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Cookies help us deliver our Services. The u/navyctmthrowaway community on Reddit. Call MyNavy Career Center: 833-330-MNCC, or 901-874-MNCC (DSN 882-6622), Email MNCC, MNCC Chat Comments or Suggestions about this Website? Information Operations Command (NIOC), Navy Cyber Warfare Development Group (NCWDG), Naval Computer Defense Operations Center (NCDOC), Naval Special Warfare, and DIRSUP Commands. You have the power to make the liaison at Meps bend backwards for you. What we don’t know could hurt us. WHEN YOU INVEST IN YOUR COUNTRY, WE INVEST IN YOU. The title was changed to Intelligence Specialist in 1975 since there is much more involved in intelligence than photographs, and not everyone in the rating is a man. Comments(6) 35505 Views In the Navy, they call their enlisted jobs ratings. In times of war and peace, our actions reflect our proud heritage and tradition. It's understandable that most information cannot be shared but I just want to know if people enjoy their job on a regular basis lol. CTN is a REALLY small group, I think there's only like 650, in the entire Navy. Would there be any micro-soldering involved? Additionally, male CTI members may be assigned to duties aboard a Navy submarine. NAVY PERSONNEL … Or would that perhaps be more CTT? Training for it isn't bad, it's like the shortest of the long school's in the navy. They most likely deal with the more secretive things in terms of the network. We defend our Nation and prevail in the face of adversity with strength, determination, and dignity. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. I believe I have! ***** Hey all, I wanted to compile all the CTN information I could find on and off of Reddit into one post, hope this helps you, as my research has helped me. ET's were going to hand off all radar NEC's to FC's which would give them more shore duty billets. We are patriots, forged by the Navy's core values of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Hello everyone. NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND: 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-0000 Address Correspondence to: Attn: PERS-### or BUPERS-### This is an official U.S. Navy Website Need Career, Pay or Personnel help? Navy A School does not have as many restrictions as boot camp, but does not have as many freedoms as a sailor will once they complete training. I try to answer a lot of CTM questions when I get the chance. CTIs may be assigned to temporary duty aboard Navy aircraft. NEC codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. New UK Government Covid testing site opens in Cumbernauld. I know that CT's advance pretty quickly, much quicker than IT's. CTM is one of the best rates in the Navy hands down. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Delivery of the systems is scheduled for 2021-2022. The order was placed by a member of the Consortium, the Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A (OBR CTM … I'm in charge of the software for a Navy program, writing contracts / planning our roadmap / coordinating the infrastructure etc. Sounds like a good enough gig. A U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN) rating performs a host of duties associated with computer operations across global networks, according to the U.S. Navy. no one could really tell me what CTM does, they just had no clue. Greetings from your CTM Detailers. Considering that I've already gone to meps and picked up a rate, how would I go about doing that? Integration Element (JCIE), Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command (NEIC) may accrue extensive deployment days supporting Overseas Contingency Operations and may have the opportunity to qualify EXWS. I hope you're right, I'm shipping in October for AV so hopefully a ctn slot will come along in the meantime. So i'll hit the highlights and my fellow CTM's can help me out.CTM's do alot of different stuff, and go a goo variety of places. I do have a CTM related question. What happens is you only have 2 ET's who have the clearance and can work on the equpment which creates issues. I've been dep'd in for about 1-2 months now and I ship in October. As a European, your wife might appreciate it if you selected orders to Italy or Spain when it comes time to pick orders for your second duty station! CTM E7 and above may have multiple back to back shore rotations due to limited ea s duty opportunities. You may be wondering what Navy A School is, where they are located or what you can bring with you. Fleet Electronic Support (FES) billets attached to Direct Support commands are considered sea duty billets providing real-time support to deployed combatants. ... NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND: 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-0000 Address Correspondence to: Attn: PERS-### or BUPERS-### This is an official U.S. Navy Website Need Career, Pay or Personnel help? How leaving the EU will boost Scottish farming. Sample SSOI memo. CTIs attend language training at the Defense Language Institute (DLI), in Monterey, California.They specialize in the analysis of foreign language materials and the preparation of statistical studies and technical reports. Cryptologic Technicians Interpretive are the Navy's linguists. CTN is one of seven ratings for the Information Warfare Community. There are several different types of cryptologic technicians in the Navy. I've done some research in this subreddit about CTM. Press J to jump to the feed. Individuals will attend Navy A School after they have completed boot camp. Breaking subreddit rules may result in a ban from r/newtothenavy and r/navy.. Do not encourage lying. Call MyNavy Career Center: 833-330-MNCC, or 901-874-MNCC (DSN 882-6622), Email MNCC, MNCC Chat Comments or Suggestions about this Website? Each CT role works under the oversight of Cryptologic Warfare Officers (four-year degree required) or Cyber Warfare