way because youve got your own private resort on board! Looks like for now I will maintain an production line type coach, but if I ever win the lottery, a Prevost or Newell will defiantly by in my future. Join the #1 RV Forum Today - It's Totally Free! It is so powerful that Newell includes a "buddy" outlet to power a friend's coach if their generator goes out. Where to Find the Best RV Couch Replacements, Walmart Alternatives for Free Overnight RV Parking, Dog Camping Tents Your Pet Will Actually Love, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c8oNo1rZDk, 45' Custom Luxury RV Walk-through | Newell Coach Luxury Motorhomes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c8oNo1rZDk). He knew others needed to go. You can see that floors near the entry door become soft and spongy because of overuse. Therefore, the only solution to completely get rid of the rusty frame is to replace them. Considering you would expect it to go for another 20 years. Most Common Open Range RV Problems are included poor brake performance, rust-prone hardware, poor plumbing, and cheap interiors that break easily are a few common, Read More Most Common Open Range RV Problems and Their SolutionsContinue, The production of Beaver Motorhomes has been closed since 2009. As such, all of their vehicles from 1972 onward featured diesel engines, and all were rear-mounted from 1970. Rainwater and outside moisture increase the humidity content and trigger the oxidation reaction on the chassis frame. If you were ever a truck driver driving team in a cabover you slept that way all the time. A buyer needs to know what motor,trans and miles. You will find the resettable fuse in the fuse panel (located right next to the engine) failing. I'm still lookin' and checking things out, waiting to sell my B&S. You cannot completely stop this procedure because it can originate from hidden corners. A bad pin due to corrosion at the ECU may be the reason. Diego Armando Maradona (Spanish: [djeo maaona]; 30 October 1960 - 25 November 2020) was an Argentine professional football player and manager. For the past two and a half years I have been looking at, and studying the option of buying a pre-owned Prevost or Newell and have talked to countless people that own them and can't recall anyone ever talking negatively about them with one exception. Inflate the plastic balloons properly and spray their surface with soapy water. Another wanted dividers in the kitchen drawers. The Newell owners think they're at the top of the food chain when actually they have outdated, broken down, UGLY motorhomes. The urethane plastic coating is present over the aluminum to insulate the interior. Newell purchased the company from the Streamline Trailer Company in 1967. Me, not so much.You chose to call us out on a public forum, but after you left. I am sorry that happened. Don't Miss Paradise Oaks RV Resort In Florida, The Best Mail Services For Full-Time RVers, The 10 Best Spring Break Destinations For RVers, What You Should Know About RV Towing Insurance. I informed him the Newell was totally our of our league, but he wouldn't take NO for an answer. The chassis of these motorhomes high-strength steel material. Its job is to let off pressure when the air compressor isnt running. This isn't the first time Newell and Porsche have collaborated. The drivers compartment of this Motorhome presents superbly, with all controls easily at hand and seats that appear to be extremely comfortable. Beaver Contessa. Athletics Hall of Fame on. At 47' he is 11' longer than our 36' coach. How to Fix Your RV Water Pump Check Valve. Required fields are marked *. Piloting a 2011 P2000i Newell coach$1,563,450proved less stressful than we expected, with the Euro-style overhead side mirrors supplying a fortunate amount of situational . We own a 2004 Newmar DutchStar & a Newell has been on my wish list ever since I had the opportunity to see one up close. Once again, all the comforts will allow its owners to remain entirely self-sufficient. Miami, Okla., in the northeast corner of the Sooner State, has always been home to Newell Coaches. How Far Can a Subaru Outback Go with the Gas Light On. Sheesh! Maybe we can get him to educate us on the evolution of the Newell and when what things happened or started to appear. Occupants can relax after a busy day in the lounge area that features a 3-seater lounge and two chairs with a convenient side table. After comparing all technical specifications and driving both cars it turned out that the Hyundai had every bell and whistle that the Cadillac did and drove and rode just as well, not to mention being about $30,000 less. Many, Read More 6 Common Problems with Beaver Motorhome (Solution Included)Continue, The Western Alpine Coach was first produced in 1998. Let the friend sell it. This configuration allows a flat floor to run the entire length of the motorhome, and it keeps the mechanical noise as far away from the occupants as possible when they are on the road. Do your homework on this one. These vehicles should be at least accorded the respect they earn. Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 07:29:38 PM . 2 Newell Coach RVs in Tulsa, OK. 1 Newell Coach RV in CORNELIUS, NC. Sand the cracked area to remove old coats of paint and apply a new coat of similar varnish. There are times when I like to be left alone and I am sure there are those who wish the same. You posted comments about what we were thinking and why we snubbed you. No doubt they are luxurious and give proper value for money. 1 Newell Coach RV in ELK CITY, OK. In addition, the staying water during rain can also damage them. Should have battery cut off switches,just like on a boat. Looking along the sides of the vehicle reveals no panel damage or problems, while the trim and wheels look flawless. I have a near 20 year old Rexhall 35BSL ..(a bottom dweller in the motorhome hierarchy) and it's fine, nothing really ever goes wrong that can't be be fixed with a screwdriver. Stock #302657 Famous Newell quality, 45' of bad to the bone! The coaches they toured were custom motorhomes designed for customers. If you have a place for a fellow member to stop by with their rig and welcome people to do so, please share whatever info you want here. Engine, transmission components, and tires are costly to repair when they get damaged after some years. It leads the way in new innovations within the industry while hand-building each of their coaches. Besides, no machine is without fault. Its torque rating is recorded at 1,950 ft.-lbs. One owner wanted a mid-entry door. However, Newell has hundreds of registered service providers around the country. The problem mainly includes the leak in the 120V compressorcompartment. You cannot do the service and washing procedure at home because it can damage the steel frame or the electric component. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'camperask_com-box-3','ezslot_5',101,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-camperask_com-box-3-0');After being in business for 50 years, Newell Coaches are still rolling! Hey Rick! Prevost's H3-45 VIP, on the other hand, uses the Volvo D13 engine 500HP with 1,950 ft.-lbs. Too bad we didn't have the chance to meet. I have no desire to upgrade but if I did, this would certainly be a contender. They recognized the new rear engine coaches were the wave of the future and wanted to be a part of this new innovation. Newell Foretravel Newmar Entegra American Coach Country Coach Tiffinfor sale. People love the Newell coach because of its interior space and high-quality materials. But if the leak is not near the valve, find the leaking part and replace it. Most people found the water leaking from the bathroom, plumbing not hooked, Read More 7 Most Common Problems With Sabre 36bhq RV and SolutionsContinue, Airstream nest is a well-built camper van and has the unique designs and luxurious facilities of all campers. These diesel engines are good for a milion miles in vehicles that are driven regularly but sadly the motorhomes are not driven as much and i have seen many major failures at much less miles Even if it is, it is a straining task to find it. I think sometimes people are predisposed to profile others based on their own preconceived notions, and it is a shame that they would take the time to denigrate, and insult a group of people they know nothing whatsoever about. Wow, I am stunned at this comment. It takes no time at all to adapt to driving vehicles like this. Suggestions are welcome and if we can figure out how to do them and they make sense, then we will do our best to do it. I am sorry that you chose to post a desultory comment after you left. I am left wondering how the hell they fit so many fans in the coach that clapped and cheered at the end. The first responders dug him out of the wreckage and took him to the ICU. There are no issues or problems to . I enjoy my 1985 vintage 29 Foretravel coach that its in my garage and always gets amazing attention whenever I have it out. So, if you feel intimidated, there is no reason to be. Do not use this link to ask for help with RV-related issues; Ask those questions in one of our forums. I'm a pro in FP&A, Financial Modeling, Forecasting, and Budget Management, helping companies achieve desired financial results by improving key processes. We have a variety of account upgrade options to show your support or become a Commercial member. Expect to make friends and get cool information and not to have a world class website and you will be satisfied. Replace corroded ECU pin, replace ignition circuit solenoid. You can resolve the issue by repainting the cracked area because rust can come on these exposed metal surfaces. The company has been crafting motor homes for half a century, and the p50 was created to honor the company's . These provide comfortable rides because of the good performance of