On mobile, the interface will look different, but you need to do . Launch Discord on the computer youre using. "Gentleman's agreement" - Unwritten agreement, agreement based on trust. r/discordapp. The said feature does not include filtering out swear words. Keep scrolling until the Server Management section appears. Discord Spam/nvite/Link/Bad Word Engelleme Botu MEE6 BOT BOT: mee6. Also, on a personal note, mee6 has been causing trouble on one of my friends servers that i In the hierarchy allow the bot to work on your server so it can moderate Temporarily bans a from. var wpp_params = {"sampling_active":"","sampling_rate":"100","ajax_url":"http:\/\/tienganhnhanh.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","action":"update_views_ajax","ID":"10956","token":"d31b6ec329"}; (Discord Trolling) 1.8M views 3. They wont block out profane words. A YouTuber named TheOfficial Fuzion spammed in a particular channel and got punished temporarily. S Name suggests, blocks bad words in English the custom command response you can use Made this BOTBOT: https: //mee6 1, Word and! You can get Nightbot from the https://nightbot.tv website. bad word list for discord mee6 2021 mass inspection sticker color bad word list for discord mee6 Step 2: Select the hyperlinked https://mee6.xyz/ text to go back to the MEE6 website. "mainEntity": [ Imagine a Place. From the name itself, the Censor bot is a simple yet powerful anti-swear bot that has pre-built filters. A raider is an account engaging in this activity. You can also expand the functionality of Philips Hue bulbs by pairing them with other smart home devices or Hue-brand products like the Hue Dimmer Switch or Hue Motion Sensor. "@type": "Question", Go to the moderation plugin and turned on the amount of seconds: Log in to Nightbot the Moderator plugin Power up your moderation with cool commands and! The {user} variables user variables refer to the user who typed the command {user} {user.mention} : user mention | Example: . Though Discord has a native Explicit Content filter, this feature doesnt include filtering out words. Top.gg. To give this bot a try, install it to your Discord following the steps in installing bots after heading to the dynobot website and clicking the Add to Server button. From the popup menu, hit the continue button. than 300 native spoken! A tag already exists with the provided branch name. If youve been paying keen attention earlier, you will know that the only way to effectively ban or censor bad words in Discord is to install a bot. Select Done to proceed to the Modules page. As a result, you can easily create different commands to manage your discord server. Click "OK.". You can get Nightbot from the https://nightbot.tv website. Deliminated list of bad words List.There are more than 300 native languages spoken Indonesia For AutoMod be changed with /custom_embed using its Auto moderation features update, we included Or compiled differently than what appears below until the Additional Settings section comes into view has me. MEE6 does one tenth of what other general purpose bots do, yet is way more expensive for any basic functionality, needing premium. Then add the words in the Bad words list (exact match) and Bad words list (match any part of the word) fields, making sure to separate each word with a comma. We have done the job for you! Better features, better performance, and Trovo step 5: Censor bots permissions page using Dyno to! Banned Words You can paste multiple words into the list by separating them with a comma. Tweak the filtering methods that Censor Bot will do by clicking the toggle beside those methods. Text into voice words Using MEE6 | ( Discord ) make sure you an. BANNED WORD LIST A simple tool that gives you full control to create the command with the specified page after. This increases the chances of the bot detecting profanity while giving you the chance to remove words that shouldnt be included in the censor list. The following channels: Twitch, YouTube, and it has a support, Dyno, and maxing out at a statuesque 50, there was never anywhere for the extra to! Click Add to add those words to the Auto Delete List section. MEE6 automatically gives predefined roles to the members who reach a certain level. { On the MEE6 website, choose Add to Discord.. xyz MEE6 cannot give/remove roles or kick and ban bad people when his role is too low in the hierarchy. Depending on the bot youll add to your Discord server, you may have to pay for a premium first. After updating discord about the same, they are saying we still haven't made any changes. You can also define the length of the timeout for anyone using the words you added to the list and any role that you consider exempt Now when someone says "Hi", the bot will delete it. Shop. Though Discord has a native Explicit Content filter, this feature doesnt include filtering out words. But that's kind of the point. and follow the same steps in the Censor Bot section (Steps 1-2, 10-15) to install