Just because we dont c any hardcore proof of the giant skeletons, doesnt mean that they none were never found. Hurts like when a five-year-old punches a body builder with all his might. In 1897, 15 years before the Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons were discovered, The New York Times published a very brief section in their newspaper released on December 20th about a large skeleton found in a mound. Large skull with double layered teeth, six figures, six toes. One had recently been opened. No thanks, personal revelation is certainly most times delusion, and probably always delusion. It seems as though possibly the religions and the governments got together and confiscated all the giant skeletons, probably to stop worldwide panic after a few real good movies came out. Tell me about it in the comments below. The skeletons of some Mound Builders are certainly on display. Yeah they do. Smh. enormous size of the skeletons and elongated skulls. [10] They arent covering it up like you folks are here. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Doing this, eating a hot cheese burger, drinking a cold beer and watching a good scifi movie on TV. Do your research, people. Evolution will not have a monkey leg to stand on once all of the evidence is on the table for all to see. Look at the mans shadow, then the shadow of the skull, they dont match. Excellent find. These skeletons had two rows of teeth. According to the book of Genesis: There were giants in those days. They were enormous. Youll find them by the droves. Every article you read on Anomalien is made possible thanks to the generous donations of our supporters. People tell all kinds of ridiculous story. However, the mystery started after the discovery was made as nothing more was known about the skeletons. Your email address will not be published. So youre telling me a huge skull and femur bones have been sitting in Wisconsin out in the open for this long? So there are no authentic photos of these Giant Skeletons only known fakes like the one depicted above. Proof lies in the photos, none of the shadows match up, most of the time its the same Skull depicted in more than one photo, and you can see things missing like one famous Giant dig site were you can clearly see a man holding a shovel handle with no shovel head. There was a higher concentration of oxygen and there was no direct sunlight before the Flood making a greenhouse effect which is why people lived longer and grew larger. The real giant skeletons of lake delevan Wisconsin. Mohammed was a dolt, and his words in the Quran and Haddith, etc., are a condemning testimony to his insanity, depravity, and stupidity. Giants have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York, and their burial sites are similar to the well-known mounds of the Mound Builder people. In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. With the sort of mindset youre suggesting youd have to conclude that people during the Medieval period walked on the sides of their feet and that their eyes were plastered to the sides of their head rather than the fronts. This is in South Jersey and its still a flea market. THE SKULL WAS AS LARGE AS A HALF BUSHEL MEASURE. The people who built these mounds are as mysterious as the mounds themselves. In other words, Baloney! Madison was in ancient days the centre of a teeming population numbering not less than 200,000, the Times said. (The truth), If it doesnt support evolution it does not get reported. First reported in the 4 May 1912 issue of the New York Times, the 18 skeletons found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin exhibited several strange and freakish features. The skulls of each had prominent cheek bones and double rows of teeth. however ther was once mighty giants that ruled the earth over 6,000 years ago. Duh that picture wasnt taken in 1912, learn how to read!!! These giant people were also known as the mound builders. They have us just where they want us, psychologically. who took the crazy-stupid pills? I do not know were the picture was taken but for some reason I doubt Wisconsin, but I also doubt that it came from Jordan! Whomever made this one wasnt paying attention.. Some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones.. Does Puma Punku Feature The Ultimate Ancient Astronaut Evidence? They were massive and not believed to be any type of normal human beings. There are some issues with the article. I wouldnt be surprised why sicientists and scholars are hiding the truth about these so-called giants. Worlds Biggest Heists London Hatton Garden 200m Diamond Robbery, Easter 2015. What she completely failed to inform readers is that the 2002 national geographic article actually talks about a dozen mammoth skeletons found, with not one mention of human remains. Youre absolutely right, and nailed it. I gathered a few old newspaper articles that describe these alleged giant skeletons, as well as others. it makes perfect sense when you just simple believe the Bible. In accordance to this picture, the sun is shining from the right, therefore casting shadows to the left of the boy and skeleton. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Unexplained Mysteries and Strange Things,Cool Interesting stuff has been online since early 2011. Sounds more like a dinosaur than a human, now doesnt it? When looking for actual scientific knowledge over this subject, there is basically nothing on the subject that is discussed. How about this one: Its fake. I suggest you take a look at this, as its what youre doing one logical fallacy after another, but especially this one: You believe in angels but not vampires or flying monkeys. Religion has suppressed the truth of man kind for hundreds of years to conform to there criteria. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. they are a hoax national geographic said so back in 2007 all it takes is a bit of searching. Giant Skeleton Unearthed By Wisconsin Farmers in 1912 November 16, 2014 / in From the Grave / by J Nathan Couch The following is an excerpt from J. Nathan Couchs book Washington County Paranormal, which details the local history and legends of West Bend, WI and surrounding areas. I dont find this so hard to believe. Youve heard the expression Im sure. Who wrote the Koran? Human evolution has followed the same path. This is the ancestor to what we today call Bigfoot..people you want to know about their dead,about buried when its infrastructure is put in your face you want to hide. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend Trip by local author and investigator J. Nathan Couch . Yes, I along with other Photoshoppers, am laughing at these gullible people. My mom is 13 feet tall and has 6 fingers on each hand, and thats weird because my dad is a midjet (he does not like to be called a little person) with only 4 fingers on each hand, and I came out totaly average. I assume that the doubters are bible skeptics. The carvings in Egypt may also be Heres a helpful illustration to show you precisely and incontrovertibly why: Sigurur Jel Sigursson Wiium, I hear u can find plenty of evidence for giants There are records of some of them .. (And sadly, people are still falling for it.) The book of Enoch the prophet. Shadows people, Shadows. The Observations from Skeletons. Giants in history are typically cannibalistic in nature. Super Bowl Hijacker Proves TaxPayers Money Wasted on Government Security, Mental Health Goals Are a Sign of the Times, An Important Message, and a Warning to My Christian Friends, http://www.blankexit.com/13-giant-human-skeletons-real-fake/, http://anthropology.msu.edu/anp203h-fs13/2013/11/19/giant-skeletons-in-wisconsin/, http://gianthumanskeletons.blogspot.com/2012/02/giant-human-skeleton-hoaxes-by.html, https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/burden-of-proof, http://chronologiesbookofgiants.blogspot.ca/, Walmarts in Portland Oregon to Close Permanently. The Radium Girls, Radium Jaw and the Women D Edmund Fitzgerald Bodies: The Shipwreck that Cremation Video: See What Happens During the Video of the Bizarre Magnapinna Bigfin Squid. If youre willing to post your email address then Ill send it to you. Nothing has been put on display of fingers or anything relating to these giants its not your fault for believing in these people in the Smithsonian many people do but like you said 10 foot seems a logical size maybe even 12 feet and I am waiting for when someone does find more of these giants and they will, then smug commenters will have more to yack about something not being right like always. Conspiracy theorists believe that the American Government is hiding something and has no interest whatsoever to talk about a possible race of giants that inhabited the United States centuries ago. Upon excavation, a skeleton measuring over nine feet from head to toe was discovered with finely tempered copper rods and other relics. Thanks in advance. All skeletons allegedly disappeared as well. Built by. As an IT Professional, this one I could instantly tell had been photo-shopped.. The Bible should be contextualized into science and history, not the other way around. But theyre too steeped into their own mythology, and to proud to admit theyre wrong. The teeth in the front of the jaw are regular molars. . For proof one only needs to actually read the national geographic article in its entirety. The new television series In Search of Giants that airs following the Mystery of Oak Island show on Monday nights is producing some interesting evidence including the discovery of a giant tooth from a site that reputedly produced a giant skeleton and diary entries and newspaper photos as well as requests over the years from the Smithsonian Institution to be provided with giant skeletons. (Or were you not aware people from all over live America)? There have also been enormous size skeletons and skulls of a race of giants which have been discovered on a very steady basis all over the Midwestern states for over 100 years. There are many giant constructions all over the globe, some of them with large stones weighing over 900 tons. WebThe mystery behind the 18 Giant skeletons found in Wisconsin Subscribe Now: http://bit.ly/2NtrA6I About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Main stream science will even tell you that the oxygen levels were much greater at that time period. It is easy to disregard these antediluvian tales of an extraordinary race of giants produced through the coupling of celestial beings with human females. The skeletons can possibly be locked away tightly in an underground vault, concealed in an undisclosed location under a local burger joint. Oh, no reason, one just seems more romantic, therefore its more likely to be real. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. This is the fact. And the saying like ants is called hyperbole. You have no idea how hard these pranksters are LAUGHING AT YOUR EXPENSE. The jews, the jewsthe jewsget a learned educated well researched life people.ask yourselves why would any arkist not want to publish such a giant find.I would think they all live for suchfinding an entire 18+ of these giants indicates a cultured peopleall layed out in the same areaculture?? Thank you and keep up the good work! There really isnt a way for me to send you one of the pictures since I dont have your email address, and the webmaster here keeps removing the images and any reference to them. On May 4, 1912, the New York Times published a surprising news: Archaeological excavations near Lake Delavan in Wisconsin had found skeletons of extraordinary dimensions. For one thing, the shadows on the skeleton are lying in a different direction from the shadows on the standing figure. In 1897, 15 years before the Lake Delavan Giant Skeletons were discovered, The New York Times published a very brief section in their newspaper released on December 20th about a large skeleton found in a mound. Im waiting too but you seem to be one who doesnt even believe there are giant skeletons or never were then why do you bother watching these shows and commenting on this site ? The Smithsonian states they do not know anything about them, or any kind of oversized skeletons. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I dont believe in evolution. They were the great heroes and famous men of long ago. But the skeletons placed on display are normal-sized, and according to some sources, the skeletons of giants have been covered up. Luke, perhaps you shouldve read some of the previous comments in this thread before commenting. Thus meat eating became acceptable among humans. They are not even close. On this basis he concluded that the earths magnetic field was less than 10,000 years old, and so the earth must likewise be that young. Scientists know this but they are ignorant to know the truth. All skeletons allegedly disappeared as well. Take a look at the Egyptian carvings for instance, which clearly show a much, much taller race of people who ruled the population. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. Ive made a good number of these fake images for laughs. Repent. It is well documented there were giants on Earth in ancient times. An excavation of one large mound on Lake Fawn Farm near Lake Delavan revealed the skeletal remains of eighteen individuals measuring between 7.6 and 10 feet. One good reason why evolution answers the tough questions about silly nonsense. The shadows under the bottom portion of the pelvis are directly below it. Based on what? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It is unknown why scientists have remained silent about the discovery of 18 giant human skeletons which were found in burial grounds in the state of Wisconsin back in May of 1912. It hahahas been proved time over and again that science is very unreliable as much as evolution. Clearly Photoshopped, the clone stamp blending is very obvious along the edges, also notice the zoomed in grain and other details around the skeleton. 1912 my foot! Researchers from Egypt believe it had to belong to a creature that was over 5 meters height. legends of the anunnaki people fit this perfectly. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Lorelei, world record shows less than 9 foot. Oh thank God another thinking person. More about this can be found in Washington County Paranormal: A Wisconsin Legend Trip by local author and investigator J. Nathan Couch . Learned, understood death, toolsfood source.crops?. WebThe real giant skeletons of lake Delevan Wisconsin. Oh look mommy, its a personal attack. We will be very happy to hear from you. Just asking.. what does religion have anything to with it, the ancient greeks mention them also, so do we have to believe in zeus? It is because of the evolution theory that they dont want to see bigger humans, only smaller. No, you are wrong. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! How big were these giants that they could move 900 ton stones so much easier than humans? There is a prevailing scholarly consensus that we have an adequate historical understanding of the peoples who lived in North America during this period. 36 feet? Specifically, the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of making a deliberate effort to hide the telling of the bones and to keep the giant skeletons locked away. Archeologist have been finding these giant bones Welcome Guest, RegisterOr Sign In Videos Aliens And Ufos Alien Abductions Anunnaki Area 51 Crop Circles Everything Else Alien Phoenix Lights Reptilians Roswell Starchild Skull The MAPLE CREEK, Wis., Dec 19 One of the three recently discovered mounds in this town has been opened. Not even a singleRead more . Outside close to the main building was a Giant male skeleton on display in a large clear case. Somebody wake me when the fight begins. The dig site at Lake Delavan was overseen by Beloit College and it included more than 200 effigy mounds that proved to be classic examples of 8th century Woodland Culture. FROM WHERE are you getting this information? Thanks! Heya are using WordPress for your blog platform? Those vintage women must have been some real hotties. Not really The Koran Mentions clearly the creation of these giant nations called nation of Thamud and Nation of Aad.. now science need to prove how did this information came to be in the Koran 1400 years ago.. Also Koran mentions many other things scientists are interested in, like the Universe expansion mentioned in the Koran just recently discovered and many other thingsinteresting isnt!