December 25, 2020 "Dear children! The Visionary was praying and asked the Blessed Mother, “Relieve the people who are experiencing difficulties and help SD.” The Virgin Mary answered with a private message to SD. The message of Mary is one of acceptance, a willingness to “let it be done according to thy word.” Her message to all humanity is that we must accept the will of God on our journey to salvation. That is the thinking of the advanced generation leading this humanity. DISEASE IS ADVANCING (1) AND MAN REMAINS SILENT, BUT AS MOTHER OF HUMANITY I CALL YOU TO REMAIN ON ALERT FACING THE VIRUS THAT HAS GONE OUT FROM HUMAN HANDS TOWARDS HUMANITY; THEREFORE MAN FEARS HIMSELF, BECAUSE HE KNOWS HIMSELF. Man does not see his reality, which he has forged for himself with his own immoral laws, with the debauchery of a mind engulfed in what allows him to live without God, without giving an account of his spiritual works and actions. DO NOT WAIT, MY CHILDREN, THE PLAGUE ADVANCES FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY AND IS SPREADING; THAT IS WHY I HAVE MADE THE MEDICINES KNOWN TO YOU IN ADVANCE (2) WITH WHICH YOU SHOULD FIGHT THIS AND OTHER DISEASES WITH WHICH YOU WILL BE ATTACKED. Search by Keyword through all Our Lady's messages. It will be a decade of tumultuous events - both nationally and internationally. I MOURN OVER SO MUCH CONTEMPT FOR THE DIVINE WILL, FOR THE LOVE OF LOVES, FOR THE "ALPHA AND OMEGA"! Commencing from the 1st of March 1984, Our Lady began to give weekly messages on Thursdays to the parish community in Medjugorje, and through them to the rest of the world. Message from Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin Mary says: "Praise be to Jesus." In the beginning Our Lady made her messages known to the visionaries on a daily basis and through them to the whole world. 96 on Tuesday 4/12/2011 @ 3:30 A.M. Daughters, what ever you husband done, two wrongs do not make right, Hell awaits those who worship gold over love, greed over need. This is the truth, People of God, this is the truth: respecting, accepting and loving the Commandments, the Sacraments, and loving and fulfilling the Divine Word. Mary’s vocational calling as the mother of Jesus was a great blessing, but it was nowhere near the blessing of having her sins paid for by the fruit of her womb. For example, the basilicas in Lourdes, France, and Guadalupe, Mexico, were built in response to Mary's request and are visited by … But you, children, have created a worldly, liberal god, and you say “how innovative!”; you applaud and pay homage to it, amid feasting, degeneracy, degradation, drugs, alcohol and debauchery, which ... Satan offers you and which as humanity you to a great extent desire without hesitation. Marian apparitions - messages Fatima, Guadalupe, Lourdes, Akita, Garabandal, Medjugorge, Zeitoun and many others. Children, return to the Way of My Son, since Satan's spoils are growing every day; do not dismiss His Calls when night is near and the laments of men will spread throughout the Earth. Great and serious events are happening on Earth and these will increase without stopping; time is time no more, and what I have announced over the years is arriving ... before a humanity living without being conscious of its work and action. "MANY ARE CALLED AND FEW ARE CHOSEN" (Mt 22:14), NOT BECAUSE THE MOST HOLY TRINITY DOES NOT LOVE YOU, BUT BECAUSE EACH ONE OF YOU REFUSES OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL. 95 on Wednesday 3/30/2011 @ 5:30 A.M. The message is signed when the Lady gives her name after three weeks of apparitions and then three weeks of silence from 4 to 25th March. Nov 12, 2020 - Explore Patchar's board "Virgin Mary’s Messages" on Pinterest. That is why I am here with Jesus that He may bless you with His peace. The 25 March is the day of the Annunciation, when Jesus is “conceived” in Mary’s womb. (cf. Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, the goal is ETERNAL LIFE and this you will not find being attached to what is worldly. Blessed Virgin Mary “Please treasure the journey you are given through these (Holy Love) Messages – It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries” (5/10/17) Blessed Virgin Mary “If you hasten to your conversion out of fear for what the future may hold, you are accomplishing very little…” (1/8/17) Our Blessed Mother told Brother Joseph Francis in October, 1986, that Our Lord will soon send a flu like illness that will cause many, many deaths. A special thanks to our dear Blessed Mother Mary, for taking the time to guide each of us, her little children, toward the path of eternal salvation, Jesus the Christ, our Lord and Savior. I MOURN OVER SO MANY OF MY CHILDREN WHO DO NOT WANT SALVATION AND SEEK TO REMAIN IN THE DARKNESS OF SIN, DISOBEDIENCE AND REBELLION, WITH WHICH THEY PLEASE SATAN. Below is the latest official English translation as provided by the Information Center in Medjugorje. ... Statues of Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, the three children who saw the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. On the 25th of each month, Our Lady appears to the Medjugorje visionary Marija to give us her message to the world. Today, marks the beginning not only of a New Year, but of a new decade. – Coronavirus and Medjugorje – Visionary who sees Blessed Mother everyday states clearly: “This virus is evil – but not a punishment from God – It won’t last long.” Hopeful signs from the Virgin Mary? Next, the number 11 would be subtracted from 56 giving at total of 45. Hypocrites! I