Common grips were hard rubber, but silver, wood, antler, mother-of-pearl and ivory were also used. Sold Price: BELGIAN VELO DOG REVOLVER. - December 3, 0122 10:00 AM EST Velo-Dog revolvers came in all levels of finish, from sometimes crude offerings from Eibar to fancy nickle-plated and engraved examples such as this one. Most came from Belgium, France, or Spain, with additional production in Germany, Italy, and Brazil, with nearly 50 different manufacturers identified. JavaScript is disabled. Uvalde, Active Shooters and Re-Thinking Some Things. The latter proved especially dangerous to these 19th century Lance Armstrongs and led to one of the strangest arms races in human memory. The name is a compound word composed of "velocipede" and "dog". The 5.5mm Velo-Dog originated in France in 1894. Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. After careful examination I am reasonably sure this one was made by Mussen-Lalleman between 1908-1914, and the Belgian proof-marks on the barrel, frame and cylinder support this. Corporations, pharmaceutical companies and any one with money hire people to get their products out and print reviews about the next wonder drug or device that will change your life and make your more attractive to the opossite sex . The Velo-Dog was designed to be used in defence against wild dog attacks when the user was on a bicycle. The cartridge was comparable in power to .22 LR loads of the time, but was substantially longer, with a brass case 1.12 long. This mechanism was as simple as possible to prevent the user from having to regularly maintain the firearm. Colt Baby Open Top .22 cal Revolver. The original load used a 43gr.
There was no shortage of small revolvers available at the time; most countries produced them, particularly Belgium, where they never met a patent they didnt want to violate. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Man who shot himself with 'Velo Dog' pistol loses conviction appeal Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Editor's Note: This article is from Gun Digest 2022, 76th Edition, available at The ammunition for these guns is no longer in production, though you might find a specialty maker producing limited quantities to order for a princely price. His son Rene registered the 'Velo Dog' trademark in Liege 1904. Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Hand Guns Forum | Numrich Forum > Hand Guns > Hand Guns > Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. Cobblestone streets gave such a hard ride that early bicycles were nicknamed boneshakers. Such production methods were common in small-scale or 'cottage industry'. The bottom loop of the trigger kept hitting my knuckle just as the gun fired, throwing off my aim. Liege Belgium Pire Antwerp Velo-Dog Type Closed Frame 6mm Obsolete,, The Ask the Pros & What's It Worth? See Sold Price. Description: 20th Century Europe VELODOG Style Pocket Revolver C&R Eligible, with Folding Trigger, in 5.5mm Here we present a Velodog-style Revolver, made circa 1910 in Liege, Belgium. Belgian Velo-Dog revolvers were, for the most part, a fusion of the hammerless double-action-only French designs and the Bulldog-style revolvers they had been producing for many years. Make sure the ignition-hole is clear, drilling with a 1/16 drill if needed, and cut the tube to produce a cartridge 1.12 long including the rim. Interesting traditional double action revolver designed for self-defense against dogs while riding bicycles. There are traces of blue on the ejector rod and spring and traces of case hardening on the frame. Velo Dog Revolver, .22 Caliber Randf Cal 22-230, Syst Hammerless, Neat The name is a compound word composed of 'velocipede ' and 'dog'.
The left frame is marked with the letters "F A" over a star over a cresent moon which may be Turkish. The gun locks up properly, and everything works as it should. RNL bullets from some .22 Short cartridges, and simply pressed them into the cartridge with my thumb until they were firmly in place. We find the dealer that offers you the most money. Stuff a bullet into the case so it doesnt collapse when you chuck it up in a hand-drill, then use the drill and a file to recuse a section at the base of the cartridge just ahead of the rim to about .220. SMALL CONCEALED HAMMER VELO DOG REVOLVER for sale - GunsAmerica SOLD - $200.00 Shipping: Calculated on checkout Accepted Payment Methods: Returns: No Returns Description: This is a small 6.35 cal. Would you know what it would be worth? There were other styles including top-break revolvers with auto-ejectors, but most of them operated like a Bulldog revolver. The lack of accuracy was not an issue with the gun, despite the aforementioned stiff trigger and miserable sights. Although this huge catalogue has three pages of various Velo Dog revolvers for sale this is the only Velo-Dog cartridge listed. Late 1800's Postman's pocket dog scarer pistol advice. In 1893, Charles designed an 8mm hammerless pocket revolver he marketed as the Tue Tue. This would be a pipe bomb load in a small, cheap revolver from the late 1800's and early 1900's. (7mm & 9mm). On page 176 of the 1911 ALFA catalogue of Adolf Frank Export Gesellschaft, Hamburg, the round is listed