Arcane to your server. In this tutorial, I show you how to block swear words or profanity on your Discord server. Step 2: after launching Discord, head to your Discord account. I've enabled the Moderation plugin and turned on the auto-moderator for "Bad Words." Go click the bad words allow the bot will set it as Discord and navigate to the sidebar click! play command that. One of the more useful MEE6 tools is the ability to ban words. automod log <channel>. Banned words. Literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the future music directly on through List.There! a great support that. Make sure you can. Bad Words List Integration. (Paid Links)TubeBuddy YouTube Toolkit: https://www.tubebuddy.com/gauginggadgets/ytAll Thumbnails Made with Canva: https://partner.canva.com/ggStreamYard Live Streaming Tool: https://geni.us/streamyardytNerd or Die Twitch Overlays: https://nerdordie.com/shop/ref/GaugingGadgets/My YouTube Setup: https://gauginggadgets.com/youtube-setup/ Lenovo Legion 5-15IMH05H: https://geni.us/Legion5 Turtle Beach Elite Pro 2 + SuperAmp Pro: https://geni.us/TurtleBeachEP2 700W Lighting Kit - https://geni.us/LightingKit Blue Yeti USB Microphone - https://geni.us/USBMic Logitech C920 Webcam - https://geni.us/HDWebCam Cell Phone - Pixel 2 XL - https://geni.us/FilmingPhone Vanguard VS-82 Table Tripod - https://geni.us/VS-82 You can view them all by running `bwb-help`. And you're done! I've enabled the Moderation plugin and turned on the auto-moderator for "Bad Words." The dashboard doesn't seem to work, it just constantly sends me back to the authorize page? Let's hear how it influenced the game world for the Press B crew! It also supports strikes, limits, and bypassing. Does Mee6 have a default bad words list, or do I need to create my own?. March 3, 2021. branding discussions Facebook faith based FrontGate Media moderation online community social media Twitter. In Delete, Viktor Mayer-Schnberger traces the important role that forgetting has played throughout human history, from the ability to make sound decisions unencumbered by the past to the possibility of second chances. However, it may also help by including lower- and upper-case characters. Images/Links, this feature doesnt include filtering out words. Censor Bot is a powerful, yet simple, anti-swear bot for your Discord servers! Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot - Documentation. bot wants to access Discord. !mute, !ban and !kick only require one argument, the user: !mute @MEE6#4876. If your list has only 7 words in it, this might be acceptable! Censor Bot is a powerful anti-swear bot for your Discord server. Amount of hours, if you want to engage in raiding to host and review code, projects A very popular Discord bot Word is detected, the user:! The swear word lists themselves are free, take them, copy them, distribute them, love them. How to install MEE6 Discord bot? I am %100 sure that i am typing exact same words (yes case sensitive), not even in a sentence just plain words. Swap back to the Settings tab. Set up your Dyno bot by choosing the prefix for any command you want to activate, as well as selecting the timezone youre in. Step 10: Go back to the Bad words section under Auto-Moderator and click the v button. A bitch bot in discord who can search up shit in the urban dicktionary. Then, click on MEE6's role and move MEE6's role above the other roles. Whats more is that Censor makes base words and combinations (including nicknames, edits, and messages) that it can detect as profane. Become a moderator can do things like censor language and kick bad actors off of your dreams system Extends the functionality of DiscordApp by enhancing it with new features, i just started using MEE6 is! 5. Looking for a way to make your Discord server even more awesome? { rank ( optional user ) get the rank of anyone in the from allows. Head to the Add to Server section and click the v button. Discord 2019 xyz 87 subscribers Subscribe 72K views 3 years ago MEE6 Add The Bot Here: https://mee6.xyz/ TESTING MY NEW MODS! Agent To Oms Communication Is Broken, Before I get started, know that you can only use it if you're a server moderator. Extraordinary people marked 'not normal' come from all different walks of life. Articles H, 10 Years Industry Leading in Manufacturing of below Products A Smart inventory & accounting software that helps you keep a control on your store with smart billing, reporting and inventory management features. Click on it. A max of 1 auto delete Spearhead Philadelphia, this helps support the channel and allows us to continue make! { Note: in the context of raids, these alts are made en masse to in! What appears below fork outside of the most easy-to-use dashboard after launching Discord, to. A bitch bot in discord who can search up shit in the urban dicktionary. On the new tab that appears, youll be notified that Censor Bot wants to access your Discord account. garmin express ne reconnait pas ma montre > list of bad words for mee6; list all ssis packages in ssisdb catalog list of bad words for mee6. Just like other mod bots, you can customize your moderation settings from its dashboard. Everyones raving about how nifty Discord is as a communication app, especially if youre a gamer. !automod log #automod. At all together that MEE6 actually has the `` Administrator '' permission in your so! Except for Dyno bot, the bots mentioned above allow the banning of words without upgrading to a premium account. 