We are supposed to follow Jesus, not brother Branham. JOHN 1:35 Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; :37 And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Funny story about poor boatyard operator. It was John knew what it was, but he didn't write it, 'cause he was forbidden to write it. After all, He's revealed all the six Seals, but it don't say nothing about the Seventh. A tooth for a tooth. yes it true brother branham is the prophet of God. He was a perfect type of Christ. The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals 63-03-17. The circle was too high to be made by a jet Very funny photo of Margaret Herzog on her wedding day with another person under her skirts.Twin hippos born at St. Louis zoo. The same Holy Spirit that wrote the Bible prophesied that these Angels would come when the prophet said this a few months before the cloud appeared: I just heard that great blast that went forth, that sounded like it was south, from me, towards Mexico. God bless you all. 63 No. Glory. I don't know who's going to--what's going to take place. Focusing primarily on a mysterious detective from Cologne (Volker Brunch's Gereon Rath), as well as a poor, ambitious flapper with a desire to work in Berlin's homicide division (Liv Lisa Fries'. The greats of 40 years at one fabulous party for TIME magazine cover personalities, Gina Lollobrigida, Norman Thomas, Olivia de Haviland, Dean Rusk, Bette Davis, many more. John the Baptist was at the First Coming to point out Jesus as a Man walking amongst men. That indicates a supernatural cloud as it did not obey the normal laws of high altitude physics. We're ready for it. And also in the Book of Mark and in Matthew, where He said. Shalom. Now, let's turn to the New Testament to Luke 10:18, just a minute, and see what Jesus said. And at the sounding of the seventh angel's Message. There is no hand. Water vapour is not naturallyfound at that height so clouds do not naturally form at that height. There is only one bright section that can represent the pillar of fire and that is the bright light below the face. And now if you'll notice here, as it was leaving, 65-0718 TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE WITHOUT BEING THE WILL OF GOD. Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them. That's what gets things scrupled up, you see. The Angel comes clothed with a cloud, He does not come as a cloud. The Seventh Seal was preached on 24 March 1963. Wonderful proved pics about WMB by the siteThank you, I Belive Bro.Branham has a Prophet in Laodicea church. There's been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. Getting the Bride together; and then the resurrection of the dead. REVELATION 6:11And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Dear God, in this solemn moment, it's going to be a time like this when there really, The Breach between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals 63-03-17, What, that the hour has come that time shall be no more? The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride; the ones died, back in the other ages, they're caught together. That, they claim in here that some brethren up there that said that I sent them up there, and they're preaching that men should leave their wives and hunt for their spiritual mate, and. Heartbreaking price they paid for US miscalculations.Full page Maytag ad with wedding photo of Mrs. A.W. If you notice, these are not the saints. A very thoroughscientist, Dr. James McDonald, who took the mainphotograph of the Cloud, said that there was no natural explanation for the main Cloud in terms of the evidence available to him then. People latch on to any quote if it gives them an excuse to build up some dramatic or sensational doctrine like "the Cloud came down to where brother Branham stood and that is the Coming of the Lord". The Cloud was seen at the end of February. Even the Son Himself don't know when it's going to happen." ACTS 2:19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and. Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. Books, Paper & Magazines Why, when Mary asked for wine, did He say Woman, My hour has not yet come? "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Rockets do not tend to travel horizontally over huge distances like 150 miles, they move up vertically. "voice of the archangel." Jews demanding vengeance, an eye for an eye. Revelations the 10th chapter and the 1 to the 7th verse. And here it's in the view of Mexico and different places from where they took the picture. singing when the Lamb takes the Book out of the are these the raptured saints?No, Revelations 5:5 - 9, rather, no. It is to restore us back to what the early church believed. These preliminary indications mark the Flagstaff cloud of 28 February as a most unusual phenomenon of considerable meteorological interest. (1959), pp. That is typical of an artificial (man-made) noctilucent cloud. And when I get down to the last heartbeat, I do not want to go in there as a coward; I want to wrap myself in His righteousness; pull it up around me and enter that chamber, to know Him in the power of His resurrection. The cooperation of the numerous Arizonians submitting reports is gratefully acknowledged. ( Pleiades) Its all Biblical. They still put in the paper, "Does anybody know anything about what, how it could have happen?" Here come seven Angels, come moving down out of the air, picked me up, and said, "Go back to your home, to the East, right away, and bring those Seven Seals. Without doubt,William Branham was a true Prophet of God. That has already been done by the 7th angel. It would be the fiftieth year since the picture of the mysterious cloud was taken on Feb 28 th 1963 but published in Life magazine on May 17 th. The unusual nature of the cloud was evident to observers who noted its striking luminosity long after the sun had set at ground level. S.K. The things written in the Seven Seal Book (sealed up of the plan of redemption from before the foundation of the world), it every bit ends. Brother Branham was 200 miles away in Tucson. It has been serialized by Shogakukan in Big Comic Original from 1973 to 2017 and collected in 112 tankbon volumes. What are the unwritten mysteries that still remain a secret? See page 292. Rev 14:6 states they will make contact with the Earth with a message. Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal. The end-time Elijah must explain the meaning of the Bible and thereby turn us back to the early church of the New Testament fathers. Who does it? William Marrion Branham Messages in Hindi, William Marrion Branham Messages in English, https://s3.amazonaws.com/vgrm4a.branham.org/ENG/65-0429E%20The%20Choosing%20Of%20A%20Bride%20VGR.m4a. You see, they hushed; nothing take place then. The cloud was evidently moving generally south-eastward, though visual reports are in some conflict on this point; this point can only be resolved from further studies by triangulation. ", "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. They uncover and open it up. For gift shop items, print on demand or to access your NGS account, sign in here See? those seven thunders holds that mystery, that heavens was quieted. another place, and I knew that those children were facing death, I thought, "If something would happen to those children, I would never forgive myself," of not coming here to give my opinion and doing all that I could, to help this mother and father, and of these children, and to do all that I could for the saving of their lives. They ceased to be disciples of John when he pointed them to Jesus. MYSTERY CLOUD.. LIFE MAGAZINE * MAY 17 1963 ROCKEFELLER HONEYMOON * VG * High Cloud Ring, 1963 Life Magazine Rockefeller Honeymoon Mystery Cloud Civil Rights Move, LIFE MAGAZINE MAY 17 1963 HIGH CLOUD RING MYSTERY Rockefeller Honeymoon, 1963 Life Magazine Rockefeller Birmingham Racial Cloud Mystery Vw Mercur, Governor & Mrs. Rockefeller Honeymoon, Mystery Cloud LIFE Magazine May 1, Hobbies The Magazine For Collectors Vol. Nor has it taken place yet. Soc. :12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, . Natural noctilucent ice clouds form between 80 to 85 kilometerswhich is the coldest portion of the atmosphere, below minus 123 degrees Celsius (Centigrade). And I've been setting, listening tonight to each of these speakers. Everyone enters that chamber. Your email address will not be published. ), that it should be revealed according to that time--at that time when He did. In Revelation Chapter 6 which comes after Revelation Chapter 4 when the church is caught up to meet Jesus and get taken to Heaven. The rocket had just been launched so there was still a lot of liquid fuel in the tanks when it exploded. So the Cloud represents a person who is lying down parallel to the ground, not standing perpendicular to the earth. What is it? It's the end of everything. Cause, all the mysteries of the entire Bible lays in the Seven Seals. What happens is that those seven thunders that he heard thunder and was forbidden to write, that's what. Life Magazine May 17 1963 Mystery Cloud William Branham Vintage, Life Magazine May 17 1963 Mystery Cloud Rockefellers Cooper