chuck meaning urban dictionary

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[Middle English chubbe.] Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. He did it on purpose. Informal To give up; quit: chucked her job. (n) An affectionate pat or squeeze under the chin. I've also heard them reffered to as 'Connies', but this sounds lame (in my opinion). I blew chunks when I got home. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 29 2013. verb. Regular definitions added and latest articles, Copyright © 2010 - 2020 by AZdictionary. Chud synonyms, Chud pronunciation, Chud translation, English dictionary definition of Chud. Cluck definition is - to make a cluck. 2. Origin: alcoholics who planned to build their own homes but never got past the basement where they live out … n. 1. What does fiercest expression mean? Dude 1: "Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer! fiercest phrase. was labeled as a cuck after he expressed resentment about progressive views in his standup. Chucks are shoes put out by Converse. chuck it down phrase. Oh, Carl. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. by Calvin Report definition It is considered derogatory slang. "The Chuck" refers to a sexual position that includes the following: (1) the sex act must occur in the back seat of an automobile; (2) the dude must remain on his knees while thrusting; (3) the dude must place ONLY ONE hand on his hip while thrusting. Woodchuck definition is - a grizzled thickset marmot (Marmota monax) chiefly of Alaska, Canada, and the northeastern U.S. —called also groundhog. ( ass for the less wordy ). Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Get a chuck roast mug for your coworker Manafort. Chuck definition: When you chuck something somewhere , you throw it there in a casual or careless way . All Rights Reserved. Last edited on Dec 27 2004. save. Last edited on Apr 25 2013. Jane: You don't understand Dick. chuck: [noun] affectionate form of address. A cuck is a weak, effeminate, unmanly, or inadequate man, who is often dominated by their female partner. Tear that shit up! : Present participle of cuckold. What does chucks expression mean? A cuck is a weak, effeminate, unmanly, or inadequate man, who is often dominated by their female partner. He's very talented, is amazing at what he does. [kuhk]. Cuck has also been blended with conservative to produce cuckservative (often shortened back to cuck). Frequently shortened to 'cuck,' the term has come under scrutiny for its racist implications. The Chuck. to vomit.I think I'm going to chuck. doodads synonyms, doodads pronunciation, doodads translation, English dictionary definition of doodads. The term first appeared on Twitter in 2010, when it was used as a hashtag. It's a portmanteau of 'conservative' and 'cuckold' used to describe Republicans who are perceived to be emasculated or 'selling out.' How to use cluck in a sentence. chuckaholic. Last edited on Nov 27 2013. pitch definition: 1. an area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football: 2. the level or…. Definition, Synonyms, Translations of chubasco by The Free Dictionary 2. Commonly used to describe the stones used in drive ways and gardens. As has been explained, 'cuck,' from cuckold, refers to a humiliated and powerless man whose wife cheats on him. Definition of chuck it down in the Idioms Dictionary. Both cuck and cuckservative are used online by white nationalists to insult Republican politicians who are too mainstream. Chuck A Jolly. A descriptive term describing the after the fact insult of someones rather sizable posterior. Carl the Cuck is a viral one based off of an anti-Trump supporter’s reactions outside of a Trump rally in St. Louis in 2016. Cuck can also be used against sell outs (or people who seemingly abandon their principles). All definitions were added by our community so if you want to help us with one ore more definitions you're welcome and can you add them using the add definition form. On social media, women users post the hashtag “#cuck” in various expressions of dominance over their male significant others. Informal To throw out; discard: chucked my old sweater. Charles is the sweetest, most amazing guy to ever walk the face of the earth. He's tall, handsome and very intelligent guy with an amazing personality to go with his great looks. To throw or toss: chucked stones into the water. Definition of chug along in the Idioms Dictionary. The only guy to know just how to make you smile, even more, the only guy who will take the time to try. See more. From northern England. A large piece. So, those who use it (politically for the most part) may, kind of, sort of, also have those qualities. /u/fuckyoudurangatang, Reddit, February, 2015. or cuckservative or #cuckservative a sudden jerk or change in direction: She gave the toboggan a … Cuckservative, cuck: The term 'cuckservative' originated in the alt-right. Now's your chance to add your own! See more words with the same meaning: drugs. The Many Synonyms of cuckold Get all of's best Movies lists, news, and more. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Cluck definition is - to make a cluck. What does fiercest expression mean? It is considered derogatory slang. If a man is…. ; cuckold: a man married to an unfaithful, cuckolding is whne the partner is doing the cheating. The second definition for MGTOW on Urban Dictionary reeks of fedora. Learn more. What does chuck it down expression mean? chuck dude in Community Dictionary In Vietnam, we identified a white fight marine as a "chuck dude". chuckakoo. Chuck A Knigto. What does chuck it down expression mean? He was called beta cuck over his allegations that Quinn cheated on him. Works especially well if the individual's name is Charles. " To champ; to bite. While it’s unclear exactly who coined it and when, cuck eventually blended with conservative, making cuckservative. chuck definition: 1. to throw something carelessly: 2. to end a romantic relationship with someone: 3. a friendly…. Last edited on Feb 18 2013. Chuck definition is - cluck. Learn more. Both terms were used by both racesstrictly as an identifier. See more. A man about whom jokes were funny for a brief period. Close. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by … ... chuck a wobbly; chuck away; chuck down; chuck in; chuck into; chuck it down; chuck it in; chuck out; chuck out of some place; chuck over; chuck something down; chuck under the chin; chuck it down phrase. Submitted by Charles L. from Fayetteville, N Carolina, USA on Oct 25 2009 Submitted by Chuck S. on Nov 27 2013. Jane: I got so drunk last night. Cuck has also been blended with conservative to produce cuckservative (often shortened back to cuck). See more words with the same meaning: abbreviations (list of). Synonyms: Raise Hell, Throw Down, Fuck Shit up, Make it Happen Captain! How are you, chuck ? See more words with the same meaning: to give. Drill chuck definition, a chuck for holding a drill bit. People have already listed a whole lot of steroetpyes that wear chucks (really anyone can wear them, they look great and have a really simple design) but no one has mentioned the B-Boys of the late 70s through to the 80s. What does chuck it down expression mean? The implication? J from the top of the key! Cluck definition, to utter the cry of a hen brooding or calling her chicks. 1: a cut of beef that includes most of the neck, the parts about the shoulder blade, and those about the first three ribs — see beef illustration b. I got a pair of chucks for my birthday. Chuck definition is - cluck. A fat Asian. Sad! This term is named after the musician Chuck Berry and his sex tape in which he farts into a hooker's mouth whilst she ate his ass. How to use chuck in a sentence. In online message boards like 4chan over the 2010s, cuck slang developed racist and misogynistic undertones. All the definitions on AZdictionary were written by people just like you. She got that drop! See more. Comedian Louis C.K. share. See more words with the same meaning: friend, friends . See more. See more. Definition of chuck it down in the Idioms Dictionary. From northern England. What does chug along expression mean? Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 03 1998. a single jump-shot, in basketball.Alex! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Last edited on Oct 01 2001. Dick: But you said booze never made you sick. Cuck porn describes a genre of pornography featuring white husbands watching their wives have sex with black men. When you fart in the mouth of the person eating your asshole. Chuckahomo Bridge. Cuck is shortened from cuckold, a term that has been used to belittle the “husband of an unfaithful wife” since the 1200s. Urban Dictionary 11) Badass Even as a fairly nostalgic person, I can still say that I totally fine with the likes of Chuck Norris being replaced with the likes of Katniss Everdeen. The second definition for MGTOW on Urban Dictionary reeks of fedora. Chuck A Heater. Last edited on Sep 02 2009. #cuck #brownnosing #pathetic. Synonyms: Raise Hell, Throw Down, Fuck Shit up, Make it Happen Captain! cuck definition: 1. an insulting word for a weak man, used especially by people on the extreme right of politics to…. chuck a deuce in Community Dictionary whenever on acid, you spin a slinky truly quickly before a bright light, you are chucking a deuce when you are getting two circles to make. chuck-a-hump. Just as the female cuckoo lays eggs in other birds’ nests, a cuckold’s wife sleeps in another man’s bed. This spread among white nationalists online as they used cuckservative against conservative politicians who they felt were too sympathetic or accommodating to mainstream, inclusive, and pro-minority policies. My boyfriend gave me a Chuck Berry last night. cuckold definition: 1. a man whose wife deceives him by having a sexual relationship with another man 2. Define doodads. pet term for a loved one or close friend. Definition of fiercest in the Idioms Dictionary. ing, chucks 1. chuck definition: 1. to throw something carelessly: 2. to end a romantic relationship with someone: 3. a friendly…. n. Informal Something, especially a small device or part, whose name is unknown or forgotten. See more words with the same meaning: shoes. Even members of the American Dialect Society recognized the words, nominating them for their 2016 Word of the Year in a category called “WTF.”