In case of emergency, call 9-1-1. A chance of thunderstorms Wed. through Sat. 06/28/22 The stream is down low enough to fish well. The St. Vrain Creek has three main forks that form the main stream. We were looking at water structured with shallow riffles, deeper pools and slicks behind instream rocks. Dry Fly Fishing - Wild Trout Water on the North Fork St. Vrain River, Colorado Sep 30, 2019 3,252 views Oct 3, 2019 59 Dislike Share Trout Soup 1.85K subscribers Wild Trout Water: Solo. The St. Vrain is probably most popular for fly fishing during summer months, after runoff has completed its course. Hatch times vary considerably with changes in elevation due to varying water temperatures. Most anglers heading into the backcountry take only a minimum amount of fly fishing gear. Bennett Spring Fly Tying Group- Every Wednesday @ 9 at the Bennett Spring Church. Story Time Programs -MARCH 4, 11, 18, 25 from 11-11:45 @ the Nature Center. One cannot help but drift back to the days of the old west as you drive through the picturesque clay canyons of the St. Vrain. No problem, take all the time you want, he responded. Please see the bottom of this column for ordering options. 09/06/21 The levels remain below normal but we are receiving reports of fish being caught. 09/09/21 The stream continues to run below normal, but thunderstorms forecast Saturday through Tuesday could improve things. Whether you're planning your trip, learning your insects, improving your fishing with expert tips or getting detailed resources from the USGS streamflows or DoW, we got you covered to help you find the river and find the success you want. I would carry one fly box, some spare tippet material (4X and 5X for a small streams), nippers, fly floatant and a few other essential do-dads. 09/08/22 The stream is a little low but okay. Sticking closer to town will not only benefit your fishing, but also your fingers and toes! SOUTH PLATTE BASIN River Gauge View Detailed Information. Western March Browns hatch during the month of April. Wild Basin Trail takes a sharp turn to the south about 1.5 miles from the trailhead, at the junction of the Campsite . It may sound like Id just dreamed all this simplified fly fishing stuff up, but thats not true. 01/30/22 The water is very cold in all sections. From the town of Allenspark to all the way downstream in the town of Lyons, the St. Vrain has a little something for everyone. A good selection of flies will prepare you properly for anything the trout may be eating on the river and our fly assortments are specifically curated to maximize your success. Click Here To Order or Call us at 800 594 4726 or email us at 02/13/23 The stream is low and clear as well as very cold. While caddis predominate, there are also many mayfly and stonefly insects in the water as well. Ice fishing is not recommended when ice is less than 4" thick, cracking, or pocked. The N. Fork in Allenspark is only fishable from May-September due to freezing conditions. Stemming from up high at Leadville, this river has a bit of it all for any angler. We received two good reports recently. You can catch brook trout in the upper reaches as well as cutthroat. Recommended Tackle & GearFly Line:4,5or 6weightLeaders:Dry fly: 9to 12ft., 5or6XNymphing:71/2ft.,3or 4X, Streamers 0-2XTippets:Dry fly: 5or 6X,Nymphing: 3 or 4X,Streamer0-2XBest Fly Rods:Perfect FlySupreme Four,SuperbFiveorUltimate SixFly Reels:For4/5/6 fly lineFly Floatants and Misc Items:Floatants, KISS Strike IndicatorsTools & Accessories:Nippers, forceps, retractors, etc. There are mostly brown and rainbow trout in the lower sections but the higher elevations hold plenty of brook trout and cutthroat trout. All Rights Reserved. From its headwaters through Lyons, it is a very viable trout fishery, although the trout densities are not as high as in some other rivers there are still plenty of fish. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. We are still getting good reports from customers thanks to the good hatches taking place. The NF of the St. Vrain was a 1.25 hour drive and closer than the Big Thompson River, so it became my choice. 03/19/22 The stream is still very cold and we recommend fishing a nearby tailwater. This season Id taken it upon myself to simplify my fly fishing, which translates roughly to reducing the amount of junk I carry on the stream for a day of fishing. Being so close to Denver, DIA is naturally your prime choice for flying in to fish the St. Vrain. Use the hatch chart above to know what flies you will want to have in your fly box during your adventure on the river and then select the flies here 30 days before your trip to get them at a great price. Check out our interactive map of over 30,000 of the best places to fly fish in the US. In the upper reaches, each branch of the stream has cutthroat trout. The St. Vrain is a tributary of the South Platte River. . 