the engine and transmission system. Common Problems with Newell Coach and the Solutions. I have to admit, that one is pretty nice on the inside! The aluminum skin attaches to its matched aluminum frame. Consider installing an engine monitoring system. orange co. recreational vehicles. Maybe they will change the design next year. Happy camping to all, like the old saying---you win some, you lose some and some get rained out. 1971 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ55. We ran into someone like that last weekend campingthey actually told campground owners to not park us beside them, The entire campground came through our Residential Vehicle over the course of the weekend; except for that one vehicles owners.their loss is how we looked at it. Including Interior Remodeling projects (large or small) and any interior related issues. The instrument panel lights dim down too. Length 45. It has grown to over 200 highly skilled craftsmen, engineers, and designers. What's new. Newell coach owners forum for exclusive discussion about Newell Coach RV's and Motorhomes. He maintains it well, and I'd bet it would go another 200k. Common problems with the Newell coach include a rusty frame, damaged spray paint, poor description, the soft floor near the entry door, and sun blistering on the roof surface. . engine torque rating. An incorrect presentation from the company can make people worried in the end. That way, they could spend their remaining days living a life that many of us only dream about. Many people will spend their adult lives residing in the suburbs and undertaking that daily commute to their 9-to-5 job. While I do agree that more information on the ad would be helpful, a prospective buyer can always ask questions. Are the National Parks in Oregon Worth Visiting? The kitchen features an oven, a microwave, a fridge, and more cupboard space than you can poke a stick at. It also means that you will be undertaking these adventures with all of the comforts of home at your fingertips. Are you mechanically inclined? I wish that was my wanderlodge that was there. Users report finding the air system to be completely down. Find this portion and check for leaks. TA, Vinnie mentioned the destruction of the RV if an SOB, some other brand, which he listed, is involved in an accident. This is a terrible predicament to be in, but all is not lost; with a little know-how, you may be able to get the furnace back up and running in a matter of minutes. These Are the Best Vans for Vanlife in 2023, The Vintage Spartan Trailer is Still a Hot Commodity, These Manufacturers Let You Create a Custom RV, The Grooviest Vintage Motorhomes You Have to See. Posted By: Ivylog on 07/06/14 09:44am Harry, I think you are headed in the right direction. A motorhome offers a level of freedom at a fraction of the cost of a holiday home, with a unique experiencing awaiting its owner every time they hit the road. An air solenoid valve moves air at 120V. A mid-90's Newell would still be a great coach IF it was properly cared for. Newell sold his namesake to Chuck and Letty Goldenberg in 1973 when his health began to wane. At an excess temperature of 113 to 117 degrees Fahrenheit, you may have some electrical issues. In addition, steel is the type of metal that can rust when you park them in open and outdoor areas. Encounters of the RVF Kind - Member Sightings, Fifth Wheel, Travel Trailer, Toy Hauler, Campers, RV Tech: Cellular, Internet, SAT, Audio/Visual, Maintenance, Service, Winterizing, and RV Storage, Clubs, Memberships, Insurance, Warranties, External BLOGS, Forum Posts, YouTube videos, Camping Activities, Sports, Recreation, Hobbies, Cooking, Grilling, Recipes, Eating, Drinking, RVForums.com Premium Parks Map Discussion. One thing you should do is have whatever RV you are thinking of buying inspected by a NRVIA certified inspector. In my opinion, the first thing to discuss here first is the warranty condition. I would take that over a cornerstone anyday. iRV2.com RV Community - Are you about to start a new improvement on your RV or need some help with some maintenance? Let him sell it. What Is Primitive Camping? 1962 Chevrolet Corvette3 days$33,750Bid Now, 1978 Chevrolet Corvette4 days$2,100Bid Now, 1971 Lincoln Continental Mark III5 days$3,000Bid Now, 1961 Volkswagen Samba Deluxe 23-Window8 days$5,000Bid Now. Oil leaks is another, head gasket replacement spring and fall due to the change in ambient temps. Some of them that are worth discussing are floor adhesion, poor insulation, Mud wasp issue etc. Please just react to the facts that you posted. The original P50 model launched in 2017 and it keeps getting better. I have a 2013 Hyundai Veloster and I would take that over a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud in a real heartbeat. The old adage about DDs used to be "Slam your finger in the refrigerator door before you get in to drive a DD". Although there arent enough large storage