Laodicea is also one of the seven cities in Asia-minor, which Jesus addressed through John the Revelator (Revelation 1:11 and 3:14). Built, or rather rebuilt, by one of the Seleucid monarchs, and named in honor of his wife, Laodicea became under the Roman government a place of some importance. The city of Laodicea, currently located in modern Turkey, was situated in the Lycus valley, about 45 miles southeast of Philadelphia and about 100 miles east of Ephesus. Laodicea's origin is Old Greek. 16. The name Laodice/Laodicea consists of two elements. This age is the Age of Laodicea, the last of the “church” ages described in Revelation. To understand the deeper meaning of the word “Laodicean,” and why Christ inspired its use in the context of Revelation 3, one must examine the Greek root words from which it is derived: Laos (Strong’s #2992, meaning “people”) and dike (Strong’s #1349, meaning “principle, decision”). Laodikeia: Laodicea, a city in Phrygia. WHAT WAS “THE EPISTLE FROM LAODICEA?”. The apocryphal Epistola ad Laodicenses is a late and clumsy forgery. Laodicea was a wealthy city during the Roman period. Injustice, in a cosmological sense, causes instability and ultimately demise. One group accepts they are bad and one group continued to think that they’re good. It was originally called Diospolis and then Rhoas, but afterwards Laodicea, from Laodice, the wife of Antiochus II., king of Syria, who rebuilt it. See more. What does LAODICEAN mean? In the vicinity was the temple of Men Karou and a renowned school of medicine. Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott's A Greek-English Lexicon lists what appears to be a variant or at least a related term: Λαοδικος (laodikos), meaning tried by the people, which would contain almost an oxymoron. But if the names of gods and demigods could be indicative of their relationship to mankind (they frequently are), Laodice could convey humanity's motivation to standardize codes of conduct, something that eventually led to formal law. The name Laodicea would therefore mean Place Of People Of Common Fairness. It was a city of great wealth, with extensive banking operations (compare Revelation 3:18). In 1071 the city was taken by the Seljuks; in 1119 it was recovered to the Christians by John Comnenus, and in the 13th century it fell finally into the hands of the Turks. Laodicean definition: lukewarm and indifferent , esp in religious matters | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples What precisely distinguishes this word from the others is hard to say — it mostly implies the common masses at large, but so do the others — but it bears a remarkable resemblance to the noun λεον (leon), lion, which helps to explain the many proverbial lions romping around ancient texts. Bibliography Information Laodicea is the name of a city which was formerly known as Diospolis, and which was situated on the river Lycus, close to Colossae and Hierapolis. The name Laodicea and the ethnonym Λαοδικευς (Laodicean) occur about half a dozen times in the New Testament. In that case a personification in the form of a demigoddess named Laodice would govern the social cohesion of a people that follow the precepts of common fairness (which would be represented by the higher-ranking goddess Dike, whose name is identical to our noun δικη, dike). The point of this verse, according to Zach Hoag, is that Laodicea was caught up in the Roman culture of wealth and status. The second part of the name Laodicea comes from the potent noun δικη (dike), meaning justice: The noun δικη (dike) means justice in a formal, judicial sense, and fairness in a common sense. The truth is, we do not know. The Mohammedan invaders destroyed it, and it is now a scene of utter desolation, as was prophesied in ( Revelation 3:14-22 ) and the extensive ruins near Denislu justify all that we read of Laodicea in Greek and Roman writers. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold … In Laodicea's case, it was a banking and financial center, which meant was was quite wealthy. This is Laodicea! We have good reason for believing that when, in writing from Rome to the Christians of Colossae, he sent a greeting to those of Laodicea, he had not personally visited either place. See also the related categories, greek and fair. It means “by the sea”. To rectify this sad loss, someone in the second or third century AD produced a kind of Paul's Greatest Hits compilation (composed largely of statements found in Paul's letters to the Philippians, Galatians and Colossians) and named it Paul's Letter To The Laodiceans. The Nuttall Encyclopedia (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: [⇑ See verse text ⇑] In this verse Jesus commands the apostle John to write to the church in Laodicea in care of "the angel of the church," likely the pastor. English speakers owe the word Laodicean to Chapter 3, verses 15 and 16 of the Book of Revelation, in which the church of Laodicea is admonished for being "neither cold nor hot, . by Shawn Brasseaux. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] Paul begins this chapter by sharing his spiritual burden for the Colossian believers. And this is the shaking that’s being created in ancient Israel in the time of Christ. Magistrates did that. Notice the many parallels to Babylon and Laodicea. Laodicea (justice of the people), a town in the Roman province of Asia situated in the valley of the Maeander, on a small river called the Lycus, with Colossae and Hierapolis a few miles distant to the west. The name Laodicea comes from the common feminine personal name Laodice (which doesn't occur in the Bible), and that's because it was named after the wife of the Syrian king Seleucus II, who in turn (we may assume) was named after the great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter of none other than Zeus, namely Laodice the daughter of Priam of Troy and his second wife Hecuba, as mentioned in Homer's Iliad. The water in Hierapolis came out of the ground hot. There will be a division in the church. It was one of the most important and flourishing cities of Asia Minor. A message needs to come to Laodicea, and when it does, as we read in Early Writings, there will be a shaking. Laodicea is infrequently used as a baby name for girls. Here’s what Jesus says to the church in the city of Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22): To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. Phonetic Spelling: (lah-od-ik'-i-ah) Definition: Laodicea, a city in Phrygia. Jesus had nothing but condemnation for the believers at Laodicea, which was intended to shake them out of their self-sufficient complacency and to exhort them to self-sacrifice for higher spiritual goals. Not only was Laodicea located on major trade routes that connected it to important cities like Ephesus, Smyrna and Sardis, but also it was a center of textile production and banking.Perhaps not surprisingly, the church of Laodicea is noted as being wealthy in the Bible (see Revelation 3:17). At the end of his letter to the Colossians, Paul conveys the unspecified concerns of church founder Epaphras concerning those of Laodicea and Hierapolis (Colossians 4:13), and salutes the brothers of Laodicea along with Nympha and the church in her house (Colossians 4:15). The Diocese of Laodicea in Phrygia, is an important Titular Christian Diocese, centered on the biblical city of Laodicea on the Lycus in modern Turkey.The Church at Laodicea was a centre of Christianity from a very early point.The New Testament indicates a Christian presence in Laodicea as early as the AD 50s. Salem Media Group. Colossians 4:16 says: “And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.” What was “the epistle from Laodicea?” A missing Bible Book—that is, one of the New Testament pseudepigraphal, or apocryphal, works? It was probably written in Greek but exists today only in Latin. Hoorah! Laodicea's precise location is unknown, but it is in modern-day Iraq. Laodicea; also transliterated as Laodikeia or Laodiceia was a Hellenistic city in Mesopotamia. It's unknown what the original selling price of it was but since this product is still with us today, we may assume that it circulated in heavy rotation; a kind of Da Vinci Code of its day. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. It then suddenly became a great and wealthy center of industry, famous specially for the fine black wool of its sheep and for the Phrygian powder for the eyes, which was manufactured there (compare Revelation 3:18). The common people didn't do any trying in the legal sense. The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Laodicea is Saturday, April 14th, 1877. Pliny places Laodicea along with Seleucia and Artemita. 16. 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The name Laodicea occurs 7 times in the New Testament; see full concordance. The name Laodicea and the ethnonym Λαοδικευς (Laodicean) occur about half a dozen times in the New Testament. The name's meaning is 'she who is fair with her community'. . In subsequent times it became a Christian city of eminence, the see of bishop and a meeting-place of councils. In both Greek and Hebrew, the words translated as "angel" more literally mean "messenger." 