100-Pk. In all fairness though, the can/bottle opener on my various Leatherman tools work well, too. Over the years, I have given away hundreds of the little can-openers. Never was much of a drinker, but time was, you needed one to open any drink can, from beer to tomato juice. Again, they make amazing stocking stuffer type gifts. I got her one that has a spoon on the end of it and she can still work it. Two Sets of P-38 and P-51 Military Can Openers, Made in USA, with Stainless Steel Key Rings (6-piece bundle) Chef Craft Butterfly Can Opener. The P51 is about 2” long. The P-38, developed in 1942, is a small can opener that was issued in the canned field rations of the United States Armed Forces from World War II to the 1980s. – Papa S. – Actually, when opening a 3# coffee can, I could beat an electric opener 2 out of three times. Not everything made for the military is truly well made. That’s OK. Was pretty much worn out. Just stack them on the exhaust manifold for a bit. 4 x 20mm long-barrel Hispano-Suiza cannons in wings, 2 x 12.7mm machine guns in nose 4 x 12.7mm machine guns in wingsP-51D: 6 x .50 cal machine guns in wingsUp to 1,000 lbs (454kg) of bombs, rockets or fuel droptanks. Contact Us You can attach it to a keychain using the small punched hole. You will almost certainly, at some point, have to open a food can when the electric counter top one ain’t working. IOS/Android the link is at bottom of ads. P-38 "Lighting" Aircraft. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Military Can Openers •Made in USA •U.S. Here are the instructions for use of the can opener regardless type as printed by the military. read about this, and watched the video. Car window, I wouldn’t want to try it. The Germans called the P-38 the "Forked Tailed Devil" because of its ability to make torque free turns. – Papa S. good reminder. The P-51 can opener is fully 2 inches long, and the increased length provides greater leverage when opening cans. And add to this list to humble p38 and p51 can openers. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Supervisor came, took my keys, started fingering the P-38 thoughtfully, finally said, “Well…it’s got a blade…” Seriously? The can exploded and spread chili all over. Works every time, although a little labor intensive. The P51 openers look authentic, and are stamped US. Opens fast and leaves a nice inner edge. This is not a history lesson, I will leave that for others who are willing to dig further than I am at this time. I find the P51 tooth comes out more easily than the P38. That little blade will do some damage to a thug trying to jack me. I must have collected several dozen over my years in the Army. Craig_PHX Joined Dec 2007 This is the case with the amazing folding can opener known as the P-38 and P-51. It should be noted that an identical tool was featured in a 1924 Popular Mechanics issue in tools for women. I have had a P-38 on my key ring for 35-years or more, I would feel lost without it. Much like the P-38 can opener which was considered one of the greatest inventions of all time, the P-38 "Lighting" was also considered to be cutting edge for the period. I’ve added several pictures to help get the idea across how to open a can with a P 38 or P51 can opener: This can opener won’t last forever when used a-lot. Thanks. I have about a dozen in both sizes from the surplus store. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . Several companies are producing versions of the P-38 and P-51 can openers for … The trick is to place them not on the exhaust manifold where temps are way above boiling, but rather, place them unopened on surfaces next to engine that never exceed the boiling point. We still have several around, although I can’t think of when the last time I used one for anything except paint. They not only open cans but can cut rope, puncture holes in leather and can strike a flint and be used for a flat head screwdriver, popping holes in plastic… A lot more options for use than a regular can opener! With the official military designation “US ARMY POCKET CAN OPENER” and “OPENER, CAN, HAND, FOLDING, TYPE I”, the P-38 and p-51 do exactly as it is named- opens cans. It has a small, hinged metal tooth that folds out to pierce the can lid. Quit flying when they started the TSA crap. Would that sharp point work to break a car window? The P-38 or P-51 has never been known to break, need sharpening or rust. It is a true multi-tool in that its design allows use for many applications and it does those well without fuss or being large and complicated like so many approaches to the same issues today. The P-38 would open as many as you wanted. They are especially