compartments, this allows for more interior room. It is located between the compressor and a check valve. Is approximately 45 feet long, has 4 slide, Has 130,770 miles on it with 3,466 hours on the motor . The Blue Bird RVs had the chassis and body shell built in the school bus factory. All I do know for sure is that to a man and women this group of 31 coaches, which includes 3 Prevost owners, 3 Foretravel owners, 1 Bluebird owner, and 2 Class B owners, are regular, down to earth people who would give you the shirt off your back whether, or not you owned a . We are thinking of getting one. Newell Coaches was a groundbreaking company in the production of motorhomes, and the next owner of this vehicle will benefit from that lateral thinking. Until the late 1970s, most of these vehicles were based on buses and coaches that featured a front-engine, but Newells could see a better way forward. I purposely sought out several other Non-Newell owners that were at the park and they had they same experience. Most of the Newells here are late 90's into mid 2000's..certainly way above the class of our 31 year old Newell. 04-27-2012, 11:18 AM motorhomeguy. Some of the Newell Coach problems are air leaking, failing resettable fuses/breakers from heat, expensive and resale value problems, problems locating parts, rust and corrosion issues, and engine stalling. Many people complain about the rusting of the Newell motorhome chassis. Newell or notFIND your Air Leaks! I profusely apologize if you did not get the courtesy of a response from any of our gang. Common Airstream Nest Problems and Solutions Problems Solutions Floor adhesion issue Add a slip, Read More Most Common Airstream Nest Problems and Their SolutionsContinue, Despite having a decent reputation, the open range RVs are riddled with different problems. I am also part of the informal rally. Are The National Parks in Tennessee Worth Visiting? If we move towards the rear of this Motorhome, we find a queen-size bed with side tables, more cupboards and storage space, and a shower and toilet. To add to all of the above excellent responses Newells are one of the very few coaches that are built to be used fulltime. I sold the Blue Bird school buses for years and have been in both factorys many times. Bottom line, the Newell is a custom designed, custom built coach. That is, because of the complexity of most of he systems incorporated in them, they can get very costly to have work done on them, most systems incorporated in these coaches are the best money can buy, example: the headhunter water pump used in many of these coaches runs in the neighborhood of $1,200+. The generator's cooling system is external to that. PSSST! Climbing aboard this classic will allow you to go wherever your fancy takes you, and you can do it whenever the urge strikes. If someone else was driving, I wonder how well one could sleep with the sound of that diesel more or less right under them? So my needs are taken care of. Good golly people have some manners. UPDATE This Newell is surprisingly still for sale considering its fantastic condition! Way too many $$$$$$$ for my budget. For 40k (or any amount for that matter) theres no reason a potential buyer should have to extract the pertinent information from the seller. Replace the corroded pin at ECU or the ignition circuit solenoid if they are the problem. Stiff, solid, well built and far more luxurious. IMHO, and from my personal experience, believe when you buy anything used, you need to be prepared. Like rusting and corrosion, this issue is also rare but it does come up. The entire web has enough vitriol without adding our benign little community to the heap. Check out this article. We help each other with problems and solutions and hang out and become friends. The airbags are less durable because of their plastic balloons, which can puncture easily. A while back I faced a choice between a Cadillac sedan and a Hyundai Azera (I had a Cadilac STS at the time). 1 Newell Coach RV in Cadillac, MI. newell coach youtube How To Set Up a Port Forward. Contact Us. I think owing a Newell would be Awesome! RV Fresh Water Tank Reads Empty When Full (Reasons and Fixes), Reasons RV Grey Water Tank Reading Full When Empty, 5 Common RV Flex Armor Problems and Their Solutions. Motor lullaby. I just can't buy it until 2023. However I am sure the community here would have some input as to good mobile repair people wherever the person is. They need to think of the cost of the flooring too. Wait for about 12 to 18 hours after applying the first coat. Its covered on the outside by body panels and on the inside by five-eights-inch plywood. A Newell just like any other coach will cost a fair bit to move up and down the road. Airstream Nest has a lot of issues. Send offer to collectorcarsandparts@yahoo.com. Its color combination of red, silver, and black is striking, and the paint appears to be in excellent condition. <br><br>My rich . Forums. I