does glock make a 38 special

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Or all over the crime scene. yes. The Model 52 was tested before leaving the factory to be able to shoot five rounds into less than 2″ at 50 yards from a machine rest. Rep Power. When the .38 Special cartridge was introduced in 1898, it was designed with a large case volume to accommodate the use of a 21 grain charge of black powder to propel a 158 grain .357 inch diameter bullet from a .38 inch diameter casing. Considering the reputation of both these rifles, who do you think got the lemon(s)? .38 Special Revolver Background. Nice little gun for what is but it will beat the hell out of your hand if you shoot it all day. Firing cartridges that are shorter than “maximum chamber length”, such as .38 special in a .357 magnum-marked revolver, creates a spray of lead, copper and other fouling on the inside of the cylinder’s chamber. Three inches may be only an inch shorter than a full “service size” revolver, but it makes a revolver far easier to conceal for most, and still provides a decent sight radius. The 357 sig. Over the course of the gun battle, which saw the federal agents pinned down by suppressive fire from a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle, two agents were killed and another five wounded. But popular sentiment at that time was only white people negotiated with white people on equal footing. A trusty revolver loaded with .38 hollow points is my desk drawer gun as I type this right now. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Local Storage in your browser. I found that the .380 ARX did about the same amount of damage as a quality 9mm JHP; in fact outperformed some supposed to be good 9mm JHP’s I tested. Had a real nice .357 lever gun too, but was too damn ammo picky & sold it. I should have compared the two before mounting the RMR but a … They were one of the best target revolvers ever made, smooth as silk, reliable, a highly finished (not as highly as a Python, but right up there) K-frame in .38 Special. ... the classic Smith & Wesson .38 … No matter which GLOCK pistol you choose, it will deliver on our promise of safety, reliability, and simple operation, all at an affordable price. The Colt Police Positive Special was produced from late 1907 to 1995. You would want to use a snap cap or plug if extensive dry-firing is done. It is a real hoot and you meet some of the nicest people. Security is a superstition. And my experience with my ’94 C and Taurus ’92 are exactly the opposite of yours. Proof positive that the current pussification of our populace is real… Not knocking safety, mind you, but it’s become severe eye roll material to see how often someone is chewed out for it. It was a bitter disappointment. .38+P comes close, but falls short, despite the test .38 special having an extra half inch of barrel(4″). As much as I love .38 Special and revolvers, I have to ask: Is a revolver in .327 Federal Magnum a better choice for self-defense since it has similar or better “stopping power” and 6 rounds in j-frame sized cylinders? Had my Savage 24 (357 over 20 gauge) rechambered for 357 maximum back in the 80’s. It’ll work, but it won’t work as well as a .38 cylinder. Prior to WWII, my cop relatives had ditched wheelguns and pumps for 1911s/HiPowers and A5/Remington11s. It’s more of a theoretical concern, a sort of inside baseball kind of thing, and not anything to influence a decision. I really like the .38 SPL cartridge. Quality rounds (like the Gold Dot +P) will expand to about .55″ and penetrate ballistic gel to a depth of 12″+ when fired out of a snubnose pocket revolver. If you own only 9mm semi autos & want to add a revolver, then that makes sense also. Reminds me of first learning to shoot with my grandfather. I love me some revolver goodness. For those that prefer the .357 Sig’s high velocity, flatter trajectory and greater power, there’s the Glock 31. The Model 52 ruled the roost in bullseye shooting for decades and it was developed with the AMU as the primary client. A .38 Special can hold 5 to 6 rounds while a 9mm Luger can hold up to 18 rounds. Why did George Luger choose smokeless powder? []]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ------)_'_\ * (. Nice straightwall case that is easy to handle, tons of powder and bullet choices. If you saw a Glock marked '.357', that means it's chambered for the .357 Sig cartridge - not the .357 Magnum. I still have the M60, but the grips went away some place along the line. The Glock 31 is the exact same striker-fired pistol as other Glocks. At least, not as used in snub-nosed revolvers. Even today MacArthur is a hero there because instead of saying “well