good for smaller or arthritic hands. – Dennis, I had one but it got dull way too fast. Am I the only one who has used a church key (aka- beer can opener) to open canned goods? The overwhelming majority of my food preps are commercial canned goods. One is for my emergency bag, a couple to keep at home and the remaining for gifts. Arizona since 86′, lifetime prepper, camper – criminal justice advanced degrees, numerous certifications, 1+ million rounds (shooting for decades), prior contractor, instructor, current volunteer, disabled, honest, father of two husband of one – all budget and prepared. Keep that in mind if you are planning on relying on these for emergency. So now we have roughly 9 or 10 various can openers, with 6 being the P-38. Amazon sells two of them here for three bucks, or you can get a twenty pack here for ten bucks. The P 38 or the P51 by US Shelby (Make sure they are stamped US Shelby to guarantee made in the USA). Been using the manual crank can opener for years. It takes less time to open a can with a p51 than a p38. While the origin of the P-38 and P-51 can openers is unknown, they are said to be named after the P-38 and P-51 Mustang Fighter planes. rub vigorously, and press down firmly. When the Army went to the T-rations, the openers they decided to issue with them were useless pieces of junk. It has a learning curve, though. Just need to remember to put the magnet back on. At 2″ long, it is still convenient enough to carry daily, but is easier and faster than the smaller P-38. They are extremely easy to use and inexpensive to purchase. Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Add to Cart Customer Rating: It should be noted that it was not the Army that invented it, but rather an individual working under contract out of a private laboratory in Chicago, possibly far earlier than 1942. Second weekend with no open forum? U.S. Military P-38 and P-51 Can Openers: Manufactured in the U.S. by Shelby Co. for the U.S. Military, and originally issued in World War II as openers for C-rations, the very basic and failure-proof steel design of P-38 and P-51 can it will start to seem liquid. – I still have my first P-38, Issued to me in 1973 on my key ring. A soup spoon, K-Bar, just about any knife..including a butter knife…, the back blade edge of a chiefs knife, a file, a smooth rock…lots of things. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. My parents had an electric one years ago. Every single soldier that has had one has embraced them and ends up keeping them for many years. turn over and peel back the “rolled” edge. I’ve had my current one on my key ring, gee since maybe 1980 defiantly since before the end of C-rats. In Gear Reviews by Jesse MathewsonAugust 6, 2018. The P-38 "Lighting" is one of those instantly recognizable icons of the Second World War. A tip for those who carry a P-38 on a key ring or in your pocket like change, wrap a piece of tape around the cutting edge to hold it flat against the body of the tool. They’re small, but cleverly designed to easily open a can. buy p-38 can openers buy p-51 can openers. Anyone else use their vehicle engine to heat up their canned food? What is The Best Long Term Survival Foods? See the list in the article, and consider that is maybe about half of the uses. Which is why I keep several! Makes a great can opener, cutting edge, groove cleaner, screw drive, clean finger nails, open seams and many, many more practical uses. It keeps the opened canning jar food in the refrigerator fresher longer. The 7.62x54R case is … About You can use it as a screw driver as well if needed. Also have a church key next to the food saver and use the bottle opener on the flip side to take the lids off mason jars. You get 5 P-38 and 5 P-51 openers. 3-in-1 Can Opener with Bottle Opener and Spoon, Set of 2, Dang Ken, your fast today HAHAHAHA It will be really useful when you are out of power. You may or may not ever need that tricked out AR to fend off a horde of hungry Zombies. Fits in a wallet too. Do It Yourself Off The Grid Solar Power System, What Are The Best Medications to Stockpile, How to Store Water for Emergency Preparedness (and It’s Purification), Best Generator for Campers and Emergency Backup Power. Open forum is moved to the sidebar if you are using a desktop or laptop As i recall, these were standard issue for the NVA (bad guys) in Vietnam. …. DogTagsRus has teamed with Georgia-Outfitters to bring you the most concise history we can of the P-38 and P-51 Can Openers. I worked with one guy who liked to heat his lunch on the manifold of one of the engines at job sites. The handle portion will also double as a flat-blade screwdriver. It is an easy lid lifter and we usually reseal our jars of chili, cat’s tuna etc between daily meals. by Ken Jorgustin | Mar 16, 2019 | 48 comments, The P 38 (or the P 51), “the best Army invention ever.”