06/20/22 Stream levels are down a lot and it can be waded in some places with caution. John had brought a trout to hand and missed a couple of strikes. 10/12/21 Stream levels are in good shape and the cooler weather a big help. Mon, 27 Feb. That is where the food is most likely to be drifting and where the trout are most likely feeding. Other areas should be studied on a map. Further downstream, the main branch of the St. Vrain flows through Button Rock Nature Preserve. Dominic Deleon, 11, of Longmont on Sept. 21 checks a bridge that was damaged by floodwaters from the St. Vrain Creek. You can hike to the creek (South St. Vrain Creek trail). Use coupon code AST50 for $50 off and free shipping on these as well, just to help make fly fishing a little more affordable! Ceran Saint Vrain Trailhead is located along the South Saint Vrain Creek just north of Boulder County Road 94, approximately two miles east of Colorado Highway 72. The St. Vrain flows through Longmont and joins the North Platte in the plains. Midges,little BWOs, winter and little brownstoneflies are hatching.03/19/21 The stream is low and cold.There is a lot of slush ice in the middleand upper sections. This section can be fished but is generally best to past over for better water. Summer:The summer months are usually the best months to fish.Fall:flows can make it tougher to hide from and fool the trout. Missing out on the journey of exploring places to fly fish is one of the more enjoyable aspects of fly fishing. Stick to a 8-1/2-foot 4-weight rod for these waters, and keep your casting short. Fishing Report: North St. Vrain Creek, Button Rock - September 2019 posted on : September 16, 2019 0 Comment Flows: 30.0 cfs Water Temp: 58 degrees F Water Clarity: Clear Outdoor Temp: 65 - 78 degrees Conditions: Clear Skies Successful Flies: CDC Double Wing Caddis, Chubby Chernobyl, Hare's Ear, Two-bit Hooker, Spanish Bullet I'm an idiot. The St. Vrain is a very beautiful creek. We received one good report from this past week. Keep in mind our time tables cover the entire spectrum so the hatch at any one area may not be near as long as the period of time stated. We didnt receive any reports from anyone this past week but we should start seeing some very soon. The Deckers area provides easy access and many miles of Public Water fly fishing full of trout eager to take a fly. In the shadow of spectacular Long's Peak, St. Vrain State Park is a quiet retreat located between Denver and Fort Collins off I-25. Please contact the park for the most up-tou0002date c Reported by: Sportsman's Warehouse Campgrounds Fishing Guides 11/25/21 More good reports came in this past week. This trailhead provides access to the Ceran St Vrain Trail. There may be some banks and slush ice in places. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. 04/12/22 We are getting good reports from customers fishing the creek. Roads can be rough and difficult to navigate here, but the canyon fishing is some of the best in the state. Deckers; Dream Stream; 11 Mile Canyon; Cheesman . Today 2/7 2/8 2/9 2/10 . 04/20/22 Stream levels are still well below normal levels. Colors: Tan, Yellow, Olive, Red, Pink, Purple. St. Vrain River Float Trip with Colorado Trout Fisher $ 225- $ 295 / Boat Capacity: 1 - 3 anglers Days: Daily Duration: 1 day Steep canyon walls and fast and furious pocket water characterize the St. Vrain. He was all geared up and ready to fish. 08/23/21 We didnt receive any reports from anyone fishing the past week. Go out and find some memories. 11/09/21 The stream is still flowing at a normal level and clear. We suggest holding off until it warms up a little.. 17864-18860 North Saint Vrain Drive, Lyons, Boulder County, Colorado, United States 80540. From the town of Allenspark to all the way downstream in the town of Lyons, the St. Vrain has a little something for everyone. The north St. Vrain Creek near Button Rock Preserve in Lyons provides excellent fly-fishing opportunities for anglers at the Preserve, where brown trout are abundant in the river shallows and pools. Midges, beetles, hoppers, and other terrestrials are best for matching the hatch locally, but always check local conditions before packing up for your trip. The Rundown, River: The St. Vrain River has three forks the North, Middle and South. . Fish as soon as it drops and clears. Id been fishing the tailwaters a lot recently, and it took me a while to get used to the confines of a small stream. The St. Vrain is created from runoff that begins in the high altitude peaks of Wild Basin. If you can get to it though, the waters that run from the confluence at Horse Creek all the way to Button Rock Reservoir are CDW designated Wild