1915. Laodicea was … Usage: Laodicea, a city in the Lycos valley in the Roman province Asia, near Colossae and Hierapolis. From the third chapter and seventeenth verse of Revelation we should gather it was a place of great wealth. What Does It Mean to be Lukewarm? A city of Asia Minor situated in the Lycos valley in the province of Phrygia, and the home of one of the Seven Churches of Re (1:11). You are a unique individual. .”. Built, or rather rebuilt, by one of the Seleucid monarchs, and named in honor of his wife, Laodicea became under the Roman government a place of some importance. The city of this name mentioned in Scripture lay on the confines of Phrygia and Lydia, about 40 miles east of Ephesus ( Revelation 3:14 ), on the banks of the Lycus. One of the two Roman theaters is remarkably well preserved, and there may still be seen the stadium, a colonnade, the aqueduct which brought the water across the valley to the city by an inverted siphon of stone pipes, a large necropolis, and the ruins of three early Christian churches. At a very early period it became one of the chief seats of Christianity ( Colossians 2:1 ; 4:15 ; Revelation 1:11 , etc.). The name Laodice stems from deep antiquity and it's difficult to establish what it may have meant to the original name giver. Christianity was introduced into Laodicea, not, however, as it would seem, through the direct agency of St. Paul. Also notice what Jesus says in a parable concerning the time just before His return: "But if that evil servant says in his heart, 'My master is delaying his coming,' and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards . Original Word: Λαοδικεία, ας, ἡ. The city of Laodicea, currently located in modern Turkey, was situated in the Lycus valley, about 45 miles southeast of Philadelphia and about 100 miles east of Ephesus. Amos 6:3 The prophet pronounces God's judgment. of Laodicea was a wealthy, industrious city in the province of Phrygia in the Lycos Valley. The Epistle to the Laodiceans is a lost (although witnessed in Codex Fuldensis) letter of Paul the Apostle, the original existence of which is inferred from an instruction to the congregation in Colossae to send their letter to the believing community in Laodicea, and likewise obtain a copy of the letter "from Laodicea" (Greek: ἐκ Λαοδικείας, ek Laodikeas). The lukewarm spiritual condition of the Laodicean church was more dangerous than if the church had been cold. What does Colossians 2:1 mean? In his letter to the Colossians, Paul speaks of his great struggle for the Colossians and for the Laodiceans, although he hadn't visited either, at least up until the time of writing (Colossians 1:4, 2:1, but see Acts 18:23 and 19:10). The name of the city is a compound Greek word: laos means people, nation, or crowd; dike means custom, law, judgment, penalty, or punishment, depending on the context. ." Laodicea, because it lacked its own water supply, had to have it transported from the nearby city of Hierapolis. Meaning of LAODICEAN. . Laodicea is the name of a city which was formerly known as Diospolis, and which was situated on the river Lycus, close to Colossae and Hierapolis. But the preaching of the gospel at Ephesus, ( Acts 18:19 ; Acts 19:41 ) must inevitably have resulted in the formation of churches in the neighboring cities, especially where Jews were settled; and there were Jews in Laodicea. This word comes with a long list of compound derivatives. God drew an analogy from everyday life in the city in order to make his point that the church had become spiritually lukewarm. In Colossians 4:16 Paul refers to a letter to the church of the Laodiceans which we no longer possess. "Entry for 'LAODICEA'". Though Laodicea stood on the great highway at the junction of several important routes, it was a place of little consequence until the Roman province of Asia was formed in 190 BC. Ad mare is not Greek, it is Latin. neither one nor the … The original name was Λαοδίκεια ἡ Πάραλος, Laodikeia he paralos and means the same thing. It represents the “church” of our own time. Scholars over the years have offered their opinions on what the “letter to the Laodiceans” actually was. We know there was a church in Laodicea, a wealthy, industrious city in the province of Phrygia in the Lycos Valley, approximately 9 miles from Colossae, in a region now known as Denizli, Turkey. To the churches in the Christian world: To those who alternately believe from themselves, and from the Word, and thus profane holy things; who are described by the church in … Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Laodicea, Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Laodicea, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Laodicea, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Laodicea, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. What does Laodicea mean? The state of “religion”. Be our