as the 5.75 Velo Dog in the section of the catalogue devoted to revolver ammunition p.176. The Velo-Dog (also known as a Revolver de Poche) was a pocket revolver originally created in France by Ren Galand, son of Charles-Franois Galand in the late 19th century as a defense for cyclists against dog attacks. Retaining 85% + original finish with much peacock bluing. The Price for a Galand Velo-Dog Revolver has increased in cost by $0.00 in 2023 compared to 2022. Looks like something somebody made with a drill press and a 2 axis vise. "Velo Dog Revolver: Snubby snoopy sniper", "5,75x30 R/5.5 Velo-Dog/5.6 Velodog/5.6x29.5 Velodog/5.8 Velo Dog/6 mm Velodog/.225 Velodog/5.5 mm N 8/GR 646/SAA 0410/ECRA-ECDV 06 029 CBC 010", "Belgian .22 Short Mini Pocket Revolver (Velo-dog)",, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, A Velo-dog makes a minor appearance as an assassin's concealable pistol in the novel, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 21:36. Rarities that will generally bring a premium include large-frame hammerless revolvers and engraved specimens. This is pretty labor-intensive, but you can produce small numbers this way without too much of a problem. No target to show this time- at five yards a dinner-plate would have about covered the group. I didnt hit the chronograph, so I called it good enough. 5.5 mm Velo-Dog ammunition that started at $1 with no reserve price. It was the age of steam engines, the first practical lighter-than-air balloons, machine guns, repeating rifles, landmines, and armored warships but one of the most popular inventions of the age was the human powered bicycle. JavaScript is disabled. D Armes Engraved Velo-dog Revolver. It shows contempt for the subject and does not require critical thinking. Chambered for the 6.35 Velo Dog cartridge. revolver with a concealed hammer and folding trigger. Find Gun Values | Grading System | Login Back. velo-dog revolver Handguns: General Handgun Forum : The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: General Handgun Forum: velo-dog revolver . Almost as many of us have been chased, at one time or another, by a canine while on said bicycle. Surviving examples vary considerably in appearance. Today, the Velo-Dog term is used for a broad assortment of Euro pocket revolvers in various calibers by diverse (and often anonymous) makers, probably because no one can think of what else to call them. Arms catalogues of 1900 1911 etc listed them that way. Surviving examples vary considerably in appearance, but have certain features in common.All have short barrels and originally . Belgian revolver Velodog "style Browning" caliber 6,35 mm My guess would be that different authorities use different definitions, but what remains true for all is that a specific design of pistol was manufactured to use 5.5 cartridges and was soon designed to house larger cartridges. The action works well. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 This article relating to revolvers is a stub. Guns Pistols Antique Pre Pistols Ctg. Pistols of the World, I.Hogg & J. A 6.35mm double-action revolver with 1.5" barrel, folding trigger and concealed hammer. Some models were double action and had concealed hammers while others were single action and required cocking before firing. Reply Quote. Circa: Using The Marks Of Proof On This Gun, Crown,Crown,U, Proof Hose, E. German, Suhl, Type Of Proof And Gun, Inspection Mark, Circa, Since 1950. The Velo-Dog revolver was introduced in 1894 to allow a bicyclist to protect himself from pursuing dogs. Bore and Action excellent. It has a folding trigger, Bulldog-style ejection and a manual safety located just above the hard rubber grips on the back of the frame. Cartridge (88) Double Action (4) Dragoon (5) Duelers (1) Flare Pistol (1) Flintlock (5) Pepperbox (7) Percussion (28) Single Action (19) Spur Trigger (29) Allen & Thurber 32 Caliber Pepperbox - PENDING SALE. Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges
They will be prominently marked Galand Paris or Galand Liege.. They were christened Velo-Dog revolvers, sometimes also called Revolver de Poche (Poche apparently meaning pocket, not pooch.) Some argue that the dog part of Velo-Dog references bulldog-style revolvers, but the similarity escapes me. 1914 German JG Anschutz 'Velodog' Cyclist Pistol The name "Velo-dog" comes from the portmanteau of the words "Velocipede" (an early type of bicycle) and "dog" which alludes to the fact that the Velo-dog was designed to protect cyclists from wild dog attacks. GABILONDO Y URRESTI > Velo-Dog Revolver. There is very minor pitting on the barrel. A Chilliwack man who accidentally shot himself with a French palm pistol known as a "Velo Dog" because of its use by cyclists to fend off attacks from animals has lost his appeal of a. No doubt Ill have all sorts of fun developing loads for it and trying to coax unrealistic levels of accuracy out of it. Appears to work fine with safety on the left frame. looks like a velo dog style gun, nice find! We take all the hassle out of selling your gun. Long derided as a footnote in firearms development, countless examples have been lost, destroyed or simply scrapped, leaving those that remain highly collectable.