Trout waters. South St. Vrain creek runs closer to the lake country near Brainard, and has the best public access to the St. Vrain out of all three branches of the creek. As all these forks meet in the town of Lyons, you can fish the main stem of the St. Vrain right through town, where deeper pools and runs are home to many trout! View 10 photos, read details, and contact the seller. As the river exits the park, it runs through various sections of public and private property as it flows to the town of Estes and into Lake Estes. Green sedge caddis have started to hatch. A note on bugs, hatches and fly selection: While certain insects are actively hatching at certain times as we note below, the larval forms of all insects are always available in the stream. After the South Platte leaves Chatfield it continues is journey North East until it eventually meets up with the North Platte River. View an area map here. Blue River Below Dillon Reservoir; Blue River Below Green Mountain Reservoir; Williams Fork River; South Platte. Access is much easier here, and cutthroats love the pools that dot the creek here and there. Colors: Black, White, Gray, Cream, Olive, Red, Brown, Blue, and Purple. The portion of the Middle through the South St. Vrain Canyon are mostly public, with many pullouts along the road. DETAILS: St. Vrain Chapter and Laughing Grizzly Fly Shop's annual Fly Tying Expo features expert fly tyers from Northern Colorado and throughout the state. 02/01/2020 The stream is runing at near anormal level. Sculpin streamers working.12/16/20 The water is cold averagingabout 40 degrees. South Platte (Denver) River Report Current Streamflow : 149 cfs Updated: 4/8/2022 Usually when people think of fly . Dry Flies- Adams Dry Fly- Elk Hair Caddis - Blue Wing Olive - Royal Wulff - Griffith's Gnat White - Stimulator, Organge - Chernobyl Ant Nymphs/Wet Flies- Rubber Leg Nymph, Brown- BH Pheasant Tail Nymph - BH Prince Nymph - BH Hare's Ear Nymph - Barr's Emerger Nymph - Zebra Midge Nymph, Black Streamers- Wooly Bugger, Black (Size #8x2)- Wooly Bugger, Olive (Size #8x2). The South Fork is accessible off the peak to peak hwy and the brainard lake road. We recommend fishing the South Platte until it warms a little. There are multiplehatches taking place.07/05/20 Conditions are very good,especially in the headwaters. 7. just minutes into the hike, the trail crosses Sandbeach Creek and then follows the North St. Vrain closely for about 1.4 miles. Visit to see Ed Engles blog, The Lone Angler Journal.. EVENT: St. Vrain Anglers Fly Tying Expo and Fundraiser. Water clarity remains intact and sight fishing continues to be highly advantageous. Lake Pueblo offers some of the best walleye fishing in Colorado and is near Colorado Springs and Denver, just a short drive south on I-25 and west of Pueblo off HWY-50. Spring and fall offer the best hatches on the St. Vrain, but terrestrials are a good bet pretty much year round for the fish. We are getting some good reports from customers. We are getting good reports from the sections in the park. The Middle St. Vrain Creek rises along the continental divide, west of St. Vrain Mountain. The South Platte is one of the most well known trout rivers in the United States. The midges that call the St. Vrain home are active all year and are always a safe bet come the colder months of the year. The stretch of river that flows through the town of Lyons can be fished year round. Fishing spots and baits to use at Middle Saint Vrain Creek? John, as usual, did better. **Please note: Flies & lures are the only types of angling techniques permitted within the Lyons Town limits; the Town of Lyons enforces a strict catch & release method only. You should be able to catch good numbers of trout. We are getting good reports from customers again. It was in part a calculated decision, as citizenship made it easier to obtain a trapping license and facilitated such government largess as extensive land grants. Goodhatches are still taking place.08/18/20 The stream levels are low butnot so low that it is adversely affectingthe catching. When you are fishing only a few yards from your vehicle, you can take just about anything you want along with you. It is rare to blank. You have to make very good presentations in most cases. It includes theRhyacophila acropedes. The Lyons Area Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer membership organization supporting a thriving business climate and an enhanced quality of life by promoting the economic, social, cultural and environmental sustainability of the Lyons area. See the current weather reports for the next 5-6 days listed below for the nearest city. There are good hatches taking place. Orders over a $100 are shipped free via Priority Mail. 09/29/21 Levels have fluctuated over the last week and are currently a little below normal. Ceran St. Vrain, born Ceran de Hault de Lassus de Saint-Vrain (May 5, 1802 - October 28, 1870), was the son of a French aristocrat who immigrated to the Spanish Louisiana in the late 18th century; his mother was from St. Louis, where he was born.To gain the ability to trade, in 1831 he became a naturalized Mexican citizen in what is now the state of New Mexico. 