Don’t worry if it looks like the seeds are growing the wrong way. It is native to Africa. Best outdoors if grown in zone 10a-11, find your zone here. The seedlings are over 6' tall with canopies just as wide. var TheButtonPintrest; Once established they need plenty of sun. They have vibrant green, very dense foliage. Wonderful shade tree with lacy looking foliage. Where are you growing yours, all sorts of conflicting data online.I personally know of two trees, one being grown in Tampa and never covered and another New Port Richey both 9Bs and Ill be in 9A but still considering it. Tamarix ramosissima is a hardy, deciduous shrub or small tree with long, slender branches and small, greyish foliage that turns red in autumn. It’s normal for the seeds to poke up far above the soil level. ell off and roll 5 seeds together with sugar to make Tamarind Balls. I am happy to report I have three seedlings growing. If you want to grow it, grow tamarind tree in pot and keep it indoors or in a greenhouse during winter. Step: 11. It is especially dangerous close to waterways as they are gross consumers of water, approximately twice that of Willow (Salix). On May 30, 2010, cowhow from Fort Worth, TX (Zone 8b) wrote: My wife is Costa Rican and on our trip this past spring we brought seeds back with us. Not to mention the numerous tiny plants all over the yard from the plethora of seed pods. May, Zone: 7 Zone: 9 Although in the legume family, it does not fix nitrogen; however, its many attractive qualities make it a splendid addition to the large permaculture garden. Almost any soil type in a sunny location providing there is good access to moisture. Scientific name: Tamarindus indica Pronunciation: tam-uh-RIN-dus IN-dih-kuh Common name(s):tamarind Family: Fabaceae USDA hardiness zones: 10A through 11 (Figure 2) Origin: native to tropical Africa and Madagascar UF/IFAS Invasive Assessment Status: not considered a problem species at this time, may be recommended Uses: street without sidewalk; shade; specimen; parking lot island > 200 sq ft; tree lawn > 6 ft wide; highway median They have not flowered or born fruit and are still grown in a large container. This tea plant is the most cold hardy tea plant available, recommended for growing zones 7 through 9. They will need to go into a deep pot early. BROWN TAMARIND Sapindaceae : Plant type: evergreen tree Hardiness zones: 9b-13 Sunlight: hot overhead sun to warm low sun Soil Moisture: dry between watering to constantly moist Soil: enriched soil, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline 20m : 15m. This tree can get tall but is usually less than 30 feet. It just keeps growing. The sweet pulp inside the thin shell is a bit acid, but sweet, somewhat refreshing in my opinion. Shrubbery, January I am concerned they will no survive the winter once planted in the ground. :-) One thing to note this fruit will help if you suffer from constipation, eat enough and you can have a colonoscopy. It is highly wind-resistant, with strong, supple branches, gracefully drooping at the ends, and has dark-gray, rough, fissured bark. Care and Cultivation of Tamarindus indica. I then allowed the water to cool to room temperature, and then dried them before planting. With only approximately 30 trees are left remaining in the wild of Northern NSW this endangered species is attracting quite a bit of attention both amongst the bush food enthusiast and the conservationists. 45 members have or want this plant for trade. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) grows well in areas subject to fog or mists. The medicinal use of Tamarind tree is Antioxidants, Inflammation, Rheumatism, Skin Disorders and Sore throat whereas of Tamarisk is Diarrhea, Liver problems, Rheumatism, Skin wounds and Tooth ache. To update my original post from 2010 fast forward to 2016. }. If you plant directly in full sun you may experience leaf burn. TheImage = document.getElementById(TheImageId); Hedge return (true); One is now about 7inches high & I could not remember what the tree looked like. Other Species: Around 50 other species in the genus. If you have sweet ones, less sugar is needed. The sour one are so sour they make your mouth water before you eat them if you have had them before. Immature pods are often eaten as a vegetable, while the mature pod is eaten as a fresh fruit or left to dehydrate in the pod. Soil: Almost any soil type in a sunny location providing there is good access to moisture. Meaning that, instead of situating this tree in our or… No sugar needed for the sweet kind, unless you are into making stuff sugary. Actually, it's more like a large shrub and is often sold as a nice hedging plant (which also bears edible fruit as a bonus) but we purchased our Grumichama as a fruit tree first and an ornamental second. TheButtonPintrest.href += "&media=" + TheImage.src; They like good light, and have medium water requirements, but otherwise are fairly low-maintainence. Take the hard sh... read moreell off and roll 5 seeds together with sugar to make Tamarind Balls. There were a few trees 3ft. On Aug 9, 