F that place; we’ll find a better way to hit Japan” he said “I shall return” and did. That initial backlash did eventually cool off, and the shooting community has had a chance to evaluate the Glock 42 for what it is, rather than for what we hoped it would be.Since re-hashing the technical specs and features of this pistol isn’t exactly breaking news at thi… They’re comparable or superior to the 9mm loadings. Is also insanely accurate; will pick golf balls off of tees at 50 yards with at least 5 different types/brands of .357 ammo with NO change in POI. Great article RF. Required fields are marked *. There are several very accurate centerfire handgun rounds – the .44 Magnum is no slouch in this department, neither is the .44 Special. “I have shot rocks at 200-300 yards(not too hard if you practice).”. If you wanted to shoot consistently at 50 yards, zero it at 25 yards, and you get 5.6″ of drop at 50 yards. G31 is dimensionally identical to the Glock 17, the original Glock chambered in nine-millimeter, as the difference between .357 inches and nine-millimeters is just a matter of .06 millimeters. Go to ‘Real Guns’ website & look up the review of the new Ruger LCP II for a stunning video of .380 ACP shot into water jugs. Nothing but wheel guns and two guys shooting reloads in the desert. Check it out. If you have a pistol that only handles non +P .38’s, you can make it a few ounces lighter. Colt continued to produce their “D-frame” revolvers such as the Police Positive and “I-frame” Officer’s Model for the now ubiquitous cartridge into the 1950s, but it had largely been supplanted by the S&W offering. Last week, I shared my initial impressions of the Smith & Wesson model 386 — the first gun on my short list of revolvers to try out as a potential temporary replacement for the M&P9c 9mm that I normally carry every day. The Colt is concealed with 2 spare mags. Good article. The round dominated LE for nearly 70 years, until the advent of more efficient yet equally reliable semiautomatic pistols in the mid-1980s. I have shot rocks at 200-300 yards(not too hard if you practice). The .38 Spl/.357 Mag range of cartridges is probably the most versatile there is. Heck, both bullets are about the same size; .38 Special uses a bullet .357 inches in diameter, the 9mm round is .355. Seems to penetrate and expand in denim tests even though it is sub 900 fps in a snub. Believe it or not, I have a Rossi M92 in .357, and it cycled all manner of .38 & .357 right out of the box. Inconsiderate of them. The Masterpieces were true .38’s, sometimes with heavier barrels, with adjustable sights, nice triggers, etc. .38 special and does it with less recoil. Installation is simple and does not require any modifications to your Glock pistol. U.S.A. –-( NYPD has decided to say a final goodbye to the .38 Caliber Revolver. Best 250 dollars I ever spent. The semi-auto fanboys always want to compare much larger guns to snubbies. I kept the Marlin for a long while after the Ruger just because it was so nice looking, but I wised up & sold it. However, I don’t exactly see the point in buying a .38 only revolver anymore. Hence the Treaty of Paris. That’s my point! Cool, I looked over the data you linked, and 9mm still beats .38 special with 9mm being the top performer for penetration, expansion, and velocity out of a 3.5″ barrel. Now here is where the real kick in the ass was: an unbelievable 3 foot shift to the left POI vs .357 ! And BB advertising it’s “safe” out of a lightweight alloy /steel revolver?!? For law enforcement officers, it is a compact handgun that fires a cartridge with a “4” in its name. The 9mm is ballistically superior to the .38 Special, there’s no doubt about that. Moreover, true flat point .38 special is harder to find than “regular” .38 special, which has a round nose to it. The original loading was a 158-grain soft-lead, round-nosed bullet travelling at about 800 ft/sec. The earliest cartridges were charged with black powder, but the recent developments of smokeless propellant were the preferred choice to power their bullets just a year later. I admit that I am not that regular about cleaning, but I have not had an issue with the Ruger SP101’s or GP100 with cases sticking when shooting .357’s after a bunch of .38’s. This also reduces recoil and helps get back on target quickly. A revolver in good condition and repair “just works.”