06/05/22 The stream is still down low enough to fish but we still didnt receive any reports from anyone fishing. Green Drakes hatch during the months of July and August. If there was any overflow, I had room in my cargo pants that would be accessible since I was wearing hip waders. While it can be crowded during peak season in the summer and fall, those willing to hike a little ways will not be disappointed in the view or the fishing. Unless the waters almost frozen, you can expect to hook into a few little monsters. (Ed Engle/Courtesy photo) [] Flows can get low on this area and the fish count is lower than desired but still a fun place to hike and fish when you get the time. Fly Fishing On The St. Vrain Creek In ColoradoThe St. Vrain is a very beautiful creek. During winter months, much of the St. Vrain is frozen and is not fishable. All Rights Reserved. A little north and west of Boulder, the three sections of St. Vrain Creek are rife with rainbows, browns, and cutthroats. See 'Data Dictionary' below for definitions. It wasnt the kind of day where you catch one fish after another. Good hatches are taking place. We continue to get a few good reports. The stream levels are a little below normal, but should still be okay. Most of the time the basic gear consist of one shorter, light fly rod and a small fly box with a few select flies. That probably only makes sense to a die hard small stream angler but when compared to other streams called small streams, it ranks right up at the top of the list. Colorado statewide fishing report redemption on the st vrain tenkara talk greenway brown trout with lance pond hopping state park by april 22 discover estes stocking schedule where left hand stream . 01/14/22 Stream levels are very low and the water cold. I eventually called out to John that I was sorry for the delay. Saugeye - This hybrid of walleye and sauger has . Fishing and Angling St. Vrain State Park (Barbour Ponds) Elevation: 4,853 ft Good Air Quality This Colorado fishing area is a popular angling destination for catching Black Bullhead, Black Crappie, and Bluegill. 10/22/21 The stream is still in good shape with good hatches. 01/06/22 We still didnt get any reports from anyone this past week. . Our Estes Park, Colorado fly fishing report gives you the most up-to-date fishing information on the local area. The St. Vrain is an excellent river that is close and will allow you to catch some small fish that are in some of the more beautiful locations in the front range. 02/29/23 The stream is flowing near a normal level but there is a lot of slush ice in the water. Current fly fishing reports and conditions for Big Thompson in CO! Keep in mind that Highway 7 is still closed south of Lyons. Flies: Flies to imitate the bugs; elk hair caddis; attractor patterns in pocket water; during summer months, moderate sized patterns 12 to 16 will work well. The next most important mayflies are the PMDs or Pale Morning Duns which hatch from about the last week of June through August. The two branches join at Lyons, at the mouth of the canyon. Type of StreamFreestoneSpeciesBrown TroutBrook TroutRainbow TroutCutthroat TroutSizeSmallLocationNorth Central ColoradoNearest TownsLyons ColoradoSeasonYear-roundAccess:GoodNon-Resident LicenseState of ColoradoWeatherNational Weather Service Link Stream Flow Data:Real Time USGS Data(BelowLongmont). The South Platte begins. If you intend to fish it this week you will most likely land a few brown trout, but be prepared to work hard for each fish. The St. Vrain Creek or St. Vrain river as it is sometimes referred to is still a place where a flyfisher can find solitude. Good BWO, October caddis and midge hatches are taking place. 