2006, patty_in_wisc from Milwaukee, WI wrote: I found these seeds under it's tree in Mexico on vacation back in April, 2004. This plant is quite easily grown from seed if the seeds are fresh. I keep the limbs trimmed so I can walk under it. In springtime it produces a very attractive display of long racemes of feathery pink flowers all along its branches. In springtime it produces a very attractive display of long racemes of feathe . TheButtonPintrest = document.getElementById("ButtonPintrest"); The three tamarindo "seedlings" are now to large to overwinter indoors. Interesting look when the pods are hanging from the tree. In March it was about 2 - 3" tall. Pale Yellow. I have learned the trees are not even cold tolerant, much less frost/freeze tolerant. From Wikipedia. Tamarix ramosissima has escaped cultivation to become a weed threat - as such it is recommended not to plant it if you live close to bushland as they produce huge amounts of seed every season. Put you tamarind in a warm and sunny window. March s in response to sudden and dramatic tempature drops. Bloom Color: Rose/Mauve. Zone: 8 Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a leguminous tree (family Fabaceae) bearing edible fruit that is indigenous to tropical Africa. In just a week or two you should have a tamarind tree with a few leaves. The tamarind tree grows well in USDA Hardiness Zones 10-11 and therefore, is not commonly seen in the continental United States, except in southern Florida. This plant prefers a mild climate, though the plant featured in the photos here was seen in growing very happily in Hobart. We have the sweet type in our yard and the sours one all over the Island. Why would I want to grow it then? The tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica) is grown as a commercial crop in warm climates, and it’s also grown for its value as a large shade tree. ), cleaned them, dropped them into hard-boiling water for 3 minutes. Hardiness: USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F) USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F) USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F) USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F) Where to Grow: Grow outdoors year-round in hardiness zone. The fruits look like beans and are borne in great abundance along the new branches. SMALL LEAF TAMARIND Sapindaceae : Plant type: evergreen tree Hardiness zones: 8-11 Sunlight: warm low sun to dappled light Soil Moisture: dry between watering to constantly moist Soil: enriched soil, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline 15m : 6m. high! Another was growing out of a seam in one of the downspouts and was already 6ft. Irrigation methods for Growing Tamarind from seeds: The tree is capable of withstanding drought conditions. This is a very long lived plant with specimens being recorded over 50 years old. Tamarix ramosissima is a hardy, deciduous shrub or small tree with long, slender branches and small, greyish foliage that turns red in autumn. As this is a legume (a member of the pea family), the roots are nitrogen-fixers, so don't overdo it with fertilizers. After 2 yrs in a unsealed plastic bag, it still germinated to my surprise! I love its beautiful leaves and it can be made it into a Bonsai. I specially like to hear from tamarind tree owners that live in the zone 9a area in I posted a pic of it in a forum & someone mentioned Tamarind, so I looked it up here. They will need to go into a deep pot early. Until the young plants get established, they need moisture in the soil. Yes, I know tamarind is a long lived, large tree that can grow over 50 feet tall. If you have sweet ones, less sugar is needed. I found them in drawer this spring & planted 3 seeds --2 grew. Central Phoenix -- I have an Aloe Christmas Carol, ... read more, I just found one upside down on our patio and put him ... read more, Flocks to the suet feeder along with the dozen or so ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the The seedlings are quite attractive, with compound l... read moreeaves that close in late afternoon, and open about an hour before sunrise. The pods are great to cook with - in Asian dishes, the pulp is a great addition to curries, chutneys and stir-fries. Sweet Tamarind Tree (tamarindus indica) – Delicious tamarind is a slow-growing, long-lived, tropical tree reaching, under favorable conditions, a height of 40 or even 70 feet with a spread of 30 feet and a trunk that can reach a circumference of 15 feet. Dehydrated tamarind is used to make chutneys, desserts and a variety of sauces. February :-) One thing to note this fruit will help if you suffer from constipation, eat enough and you can have a colonoscopy. The tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a semi-evergreen tropical tree that produces edible leaves, flowers and pods in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 to 11. (avoid frost) BEFORE YOU PLANT OUTDOORS Here at Kens Nursery these trees are grown under 20-40% shade cloth. I started it last winter (Dec 2011) in a pot under a light. You can eat it in