Dad's last one was a 708 that my brother still has. Too small for a big farm. New Idea Uni system - $12000 (Shrewsbury) New Idea Model 802 Unisystem come with 4 row corn picker, 4 row corn sheller and hay pickup. I have written a lot over the years about my family's and our friends' and neighbors' vintage iron, but I haven't ever written about my wife's family whose farm roots go back just as far as my family's history in east-central Nebraska. It did an excellent job but it could only handle a three row 30 head so it took awhile to get any amount of acres done. About the only person that would be worth anything to would be someone who needed a mule for a snow blower in the winter. I had it 2 years. It would almost pay you to keep it for a backup machine honestly. They sold it on an auction two years ago for $700. Dad's first was a 701 he used with both a combine and a chopper with both hay and corn heads. They were popular for seed corn producers when seed corn was still picked on the ear. Most were combines, and Corn shelters. Too expensive. I believe Nietfeld Seed, Terning Seed, and Dahlman Seed all still use them with Dahlman having a few of them last time I was by. gen2cummins: Posted 1/20/2013 15:51 (#2836226) Subject: New Idea Uni: God's Country, Iowa: These were before my time, and I would like to hear a little bit about these systems. It would really twist a combine. They were made near here. Anything that breaks down, makes noise and stinks. Combine and cornhead were worn out when we got them so we were reparing on a weekly basis. Combine unit was slow to get much done also. Edited by paul the original 12/24/2016 15:00, (1452340_235751113253239_705420341_n (Small).jpg), Edited by pupdaddy12003 12/26/2016 06:56, 1452340_235751113253239_705420341_n (Small).jpg. There is also a MM brown 4 wheeler mule with husking bed and 2 row head on it in the barn. As all have already said, they are not the best for traction when the wagon starts to fill up. I thought it was a good buy for someone but also a very limited market for a machine like that anymore. The Nebraska inventor and manufacturer says theyre the ideal power unit for his self-propelled 40-ft. CategoryNew Idea Uni-systems Tractor Construction Plant Wiki Fandom. The last few years they just opened up fields with it to make it easier for the combines to get in. I would definitely get rid of it if I could find a cheap hydro machine. All working order. My wife's brother helped their grandpa farm the last few years he was able and he was able to inform me about what equipment they used. Actually a bad Idea. The 401 V6 GM engine has been very reliable but terribly inefficient. One of my first jobs out of college was rebuilding a truflow v6 and a bunch of other things on a 705. Free delivery for many products! Registration is FREE. So who mounted the steps? We used to pick a fair amount of popcorn for a local company, and the uni husking bed did a great job of cleaning up the popcorn. I attended some service schools at Coldwater, the rarest Uni was the Ford Turbo four cylinder if I recall. Gas engine. No picture allowed, sterile environment! Comes with 3-row head and 766 head. I am hoping it will keep better weight on the rear and allow for better steering. - Vacum formed cab glass. Lon I once had a NI 701 with a 6-292 Chevrolet engine. Farming got bigger, it became difficult to make them bigger but still work with all the tools. When you combine corn and soybeans only, you dont want average, you want great at those 2 things you dont want average. Hours: 3479. . They had various attachments including a picker, sheller, combine, and a chopper at first. He used it up to when he had a farm equipment auction in the late 1990s. Too big for a small farm. One task they seem to still do great at is with a mounted loading conveyor to clean out ground piles at grain elevators, our local co-op has one and I have seen another 2 or 3 doing the same task at other elevators around the state and surrounding states. More research yielded even more attachments for the Uni systems. 