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The political structure in the New England colonies was characterized by a high degree of self-rule, elected legislative assemblies, a governor appointed by the British, and town meetings. In February 1685 the duke of York found himself not only proprietor of New York but also king of England, a fact that changed the status of New York from that of a proprietary to a royal colony. In return for an annual gift to the king of 40 beaver skins, the duke of York and his resident board of governors were given extraordinary discretion in the ruling of the colony. The Rhode Island Colony had a much different political structure than the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They have no social life whatsoever. New Netherland, founded in 1624 at Fort Orange (now Albany) by the Dutch West India Company, was but one element in a wider program of Dutch expansion in the first half of the 17th century. Title page from “An accurate description of the recently founded province of Pennsylvania” by Pastorius, who established the first German settlement in the colonies, 1700. Now, the king picked the governor. Although nearly all the male inhabitants were permitted to vote for deputies to a provincial assembly and for a governor, the colony, for at least the first 40 years of its existence, remained in the tight control of a few men. The political structure of the New England colonies fluctuated. The following is a look at these key characteristics. The New England colonies differed from the Chesapeake colonies in their economies and environments. #1 Maine Senate Race: this is the marquee race in New England. The government practiced religious tolerance. The king’s governor could veto any law passed by representatives that were elected by settlers with voting rights. Rhode Island- fishing and trading Rhode Island Rhode Island was consisted of people who didn't like the Massachusetts government and they wanted more religious freedom. For instance, the company could elect its own governor. Already a member? Elite aristocrats in the southern colonies used religion and Anglican customs to grow their wealth and concentrate political power in the hands of affluent white men. Unlike the Pilgrims, the Puritans did not desire to “separate” themselves from the Church of England but, rather, hoped by their example to reform it. The Fundamental Constitutions was abandoned in 1693 and replaced by a frame of government diminishing the powers of the proprietors and increasing the prerogatives of the provincial assembly. The Massachusetts colony was self-governed by religious persons. Charters of royal colonies provided for direct rule by the king. New England politics is also a major contributor to the American democratic tradition. The New England regions included the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Plymouth colony, the New Hampshire colony, Maine colony, Connecticut colony, and Rhode Island colony. Only male church members could vote or serve the government. The nucleus of that settlement was drawn from an enclave of English émigrés in Leiden, Holland (now in The Netherlands). Best New England Vacations: Things to Do in Boston, Maine Vacations, Things to Do in New Hampshire, Things to Do in Rhode Island and More. Anne Hutchinson critiqued the politics of the colony. When the Quakers purchased East Jersey, they also acquired the tract of land that was to become Delaware, in order to protect their water route to Pennsylvania. The duke’s interest in the colony was chiefly economic, not political, but most of his efforts to derive economic gain from New York proved futile. The Pilgrims soon secured peace treaties with most of the Indians around them, enabling them to devote their time to building a strong, stable economic base rather than diverting their efforts toward costly and time-consuming problems of defending the colony from attack.

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