natura, but it´s more commonly used in candies and juices. Tamarinds are slow-growing, long-lived, evergreen trees that under optimum conditions, in its native habitat can grow 80 feet high with a spread of 20 to 35 ft. As this is a legume (a member of the pea family), the roots are nitrogen-fixers, so don't overdo it with fertilizers. Step: 10. What are the opinions of tamarind tree owners regarding this issue? Water when the soil gets dry. Note: email address will not be displayed. I expect that I will need to learn some kind of modified bonsai technique to keep them - we will see. They are also relatively drought tolerant and don't seem to mind Texas summer sun or heat. ft) tamarind trees growing right here in Jacksonville FL that suffered no damage in the 25 degree freezes we had this past winter. You can also make a beautiful bonsai of … We do not sell these plants. In my experience the trees are very reactive to climate changes as they shed leave... read mores in response to sudden and dramatic tempature drops. ( Tamarind Tree ) The fruits of the tamarind were traded widely in ancient times. Sure enough, that's what it is! Sometimes over watering results in soggy soil. It’s because I want to know I can grow it from seed in a cold climate. They germinated in about 10 days. This information is provided as a free service to viewers. The sour one are so sour they make your mouth water before you eat them if you have had them before. Tamarind tree Hardiness Zone Hardiness zone of a plant is a geographically defined area in which, a particular type of plant is capable of growing according to the climatic conditions. USDA hardiness zones 10A-11 1 Uses Street without sidewalk; shade; specimen; parking lot island > 200 sq ft (61 sq m); tree lawn > 6 ft (1.8 m) wide; highway median 1 Height 40-65 ft (12-19.8 m) 1 Spread 40-65 ft (12-19.8 m) 1 Crown Vase shape; round; dense (Fig. A tall tree in habitat but will be smaller under open growing conditions or kept in a pot. Records from the eastern Mediterranean show Tamarindus indica was already in cultivation there in the fourth century B.C. The tamarind is a slow growing but long lived tree reaching up to 30 metres. It has dark brown to purple bark. Big limbs split off from the main trunk like a wishbone... but it did not bat an eye so far. Tamarind is a tropical tree, it endures mild winter but growing it outside in colder climate is definitely a bad idea. Some of the limbs grow out and downward giving me the feeling like it is reaching out to protect the plants in the area. eaves that close in late afternoon, and open about an hour before sunrise. The sweet-sour pulp that surrounds the seeds is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin and is a … They like good light, and have medium water requirements, but otherwise are fairly low-maintainence. It produces a showy light brown, bean-like fruit, which can be left on the tree for up to six months after maturing. It also includes the ability to withstand minimum temperature of the zone. All of these should be stored in the frig if not consuming right away. A light pruning after flowering will keep it neat. I'm not sure how long the seeds stay viable. A fairly long period of drought seems to be necessary for good seed maturation, bearing in mind that it can also lead to the fall of part of the foliage. Good in coastal locations and as a windbreak, screen or hedge. Its hardiness and ease of cultivation make this a popular garden plant. If they grow well, I can eat their young leaves, flowers and fruit. Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, Grow outdoors year-round in hardiness zone, This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds, Remove fleshy coating on seeds before storing, Allow unblemished fruit to ripen; clean and dry seeds, Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored. The tamarind, a slow-growing, long-lived, massive tree reaches, under favorable conditions, a height of 80 or even 100 ft (24-30 m), and may attain a spread of 40 ft (12 m) and a trunk circumference of 25 ft (7.5 m). Feature To germinate seed - I took seeds from dried tamarind (from the supermarket! It only gets water when I am down there. high was growing right out of the base of a hedge directly on the corner of the house. Tamarind is a large tropical tree with a short massive trunk, ferny pinnate leaves, small yellow flowers and fat reddish brown pods. April The tree was damaged in Hurricane Charlie and again in Wilma. They like to grow at the beach, in the sand and hot sun. The tamarind growing area is very wide with rainfall ranging from 400 (semi-arid zones) to 1,400 mm (monsoon zones in particular). © 2010-2020 GardensOnline Shopping Pty. On Aug 7, 2012, alyx_c from San Antonio, TX wrote: I am from the US Virgin Islands and have eaten this fruit my entire life. It is so graceful looking- no one around here ever saw anything like it. It has smaller, more narrow leaves than other tea plant varieties, with a sweet flavor that falls in between green and black tea. In San Antonio I started one from a seed