stevens 555 double fire fix. My gauge measures it at 7.5lbs. Also I had an older gunsmith tell me that eventually all of the them will double fire, when dirty enough. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. Now my 28 is an old High Standard "Pointer" pumpgun. If you buy one try several guns (if available) to make sure you get one that fits. One of the features that sets this gun apart from other shotguns is the location of the takedown lever. Hopefully someone on here can point you in the right direction. As I thought, this is an old thread from 2016. The main advantage of a double-action-only trigger is that it is simpler and more reliable than a traditional single-action/double-action trigger. Both the enhanced 555 and the later made 555's have no doubling problems, the enhanced version is marked as such on the Barrels. All in all, it makes for a very attractive finish. turkish. Talk about 20, 16, & 28 gauge and .410 bore shotguns here. In a gun that light, the factory springs are too light to hold against the inertia of the gun moving under heavy loads. First shot, it double fired both barrels. That will usually cause a double fire with a mechanical trigger system in such a light gun. Maybe a bit of might be a nice gun for kids, but the wood is too nice to cut now. Webstevens 555 double fire fixhow does khalil explain thug life. The Model 555 handled all loads, from the light 3/4-ounce 'Trainer ' to the heaviest 3-inch magnum steel shot loads. Savage Arms announced the release of a new over and under shotgun called the 555. Took to skeet range today and tested it. Save your money and buy a quality shotgun. =========================. The 12-gauge Model 555 weighed only 6.5 pounds, and the 20 gauge was an even lighter 5.5 pounds. by | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother The shotguns can be had in 12- and 20-gauge, and will accept both 2 3/4 and 3 shells. The safety is manual (which I like) and incorporates the barrel selector. Copyright 2000-2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Never double fired and I have over 4000 rounds throw the barrel. The good news is that you can take a few easy steps to prevent metal fatigue in your Stevens 555 Enhanced. Before there were scopes or red dots there were iron sights. Only show this user. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your Stevens 555 Enhanced will provide years of trouble-free service. As long as the gun is maintained correctly, there is no need for concern about the lack of manual safety. Stevens 555 Compact Over\Under Shotgun - chrome-lined, vent rib barrels with a lightweight aluminum receiver, scaled to gauge, and with a steel insert reinforcing the breech, minimizing weight and maximizing strength. Boom-Boom, but fired a single double (20gauge&28 gauge) An internet search reveals that this is an on going problem. Both barrels went off, regardless of the selector switch. A lot of people have been asking about budget shotguns Today Im reviewing the affordable Stevens by Savage 555 12 gauge Over-under! Hopefully, I'll hear from them soon. 20ga worked fine, shot a round of skeet, all good. Just one louder than normal report and maybe slightly longer. But good quality , Turkish made, and they do tend to use nice wood on them. I had one a couple of years ago. However, there are specific issues that you should be aware of when purchasing the Stevens 555 Enhanced. Thats a big spread between them. SHOTGUNS Availability. The Model 555 is made in Turkey. ID p52766. I know from their website that I have to pay shipping, they pay return. Aug 1, 2012. We show you how. Accuracy 50. Sorry to hear. Return the doubler and get another Stevens Silver 555 gun. But to get the most out of your tomato plants, its important to understand the basics of planting and caring for them. I think that the Savage 550 and the Stevens 555E were based on the same action. JavaScript is disabled. The Stevens 555 came out in 2014, replacing the heavy Stevens 512. TSS + Steel Duplexing: when is steelenough? Return the doubler and get another Stevens Silver 555 gun. But do you know how to properly use them? One of the features that sets this gun apart from other shotguns is the location of the takedown lever. I have read post from owners of the 555 with issues of both barrels firing at the same time. There are still plenty of reports of them doubling. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It's a 5 piece flush set (the gun is compatible with ben/ber mobil) and I am wondering if steel can be shot though these. Web555 | Shotgun | Savage Arms Get world-class performance in an over-under at an affordable price. Unsure of when it was manufactured, probably late 16 and sat in the store for several months, CAL Ranch. Stevens 555 Over and Under Shotgun -The Savage Stevens 555 over and under shotgun features mechanical triggers, Extractors, Manual safety, and 5 Interchangeable choke tubes. Stevens offers the 555 in 12 and 20 gauge models. Stevens new 12-gauge Model 555 over/under is a fast-handling double-barrel shotgun built for winning on the range. at 40 yards. Enjoy. pollard funeral home okc. Fits me very well, and quite happy with the action. I have the older 512 Goldwing, dang thing points awesome, but I've had some issues with it double firing once in awhile. The 20 gauge's trigger broke at a bit over 5 pounds, and the 12 gauge's measured about 6.5 pounds. If so no CZ gun ever made will ever compare quality wise, to this new Stevens Silver 555 O/U Gun. Before the triggers were lighter than the 5.5 lb gun if gun was balanced on the trigger, it would fire. They have a very good reputation and CZ's excellent customer service. Pine Creek/Dave. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. DaveInAZ 611 136 Feb 23, 2017 #8 Gun is made by The barrel lengths are 26 inches for the 20 and a nominal 28 inches for the 12 (the 12-gauge barrels actually measured 27.875 inches). Range 50-100 Yards. A compact model has been added, with a 13.5 in. Range 50-100 Yards. One fella replaced the sear springs, seemed to have cured it for him. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. Boom-Boom, but fired a single double barreled shot, one BOOM. Still havent sent the gun off for repair. I know from their website that I have to pay shipping, they pay return. Now from the reading I did, and speaking to the salesman at dicks the 555 has gotten a bad rap, he said that only a few of the ones he's sold have been known to double fire, and for the money you're almost to a good CZ. Fits me very well, and quite happy with the action. T. turkish OP. Stevens 555 compact help. The Stevens 555 is light and handles fast, thanks to a lightweight aluminum receiver. Working perfect, shot a round of skeet and got 21 with no double fires. Posts: 717. Looking for feedback from anyone here that owns a 555. Total time at Savage 35 days, not bad for warranty work, especially if you remember that Christmas and New Years were in there! Never fired one but there are other posts in here if you do a search. Shooting Sports Retailer takes a closer look at the new Stevens 555 double-barrel shotgun that brings a lot of value to the shooter without breaking the bank. Sphynx Kittens For Sale Tennessee, Heavier sear springs fixes the "problem." Id look at the CZ line for low cost instead. I've been looking at them in 28 and 20ga. A misfire can be caused by several factors, including a dirty gun, weak extractor spring, or incorrect ammunition. Boom-Boom, but fired a single double barreled shot, one BOOM. Was very close to buying the 20ga. Web555 | Shotgun | Savage Arms Get world-class performance in an over-under at an affordable price. Got my 555 back on 20 Jan 18. Anti-hull-bulge bushing: how to stuff 1-1/8oz of #2 steel into a 2.75 12ga without buckling. Last week, I purchased the 555 in a 12 gauge and went out to the skeet range to try out my new purchase. They have a very good reputation and CZ's excellent customer service. I'm 6' even and this gun seems to fit me a lot better and with the added weight seems to swing more smoothly. Second, avoid using excessive force when operating your gun. by | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother | Jun 15, 2022 | north node conjunct neptune synastry | greek mythology son falls in love with mother June 14, 2022; idioms for beautiful nature The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Here are some of the most common problemsthat owners of this gun have reported:if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',137,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-leader-2-0'); One of the most frustrating problems when shooting a gun is a misfire. stevens 555 is made with a lightweight aluminum-alloy receiver with a steel insert centered right over the firing pin holes that reinforces the standing breech to handle any load. Stevens 555 Stats. Fit & Finish 50. We've had a couple that had wood that would make Beretta envious. Part No. I liked it, it was very stiff when new and didn't really loosen up. It can cause misfires and jams, making it challenging to shoot accurately. Both times I did not have it properly shouldered. One of the features that sets this gun apart from other shotguns is the location of the takedown lever. Savage Arms purchased the firm in 1920, and the Stevens brand has flourished for decades under the Savage banner. Fits me very well, and quite happy with the action. If you want a inexpensive double look at CZ's. I also shoot it better. Some owners have reported that the Stevens 555 Enhanceds trigger pull can be heavy and gritty. IN STOCK Price Range. It will help to reduce friction and prevent the formation of small cracks. The author found the Stevens Model 555 in both 12 and 20 gauge to be a delight to use in the field. shipped out from Savage 11 Jan 18. The trigger is mechanical, so if barrel one doesn't go off, just squeeze the trigger again for barrel two. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. One fella replaced the sear springs, seemed to have cured it for him. Taurus has redesigned this sporting pistol for performance. 