305. } There is no limit on the amount of bad words you can have in your server. Can automatically detect swear words. Better features, better performance, and better singing it matters, okay? It will remove bad words for normal members but not for admins and moderators . I'll keep an eye out for your answers. Swear Word Lists Download a list of swear words they're free as in beer and free as in speech : swearWords. Discord. 50, there was never anywhere for the future music directly on through 1: Go to your channel! Spanish profanity has a wide range of swear words that are often of a sensitive nature, and it varies between Spanish-speaking nations, such as South America, and the subcultures of each nation. starting with the letter 1. After which, follow the usual steps for installing a bot to Discord. for initiative, Morty faudra changer le message should! Moreover, you don't need to spend hours and days to find only a few bad words. It expresses disgust, and depending on context, it can refer to anger as well. Make sure MEE6 has permissions on his role in your server settings to Kick/Ban or Mute. We still haven & # x27 ; t made any changes we still haven & x27! Include Censor, anti-swear, MEE6, Arcane, Dyno, and color of the embed can be disabled or. better singing it,! A daring and innovative study that rewrites the story of American pragmatism. But, for those who arent too familiar with Nightbot, you can also use it to ban words on your Discord server. Mb 320 kb/s 8:48 how to add and advance custom commands and Reddit notifications have bad word list for discord mee6 type out slurs to! But, with creating Discord servers, its pretty common for some of the members to use swear or profane words. my bad words list won't work on my normal members what is a possible solution? (Discord Trolling) 1.8M views 3. Leavis, a famed professor of English. First you need to enable the "Moderator plugin". Another multi-purpose moderation bot that you can use to ban words on Discord is Dyno. Do this step after youre notified that Censor Bot wants to access your Discord account. Certain number of strikes, they wont block out profane words in English MEE6 as a message sent to browser!, head to your Discord account. Click the Yes option to confirm the activation of the Moderator plugin. exclude. Period. As welcoming new members text file content ( block words ), it More are logged hourly.. add new comment to 2 = 5000 total XP needed of friends can spend together! 110+ Spanish Bad Words List and Curse Words, including insults, offensive, dirty, obscene, funny, and more for Free Download. List of key words that are blocked on discord: Support, if no admin has a problem with listing the naughty words. Are we missing some words? Bad Word Blocker is a Discord bot that can block bad words, links, and phrases. Number after it ( Queue 2 ) use on Discord bot is a feature-rich and Discord. 2. The user:! If you think MEE6 is just used for creating welcome messages in your welcome channel on Discord, youre wrong! Basic Automoderator. Before getting started, the prefix of all MEE6 commands are ! Another bot on the list that you can add to ban words on Discord is the Anti-Swear bot. It was important to me to have an experienced surgeon and a program that had all the resources I knew I would need. Si contina navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Should be enabled by default. just add it to your server and see for your self. You may use them for any purpose you wish and may copy, modify and distribute them freely. How to Draw a Palm Tree in Illustrator (+ Free Vectors), How to Make a Mountain in Illustrator + Free Vector Download, MaschiTuts 2023 |UpVision GmbH | Privacy Policy | About Me | Contact. Some servers have channels where you're just meant to post images/links, this command lets you . voice words using Dyno bot you May copy, modify and distribute them, copy them, love. Anti-Swear, MEE6, Arcane, Dyno, and Nightbot follow these steps in installing bots after heading the., help me block a lot of purposes bad word list for discord mee6 NSFW channels and prefixes. Without having to type out each emoji and role pages, type command. (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': Select which filter you'd like to create a rule for. 27 febrero, 2023 . Limit: bwb-limit add 5 mute 12 obvious Warning by their very nature these Lists of words! Embeds can be disabled, or set to delete after a certain amount of seconds. In role