Engineers (four-year degree required) – and potentially both. Navy DLPT letter from Center of Information Warfare Training Corry Station, forwarded to the board via the candidate's LTB. The Sailor's Creed I am a United States Sailor. (How long, daily tasks, etc. The order was placed by a member of the Consortium, the Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A (OBR CTM S.A). Anyone in here currently a CTM that can tell me some of your experience? Cryptologic Technician (CT) is a United States Navy enlisted rating or job specialty. If a CTM (or someone familiar) could let me know: what the job is like (I've already read all the navy info about it, I'm looking for first hand accounts), what job prospects there generally are outside of the navy. The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. As sailors gradually move through A School and complete different phases, their restrictions are slowly lifted and liberties are increased. Being around people happy with their jobs is a strong plus. Also it would have eliminated several weeks of A school for ET's saving big Navy money. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I started a cell phone repair business with someone 6 years ago, so I've been doing anything from simple screen replacements to very tiny capacitor replacements, or tricks rather than replacements, sometimes, like bridging a circuit with a .5mm long piece of wire. Navy A School is the first stage of technical training for your specific rating. A U.S. Navy Cryptologic Technician Networks (CTN) rating performs a host of duties associated with computer operations across global networks, according to the U.S. Navy. Thank you! I saw two youtube videos from a CTM, one was him on some sort of Thanksgiving Leave during boot camp and the second (two videos about the Navy that is) is him 3 years later and he said he is liking the Navy, he loves being a CTM, and that the Navy has been good to him. Very good to know. i still have no clue what we do for sure, there is so much that we DO do. Started by MoD_RSS; Today at 12:52 PM; Replies: 0; MoD News. Started by MoD_RSS; 59 minutes ago; Replies: 0; MoD News . So I'm looking for some feedback on the life of a CTM. Cryptologic Technician Maintenance (CTM) B520 Notes from the CTM Detailing Team. CTM is a great rate, can learn a lot of technician work as well as networking. ***** Hey all, I wanted to compile all the CTN information I could find on and off of Reddit into one post, hope this helps you, as my research has helped me. The length and location of training depends on the specific rating. Only two Navy job specialties, called "ratings," are included in the Advanced Electronics/Computer Field: Electronics Technician (ET) and Fire Controlman (FC). You can use the Engage My Career Tool on MilGears to enter personalized information to learn about degree programs related to your training and experience and next steps towards pursuing a degree. Waiting on a NUC contract, still. Nukes keep the boat moving. The Cryptologic Technician Maintenance branch offers a career in the installation, configuration, diagnosis, and repair of state-of-the-art electronic, computer, and network hardware and software systems. That being said as someone who checks orders EVERY month, on a month to month basis your choices may be pretty limited, infact some months they are down right shit. Is the day to day job enjoyable? I’m also interested in being a CTN so if anyone has any info on either of the two I would really appreciate some help. So far he's offered me two IT positions and one CTM. I'm still wanting that Nuke contract some kinda awful, but if CTM is priority, I'd like to know more about CTM so I can talk myself into being okay with not getting Nuke. Edit: This is going to sound really dumb, but another reason I want to be careful with the rate I pick, is because I don't want to end up recruiting. Comments(6) 35505 Views In the Navy, they call their enlisted jobs ratings. As for recruiting....I wouldn't worry about it, it's second tour minimum, so your talking about something unlikely to happen and NOT going to happen for 4-6 years. Additionally, a Navy CTM could move into employment assisting with safety and occupational health programs maintained by a civilian employer. The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. That’s why America’s Navy has Cryptologic Technicians gathering intelligence every minute of every day. Small community, lots of duty station options, excellent training, above average advancement, and great opportunities in the civilian sector. There isn't much info because there is only about ~900 total, (Corpsman has about 27k and IT about ~12k for example). Within that field are several specialized ratings, including A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. 3. CTRs specialize in the operation of signals collection, direction finding, and … Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR). I honestly don't know how people do end up recruiting, but my recruiter is an IT, and now he's recruiting, and that sounds awful. Nothing like CTN. Note: Information was stolen from many users on Reddit, credit will be given when credit is due! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. I'm going into the Navy as a CTI. 5. The rating in which an Advanced Electronics/Computer Field candidate is trained is determined in the initial phase of the Advanced Electronics Technical Core Course in Great Lakes, Ill. The CTM rating is divided into two major career-training communities: fleet cryptologic maintenance on board Surface ships and fleet cryptologic maintenance support in direct support roles on suface and subsurface combants. Hit me up. The system will be delivered for the Polish Navy’s Kormoran II class MCM minehunters being built by a Polish Consortium. It isn't impossible, especially if you go to one of the three major Navy hubs: San Diego, Norfolk, or Jacksonville. Check out my thread on the sidebar to learn more about CTM if you haven't already. Looks like everyone under the sun wants CTN, so chances are it won't be offered to me. 4. Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. Especially as an M since you would likely never be released from normal tours to do so. Delivery of the systems is scheduled for 2021-2022. I was just offered the CTM rate a day or two ago so it might still be available. A-School (Job School) Information . Sure, CTN might be popular, but keep in mind 23% of JCAC students drop out so of course the Navy is going to be handing those contracts out like candy. What was basic training like? Note: Information was stolen from many users on Reddit, credit will be given when credit is due! M's fix and install crypto/comsec gear. Do you deploy often if at all? Edit2: Thanks for answering the recruiting question. What They Do . From what I gather, CTN's are a little deeper in the cryptological world. All notes in this paragraph SHALL NOT be a limiting factor for selection / non-selection of the next higher paygrade. This rating (which is what the Navy calls its jobs) has the Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) number B600. Call MyNavy Career Center: 833-330-MNCC, or 901-874-MNCC (DSN 882-6622), Email MNCC, MNCC Chat Comments or Suggestions about this Website? Safe Helpline offers completely anonymous, confidential, 24/7 … Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 93 Ratings In The Navy (2021) Posted on Last Updated: December 24, 2020 December 24, 2020 Author Nicholas A. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. I don't actually know if CTM's go air crew/subs, but R's definitely. Not entirely true, my recruiter when I joined was a CTM1. So odds are you'll work with people who like what they are doing, and you'll like it yourself. NAVY PERSONNEL COMMAND: 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington TN 38055-0000 Address Correspondence to: Attn: PERS-### or BUPERS-### This is an official U.S. Navy Website Need Career, Pay or Personnel help? Each CT role works under the oversight of Cryptologic Warfare Officers (four-year degree required) or Cyber Warfare Engineers (four-year degree required) – and potentially both. Dude you can get CTN easy. Sub-Specialties Available for This Rating: Navy Enlisted Classification Codes for CTT Current Manning Levels for This Rating: CREO Listing Note: Advancement ( promotion ) opportunity and career progression are directly linked to a rating's manning level (i.e., personnel in undermanned ratings have greater promotion opportunity than those in overmanned ratings). A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. You're the one who told me it's safe to go ahead and pick another job while they work on my nuke stuff. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. The following occupational-related degrees are recommended by the Navy Learning Center and are listed in the Navy Learning and Development Roadmap (LaDR) for CTM. Feel free to PM me with any Nuke questions. I'm sure they've fibbed about a couple things. The system will be delivered for the Polish Navy’s Kormoran II class MCM minehunters being built by a Polish Consortium. The rating, which went into effect on Feb. 6, 2004, is designed to develop a skilled workforce further to meet fleet requirements in computer network defense and other operations. Someone told me that if I keep failing.. they will put me on a ship as a cook. i went to bootcamp in Jan 2014, so still a navy baby but i have loved every single minute of being a CTM. United States Navy Ethos We are the United States Navy, our Nation's sea power - ready guardians of peace, victorious in war. However, scrolling through this sub, it seems CTN is extremely popular right now and it is probably be very unlikely that I'll be offered a CTN rate. CTM is one of the best rates in the Navy hands down. It was established in 1957 and called the Photographic Intelligenceman rating. What happens is you only have 2 ET's who have the clearance and can work on the equpment which creates … Any CTI whose primary language DLPT has expired MUST possess a valid "Inability to Test" waiver from the Navy Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture Office (OPNAV N13F) in order to participate in the High-demand ratings are now eligible to earn bonuses in America’s Navy, and you may qualify for more than one. If you like variety, there are unlimited bases around the world who need CTIs. Can also go on subs/aircrew. EARN UP TO $40,000 IN ENLISTMENT BONUSES AND $65,000 IN LOAN REPAYMENT WHEN YOU JOIN. I'm going to be pretty bummed if I don't get nuke, but at least there are other rates that are somewhat in the realm of what I want to do. Duty assignments are determined by the CTM… But as has been stated, it is a special program that you have to volunteer and screen for just as you would for RDC at RTC. Recruiting is considered a special program that you have to apply and be screened for, if you don't want to go recruiting, you won't get to do so. Variety of work is huge, and the biggest question I get on here is "what do CTM's do"'s easier if you ask me specifically what your looking for in the rate and I can comment on that. Email Share Link a civilian employer, writing contracts / planning our roadmap / coordinating the infrastructure etc,. ; 59 minutes ago ; Replies: 0 ; MoD News any Nuke.! And CTM is one of seven ratings for the information Warfare training corry station, third if you the. I try to answer a lot of CTM questions when I get the chance clientle! Technicians in the meantime are you 'll work with people who like what they are located or you. Ship as a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion in 1957 and called the Photographic Intelligenceman rating jobs..., CTNs do analysis and operations offered me two it positions and one CTM fibbed about a couple.! 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