aspaa conference 2020

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Category: Deadlines. Draft Program. As business leaders, we try new strategies and implement new practices all the time, but how do we know whether they’re working? The Population Association of America’s annual meeting is the premier conference of demographers and social and health scientists from the United States and abroad. Mergers and Acquisitions – A Peek Behind The Curtain of Recordkeeping Operations. Which beneficiaries are required to complete distributions within 10 years, and which are not? APA 2021 is in San Diego, CA. Steps that the DOL suggests be taken to locate participants before deeming them missing. What to do when EPCRS instructs a correction under VCP but the client only wants to self-correct. October 26 – November 18, 2020. How the trend of overall wellness landed with retirement plan recordkeepers. Learn from court cases involving instances in which the line may have been crossed. How to use data to perform financial wellness assessments. How does the lack of a required safe harbor notice impact midyear changes to a safe harbor plan; What is the impact of the new automatic escalation limit under a QACA? APA 2023 is in Washington, DC. Information to help with preparing IRS Form W-2 for clergy, which can be complicated, can be found on the Conference website. The OTA provides trainings in multiple formats throughout the year, offering educational opportunities for township officials and staff. A refund of the conference fee, minus a $100 processing fee, will be given for cancellations received by that date. Only one substitution is permitted per original registrant. Author of the bestselling book, Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in younger Generations, Mark is making an impact on both education and workforce development. Making the decision to offer a MEP solution. What additional testing is necessary when tiered matching contributions are being funded? Please note that only 30 hours of credit are available through live sessions, but more can be earned by watching recordings. Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association I Est. During each workshop, participants can maximize learning during a live Q&A with expert presenters. What is the potential impact of electing top-paid group (or top-paid vs not top-paid)? 1970. ASPA e-Conference Spring 2021. What steps should a plan administrator take to be able to rely on Safe Harbor? Review the assumptions we set in the small plan market. ASPO’s 44th Annual Virtual Conference In response to the rapidly changing circumstances associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the ASPO Board of Directors made the decision to convert the Annual Meeting in Tucson to a virtual meeting. Calendar more. All rights reserved. The DOL’s proposed regulations and new Safe Harbor. Tuesday, December 01, 2020 During the Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA) Fall Virtual Conference on Nov. 18, Dr. Shaun Holmes, Director of Human Resources - Certified, was named as the ASPAA 2020 Administrator of the Year. All education sessions will be recorded for access after the conference. APA 2024 is in Seattle, WA. In total, 52.8 hours of recorded content will be made available to attendees. March 29 – 30, 2021. True samples of DOL investigation and IRS audits. Answering Why-Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations, Managing Legal Implications of this Pandemic Year, ASPAA Updates, Sponsors, Prizes and Elections, 1/21/2021Live Webinar: January Professional Development, Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA) 7/1/2020 LATEST UPDATE ON CORONAVIRUS. Who is responsible for fraud recovery, including third party custodians, third party administrators and even the plan’s Trust. Review cases studies focused on the small plan market. Billing and collections — have you adjusted your timing for sending invoices or your methods for accepting payment? Kirsten L. Curry, Esq., Leading Retirement Solutions–, You will receive an email confirmation of your registration from ASPPA. ASPAA 2020 Survey Results 19 hours ago Share | For the sixth consecutive year, Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA) survey results confirm the continued teacher shortage in Arizona. How coverage, top heavy and nondiscrimination testing will be impacted by the inclusion of these employees. When is a Safe Harbor plan subject to ACP testing? Please note that refunds will not be given for no-shows. Date: October 12-15, 2020. Our National Council’s unanimous decision is based, of course, on the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, as well as recent government guidance issued by the State of California and City of Anaheim. Which participants are eligible for the COVID-19 distributions. No refunds will be granted for requests received after April 17, 2020. Can Microsoft 365 provide my team with an entire network setup that will work for us? If you have not received a confirmation within 10 business days after registering, please contact the Accounting Department at. P: 623-853-3034 I If I have a remote workforce, does my setup need to change? ASEA Virtual June 2021. Cancellation Refund Policy. Learn issues to consider when contemplating adding an in-service distribution age prior to normal retirement age. Whereas webinars take only an hour and can be participated in from your desk, the annual conference has over 90 minutes of learning opportunities over four days. Spring National April 28–29, 2021. APA 2022 is in Minneapolis, MN. 2020 TRANSFERRED REGISTRATION CANCELLATION REFUND REQUEST DEADLINES *Individuals who transferred their registration to the 2021 NASPA Annual Conference from 2020 must complete their transfer registration by January 11, 2021. Advance your patient care in engaging clinical workshops. Submit all requests to by April 17, 2020. Here demographers at all career stages are afforded the opportunity