2x 826D, 2x 856, 1456, 966, 1066BS, 3588, 3788, 5288. Combine unit was slow to get much done also. Took a lot of maintenance and we eventually did only chopping as we got more cows and hired combining. It would out cut a 403 IHC. Small diameter carbs and huge bores made for gobs of lower RPM. They set out to do lots of things and they never really ended up doing anything well. Kinda like having a mounted picker on a tractor to mount and dismount. Complaints I heard were about lack of traction and a bit under powered . The newer 727 chopper had good capacity with the GMC gas engine and didn't use much more fuel than the later diesels. In the early 90's he traded the 708 for an 800c with a 6200 chopper, reversing feeder house, 7' hay head with the automatic header height, and a 3 row JD corn head painted gray. Join the community! I had it 2 years. "@id": "" COMBINING OATS WITH THE UNI COMBINE IN HILLSBORO WEST VIRGINIA AUGUST 2011. Is there anything that these. I sell new Case/IH Tractors and Equipment .one part at a time and now retired ! We don't use any other attachments with it- it is used solely for picking ear corn. When turning pulling a wagon it was hard to turn because it swung a wide radius at the rear. Apparently that was not bad enough to stop me from buying my own this past fall. Far as switching tools, dad had three boys to help so that didn't take long to remove the chopper and put on the combine or cage sheller. First look: Provo Latter-day Saint temple will have dramatic new design. Snow blower was a monster in the day, big and tough. My dad had a MM mule. One website said Uni-System production ended in the early 1970s, which was surprising to me. If i can help with anything is all i want to do . Weve been building big. Not sure where my brother found the three auger snow blower, thing is HUGE, at nine foot wide it opens roads fast. Boss "said" it helps break them in, but I "think" he didn't feel comfortable hauling them on his trailer. It was lost in a barn fire, and replaced with a 702. You could make different series mules and attachments work but needed a adapter kit for most mix matching. I have chopped haylage and high moisture corn with it. Like Ohio Farmer said, it had the V6 engine and they didn't keep the stalks & husks away from the engine! The first New Idea Uni right after the MM line had a flathead Continental F244 six, had one come in to the dealer for service once years ago. A neighbor had one back in the seventies that had a habit of setting the corn field on fire. Parts are getting hard to find, and it is complicated to work on (8 gearboxes on a two row head might be a record). Edexcel A-Level Geography Past Papers June 2018 8GE0 and 9GE0. It needed more mass and funding and 'keeping up' behind it. He picked some ear corn for me with a six row head and it really kept me hopping pulling and unloading wagons. what was the story on the new idea uni systems ? it helped that the unis were made in Coldwater, Oh., only about 30 miles south of me. They suffered from being a good average machine. They picked and shelled a little corn for me too with the sheller unit. "url": "", There was a toolbar available too, only one I ever saw was a neighbor had an eight row planter setup on his 702. All in all it was a idea that had merit but there were issues with design and dealer network. I could not find how or even why the design shifted from MM to New Idea. Picked seed corn. . New Idea 725 Uni-System. We haven't used in years, Some one should put this machine. Pick 2-4 times as fast, had a swinging elevator to the side for side loading while picking, all greaseable bearing, think I has one bearing fail in 10 years of use. Carl B. retired a few years ago from dairying and still lives on the same farm, but his son manages it now. But unloading on the go. The replacement engine is the same model as the orginal and only has a few hrs on it. That made me laugh and reminds me of a story I was alway told about myself. Doesnt matter how good the machine is, if you cant get into the field with it. SKU: TE-4305OEM Common Parts Mahindra ROXOR New OEM . bit more of my thoughts. The first miles of a new John Deere 8 RX Mathieu-agri 57. 1 NEW IDEA Equipment in Hamel, IL. Her grandparents lived on the farm until moving to town in the 1980s and her aunt and uncle moved out to the farm to raise their family; they still live there today. Their grandfather also had a New Idea Uni-Harvest system. As all have already said, they are not the best for traction when the wagon starts to fill up. Dark silver. It lacked traction on my hills, right tire had weights, needed more. The electronic service manual New Idea (AGCO) is represented by a complete technical information for these types of agricultural machinery such as: Applicators Dry Fertilizer Spreaders, Forage Blowers / Distributors, Forage Boxes, Forage Harvester Heads / Attachments, Forage Harvesters, Grounds Care Equipment Blades / Box Scrapers / Landscape Good luck! Monday - Friday, 9am - Noon CSTAfternoons and Saturdays by chance. One is an early 1965 model, in the first production run after NI bought the concept from MM. A farmer near us has one with combine attachment and 6 row head. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 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Also they were light in some areas. A couple friends worked at New Idea in field testing and experimental.