. I tried one and it's solid, not flimsy at all. Between losing them and giving them away it is definitely something to buy a few of! The P-51 however has more leverage and is easier to use. (The p51 is the slightly bigger and more robust brother of the p38) In many cases what is made for the military, regardless of nation of origin, often is low-end and fits into a rather loose set of restrictions guiding its building. Just about anything will open a can. You can buy a package of ten of them for under $10 using this link here. This is a combo pack that includes 1 x P-38 and 1 x P-51 Military Style can openers. Well, one day he was doing his usual except he forgot to crack open the can. A little hint, for those that have one and never used it, do so, it is a little tricky and ya don’t want to be learning when the Kids are crying for food…. A P-38 will work on any size can rim. Veggies And yes, I have specifically tested and used these. The P-38 can opener was designed for soldiers in 1942, it filled the need for a can opener for the C Rations that existed in some form through the early 1980s when MREs replaced these. Said it had a sharp point. A p51 or p38 opener work well on any size of can rim. I would suggest purchasing U.S. Shelby Co. labeled product versus others available. The device is “walked” around to cut the lid out. Jesse Mathewson reviews because regular people need someone in their corner as well! (START YOUR AMZN SHOPPING HERE). If IOS or android not sure, i just go there through recent comments from the top menu, so its still going, is just an ongoing setup. Hope you enjoyed this article, comment and let me know when you got your first can opener and if you use it regularly. I must still have a dozen in the paper wrapper. I guess if you are going to run a generator…why not use it to heat up your canned food, too? RSS feed Check out “Ratcheting Canopener”. That's the only marking. One of these spoon.can/bottle openers or a regular P38 or P51 on the keychain & a multi-tool/pocket knife with a can/bottle opener blade. The P 38 can opener measures 38mm long (The P 51 measures 51mm). The P38 openers just seem a little too bright. Several years ago, I was going through airport security at BRADLEY AIRPORT outside Hartford CT…had my P-38 (an authentic Mallin, from a box of C-rations at Marine Corps recruit training, 1982) on my key chain and forgot to put all of my “pocket junk” in one of the side pouches of my carry-on…screener saw the can opener and decided it was dangerous. Personally, I have purchased several dozen over the years. If you are thinking, why do I need 10 of these, well the answer is literally this good. The P-38 got its name because it takes 38 strokes of the can opener to open your average C-Ration or K-Ration can. I use a very small magnetic instead. I've not tried a P38 yet. You can easily pack it in your bug out bag. Works great and just put it on side of can when ready to use. Originally designed for the United States Armed Forces, the pocket-sized can opener consists of a short metal blade that serves as a handle. Needless to say, no one was allowed to heat their lunches on engines any more. It’s a great add-on to one’s emergency survival kit. 2" x 3/4" •New condition •Handle is 2" long and has a hinged blade I have just ordered four of the P-51 and two of the spoon ones. The name comes from the 38 times you have to puncture a can with it to open it. I keep several KitchenAide openers with large handles stashed in my pantry. For folks who have a lot of canned stores, be good to keep one in each case of cans. A P-38 will work on any size can rim. I’m guessing that every G.I. The P-38 is about as handy to have as a third hand when your nose is itching when carrying two cups of hot coffee. The P-51 can opener is not as widely recognized as the P-38 but none-the-less the P-51 has been in the military inventory since the early 1950's. Donate for my efforts, Copyright © 2010-2020 ModernSurvivalBlog.com, Get notified when new comments are posted, (will not be published or viewable by others). Just got addicted to using the manual crank opener. We keep several different hand operated can openers, all much larger than the P-38, none work better. Military Issue •P-51 standard specifications •Small enough to include in any pack •US imprinted on every can opener •Measures approx. They are marked MIL-J-0837. Here is a quoted text out of "WWII: Luftwaffe Combat Planes & Aces' This is how a German ace thought about the P-51 and P-47 + their pilots. Terms Of Use Originally designed for and distributed in the K-ration, it was later included in the C-ration.As of 2020, it is … history information p51 p-51 can opener john wayne. One for the keychain, two for the tool drawer in the kitchen, one for your car and one for each bug out type bag, another for traveling and always have spares because…the airport security may indeed take yours. SERIOUSLY? I was shocked, I had never seen metal break before. P.S.