maltese dog temperament

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Gently wipe away tear stains from your dog’s eyes with warm water and a paper towel daily if you notice them, and bring your dog to the vet if the staining becomes excessive. They typically get along well with other dogs and pets, especially if you introduce them at an early age. When the dog stops barking on their own, say the word “quiet” and give them a treat. The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In fact, Roman women wore Maltese dogs as fashion accessories in their sleeves or bosoms, earning the breed the name “Roman Ladies’ Dog.” After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Chinese took a liking to the breed and mixed it with the Tibetan terrier and other Eastern breeds. They are gentle and typically do not engage in aggressive activities like some other small dogs. Harsh treatment or physical corrections can send the Maltese into defense mode, which won’t get you anywhere. If your Maltese has a longer coat, it is important to brush it daily. After a while, you can gradually prolong the time in the crate. They are also loyal and keen to danger, making them reliable watchdogs. However, for many families, constant barking can be a problem. Bathing your Maltese once a week will help keep their coat and skin healthy. “They’re just playful, they’re vigorous, they’re cute, and they’re affectionate.” They are intelligent and have a natural desire to please. If you take your adult Maltese on long walks, it’s advised that you give the dog a break about every 20 minutes. Maltese dogs are very sociable animals. Some owners have even reported training them using praise alone. The Welsh Terrier is usually the life of the party. However, playmates for your Maltese should be chosen carefully. Occasionally, the Maltese can have a stubborn streak. In addition, they are known for their slightly rounded skulls, compact bodies, and curled tails. While the Maltese has a friendly and trusting personality, they typically settle best in households with grown ups only, or sensible older children. You can catch her taking pictures, riding her longboard, or exploring the city in her free time. During training, it is best to use positive reinforcement only. Do not punish the dog for leaving the crate. The breed has a reputation of being picky eaters, for one. She wears a harness with a leash when we train and I pull her to me since she refuses to walk to me. They are very trusting of strangers and respond very positively to affection. While their confidence can often be quite prominent, this isn’t to say that they’re arrogant. The most distinctive feature of the Maltese dog is the breed’s floor-length, silky, white coat. They were carried around by Roman Matrons and royalty. Want a sweet and adorable lapdog?… Some Maltese Dogs love to hear themselves, while others are less chatty. The island of Malta was an early trading port, visited by Phoenician sailors by 1500 b.c. Foods made from primarily whole proteins are ideal because dogs are omnivores that require high amounts of protein to support all the systems in their body. “An overview of types of aggressive behaviour in dogs and methods of treatment.” Applied Animal Behavior Science. Royals often placed Maltese on their feet to keep them warm, and the dog’s heat has been used to treat stomach discomfort as well. After you’ve separated as much fur as you can with your fingers, you can try attacking it gently with a comb and more detangling agent. You should regularly take your Maltese out to meet a variety of friendly people. Positive reinforcement can go a long way with this breed. Find a chow that contains a natural source of proteins, carbs, and vegetables. This ensures that their bone development completes without any complications caused by over-exercise. Playful and self confident, it also makes a good watchdog, as it barks at strangers and other dogs, and is an intelligent dog. Usually, these dogs are described as playful, pleasant, and calm. Maltese are the happiest and healthiest when they receive adequate attention, training, and grooming from their owners. However, they also … Their Origin Story. Their trusting and social nature doesn’t just extend to people – they are often friendly with other canines and pets as well. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. While these dogs can be friendly towards young children as well, their small size also makes them prone to injury when mishandled. I got my male maltese as an untrained rescue and he’s always been a sweetie from day one. They are energetic dogs that…, The American Bulldog is part watchdog, part lap dog, part gentle giant. Their compact bodies, loving nature, and soft hair make them into the perfect heating pads. The Maltese also has good manners. Your best option is to crate train your Maltese and keep them put up when you cannot keep a close eye on them. Always make sure you establish your authority and keep their problematic behaviors in check. Kutsumi. Also, their small size makes it easy for them to have accidents inside undetected. Despite their small size, the Maltese is extremely brave – in a small, toy dog kind of way. Swollen bowels occurs when your dog’s intestines become overactive with lymphocytes and plasmacytes. They are clever, and they do love children, and with those with whom they are accustomed. The front legs are completely straight and sturdy, while the hind legs are slightly angled at the stifles (knees) and hocks. The nose can pale and turn to a lighter brown or pink color in an environment that lacks sunlight. They were bred specifically to be human companions, and so they seek out and need the company of humans. The Maltese dog can grow to 7-10 inches tall at the shoulder (21-25 cm). Puppy classes are highly recommended. I have bought her chew toys and squeaky toys. The club holds specialty shows for the breed multiple times a year. However, they can be somewhat yappy and could make good alert dogs if trained correctly. Most Maltese love other dogs. She is very playful with me though and she sleeps with me. Sorry you’ve had so much difficulty with your mom’s dogs, it may be that she’s getting them from bad conditions where they were previously abused. 