can think of at least 3 near me that can and if I had one I would be confident taking it there knowing they have the expertise to fix any problem. Choose a brighter color scheme for wall paints that give a unique appearance. Your Guide to Understanding Encore RV Resorts, The Best Good Sam Club Campgrounds in the US. Does anyone have any pro's or con's to Newell Coaches. Newell sold his namesake to Chuck and Letty Goldenberg in 1973 when his health began to wane. Owners are encouraged to bring their motorhomes to Miami for yearly service work. A visit to tour the factory of their new motorhome's competitor . One had shared that they come to ELKHORN every summer and have seen/experienced this type of treatment in the past as well, so it wasn't just me! if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'barnfinds_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',148,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-barnfinds_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'barnfinds_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',148,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-barnfinds_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1'); .large-leaderboard-2-multi-148{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Subsequently, he moved it to his hometown of Miami, Okla. From there, Newell went about building custom luxury motorcoaches from the ground up, making upgrades to its production almost immediately. So just order the valves from Newell and replace the leaky ones. Whether or not to buy an 8 or 10-year-old coach is a good choice is a question. We watched for a Foretravel Unihome 36 to 40 for several years, finally spotting this one in Idaho, on CL. We spent about an hour talking to a gentleman who owns one of the rare 47 foot Newells.a 2007.last night. Newell is considered THE top luxury brand of motorcoaches today. Make your own judgements from there. 2008 newell motor home recall - visibility:sun/moon roof assembly problem: newell is recalling certain model year 2005-2010 motor coaches manufactured from january 2004 through july 2009, equipped with se-gi windows. Sheesh2! I was okay once I got in there, but getting out sucked. Maybe it was a good thing they didn't talk to you? After being in business for 50 years, Newell Coaches are still rolling! 3900 N. Main Street Miami, OK 74354 Map & Hours. seems appropriate for it to have its own forum category. Considering you would expect it to go for another 20 years. Spray the protectant or sealer coating over the urethane to increase its life. Sad if it is a pristine classic. This issue is comparatively less reported. Keep me in the conversation via email. 2008 Newell P2000i 4-slide Bath & 1/2 Status: Sold Currently Offered At: $0.00 2015 Newmar LondonAire Status: Sold Currently Offered At: $0 . However, the resale value I not as much. we get asked frequently about what to look for in buying a newell or general questions on using the coach. These have coils and struts for absorption of road impacts instead of airbags. most places that say they are big rig friendly are not ready for a giganto Newell to show up. Take a step back in time when premium luxury coaches were built to last. JavaScript is disabled. Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1. I have seen many adds where the seller writes that the engine is rebuilt and miles are less than 200k Newell's flagship model, the Coach P50, is powered by Cummins x15 engine, which is well-known for its firepower, which could go as high as 605 HP. Please take the time to register and you will gain a lot of great new features including; the ability to participate in discussions, network with other RV owners, see fewer ads, upload photographs, create an RV blog, send private messages and so much, much more! If so don't be afraid. An issue in selling aging motor homes is there is little to no financing available. 2018 Coach House Platinum 271XL FR. If buying new, they will make it what you want. Owning a holiday home is a tempting proposition, but it does come with drawbacks. These are battery malfunctioning, slide-out weld breaking, windshield cracking, water leaking, and some others. The 2017 model Foretravel marks a true milestone in the RV industry. Mine is a Veloster. I fully acknowledge that the interior is a little dated, but as clean as it looks, it seems to be very appropriately priced oh, and maybe even under Market for the type of Coach it is. Newell is known for building coaches with towing capacities of 25,000 lbs or more and gross weights near 90,000lbs! I think the same for Wanderlodge. Phone: (480) 923-6515 525 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 160 Phoenix, AZ 85024. Newell, who gained a spot in RV history by building a luxury coach that features the best elements of bus and motorhome design and construction.. L.K.'s goal was to combine the desirable features of a bus-the rear diesel .