am with you and anew am calling you, little children: return to God and to prayer until prayer will be a joy for you. Stay united so that you would be able to survive, stay on the Path to which My Son has called you. "Dear children! May each of your hearts be open to listening to these heavenly whispers. But you, children, distorting the Divine Word, affirm that Heaven and Eternal Life are fantasy. The waiting continues and Satan is stealing souls. You, children, are called to follow My Son and His teachings; you are called to know Him and to make His Divine Word known to men. The human being has waited until the last moment and this generation is no different. MAY MY LOVE AND MY BLESSING BE A NEW AWAKENING.IN EACH ONE OF YOU. All of our service is to Our Lord Jesus Christ, but Our Blessed Mother assists us with Her devotion and service to God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. I am carrying to you little Jesus who brings you peace, Him who is the past, present and future of your existence. Our Lady of Good Success. Here are some inspirational quotes about Mary's miraculous power: You appear fearful when you experience natural events that put you in danger; the moments pass and you go back to being the same. Past messages: 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 More... Download Our Lady's Messages from 1984-Present: ol84_now.pdf. While man sleeps the earth continues shaking forcefully. Message from the Blessed Mother » Home » Messages from Heaven » Luz de Maria Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: GOD IS PERFECT, HE DOES EVERYTHING PERFECTLY, AND YET YOUR RESPONSE IS CONTRARY TO THE DIVINE WILL - VERY MUCH TO THE CONTRARY. Thank you for having responded to my call." The Blessed Virgin Mary's Remedy for a Cold, Flu, Sore Throat and Respiratory Infections. Invoke the help of all the saints, for them to be an example and a help to you. With this particular apparition, we go back a little bit in time. God was “Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14) to Mary in a way no one else has experienced and in that way she was “blessed among women.” You have forged a new god of sin and excitement, who permits you what THE ONLY AND TRUE GOD DOES NOT PERMIT YOU, BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO SAVE YOUR SOULS. Mary’s Fatima Messages to the Shepherd Children. This illness will affect the lungs and the heart. In these messages God the Father, Jesus and the Virgin Mary, the voice of the Spirit comes to penetrate the hardness of our hearts, to transform these rocks into real diamonds. Those miracles range from apparitions that encourage people to prayers for healing that are answered. Our Lady of Light A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA My tears are for the people of the United States of America! [How The Messages Began] [Spiritual Director Statement] [1998 Messages] [1999 Messages] The Blessed Virgin Mary said: I am here to aid you My children, as I am your Mother – of Perpetual Help (- also known as, Our Lady of Perpetual Help), many people,have indeed, watched some, of the Mass videos; but, they do not have, the common sense, and the reason, to discern what is in front of them. Your dishonoring marriage is disobedience to God, to whom you swore for better or worse, only to be apart in death. You therefore reject whatever evokes God for you. In Quito, … Do not be afraid: I AM YOUR MOTHER AND I WILL NOT ABANDON YOU. I am carrying to you little Jesus who brings you peace, Him who is the past, present and future of your existence. Message No. Catholics are known for our devotion to Mary. The prophesied world wide warning has thus far been delayed April 2013 Beginning with the Marian messages at LaSalette on September 19, 1846 and continuing to this very day, Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary have revealed to numerous visionaries and mystics throughout the world an upcoming "Warning" or "Purification" for all of humanity. GO TO MY SON, RESPOND TO HIS CALL. The last message from the Blessed Mother was posted on September 16, 2014. The Work of God Apostolate: ... acknowledges and thanks all sites in the Internet for their contributions and their dedication to spread our Blessed Virgin Mary 's message. See more ideas about blessed mother, blessed mother mary, catholic faith. Search by Keyword through all Our Lady's messages. For good reason, the Mother of God was full of both grace and wisdom. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SINHAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SINHAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. Messages may also include a request that a church be built to honor Mary at the apparition site with the promise of blessing to all who come to pray there. Simply put, with the Holy Mother’s warning to Sister Sasagawa being given on the 56 th anniversary of the Lady of Fatima’s final message the numbers 5 and 6 must be added together and equal 11. We would like to share with you a collection of 10 messages from the Virgin Mary … Some claimed miracles at this site—rosaries turning to gold, the sun spinning and changing colors, and the scent of rose petals filling the air. Dec 5, 2020 ... Come to me through my Immaculate Mother You dismiss the Calls that the Sacred Trinity addresses to you and affirm that they are lies and ideas of a few madmen, and without qualms or fear you affirm that obeying the Divine Law is a thing of the past, you believe that it is outmoded and you feel that obedience and surrender to God out of Love for Him is not for this generation. Through this assent, we can start on the path toward salvation. Apparitions - Blessed Virgin Mary. We have received from Heaven the natural medicines to combat the diseases coming to man, we welcome fraternally what we receive, without forgetting that this entails unity. | Live and Love for JESUS Messages To Luz De Maria from Our Blessed Mother Mary and From Saint Michael the Archangel, dated March 24 and 27, 2020. 