2008. Crate training is accomplished by leaving the dog alone in a comfortable crate for short periods of time. Even if your Maltese is older, socialization is still important. However, socialization can help with this. Their small size makes them easily intimidated. Training should be an ongoing process for a Maltese; don’t stop after you’ve taught them basic commands. Feeding twice a day instead of leaving food out all the time keeps your pet from overeating and getting fat. Just like how rough brushing hurts our scalp, forceful brushing will be agonizing for your Maltese and can cause them to become anxious or upset about grooming. All mats should be removed before bathing because water can make the tangles worse. Maltese can develop allergies easily, and these ingredients are often the culprits for any adverse reactions. This feature makes the breed an excellent choice for families with multiple pets.  The Maltese is generally a curious, energetic, and playful dog breed. Maltese are an exceptionally friendly and intelligent dog breed. Do not let the innocent appearance of this little dog fool you, it is feisty, bold, and not afraid to challenge larger dogs. The Yorkshire Terrier can be black and gold, black and tan, blue and gold, or blue and tan. For the sake of your pet’s health, groom them regularly. You can get your Maltese to master a ton of tricks in no time, as long as you reward them with plenty of praise and love (and treats!). Due to the lack of an undercoat, the Maltese doesn’t shed much. The first Maltese records date all the way back to the times of Ancient Rome and Greece. She plays all day with my kids and my parents dog- a Yorkie. She has been spayed. They are very friendly and enjoy attention, even if they do bark to get it! Crate training can also be very helpful in training Maltese pups. With praise and treats, these dogs pick up on commands very easily. This tiny, ancient breed is instantly recognizable by their long, flowing coat and charming personalities. Fortunately, this can be trained out to a degree. But, while this barking might appear aggressive, the Maltese rarely stays on the offensive when the visitor gets inside! Thanks Heaps! But, what does the Maltese’s temperament really look like? The Maltese dog breed is playful, lively, and spirited. While they are a fine boned dog, the Maltese is a relatively sturdy and smart little package with a great personality that is suited to all type of owners. You can train a Maltese to tolerate separation by crate training them at an early age. Therefore, you can assume that you’re getting a gentle, affectionate, and friendly dog when it comes to the Maltese dog temperament.However, before we delve deeper into the Maltese characteristics, let’s learn a little more about this breed. Parti-colour and solid colour dogs were accepted in the show ring from 1902 until 1913 in England, and as late as 1950 in Victoria, Australia. Usually, this is the result of you being lax on the house rules or not training your Maltese for a few weeks. All being said, you can’t go wrong with adopting a Maltese. Maltese are an exceptionally friendly and intelligent dog breed. The Maltese weighs about 7 pounds (3 kg) on average, but healthy adults can weigh anywhere between 3-10 pounds. The last thing you want is for your Maltese to become fearful of other dogs due to one bad experience. These dogs can still function quite well in apartments, but care should be taken to exercise them at least once a day. Maltese can become stubborn and spoiled if they get the idea that they’re in charge. Many of their instincts were bred out long ago. Blackshaw, Judith. It’s identified by episodes of tremors that worsen with exercise or excitement. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? Maltese dogs don’t slow down as quickly as some other dog breeds do, so owners should do their best to make sure their dogs get enough physical activity. When brushing a Maltese, make sure you are very gentle and not tugging too hard on their fur. When they feel cornered, biting is usually their first instinct. Useful site. They respond very well to positive reinforcement. They are generally good with other with non-canin… That’s crazy!! These are immune cells that attack harmful organisms in your dog’s gut, but they can cause vomiting and diarrhea when they become overactive. It’s important to address dental problems right away because they can spread to your pet’s kidneys, liver, heart, or joints if left untreated. There are many groups dedicated to rescuing Maltese dogs. If you own a Maltese yourself, you know there is no end to their personality and uniqueness. As the breed is playful, intelligent and often mischievous, its natural temperament suits younger children. This adorable dog with its friendly and sociable temperament makes a great companion for any household. Since its registration, this breed has grown in popularity and competes in shows worldwide. If your Maltese develops a mat, which is a large, tangled mass of fur that hardens into a big clump, try to detangle the mat the best you can with your fingers and a detangling agent. Make sure you interact with your Maltese every day. A Maltese that lacks socialization is prone to anxiety and in the worst case, aggression. For example, the Maltese Club of Southern California works to promote the exhibition and education of the breed. I live with my children and parents. She seems to have a stubborn streak. These dogs bring an abundance of liveliness to any home, and you will be happy to watch them grow and thrive beside you for years to come. How to find a puppy and raise a happy, healthy dog, January 29, 2019 By Kristin Hitchcock 6 Comments. I do not recommend this breed of dog for anyone unless they are trained! Despite their cute appearance, the Maltese is a hardy, adaptable breed. While the Maltese may have started as a companion dog, it is now one of the most admired therapy dogs in the world. 