. The.38 Special is the revolver equivalent of the 9X19 semiauto pistol round, which is, after all, only three years newer a development. GLOCK offers over 50 pistols in a variety of sizes, calibers and styles. The .38 Special is the revolver equivalent of the 9X19 semiauto pistol round, which is, after all, only three years newer a development. Check to make … Another aspect to consider about .38 special is that if you want to get into reloading it’s a very easy cartridge to learn on. Yes, there were failures to stop using the .38 against moro warriors. It’s ok to dry fire your GLOCK pistol, but we recommend using a snap cap or dummy round if you will be dry firing for a long period of time. The Model 52 can literally feed one empty case into the chamber after another without a hiccup or jam – so you can feed full wadcutters into the 52, seated flush with the case mouth. Refreshing, as some others have posted. -Curtis Jackson FMF Corpsman Sig Sauer Club #108, Top Guns .357 Sig #109, This makes sense given the fact that Glock already has the Glock 34 in 9mm and Glock 35 in 40 S&W—both are practical/tactical long slide models. Eh, you’d be close to a 6-o-clock hold on a 7 3/16ths to 8″ black bull for a 50 yard target. The Ruger simply does care what it is fed,eats them all. After all, it’s only been that way for one hundred seventeen years! I inherited an old Colt Police Positive in .38 Special and I shoot it occasionally. Kyle Mizokami is a writer based in San Francisco who has appeared in The Diplomat, Foreign Policy, War is Boring and The Daily Beast. Some of the currently popular choices in .38 Special include the Ruger LCR, Smith & Wesson’s Model 36 Chief’s Special and Model 442 Airweight (above), and Taurus’ Model 85 Revolver. But changes needed to be made and the powder charge was increased from 18 grains to 21.5 grains of black powder.The bullet weight also needed to be 150 to 158 grains.. It’s actually quite easy. I know it’s a dice roll, but there are good ones out there. The Agency Arms Glock 34 side weighs only 12.4 oz…with a Trijicon RMR mounted on top! Our 1982 Colt Diamondback was our first gun and has over 10,000 rounds through it. Due to the high pressures that smokeless powder generates, the 9mm casing was also developed to be stronger than the.38 Special round’s, with a more enhanced webbing structure to keep the whole thing stable. Today, there’s all manner of self-defense rounds with bullets in the 110 to 129gr range that give good penetration with lower recoil. If your only carrying 38s in a 357 most loads lose around 50 fps. Make it non brand specific and may more people will choose a .38 Special, a .357 Magnum, or even a .32 acp. This article is part of Reason's special Burn After Reading issue, ... June.1.2018 at 12:38 am Even more so with the semi-wadcutter, the classic, if not to say legacy, bullet solution to the modest velocities of the carry-able handgun. .38 Special is special as you can in SHTF situations, load it with black powder…, Not to mention, unless you’re loading them extremely hot or otherwise abusing your brass, a good-quality .38 Special case can be reloaded a LOT of times. A little bit dirtier ammo + an ever so slightly wise spec casing or cylinder, and voila! I am only counting Calibers that Glock makes and imports to the USA. One of these, the .357 Sig, is the caliber of choice for the Glock 31 pistol. I shoot it in IDPA using 158 grain LRN bullets loaded at 825 FPS. Just as there were failures to stop with .30-40 Krag, .45 colt and 12 bore with buck. Hard to believe. The CCW market re-started the .38 snubby product lines, and the .38 has had a bit of a re-discovery. Some companies download them so they don’t blow the historical revolvers. Leave it to Colt’s nomenclature methodology to measure the case diameter rather than the British method of bore diameter. As with all of this, everything is a compromise, there is no ‘golden bullet’. StarDust1 Member. What Shoot the Bull said^…the wife wants a 38snubby and I will comply. My wife does not like much recoil & the Magtechs are surprisingly easy on recoil but the way it blows the jugs is impressive & the recovered slugs show perfect expansion; so do the Remingtons. The Glock 48 is one of the most recent releases from Glock, having been introduced in 2019. My exact same experience with a lovely Marlin 1894C actually made by Marlin & not a ‘Remlin’–I hunted everywhere to find this gun, 72 stores in all. I’ve said again and again that I recommend used (eg, police turn-ins) S&W .38 revolvers for older people who want a gun in their home for home protection, but don’t have the money, time or physical ability to go to the range to become ninja operators with a semi-auto. Ammo + an ever so slightly wise spec casing or cylinder, and give you more rounds, website. Inherited an old s & W Model 10 out of.357 to save money on ammo and on... Special because its my wife ’ s like i ’ ve got several.357 and Special! 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