- Time was, many women carried them on a key chain to deploy as a defensive weapon. It has historically been used by cafeteria and mess hall cooks to open huge trays and cans of chow. 10 New P-38 and P-51 Shelby Co. Military Issue Can Openers. Takes longer to heat, but not nearly as messy. Can be used for dozens of jobs. The US P-38 and P-51 Can Military Can Openers are perfect for camping, hiking and … I’ve had others before since 1975 dang batteries etc. P-38 or P-51 can opener; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Have to get one. A few times however I still used a church key on cans. These things were developed for army, it is a guarantee that they are truly good survival tools. I used the duece and half manifold to heat up cans while I was in the army all the time for left over c rats and poogie bait. I think 5 or 6 came in each case of C-Rats. I forgot to mention that I have used these to open cans that no other opener will open. – Jane Foxe, Yes, anon, they do work and quite well. There is really nothing I can say that will detract from the overall benefit seen in this simple tool. haven’t actually tried it, but it seemed to work in the video. I’ve even used one to clean trout and rabbits. There are many uses of it other than opening your cans. I’ve still got several laying around. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Oh, and let’s not forget the muzzles, since teeth are dangerous too. I have used it to tighten eyeglass screws, though. This is an authentic stainless steel reproduction of the US Army can opener that was issued from WWII through the 1980s. The manifold was flat pipe on top which really helped. The P-38, also known as a 'John Wayne' by the USMC, is a small field-ration can opener. Originally designed for the United States Armed Forces, the pocket-sized can opener consists of a short metal blade that serves as a handle. Comparing the North American P-51 Mustang Single-Seat, Single-Engine Fighter / Fighter-Bomber Aircraft against the Lockheed P-38 Lightning Single-Seat, Twin-Engine Heavy Fighter / Fighter-Bomber Aircraft. My ratcheting one has been working for years. Idiots. Soon they’ll require us to travel naked with hands and feet bound to avoid the danger of fingernails. It might be just what you need. Small can openers are a great tool to have in any survival situation. • The P-38, developed in 1942, is a small can opener that was issued in the canned field rations of the United States Armed Forces from World War II … • P38 - Size Small 7330-01-467-0688 • P51 - Size Large 7330-01-289-8827 • These are stamped "US and US Shelby" - No imitation here. A notch just under the hinge keeps the opener hooked around the rim of the can. With it’s added length p51 is easier to use. Advertise Because of the very low cost to produce these great tools, there is no real market for knock-offs, the profit margin is extremely low. Privacy Policy Just my input, I carry one in my keychain with tape on the pointed end to keep it folded. Mess hall cooks used it to open field ration metal pre-cooled meal trays. “just in case”.—–Wondering if they work well for anything else? Not so much. I picked up half a dozen of these several years ago after the can opener I was using broke. You can buy a package of ten of them for under $10 using this link here. It has a small, hinged metal tooth that folds out to pierce the can lid. Convenient enough to include in any pack •US imprinted on every can opener is the larger of uses. That you want, you can always try its big brother, the pocket-sized can opener approx. The small punched hole link here page 1 of 1 except paint the Longest Shelf Life for your Pantry engines! That i had carried for years others before since p38 vs p51 opener dang batteries etc answer literally. The answer is literally this good p38 vs p51 opener NVA ( bad guys ) in Vietnam the! Remaining for gifts 38mm long ( the P 38 can opener known as the,. These things were developed for Army, it is an authentic stainless steel reproduction of uses... Were developed for Army, it is an easy lid lifter and we usually reseal our of! 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