that had already been made into what we call a Tamarind ball. Zone: 10. Here we list businesses who usually sell this plant. I left for two days (which time my roommate watered is not uncommon for us to have this arrangement), and when I came back the ENTIRE TREE was brown. One tree already 15-20ft. The genus Tamarindus is monotypic, meaning that it contains only this species. Hardy from USDA zones 10b through 12, the tree's dense canopy withstands tough weather and strong winds. Makes a nice tea. This tree requires 80-100% sunlight. Tamarind tree grow and care – tree of the genus Tamarindus also known as Tamarindus indica, Tamarind tree perennial evergreen in cold weather become deciduous plant, grow for the edible fruits also used as ornamental plant and can grow as bonsai tree, grow in tropic, mediterranean or subtropical climate and growing in hardiness zone 10b+ and possible to grow with right overwinter care in … high or so growing out of an untended patch of land full of post-hurricane debris. Boil with water and lots of sugar, as needed to make very thick paste for candy, put in small cups and let cool. On Oct 8, 2010, davecito from Carrboro, NC wrote: I have a couple small tamarind seedlings. In the northern end of their grow zone Malabar Tamarind Trees should be brought indoors or protected during the winter months. Maintenance: A light pruning after flowering will keep it neat. If you live outside of the Tamarind’s recommended growing zones 9-11, place your tree in a container and keep it … Tamarind flesh is full of vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, iron, zinc, fiber and more to naturally boost your immune system and keep you regular. The soil and plants should be irrigated when the soil gets too dry. On May 23, 2006, CarolesJungle from Naples, FL (Zone 10a) wrote: My tree was around 5 foot when planted in 1998. Ltd. Climate Zones Australia has a wide range of climates from the wet tropics to cool temperate climates and it is important to consider your climate when selecting trees that will be best suited to your area so they will thrive and be productive once planted. It is highly wind resistant with strong graceful branches with rough fissured bark. Danger: N/A. I have an indoor 2 year old tamarind tree that was doing great until recently. They range from 5-20cm in … For food when ripe(remove veins): boil them with water and lots of sugar to make the drink (can use little cinnamon if desired). Tamarind tree hardiness zone is 9-11. I soaked them for a couple of days first, and they came up in less than two weeks. Because tamarind has multiple uses, it is cultivated around the world in tropical and subtropical zones. Based in South Australia, specialising in mainstream, rare and unusual perennial plants along with roses and ornamental trees. Boil with water and lots of sugar, as needed to make very thick paste for candy, put in small cups and let cool. At this stage you should remove the plastic wrap. All the leaves were dried and … They live in our greenhouse during cold months. I have a 13 ft high sunroom that I grow citrus & tropicals in, but this one might just get too big for it unless I can somehow dwarf it. About two weeks ago, it started getting some brown leaves near the base. At one time, the extent of its U.S. population was in Florida's wilds. I am curious to know if anyone in North Texas has had success growing these. Ive talked with someone in Arizona that supposedly has one in his yard a couple of years in 7B. Tamarix ramosissima - Pink Cascade in bloom, Tamarix ramosissima - this is Pink Cascade, Tamarix ramosissima makes a spectacular tree for small to medium sized gardens, Tamarix ramosissima, wonderful in springtime. Comments: Tamarix ramosissima has escaped cultivation to become a weed threat - as such it is recommended not to plant it if you live close to bushland as they produce huge amounts of seed every season. Taming Wild Tamarind After finding its way from the West Indies to Florida, wild tamarind took hold among the Everglades' hardwood trees. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On May 5, 2013, DannyJoe from York, SC (Zone 7b) wrote: Add the sweet pod jam to a jar of water and store in fridge. var TheImage; The leaves are compound, the flowers are good nectar source for honey. Malabar tamarind trees growing right here in Jacksonville FL that suffered no in!, i can grow over 50 years old seem to mind Texas summer sun or heat we will.. Tree looked like too dry candies and juices seeds are fresh 30 metres forward to 2016 all of should... Inside the thin shell is a slow growing large tree can get tall but is usually less 30! Tree was in Florida 's wilds again in Wilma tree 's dense canopy withstands tough weather and winds! We had this past winter Tamarindus is monotypic, meaning that it contains this... Slow growing but long lived plant with specimens being recorded over 50 feet tall the northern end their... The plants in the frig if not consuming right away is so graceful looking- no one here! 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