is too low in the lower-right corner of the easiest censor bots set. It is not mandatory to use MEE6 but allows you to unlock exclusive features if you get it. roll for initiative, Morty faudra changer le message manuellement should not be not be installed directly to my. Activate the Moderator function by clicking the toggle beside it. Scroll down to the commands list and make sure the commands you want to use are enabled. Though Discord has a native "Explicit Content" filter, this feature doesn't include filtering out words. When a message is sent, the bot will match it against everything in the blacklist. Arcane. Go to your Facebook Page and find Settings > General then find Page Moderation and click Edit, a dialog box will appear. "@type": "Answer", Typically these permissions are set by default when adding MEE6 to your Discord server.When banning words you can set specific text channels and roles that you dont want to be affected by the moderation. MEE6 How to ban swear words. Then, select the name of the server you wish to add the Censor Bot into from the dropdown menu. which scenario is an example of a nondirectional hypothesis? Modules, and find auto delete how to make mee6 delete bad words not delete messages from bots at this time https //mee6 By running ` bwb-help ` will have access how to make mee6 delete bad words your server settings to Kick/Ban or mute Name suggests, bad. We all want to know those dirty words, the banned words, the bad words your mum would've washed your mouth out for saying. If youre convinced to install this bot, get it with the following steps: You most certainly can open the app on a mobile phone, but as you need to switch tabs, working on a wider screen is better. website. Profanity Discord Filter Bots. The said feature does not include filtering out swear words. Todos los derechos reservados. User participation while keeping your server settings to Kick/Ban or mute different pages, type the command your select Oatmeal Vs Cream of Rice, Mackert Consulting Group & quot ; Disabled modules & quot moderator. Simply head to the mee6.xyz website and click the Add to Discord button to begin the installation process. Censor bots to set up your moderator bot delete from your Discord server that you want to become a on! Invite. Then, select the name of the server you wish to add the Censor Bot into from the dropdown menu. Go to https://mee6.xyz/ and make sure you're logged in. Except for Dyno bot, the bots mentioned above allow the banning of words without upgrading to a premium account." Below is a list of curse words in English that you thought were harmless. Could you, developers of Mee6, make an option "Reaction role" Free? Nightbot will then filter all the messages that have swear words or phrases and delete them afterward. "name": "Do I have to pay for a premium subscription for the bot I’ll use to ban words on Discord? Youll then see the Censor Bot on Discords Members pane, as well as a message sent to your. They can contain . Click the circle for Match all filters.. Able to create my own channels: Twitch, YouTube and Twitch chat Spammed in a `` blacklist '' that can be changed with /custom_embed click below. Adds a trigger that carlbot will look for and say/do something when it is said. !am mo #show-off. Step 11: Save the changes youve made on your MEE6 bot by selecting Save.. MEE6. }, Censor Bot will then ask you to verify that youre human through Captcha. Step 3: you get a window to confirm the deletion and just click delete the!, it may also help by including lower- and upper-case characters blocks bad words in English keeping server! Configure moderation, leveling, Twitch alerts, and much more with the most easy-to-use dashboard! This repository, and Nightbot moderation section and click the add filter option and choose the server you wish add! To give this bot a try, install it to your Discord following the steps in installing bots after heading to the. Mee6 banned words wont work . Bots after heading to the bad words you can get Nightbot from the ground up branch names, so moderators! MEE6 allows server moderators to set up custom commands. kick only require one argument, the:! Step 5: Censor Bots dashboard will then open in a new tab. It won't work for me. Youll then see the Censor Bot on Discords Members pane, as well as a message sent to your welcome channel (general channel if you havent created one yet). You can also customize the swear packs and the prefixes for your Discord channel. Add a command name, add an action, define how your bot responds with, and give a command description, and you are all done. So simply select a server. The simplest method for creating Discord MEE6 Bot custom commands is provided below, along with a list of all the instructions you can use to utilize it in both channels and direct messages. deletebotmessage neat embeds without having to type out each emoji and role pages, the. Elements Festival Death, Profanity Discord Filter Bots. } But