1991. Because of their small size, the Maltese can feel that their only source of protection is their teeth. The breed became very popular amongst noble ladies in the Roman empire for their elegant look. Another issue that you may need to address with additional training is the Maltese’s tendency to bark. Because Maltese dogs are so small, they don’t need a lot of space to run around. Maltese are very suitable for apartment dwellers as they don’t really require a backyard. If they stop barking after you give the command, be sure to reward them with a treat. Asthmatics and hypersensitive persons will not have any issues with a Maltese because it sheds very little. Though this is natural for most dogs, a Maltese can become overactive if they’re not socialized or trained well as a puppy. She’s had several and they all were irritable dogs. Because of the difficulty house-training a Maltese can be, many breeders house-train puppies before they allow them to be adopted. They were especially popular in Greek, Roman, and Egyptian cultures – this has been well-documented by the tombs and artifacts that these civilizations left behind. It’s important that owners continue to walk and play with this breed even when it’s older since exercise plays a crucial role in the dog’s health. Teaching your Maltese a ‘quiet’ command will curb this behavior and save you from a lot of headaches. They enjoy playing with other dogs and are usually unaggressive. However, some of these conditions can be prevented if you keep up with routine care and checkups. In more modern times, the American Kennel Club first recognized the Maltese in 1888 as the “Maltese Lion Dog” because of its majestic appearance. Within the home, these little pets just want to be part of the family. It’s not uncommon for a Maltese to have a curly coat either, although it’s considered a deviation for the breed. “They’re a small dog breed that has a good temperament,” Derse says. Getting a record of your dog’s lineage from its breeder will give you a better idea of what illnesses run in their genes, though this isn’t always possible if the dog came from a shelter or rescue. However, Maltese are not recommended for families with small children. 2013. These dogs can be very yappy and can be quite noisy when they feel endangered. Brushing your Maltese’s teeth daily to remove tartar buildup will help prevent tooth issues before it begins, and keep your dog’s teeth in its mouth where they belong. Personality: Gentle, playful, affectionate; fearless in a charming toy-dog way Energy Level: Somewhat active; a classic lapdog, but Maltese still like brisk walks, playtime, and learning tricks Good with Children: Better with supervision Jay Safakish is a professional writer and space cadet that enjoys educating others on holistic health. They can also be lively and very playful. Coat conditioners are especially helpful for long-haired Maltese; it will soften their fine, white hair and keep it from tangling. After about a week of doing this, try to give them the “quiet” command while they are barking. Although they look…, If there's such a thing as a canine celebrity, the Cairn Terrier would be one!…, At Holistapet we strive to create natural remedies that help reduce the severity of your pet’s physical and mental ailments. Not to be confused with Canine Anxiety Disorder, small dog syndrome is a learned behavior. She plays with them but they are not enough. You may need to pluck extra hair from their ears to ensure their health. They are very trusting of strangers and respond very positively to affection. Also, do not over-coddle these companion dogs, as it can actually do them more harm than good. Cute, playful, and sociable, they make great family dogs. Maltese vs Yorkie Temperament. A common issue that Maltese dogs experience is separation anxiety. He bit me and left a bruise and big bite mark through my jeans! As with a lot of mix-breeds, it’s unlikely that you’ll know much about the … The Maltese are highly trainable, unlike other toy breeds. Be sure that each play session ends on a happy note. The Mal-shis are usually loving, gentle, and loyal. Since they were bred to crave human company as lapdogs, they are happiest in a household where someone is home all day. Maltese Dog Breed Profile: History, Care, Temperament and More Good things sure do come in small packages—if you’ve ever met a Maltese, you know exactly what we’re talking about! The general temperament of your Maltese depends to some extent upon genetics – outgoing parents tend to produce outgoing youngsters. She earned her BA in Psychology from UC Santa Cruz and has worked in classrooms, jails, and mental health treatment centers. Socialization is key for a Maltese’s nature. In some cases, this might be a desirable trait! It is only natural for them to become scared when a dog four times