08/03/22 Stream levels are down and the creek in good shape. Thats a good day of fishing. Red Quills also hatch during July and August. Eventually, the South Platte flows further downstream into Cheesman Reservoir. Some of the lower part of the Middle Fork flows along highway #72. Even further downstream, the creek eventually reaches the town of Lyons. Website Design & Development by, Weather @SOUTH PLATTE BASIN - Updated March 03, 2023 - 5:01pm by OpenWeather. A "For Sale" sign is posted in front of Nancy Arp's flood-ruined home . You can also access the North Fork below Button Rock Reservoir. Down below you can access the wild trout waters below hwy 7 with a hike. 05/09/21 The stream is in okay shape except the water is a little low and trout are being caught in good numbers. Anglers should look for trout in shallow water at this time of the year. The river is home to several of our favorite species, and its known to have a few trophies too. Saint Vrain Creek, Colorado fishing report, rainbow trout fly fishing forecast, fishing season updates, fly shop and fishing guides, and fly-fishing weather. Brett told us that the Turkey River is wide open, which means plenty of fishing opportunities and - most likely - plenty of eagles! Fish the lower sections. Send us an email to for a recommended fly list. Take a look at the assortments we provide below and add one to your box today. Stimulator patterns work well to fool fish that eat golden stoneflies. Golden Stoneflies hatch from about the middle of June into the month of August depending on the location and elevation. If you provide a budget for flies, we will select them to match the budget and get them to you on time for your trip. There are still some good hatches taking place. They hatch from June through August. The larvae of these caddisfilesare called Rock Worms and imitations of them are very effective just about anytime of the year. Good hatches continue to take place and we continue to get good reports. . Fishing Conditions: It started out great with plenty of hits and a few fish to the net, then the heat and sun got to the fish and action slowed, but we still got a few more hits, but fish were lethargic on striking making hook sets difficult. We can get flies and gear to you within two to three business days from the time you place your order via Priority Mail. The river has the most diverse caddis population of any stream on the Front Range of Colorado, so caddis patterns work well. 01/03/23 The stream is running slightly below normal and in good shape. Stream levels are still a little low but okay. A number of years ago Id had a similar system that I remembered worked pretty well for small streams. Wild Basin (A St. Vrain Report) The stream flows in the St. Vrain through the Wild Basin area are not high, but there is enough water coming down to make wading challenging. He created DIY Fly Fishing to help you do the same. Art Rubbings - March 9th from 10 to noon @ the Nature Center. Theres no signs of runoff yet. This stretch is known as the Dream Stream due to the large trout that call this section of the river home. The North fork is eventually dammed at Ralph Price Reservoir. Use these epic resources to get ready for your adventure. The best reference for the Park is Fly Fishing Rocky Mountain National Park by Steve Schwitzer. He then leap-frogged upstream making sure to leave some unfished water between us before he started fishing. Big Thompson River Fly Fishing Information Liarflies. Both of us also noted that we werent seeing any insects in the air and wondered why. Check out our DIY Guide to the Best Fly Fishing Gear for recommendations. The stream is in good shape and fish are being caught. It offers about everything a small stream could possible offer. Looking for more places to fish? There are good BWO, blood midges and Mahogany dun hatches. Public access from there to town is available, although much of it is private. By Louis Cahill "IF YOU CLIMB INTO THE CAB OF THAT PICKUP WITH JOHN YOU'LL FIND THAT WHERE YOU WIND UP CAN, ONLY IN THE MOST EXISTENTIAL TERMS, BE CALLED A FISHING TRIP." It's about seven-thirty on a Saturday morning. St. Vrain Creek Fishing Report Updated 01/29/23(Bottom Of Page). I hooked up a chunky eight-inch brown trout on my second cast. Blue gill will begin to pick up. In order to minimize stress on the fish, it is better to fish in the mornings or evenings." Imitations of grasshopper, ants, and beetles will all catch trout.Streamers can be important flies to use during low light conditions, or when the water is stained from rain or melting snow. 10/08/22 Conditions are okay. Flat Tops Fishing Report (6/23/21) Some much needed moisture and cooler temperatures are forecast in the Flat Tops over the next few days. 03/11/22 It is possible to catch trout on midges and Skwala stoneflies but it will be slow. Use the trainhead at Wild Basin to take you into the high country of the Rocky Mountain National Park. About . If you want to fish better, more realistic trout flies, have a much higher degree of success, give us a call. A big plus is that the small cutthroat and brook trout that do survive there are very aggressive and fairly easy to catch. The river freezes for much of its reaches from November through early March. 06/11/21 The stream is still too high to fish. We take our entomology knowledge and years of fly fishing experience on these rivers to bring you the right fly patterns, including the correct colors, sizes and quantities to set you up for success. It offers about everything a small stream could possible offer. 