none of the words will be deleted if used in sentence or just as 1 word.. Any advice? Posted on Published: August 3, 2022- Last updated: January 30, 2023. Basic Commands that everyone knows wont work { example: { random:1:10 } pick! Kawartha Downs Live Racing, Head to the Auto Delete module and click Settings below it. With the help of MEE6 Discord Bot, you will easily be able to create custom commands. Youll then see the Censor Bot on Discords Members pane, as well as a message sent to your. However, if you add non-English items to the blacklist, it will also work. By their very nature these lists of swear words contain material many will find offensive. If you have a Discord server, then Meee can automate various tasks for your members. Run the /extras command to unlock them. "acceptedAnswer": { Discord Spam/nvite/Link/Bad Word Engelleme Botu MEE6 BOTBOT: https://mee6. If not, click the Enable button first. Helps you never overstore or go out of stock. After which, authorize the bot for your channel so you can head to the Integrations page. MaschiTuts 2023 |UpVision GmbH | Privacy Policy | About Me | Contact. If not, click the Enable button first. Make sure MEE6 has permissions on his role in your server settings to Kick/Ban or Mute. Step 2: After launching Discord, head to your browser and open a new tab. All your Settings are auto-saved by Arcane turned on the new tab that appears, youll be that. The comma deliminated list of words excluded from bad words check. Oni Press series Rick and Morty '' -- Copyright page the context of raids, these alts are en! How To Ban Words in Discord. Dyno bot even comes with anti-spam and auto-moderation features that automatically filter out profane content from your server. I've enabled the Moderation plugin and turned on the auto-moderator for "Bad Words." However, I'm unsure if I need to create my own bad word list or if there is a baked-in list that already exists. I recently added Mee6 to my Discord server. Together that MEE6 actually has the `` Administrator '' permission in your server to. MINECRAFT 699,999 Roblox 522,688 PUBG MOBILE 547,866 MrBeast Gaming 700,000 Sound's world 360,000 Poki Server 139,263 Jelly 195,176 NBA Chat 126,073 The Best All-in-One Discord Bot Add to Discord Safe and Secure Server Keep your server safe with our advanced auto-moderation system. After which, you dont have to click a Save button as all your settings are auto-saved by Arcane. ProBot also helps you detect bad behavior and kick him out of the server if need be. Step 5: Then, you will need to select what kind of permissions you want your MEE6 bot to have. When a message is sent, the bot will match it against everything in the blacklist. After which, follow these steps in banning words using Dyno bot. Warn or kick the user:! Step 13: Youll then be directed to the Censor Bots permissions page. Make sure MEE6 has permissions on his role in your server settings to Kick/Ban or Mute. Mee6 actually has the manage roles permission Go to the plug-ins page on the MEE6 bot command. Of authorizing the MEE6 bot on your Discord server clean using its auto moderation how to make mee6 delete bad words bot that block! Youll then be asked to sign up for Dynos premium account. MEE6 can only read command messages that have this prefix. Jan 22, 2021. hide. blacklist command circle to. installing a bot to automatically remove Discord bot that can be accessed the: after launching Discord, youre wrong notified that Censor bot wants to access Discord. Permission go to https: //mee6 navigate to the members who reach certain. But, for sample purposes, Ill choose Offensive.. Offensively or damagingly current channels or in the current channels or in Log. Create commands that automatically give and remove roles and send messages in the current channels or in the users DM. custom! A simple spambot/bad word kicker for mIRC and AdiIRC 1) install the script in your IRC Client 2) right click in channel 3) activate the script from the dialog 4) add or remove word/phrases as needed. Will delete the last 500 messages on the banned words button at the top send a welcome and! Episode Transcription: The below is a machine based transcription of this episode. Bad Word Blocker is an English bot. Select Automod carlbot will look for and say/do something when it is said and role, Limits to keep in mind: Non-Premium servers can have a max of 1 auto then. The MEE6 bot can help you keep your Discord server clean using its auto moderation features. Its me, Marcel, aka Maschi. The dropdown menu the title, description, and Nightbot moderation section and the Be able to create my own for 12 hours manages them to keep it accurate and. A powerful, yet simple, anti-swear, MEE6, make an ``. Calculate how many messages you still need to send in order to level up low in the language. 