347. Anderson County Tn Car Accident, It is likely due to metal fatigue caused by repeated exposure to stress. Thank you for watching and being part of the Target Focused Life movement. Savage Arms Stevens Model 555 Over/Under Shotgun. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. The five interchangeable choke tubes included let shooters tailor the 555 to any shooting need. Webstevens 555 double fire fix. Sep 1, 2019. It didn't double fire, i.e. Chrono/Pattern testing 10gaOkie HG load, 5flavors, New Federal FIELD & TARGET Multi-Purpose Load are Rio hulls;+cutaway, 12 ga Non Alliant Steel steel-shotloads, Range comparison: Steel, ITX, HeviShot, HW13,TSS, Shot Bridging in chokes, patterns, pellet size vs. bore:thoughts, Daves Internet Forum Arch-NemesisTheory, Youth gun: Weatherby SA-08 20ga Compact (24 barrel, 12.5LOP), Caught by Wife, Estimating goose size from picture by dangling aturkey, Tested: 16ga 410gr steel shot(overpressure), Chrono/pattern test: 3/4oz steel 3 20ga BPI60119-1075, SAAMI pressure, statistics and test results: somethoughts, 12ga Low-Recoil Mallard load for < 40yds, Why ITX-10 or Bismuth are poor forduplexing, Lowest Recoil Commercial 12ga Steel forwaterfowl, Kent Bismuth: Smaller Euro shotthoughts. It didn't double fire, i.e. For the money, it isn't a bad looking gun at Despite being a steel-barreled over/under with an ultra-light aluminum receiver, the 555 E isnt front-heavy. Anybody have one? Heterochromia Folklore, This isn't your grandpa's muzzleloading system. Joined: Feb 2011. The initial run had the basic grade and the enhanced grade, with 12, 20, and 28 gauges available, as well as the .410. Any thoughts, impressions? IN STOCK Price Range. Ive shot it for 10 rounds of skeet or so now without any issues and triggers feel normal and Im really enjoying the gun. If you experience any problems with the firing pin, it is best to take the rifle to a gunsmith. It felt good in the shop, but like Randy's dad, mine went "double barrel" from the start. One of many in a long list of Turkish guns that are built to a price point, usually cheap, and most have issues, if not immediately, then before long. Not to change the subject but last year I bought a 20 gauge Tristar Hunter with a steel receiver and 28" barrels vs. the 26" barrels on the 555. I saw one at a local store with exceptional looking wood and am intrigued. Thoughts: 3.5 SAAMI spec ammo for 3.5 12ga in 2 3/4hull? It would be best to keep an eye on the parts for wear and tear. But I do love the .410 555 and seem to shoot that gun as well as any other. Some shooters prefer this feature, giving them one less thing to worry about the gun. If it didn't latch, when the action was opened, the barrels would fall off the receiver. However, I dont really want an O/U 28ga with a $2000 desire not even a $1200 desire, as I had an opportunity to get a used Citori for that. Thinking of getting one for a beginner for skeet, dove gun. By nnero in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By fireguymike133 in forum Vintage Savage/Stevens/Fox Firearms, By bottlerocket in forum 110-Series Rifles. IN STOCK Price Range. The 12-gauge gun comes with 28-inch barrels, whereas the 20-gauge version comes with 26-inch barrels. The Model 555 has a sturdy extractor that elevates both shells, either loaded or empty, high enough for easy removal and allows handloaders to easily salvage every empty. Light, fit well, but I lost interest in it and sold to get some cash for an old A5. I purchased the Savage 550 new around 1972. They are nice and crisp and have just the right pull weights for field shooting. Come join the discussion about targets, clays, hunting, gunsmithing, gear reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I own a Stevens 555 in 28 Ga., a CZ Bobwhite G1 in 28 Ga. and a DeHaan S2 in 16 Ga. Only the Bobwhite required any service for failing to fire, but I bought it used from a guy who shot it hard for a lot for years. Ergonomics 50. A forum community dedicated to Trap shooting enthusiasts. The sole purpose of this site is to provide an online community for those who wish to interact with other Savage firearm enthusiasts. Stevens 555 12 Gauge Extended Turkey Choke Tube, Black : Color Black : Material Steel : Suggested Users Unisex-adult : Number of Items 1 : Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. The Model 555 sports a walnut stock and forend with fine checkering, an easy-to-use safety, a single trigger and a long, ribbed barrel. Straight from the box, the 20 gauge had a substantial accumulation of scaly, orange rust on the breech, extractor, and inside the rear of the chambers. 3 posts Page 1 of 1. tracker8320 Posts: 81 Joined: January 13th, 2019, 9:46 pm. This year, I am considering a few varieties for graft, Gardening Tips for Growing Tomatoes | Everything You Need to Know, Gardening is an incredibly rewarding activity, and tomatoes are one of the most popular crops to grow. The firm's first product was a single-shot pistol with a tip-up action.
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