to present their research in oral and poster sessions, hear others’ findings, and network with their peers. Effectiveness of work from home arrangements — will you allow employees to work remotely even when we are all allowed back in the office? Pending Approval: Pennsylvania, California, Nebraska, Texas, Ohio, Kansas, Approved for 30.6 CE (including 15.2 Specialized Knowledge and 15.2 Taxes – NASBA requires that credit be given in 0.2 CE increments, and that must be rounded down), Enrolled Retirement Plan Agents (ERPA Credit). Later cancellations are non-refundable. APA 2020 is in Washington, DC. Dec 10, 2020 Take Full Advantage of Your ASPPA Membership! Learn best practices for what to do in the absence of formal guidance. Gain an understanding of best practices to avoid crossing over the line from actuary to fiduciary. • We will close the conference with an exciting live virtual event that is designed to ensure attendees feel professionally connected, empowered and reinvigorated! How these distributions need to be reported to the IRS at the time of distribution and repayment. AASPA’s professional development events are affordable and convenient. Frank Porter, QPA, QKA, Empower Retirement. What the heck is Microsoft Azure or Amazon Workspace and do I need either of them? Gain an understanding of the new discrimination testing rules for closed plans. Procedures for handling nondeliverable emails and database management. Gain an understanding of issues that can be self-corrected. Registrants will receive confirmation if registration and payment are received by Jan. 17, 2020. Options the plan fiduciary has for getting rid of missing participant accounts. Additional hours can be earned by viewing recorded content. This includes up to 1.2 hours of ASPPA Ethics CE. ASPA’s 2020 Annual Conference will engage and empower scholars, administrators, nonprofit leaders and public service professionals across the field through thoughtful dialogue, information sharing and respectful debate on a 2020 Vision for Politics, Policy and Administration. We value our members' and attendees’ health and safety above all other considerations. Pending Approval: Pennsylvania, California, Ohio, Wisconsin. Mark is a weekly contributor at and host of the Perna Syndicate weekday Alexa Flash Briefing. • You’ll also have the chance to play interactive games, test your industry trivia knowledge and earn points on the leaderboard! What to do when EPCRS doesn’t appear to cover you. Copyright 2019 © Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA). We will provide the maximum amount of JBEA CE possible based on your reported attendance. Ways we can help our clients successfully handle significant events and prepare for future events. These archives will offer many hours of recorded content; you’ll also have access to the session handouts. Winter Virtual December 2021 We will provide the maximum amount of ERPA CE possible based on your reported attendance. Basic and enhanced wellness offerings such as health savings accounts and student loan and debt planning. Engagement — have you changed the way you interact with your team, referral sources and/or clients? Updates regarding the proposed changes originally set for 2019 reporting. What post-severance compensation may be included for plan purposes? Yes, the sessions will be recorded. List termination procedures for PBGC-covered and non-PBGC-covered plans. The 2020 ASPPA Annual Conference offers more than 30 hours of ASPPA CE credit. • After the kick-off, attendees have four weeks to access live workshops for TPAs, actuaries, recordkeepers and business owners/managers. Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA) PO Box 8016 Glendale, Arizona 85312. Can find a simple way to measure the effects of our efforts? « Go to Upcoming Event List : Please join us for a Fall On-Line Conference Day . Cancellations received by March 5, 2021 incur a $25 processing fee. We’ve lined up more than 150 breakout sessions for your education and professional development, not … What is a BOT or AI and how will it affect my company? The 2021 Annual Conference will take place virtually starting April 9. IRS and DOL requirements for plan terminations. Current trends in DOL investigations and IRS audits. In addition to our yearly conference, we also host a number of regional events and industry specific events such as UAS and LIDAR events, as well as our online Webinar Series. Apply guidance from the PBGC to future reporting. Select from 51 workshops being held online August 3 – 7. Sat Dec 26, 2020 Still Need CEUs? What types of compensation may be excluded and how do you test for discrimination? Identify potential issues in the termination process and how to communicate the available solutions to the client. Please note that only 30 hours of credit are available through live sessions, but more can be earned by watching recordings. Location: University of Washington Seattle, Washington. Glendale, Arizona 85312. Best practices in plan design to prevent administrative issues for missing participants. All rights reserved. How trends like MEPs are impacting the market. Gold Analysis Group, Inc. Bass, Berry & Sims CVS Health Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C. Register Now Download PDF Registration Form If you register after December 3, 2020, you can not request a refund. The views and opinions expressed by speakers or others who have provided materials to and for this conference are not necessarily those of ARA, ASPPA or its affiliate organizations. American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA) 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22203 703.516.9300 And what office modifications have you had to make, if any? Plan document requirements and correcting for failures. 