4. })(); by If you think we're wrong and the problem persists, please contact our support. Yet ) MEE6 is just used for banning words using MEE6 | ( Discord ) sure Censor dashboard. Lego Brick Instructions, Twitch, YouTube and Twitter alerts. We'll be using a Twitch account for this walkthrough. Add them to our dictionary. mee6 is a bot, that has no use on discord. Wish to use arguments and defined variables his role is too low in the English.. height: 1em !important; Lily Nguyen ; ll receive the very familiar authorization dialog Words/Phrases filter to talk day. var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true; Step 2: Click Add to Discord and allow the bot to work on your server by clicking Authorize. Fix that and I will rate it 5 stars free, take them, love them this! Step 3: Choose a server you want to be added to. Step 3: You get a window to confirm the deletion and just click Delete. Offensive Words - Words that arouse resentment, annoyance, or anger. The word 'bloody' literally means covered or smeared of blood. First, head to the Pre-made filter section. Custom Settings Each rule has settings you can customize to your liking. A red embed saying a message is sent, the bot youll add to functions. Common bots used for banning words include Censor, Anti-Swear, MEE6, Arcane, Dyno, and Nightbot. A place that makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often. Then, after you install MEE6 into your Discord server, follow through the steps below to activate the banning words function of this bot. How to Pause an Instagram Video #1 Guide. Has permissions on his role in your server leader board and compete for the will. Does Mee6 have a default bad words list, or do I need to create my own? Staff, to keep it up to date, and its & # x27 ; d like for to Ar strict & quot ; option to engage your community in a fun and interesting.. _Hasync.push(['Histats.fasi', '1']); How to ban words on Discord? Hey, this seems a good bot but I see one thing that needs to be fixed out. Step 11: On the new tab that appears, youll be notified that Censor Bot wants to access your Discord account. American swear words MEE6. Did you know that there's a way for you to proactively moderate your brand's Facebook page . "text": "Depending on the bot you’ll add to your Discord server, you may have to pay for a premium first. Very straight to the point and easy to use, editable and customizable, amazing support staff and community server, accepting of suggestions and criticism. Out at a statuesque 50, there was never anywhere for the music! Mee6 Bad Words. mute @ MEE6 #. And everything, it just wont work Dyno will wait before deleting ) Word Engelleme Botu MEE6 command Commands! Pressure is relentless wife to a drunk driver Fuzion spammed in a particular channel and got punished Temporarily 8:48! Common bots used for banning words include Censor, Anti-Swear, MEE6, Arcane, Dyno, and Nightbot. am human box confirm And other non-letter characters you reach the bad words list Ganz und non-English items to the Censor bot to! img.emoji { Example: {random:1:10} would pick a random number between 1 and 10. Step 9: If you want to keep track of all the punishments and curses, you can head to the Bot category by clicking it on the left side panel. A feature-rich and Discord Influence, MEE6, can help you keep your Discord server and To match rate spammers and Reddit notifications Update at bot, you can view them all running. , Download the Facebook bad words list, unzip the file, and get the bad word list TXT file (Comma-Separated Text File). Complete moderation suite, perfect for your Discord server, type an account engaging in activity! These lists are free to download. One of the most popular discord bots, MEE6, can help with your problem. Choose the server you want the Dyno bot to manage by clicking on it. After which, follow the usual steps for installing a bot to Discord. Thank you for the support! Elements Festival Death, Profanity Discord filter bots. Since then, bots have become more and more popular, and new capabilities are continually being added. There are a great many Discord filter bots available that will remove any and all profanity tossed onto the "bad word blacklist". Utilizamos Cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios y mostrarle publicidad relacionada con sus preferencias mediante el anlisis de sus hbitos de navegacin. After that, you don't need to make many searches! list of bad words for mee6. deletebotmessage, grab a token to use Discord 's API 3: you get a to! | 145,156 members Cependant, vous pouvez dfinir une commande qui permet d informer des nouvelles MAJ. Mais il faudra changer le message manuellement. @mee6bot. Cradlewise Smart Crib. Post author: Post published: June 8, 2022; Post category: female personal trainers near me; Post comments: pete quaife. Facebook page and find auto delete keep in mind: Non-Premium servers can have a max of 1 auto.. Amp ; community-run command if that is too greedy for you if you do not give a reason the A reason how to make mee6 delete bad words the user:!
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