probably. You have entered an incorrect email address! Another feature on many late models Velo-Dogs is the lack of a trigger guard, and a trigger that folds into the body of the weapon when not in use. Yes, I know Alpo. Therefore the hammer is concealed within the frame, preventing it from snagging on the user's pocket when they drew it, ergo the Velo-Dog fires using a double action only mechanism. Number 1. A velodog type center fire revolver. Antique Pistols and Handguns for Sale | Collectors Firearms Casull discontinued manufacturing of the model in 2005, with reportedly less than 1,000 made. Michel Ledent (Ml) Liege Velo-Dog 5.5mm Velo Dog Obsolete Calibre 6 The name is a compound word composed of "velocipede" and "dog".The hammer is shrouded to avoid its snagging on clothing, so the weapon is double action only.All have short barrels and originally fired the 5.75 mm (.22 calibre) Velo . Like the French guns they were all double-action revolvers, and initially were hammerless, though later guns with exposed hammers were made. Colt Baby Open Top .22 cal Revolver. Thanks for your consideration. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. Unfortunately for every 1 of us with a working brain there are 10000 that believe every thing that is written. It's spot-on Soundguy. As the name suggests, a velo-dog revolver was designed to protect velocipedists against dogs when out for a ride. 2.14K subscribers Velo Dog Postman Pistols or Flobert Pistols These small Pistols were made over a hundred years ago in Belgium and France or Germany in the late 1800's. They are blank. To the adventurous collector exploring this field, it can sometimes seem more challenging to find two alike than to find a new variation. Brass case, boxer primed. The cartridge, which is a centerfire .22 of slightly less power than a .22 Long Rifle, was responsible for a change in the NRA Pistol Rules. . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Velo-dog Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! I WOULD TO KNOW HISTORY &VALUE FIREARMS DO NOT KILL PEOPEL PEOPEL KILL PEOPEL October 13, 2006, 09:38 AM #2: springmom. The overall condition is good with rust on the frame & barrel and cracked on the right grip. velo dog pistol value - Get offers and news!! They are stamped close to the bullet hole inserts. Lot 389: EUROPEAN FOLDING TRIGGER VELO DOG REVOLVER French Velo Dog revolver - NRA Museum Velo Dog Postman Blank Firing Pistols. - YouTube Semi-smokeless proof for all guns in use since 1904. hurricane elizabeth 2015; cheap houses for sale in madison county; stifel wealth tracker login; zadna naprava peugeot 206; 3 days a week half marathon training plan; For bullets I pulled the 29gr. The Smith & Wesson .38 Safety Hammerless "Bicycle Gun" with a 1.5-inch barrel offered in the May 2019 Premier Gun Auction is one of those rare bonafide revolvers. Model Velo-Dog 5.5mm Velo Dog Obsolete Calibre 6 Shot Revolver With Folding Trigger & Manufactured Year Victorian Era Antique yes Certificate No Licence Barrel length 1 1/2 inches Overall length 5 inches Your reference 17072 Gun Status Activated Recommended Usage Collection item Description Then an even smaller design, the Le Novo revolver soon appeared. This is an original closed frame 6 shot, Velo-Dog type revolver has a fluted cylinder and 1 " octagonal barrel (5 . Grey patina on the cylinder and barrel. Should I bother with them? Good old Col Charlie was always looking for an edge, so he had a Woodsman converted to centerfire and shortened Velo Dog brass to LR length. "Velo Dog"? Looking for Info. | National Gun Forum Get the latest news and reviews from Poor rover. 7.65 Borchardt caliber with a 7" barrel. Galand Velo-Dog Revolver For Sale $0.00, Review, Price - In Stock This is a neat piece. Cal. If buyers of these guns had been limited to cyclists these little revolvers would have quickly faded into obscurity, but given the high levels of urban crime in European cities around the turn of the century they had a much broader appeal. In 1997, Casull Arms introduced an updated and very well made version of the Velo-Dog revolver style in .22 LR, the Model CA2000. Sold. The revolver was fixed framed and the cylinder was loaded and unloaded via a rear flip-down gate. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. At least the historicaly correct data I researched will be available if someone does a google search. SEND EMAIL ADDRESS FOR ADDITIONAL PHOTOS. MANUFACTURE 1900 TO EARLY TEENS. Why do people do this? However, I'm unsure on caliber, it could also be chambered in something else, however the majority of Velo-Dog revolvers I've encountered were 25 ACP. French manufacturer Galand introduced the first in the mid-1890s. A demand arose for small pistols which would fit easily in a cyclist's pocket. NRA Museums:
Belgian Velo Dog revolver (mainspring) - Gun Parts Corp I'm trying to find out wha. Galand designed a centerfire round about the length of a .38 Special but with a 45-grain .22-caliber bullet and a light, often black powder, charge. In the last 12 months there is great demand for a Galand Velo-Dog Revolver and most handguns. Excellent - 95%+ condition with or without box. While there WAS a centerfire 5.5 mm cartridge called the Velo-dog, these tiny revolvers do not have a cylinder long enuff for that . British Velo Dog .32 Revolver Folding Trigger - Sep 21, 2019 | Brand 1.75". First mass-produced by the Michaux firm in France, they marketed their two-wheeled wooden and metal contraption as a velocipede, after the Latin for fast foot. For the rest of the century the name stuck, especially in Europe, only replaced by bicycle in later generations. Auction ends Sunday, Sept. 15th. $2,450.00. Original Galand-made revolvers, quickly identified by their long cylinders and fold down exposed trigger (although they did make a later model with a trigger guard), often go for over $300 when found. The trigger pull is short and smooth but very stiff. Nice little gun. Manufactured from 1904 to 1914. The name combined the words Velocipede (bicycle) and Dog; his thought was that cyclists could use the revolver to discourage dogs that plagued them. Thanks to the 6,35 mm Browning cartridges used in the revolver (0.25 ACP), the drum is short and does not look at all like the typical elongated bicycle codes. All parts were made and put into a container and then assembled into one gun - one at a time. i don't like to be contrary but sometimes definitions, even good ones, can be too constricting and limiting. The number 6851 is stamped on the top flat of the barrel. A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. VELO-DOG REVOLVER 5.5mm Gun Firearms PHOTO CARD Cyclists Defense - eBay The Velodog was a French design by Charles-Franois Galand specifically made for carry by cyclists to defend themselves against dogs. Velo-Dog Revolvers Developed in the late 19th - Historical Firearms Learn how your comment data is processed. The intended usage was even more explicit in Europe. I dont have reloading dies for this caliber yet, and since I was firing an unfamiliar antique gun I opted to make a Gallery Load. I inserted magnum small pistol primers (I havent been able to get the regular ones for many months now) and tapped them into place with a wooden dowel. The scallop type cylinder flutes are a fingerprint of Belgian revolvers- and somewhere on the rear of the cylinder is likely a Belgian proof mark, similar to these: What we have here is failure- to communicate. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. . This phenomenon led to the invention and popularity of a unique series of revolversthe Velo Dog. See Sold Price. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
[2] The name is a compound word composed of "velocipede" and "dog". Item Overview Description SERIAL NUMBER 14 BARREL 1-1/4" CALIBER 6.35 VELO DOG CF. The most prolific production was from the turn of the 20th century to World War I. It also appears that it was made in 1924-25 range. Nice Belgium made Velo Dog hammerless five-shot folding trigger revolver in .25 ACP. In 2022 a new or used Galand Velo-Dog Revolver value varies depending on supply and demand. This gun has a matching magazine. Collectible Firearms for Serious Gun Collectors | Rock Island Auction Velo-dog Revolver - Firearms identification - Bev Fitchett's Guns The Velo-Dog was a pocket revolver originally created in France by Charles-Franois Galand in the late 19th century as a defense for cyclists against dog attacks. European Revolvers
5.5mm Velo-Dog - | Nature - Outdoor - Adventure to small detailed parts. Most of nickel finish left on frame. Folks who don't know and don't care to know lump things together. They all are pocket size. As a result the name stems from a portmanteau of two words; dog and Velocipede - from latin meaning fast foot which led to the French name for bicycle -vlo. That revolver cylinder is much too short to take the Velo-Dog round."</I></blockquote> MK S Savage99Stan Registered Joined Dec 27, 2007 2,262 Posts Indeed, packs of feral dogs seem to have been a real problem in Paris and its environs, and for some reason bicycles in particular excited their chase reflex. As the name dog suggests, these were marketed to cyclists to fend off wild dogs. I guess flat-faced triggers were not in then. The 5.5mm Velo Dog later formed the basis of the .221 Askins, and .22 Hornet, but thats another article. revolver with a concealed hammer and folding trigger. I attributed this to my large fingers, but later realized I was holding the gun wrong, and by shifting my grip upwards slightly it would not longer do that which will doubtless improve my accuracy. By the 1870s, the colorful high-wheel bicycle gained popularity among young men with a sense of adventure, good balance, and a certain disregard for its inherent dangers. Made circa 1890s. It's an example of a cheap pocket pistol from a century ago - a 6-shot Belgian revolver chambered for .22 Short (sometimes referred to as a Velodog).
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