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -- Sessions 12:15 pm – 2:15 pm -- Sessions 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm -- Special Events 3:45 pm – 5:45 pm -- Sessions 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm -- Special Events We’ve got the tools for you to shape your future with networking events and leadership training. A refund of the conference fee, minus a $100 processing fee, will be given for cancellations received by that date. ASPA Member Registration. How’s that for access! • This highly interactive ASPPA All Access conference will kick off with a two-day, live, virtual event on October 26–27, featuring presentations that cover the hottest topics in the industry. 2020 W-2s are due to all employees by February 1, 2021. You may need to adjust the event times in your calendar application for variations in daylight saving time (DST) or summer time. ASPPA TE(k) | Cincinnati November 2021. My Professional Development; New QKA; DC-1 & DC-2 Online Exams; QKA DC-2 Exam Prep; Credentials and Certificates; Webcasts and Virtual Conferences; The ERISA Outline Book; Product Quick Links; Qualified 401(k) Consultant (QKC) Credential; Membership. How late can you adopt a safe harbor feature and can it be used as a creative solution to remedy a testing failure. Our customer care team is standing by to answer all your questions from the technology, CE credits, to the structure of the agenda! Membership Management Software Powered by, Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in younger Generations. The American Art Therapy Association invites you to attend a virtual conference offering 25 hours of On-Demand learning and continuing education on Saturday, December 19th. While we can’t bring you the National Conference in person this year, we are excited to announce the Public Power Connect Virtual Summit & Business Meeting, which will be held over the same dates as the National Conference to help you connect with your national public power community. Date: April 9, 2020. Pre-conference workshops and special events are refundable at 100% at this time. McDermott Will & … As this year’s theme implies, 20:20 vision is a perfect state. Join art therapists from around the world to learn, network, and grow! This … Whether you enjoy following Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, the ASPPA 2020 All Access website provides a list of all the social and mobile options available. DPLXXXII Seminar Las Vegas, NV November 4-7, 2021 . The bulk of ASPO’s 44th Annual Meeting was held virtually during #ASPOWeek March 23 – 27, 2020. Participant outcomes and utilization of financial wellness programs. Join us this summer at the ASCA Annual Conference. ASEA Actuarial Symposium August 2021. Conference login information was sent to all registrants on Tuesday, October 20. ASPPA/NAPA/NTSA Women in Retirement Conference (WiRC) TBD. • This highly interactive ASPPA All Access conference will kick off with a two-day, live, virtual event on October 26–27, featuring presentations that cover the hottest topics in the industry. • After the kick-off, attendees have four weeks to access live workshops for TPAs, actuaries, recordkeepers and business owners/managers. How often and when must notices be updated and what does this entail? 2021 ASPAA Spring Virtual Conference 4/22/2021. L.A. Advanced Pension & 401(k) Conference; L.A. Pension ; Education. Why would you? April 9, 2020. ASPA's Annual Conference provides a yearly opportunity to bring together public administrators from across the discipline. Category: Deadlines. Join us May 22-26 for your AAPA 2021 – your way. Learn how to perform coverage under 410(b) ratio percentage testing and identify next steps in the event of a failure. • This year’s online format will increase your access to industry insiders through a series of video roundtable discussions and virtual hangouts with presenters and industry peers. Which definition of compensation may be right for your clients to provide? DPLXXXI Conference - November 5 - 8, 2020 Virtual Event . When long-term, part-time employees will have to enter the plan. Identify the changes under EPCRS, such as the expansion of SCP. Sun Jan 31, 2021 Lifelong Learning Scholarship Application Deadline . Best practices in working with DOL and IRS examiners. Attendees can earn up to 52.8 hours JBEA CE, including 15.8 hours of JBEA Core, 37 hours of JBEA Non-Core, and up to 1.2 hour of JBEA Ethics CE. Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association (ASPAA), Live Webinar: January Professional Development. PO Box 8016 Where will the American Psychological Association's annual convention be next? Please also note that only live events are eligible for JBEA Formal credit (see IR-2020-177). 2020 SILA National Education Conference. Location: Black Canyon Conference Center 9440 North 25th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85021. Describe the PBGC plan termination process and recent changes to instructions. Learn the ramifications of excluding various types of compensation. Category: Events. Sat Dec 26, 2020 Virtual Conference Early Bird Registration Deadline. Network & Build Relationships How the repayment provisions may be applied. 1/13/2021 COVID-19 Employment Rules. How recordkeepers have responded to the CARES Act and COVID-19 changes. , Mark is making an impact on both education and workforce development. Made available to attendees recovery, including third party custodians, third party custodians, third party,. Remedy a testing failure be taken to locate participants before deeming them missing available! Kirsten L. Curry, Esq., Leading Retirement Solutions–, you can not request a refund of the discrimination! Changes under EPCRS, such as the expansion of SCP with expert presenters trivia knowledge earn... Regulations and new Safe Harbor and even the plan ’ s Trust saving time ( DST or! Sales, customer service and overall business practices AAPA 2021 – your way distributions to beneficiaries of?... Be able to rely on Safe Harbor feature and can it be used as a creative solution to remedy testing... 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