their size approaches, especially if the dog is hyper. The intelligence and trusting nature of the Maltese dog makes them easy to bond with, and even easier to train. If your Maltese does exhibit any signs of aggression, it is important to take corrective steps as early as possible. Maltese temperament: Welcome to our complete guide to Maltese personality! The more people they meet, the less likely they are to act fearful when they meet someone new. The Maltichon is a cross between 2 closely related breeds: the Bichon Frise and the Maltichon. Their small size makes them prone to injury, and they can be fearful of boisterous, larger dogs. Some Maltese may have an ivory tint around their ears, and some yellowish markings may be seen on the fur as well. The more dogs you introduce your Maltese to, the less likely they are to be fearful of new dogs when they approach. Diet and lifestyle changes will help this condition. A Maltese’s appearance can quickly become unruly if not maintained properly, and their general health degrades if you don’t take preventative measures. Love your article, very insightful! The group finances all the dogs’ veterinary care themselves and relies primarily on public donations. Its sweet temperament and caring behavior make the Maltese an invaluable companion among persons needing some therapy. We have been doing our best to keep things put away but she still finds something. The toe pads are typically black and very sensitive to the touch. Dachshund – Temperament And Dog Breed Information Bred In Germany And Used By Hunters, Dachshund Is A Low Set, Short Legged and Long Bodied Dog. The Maltese is one of the easiest toy breeds to train. Their trusting and social nature doesn’t just extend to people – they are often friendly with other canines and pets as well. The Maltese is a lap dog, plain and simple. The fur is hypoallergenic, so this dog breed is a good choice for people who suffer from allergies. It found that the Maltese and Yorkshire Terrier breeds scored higher than average for stranger-directed aggression, dog-directed aggression, owner-directed aggression, and dog rivalry. It’s also important to make sure your Maltese gets enough exercise can also prevent them from becoming destructive when you are not home. With their silky, pure white coats and warm temperaments, it’s no surprise that they’ve made popular companions for people for centuries. Seksel, Kersti. Other common health conditions Maltese face affect their intestines. These dogs should never be treated harshly or negatively corrected. The Maltese is the most ancient of the European toy breeds, and among the oldest of all breeds. Early exposure to other pets in your family will increase the chances of your Maltese getting along with them, although this breed is pretty trustworthy regardless. The Maltese is one of the oldest toy breeds in history. You can never completely prevent barking. The Maltipoo is one of many Poodle -Mix breeds. Owners have reported accidentally scaring their Maltese and sending them into defense mode. However, they are quite active even when they’re indoors, so dog-proof furniture is recommended. While the Maltese pick up on most things quickly, this is not true for house-training. Which of these two breeds do you think is cuter? However, this does not mean that you can skip properly socializing your Maltese puppy. “Preventing Behavior Problems in Puppies and Kittens.” Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. These dogs are sturdy and can keep up with dogs twice their size. Is it possible to have a Maltese in an apartment with no one knowing? The American Maltese Association, an affiliate of the American Kennel Club, was organized in 1906. The Maltese dog breed is actually said to have originated on the small island of … When treated harshly, they will use them. He has always barked at me and growled. The tremors can affect one part of the body or the entire body. However, while the Maltese is a light-shaded dog, the Yorkie is a little darker. I have been trying to train her to come to me when I call her using treats but she refuses to budge. The Northcentral Maltese Rescue is another nonprofit that operates nationwide. Droopy ears, dark eyes, and a black nose are hallmark characteristics of the breed. Thank you for the article. But don’t let this image fool you. They are very trusting of people, even as puppies. Maltese are generally peaceful with the world, meaning they are not naturally dominant or aggressive. When the Maltese feel threatened, they usually resort to barking, growling, and biting. A gentle and fearless dog breed, the Maltese greets everyone as a friend. The males tend to be taller than females. She is constantly getting exercise. These dogs, especially the first generation ones, typically, are highly intelligent and focused in all that they do. A simple daily walk or active play session (of about 20 minutes) will be enough to keep this breed healthy. Without it, the typically well-mannered Maltese can become destructive. Their playful nature usually comes out when other dogs are around. They are fearless, self-confident, intelligent, bold, and are not afraid to challenge the large dog breeds. House-training a Maltese takes a very long time, even months. Despite their small size, they have not difficulty keep up with bigger dogs. It is possible for the Maltese to feel threatened or endangered by dogs that are larger than them. Dynamic personality. For instance, barking may be an issue, but it depends on the individual Maltese dog. Their glamorous white coat gives them a look of haughty nobility, but looks can be deceiving. 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