8/24/21 We still have not received any reports. You'd think he'd have told all the fish stories he could but apparently John's not quite done. You are almost unlimited to just how far you want to go up the headwater streams, however, generally speaking, the farther you go the smaller the streams and the smaller the fish get. Artificial lures only. They are the most realistic and most effective trout flies you can purchase. Good hatches continue to take place and you should be able to catch trout. This was the first trip where Id put these ideas into practice. As the stream drops in elevation, depending on snow pack and other weather related issues, the fishing areas are more accessible. The fish are small, but wild and feisty and will eat dry flies with a good presentation. We received one good report from a customer fishing this past week. Refer to our catch and release resources below. The St. Vrain (photo: Spencer Durrant). St. Vrain. These fishing piers are available for all visitors to use, but please be courteous to your fellow fishermen and allow space for those with disabilities or limited mobility. 07/06/21 The stream level is up a good bit above normal but clear. He was all geared up and ready to fish. The North Fork is found on Colorado #7. Fishing along the river and at Longmont Reservoir is within easy walking distance from the entrance. There is a trailhead for the South Fork located on County Road 96 off highway #72. Midges are hatching. During the process, Id lost track of my nippers, which were attached to a retractor that I could pin to my shirt for easy access. The water is cold but there are good midge hatches and you can catch trout. Johns rod was already bent into his first fish when I glanced upstream between minor catastrophes. John tried to apologize for the lack of trout, but I cut him off. but it can also be stressful. Midges, little bwos, and Winter stoneflies are hatching. There are good hatches taking place. Here are the recommended patterns listed by order of importance: Ventures Fly Co. offers a great selection of dry flies, nymphs and streamers that will catch fish just about anywhere. Current Streamflow: 105 CFS below Ralph Price Reservoir. All begin in either Rocky Mountain National Park or Indian. It can be tough to access the waters of the St. Vrain here, as most of it runs through steep canyon and the dense national park forest. Subscribe to fly fishing's most informative email list and receive news, events and special offers! CO Fishing License Information can be found here. The most accessible section of the St. Vrain is easily the South St. Vrain Creek, as it is accessible here via the Brainard Lake Recreation Area. The creek offers about everything any avid small stream angler could ask for. I wanted it to fit in the pockets of my shirt. DWR Station information and time series measurements of surface water, groundwater, environmental and climate data. Weekly Report Report Date March 2, 2023 Flows on the Blue River, near Silverthorne, increased by a decent clip late last week, but have since held steady. Most of the anglers are fishing the other more popular streams in the nearby Rocky Mountain National Park. Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. Good hatches are still takingplace.03/18/2020 The creek is still very coldbut trout are being caught mostly onmidgees and winter stoneflies.04/17/20 The stream levels are fine.Cooler weather has slowed the hatchesbut this will improve this coming week.05/03/20 The stream levels are still lowand the water clear. Check in here before going to fly fish Estes Park so that you know where to go, what to use, and how to make the most of your time on the water. Steep canyon walls and fast and furious pocket water characterize the St. Vrain. As the water moves downstream youll begin to see browns and rainbows take dominance. 07/27/22 We received one good report from a customer fishing in the park this past week. The stream offers just about all the challenges a small stream should offer. other is a 2 bed, 1.0 bath unit. 07/05/22 Conditions are good. There is a chance of thunderstorms today and then clearing thru Mon. The North fork is partially in Rocky Mountain National Park and accessible in the Wild Basin area. There are three sections of the Kings that all provide a different type of fly fishing experience. The St. Vrain is a beautifyl creek that holds browns and rainbows in its lower reaches. As all these forks meet in the town of Lyons, you can fish the main stem of the St. Vrain right through town, where deeper pools and runs are home to many trout!
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