patron for as little as one dollar a month:, — See the full Dictionary article and Biblical Concordance —, The Passion of the Christ and the Theory of Everything, The Fate of Our World: The Bible, AI and Cryptocurrency. All rights reserved. Usshers view is that it was the same as the Epistle to the Ephesians, which was a circular letter sent to Laodicea among other places. (justice of the people ), a town in the Roman province of Asia situated in the valley of the Maeander, on a small river called the Lycus, with Colossae and Hierapolis a few miles distant to the west. It is now a deserted place, called by the Turks Eski-hissar or "old castle.". Its trade was considerable; it lay on the line of a great road; and it was the seat of a conventus . However, Laodicea was early the chief bishopric of Phrygia, and about 166 AD Sagaris, its bishop, was martyred. Definition of LAODICEAN in the dictionary. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". Little is known of the early history of Christianity there; Timothy, Mark and Epaphras (Colossians 1:7) seem to have been the first to introduce it. Laodicea is a city that was originally named Diospolis "City of Zeus" and later named after the wife of Antiochus II Theos, Laodice I. Among them nothing from before the Roman period has appeared. In the year 60 AD, the city was almost entirely destroyed by an earthquake, but so wealthy were its citizens that they rejected the proffered aid of Rome, and quickly rebuilt it at their own expense (compare Revelation 3:17). What does Laodicea mean? Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Distinguished from several other cities of that name by the appellation Ad Lycum, it was founded by Antiochus II (261-246 BC) of Syria, who named it for his wife Laodike, and who populated it with Syrians and with Jews who were transplanted from Babylonia to the cities of Phrygia and Lydia. The ruins, now called Eski Hissar, or old castle, lie near the modern Gonjelli on the railroad, and they have long served as a quarry to the builders of the neighboring town of Denizli. Paul uses the Greek term agōna, which means "conflict, fight, or struggle. Laodicea’s water source came from an aqueduct that held warm mineral water. And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of the work of God. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine. Laodicean definition, lukewarm or indifferent, especially in religion, as were the early Christians of Laodicea. Ultimately, it denotes a harmony with the rules of the universe, and can be easily recognized from stability and perpetuity in all sorts of circumstances. The message is from the Lord Jesus Christ via an angel or messenger (likely a reference to the church’s pastor): “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write . Another biblical subject of interest is connected with Laodicea. Laodicea is the name of a city in Asia Minor that wasn't too far from Colosse. . Although it had earlier been called Diospolis and then Rhoas, Antiochus II of Syria “named it for his wife Laodike” and “populated it with Syrians and with Jews who were transplanted from Babylonia to the cities of Phrygia and Lydia” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, … Transliteration: Laodikeia. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Information and translations of LAODICEAN in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. For this reason lukewarm water was a characteristic of Laodiceans and it also resembled their spiritual condition. That word in turn looks like it has to do with the adverb λεως (leos), wholly or entirely, which is turn relates to the adverb λιαν (lian), very, very much or greatly. The name Laodikeia is actually an adjective, and means “of Laodike”. Proud member ( Revelation 3:14 ). From ( Colossians 4:16 ) it appears that St. Paul wrote a letter to this place when he wrote the letter to Colossae. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Laodicea is the name of a city which was formerly known as Diospolis, and which was situated on the river Lycus, close to Colossae and Hierapolis. Laodicea is the name of a city in Asia Minor that wasn't too far from Colosse. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. What does Laodicea mean? What does Revelation 3:14 mean? "It's difficult to fight, spiritually speaking, for those we have not personally met. Laodicea was one of Revelation's seven churches who received a spiritual evaluation directly from Jesus Christ. General Editor. The first element is the noun λαος (laos), meaning (common) people: The noun λαος (laos) means people and is one of a few words to do so. 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