12/25/2020, Other Languages: Satan is strong and is fighting to draw all the more hearts to himself. My tears flow freely now, for I am concerned for the future of your people, especially for your children’s future. In this Call, our Mother warns us with great clarity: let us not wait, let us prepare, above all spiritually. The Blessed Virgin Mary. Messages To Luz De Maria from Our Blessed Mother Mary and From Saint Michael the Archangel, dated March 24 and 27, 2020. Arabic | Armenian | Bahasa Indonesia | Bulgarian | Cebuano | Chinese | Czech | CroatianDanish | Dutch | Esperanto | Finnish | French | German | Greek | Hebrew | HindiHungarian | Icelandic | Ilocano | Italian | Japanese | Korean | Latvian | LithuanianNorwegian | Papiamento | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Russian | Sinhalese | SlovakSpanish | Swedish | Tagalog | Tamil | Thai | Ukrainian | Vietnamese | Waray-Waray. Here are a few prophetic messages to Luz De Maria about plagues and diseases that Our Blessed Mother warned us … Little children, do not permit for your faith and hope in a better future to be extinguished, because you are chosen to be witnesses of hope in every situation. Then you go back to living in enjoyment of what is worldly, and the pain and anguish disappear as the events that made you fear disappear. Little children, you do not have a future or peace until your life begins with a personal conversion and a change to the good. Revolts and denials against order, above all spiritual order, are a daily matter; tearing down images and entering Churches in the midst of the Eucharistic Celebration is a pastime for those who have contaminated themselves with the actions of Satan. Hopeful signs from the Virgin Mary? Search for Keywords in All of Our Lady's Messages - Pray, My children, pray for the United States. Did you know that Mary continues to speak to us today? "Dear children, the Lord permits that I should come to you, today, on the Feast of My Holy Motherhood. Jn 14:6). You think that following the Calls of Heaven is a matter for the inept, the mad and for those who lack intelligence. October 25, 2020 "Dear children, At this time, I am calling you to return to God and to prayer. Also, some reparation prayers to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Healing of the Leper- Animated Short Film, Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Prayers for Protection Against Hurricanes and Storms, St. Mechtilde's Prayer for Souls In Purgatory. Dec 15, 2020 Message from Saint Michael. The Medjugorje Apparitions “Our Lady of Međugorje” (also called Queen of Peace) is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary who has been appearing since 24 June 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children in Međugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the time in SFR Yugoslavia). When Mary's message was broadcast over loudspeakers, the pilgrims raised their rosaries, icons, and petitions heavenward, hoping the items would be blessed by the presence of the Virgin Mary. This is not the time to fold your arms and be silent without preaching: you must awaken the People of My Son who are asleep and do not recognize Him, you must receive the Divine Food so that you would be strengthened, but properly prepared. The numbers 4 and 5 are then added together giving a total of 9. During those alleged apparitions, Soldo prays with the Blessed Virgin Mary for non-believers, and conveys a message to the throngs of Catholic pilgrims who throng to Medjugorje for the event. Message No. Dec 15, 2020 A Worldwide Triduum Offered. Using our Concordance Tool. YOU LIVE WANTING THE BEST, TO BE THE BEST, THE MOST APPLAUDED, THE MOST PRAISED AND YET... DO YOU WANT THE SAME SPIRITUALLY OR ARE YOU LIVING BY APPEARANCES? The Blessed Mother also told Mirjana that when souls leave Purgatory and go to Heaven, most go on Christmas Day. – Coronavirus and Medjugorje – Visionary who sees Blessed Mother everyday states clearly: “This virus is evil – but not a punishment from God – It won’t last long.” March 15, 2020 stephen ryan 2219 Views Do not be afraid, children, it is necessary for this Mother to speak to you like this. People worldwide often report God performing miracles through Mary (who served as the mother of Jesus Christ on Earth and is known popularly as Saint Mary or the Virgin Mary). This is a time of grace. GOD IS PERFECT, HE DOES EVERYTHING PERFECTLY, AND YET YOUR RESPONSE IS CONTRARY TO THE DIVINE WILL - VERY MUCH TO THE CONTRARY. Little children, do not permit for your faith and hope in a better future to be extinguished, because you are chosen to be witnesses of hope in … The Virgin Mary concluded with a private message to SD. MY SON IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL LIVE ETERNALLY! Medjugorje Message, December 25, 2020 - "Dear children! Blessed are all those who put trust in the Lord and open their hearts to receive his teachings. Feast of My Holy Motherhood day of the advanced generation leading this humanity “ CONCEIVED ” in Mary ’ Fatima... 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