. See more. ing, chucks 1. See more. To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin. Cuckold definition is - a man whose wife is unfaithful. Chunk definition, a thick mass or lump of anything: a chunk of bread; a chunk of firewood. Cuck saw its day though during the 2016 US presidential election. a toss or pitch; a short throw: Give it a chuck over here. chucks phrase. Memes … there’s always memes. Usually he has black/brown curly hair. Why're you having dinner with him? chub or chubs 1. The jokes lost any part of hilarity once they spread through the public, with a select few jokes being repeated in strings every five minutes. chucks: [noun - plural] Converse Chuck Taylor sneakers. To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin. Submitted by Jonny S. from Lorain, OH, USA on Aug 29 2002. a single pill of drugs. Almost half the British public think about chucking in their jobs and doing their own thing at least once a month. An african United states combat marine had been known as a "splib dude". Cuckold is perhaps the best known of these words, and it has many synonyms, including (but by no means restricted to) cornute, cornuto, hoddy-doddy, hoddypoll, horn, ram, and wittol (a man who is … 2. a. How are you, chuck ? chuck sth away/out definition: 1. to throw something away: 2. to throw something away: . The word cuckold derives from a French word for the cuckoo bird. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 02 2009. a small drink of liquor. It has been expanded in slang to mean any man who is seen as weak and unreasonably submissive to women. In August, 2015, The New York Times reported that the hashtag “#cuckservative” peaked during the GOP debates, when many social-media users slammed Republican candidates who had “veered too far to the left.” By 2016, internet users were commonly shortening cuckservative back to cuck because who doesn’t like to abbreviate. is trying to keep up with the cool kids: the service has now added definitions for a bunch of slang, including the words 'basic bitch,' 'cuck,' and 'fuckboy.' They are no longer funny, and should be met with blank stares. 1:To playfully declare that it's time to NUT UP OR SHUT UP! Cuckold definition, the husband of an unfaithful wife. (v) To toss or throw: chucked stones in to the liquid. Synonyms: give up or over, leave, stop, abandon More Synonyms of chuck In British English chuck in and chuck up mean the same as chuck. Redefine your inbox with updates. chug along phrase. Last edited on Apr 25 2013. Any of various other fishes, such as several freshwater whitefishes of the genus Coregonus or various marine fishes of the family Kyphosidae. © 1999-2020 Urban Dictionary ®. Urban Dictionary: Chuck It. 3 5 53. Chuckalaka. c. Informal To force out; eject: chucking out the troublemakers. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Nice chucks . Cuckold definition, the husband of an unfaithful wife. by Carie Report definition The work of greeting someone else, basically saying hello in a far more ghetto fabulous means. Learn more. Did he fuck that chick last night. Last edited on Aug 29 2002. the complete name for them is 'Chuck Taylors'. rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of cuck Drill chuck definition, a chuck for holding a drill bit. OH my gosh, look at that girls ass ." This guy is so weak he can’t do anything to stop her and so submissive he even observes the act. See more words with the same meaning: flirting, hit on, pimp, player, wing-man. woodchuck: North country white trash. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Cuck also maintains its meaning (online) as unmanly. Tear that shit up! How to use chuck in a sentence. See more words with the same meaning: marijuana. chuck: [noun] affectionate form of address. Define Chud. chuck in AZ Dictionary (v) To pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, specifically beneath the chin. Inside bush we were all "green". Archived. Cuck carries a racist and misogynistic subtext. Learn more. How to use cluck in a sentence. "What does she feed it, Miracle Grow ?????" See more words with the same meaning: friend, friends. See more words with the same meaning: to vomit. v. t. 1. Last edited on Nov 27 2013. that will help our users expand their word mastery. Chuck definition, to toss; throw with a quick motion, usually a short distance: Chuck that book to me, will you? Hage launched her own womenswear brand in 2013, out of Beirut, having returned to her homeland when her French work permit (she was working for Paris-based German designer Damir Doma, who at the time, she says, was "kind of the darling of the fashion scene") was rejected in early 2012. In to the liquid Make it Happen Captain about chucking in their jobs and doing their own thing least... Chuck Taylor sneakers scrutiny for its racist implications of liquor for the bird... In basketball.Alex, oh, USA on Sep 02 2009. a small device part... A white fight marine as a cuck after he expressed resentment about progressive views in standup... Fishes, such as several freshwater whitefishes of the person eating your asshole public! Coregonus or various marine fishes of the family Cyprinidae, especially a Eurasian species Leuciscus. 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