Orbit Birmin, Life Magazine May 17 1963 - Rockefeller, Birmingham, Mystery Cloud, LIFE MAGAZINE MAY 17 1963 GOVERNOR NELSON ROCKEFELLER & HAPPY With CLOUD, Life Magazine 1963 May 17 MYSTERY CLOUD, ROCKEFELLERS WEDDING, VINTAGE A, LIFE MAGAZINE MAY 17 1963 HIGH CLOUD RING MYSTERY Rockefeller Honeymoon, 1963 Life Magazine Rockefeller Birmingham Racial Cloud Mystery Vw Mercur, Life Magazine 5/17/1963 High Cloud Of Mystery Photos, LIFE Magazine MAY 17 1963 HIGH CLOUD RING MYSTERY Rockefeller, Hobbies The Magazine For Collectors Vol. Do not make him infallible. No one who is only 26 miles high can put out a foot on land and another foot onto the sea that is about 500 miles away. I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. From initial computations based on four photos taken in Tucson, 190 miles south of the cloud, its altitude was approximately 35 kilometers. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. Oh, if the Presence of the Holy Ghost isn't here, what is? The Angel is ready to set one foot on land and the other on the sea with a rainbow over Him, with feet, and say, "Time's run out.". On February 28, 1963, over in Arizona, U.S.A., a constellation of seven angels appeared to a man named William Marrion Branham in the form of a ring shaped-Cloud. So itisa great mystery concerning this Cloud. Take it away from us, Lord. Now, now, do you notice on the opening of this Seventh Seal, it's also in a threefold mystery. The photographs on the following pages were scanned from p.112 of Life magazine May 17, 1963. it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. Should you choose that brand-new romantic thriller . If he made a mistake about the Cloud, by thinking it was formed by the seven angels when they left him, that does not mean he is not the prophet. Although experts never really explained the event, science is never without some sort of explanation. But, remember, if it goes plumb into the shadows of death, "I am the resurrection and Life; I'll raise him up again." The hunting season only opened the next day and William Branham only pitched camp near Sunset Peak on 6 March 1963. I just feel checked not to say no more about it. The whole thing's wrapped up in money. At which coming (the coming down of the mysteries or the coming of the Angel) is the seventh angel on earth? The sign merely warns that the event is about to happen. says, Questions and Answers 4 Conduct, Order, Doctrine 64-08-30. REVELATION 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. He can make mistakes just like the rest if us. Only when he has explained the mysteries that the Bride needs to prepare for the catching away will the Angel i.e. The other angels was messengers, men of the earth. This sermon was preached about two and a half weeks after the Cloud was photographed and brother Branham is saying time for the Angel to appear. That's His Coming. And I'm pretty sure Brother Norman is here. 2 April 1947, Hobbies The Magazine For Collectors Vol. God bless you all. The circle was too high to be made by a jet plane, and so far as Dr. McDonald can determine, there were no rockets, rocket planes or bombs being tested nearby that day. :10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Longing for the rapture. If you notice, they're the elders and the beast, and they sing. There is no fog up there, there's no air, there's no moisture; thirty miles high in the air. The Angel screams forth, the Voice, the trumpet sounds, I want to come out from among the dead. And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2005- 2015. As you can see, light somehow leaked into the bottom left of the photostat machine. At the time of the Cloud, the book was still closed. Ser. The 1963 cloud isn't the mighty Angel Two prophecies were fulfilled: The vapour of a smoke cloud in Acts 2:19, and the Sign of the Son of man in Matthew 24:30. The original glossy prints reveal the full face of the Lord Jesus Christ as the picture is viewed from the right side angle like unto the Son of Man, His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow (Rev.1:13). Many observers reported a second cloud off to the northwest of the main cloud, with shape very much like that of the main cloud, but only about a quarter as large. That is the time when the Thunders utter. but would make a great piece of history for the budget minded to mark any occasion. He came down after the Book had been opened, because He held the open Book in His hand. 3 May 1959, Hobbies The Magazine For Collectors Vol. this combination was just a sign to attract attention that God was going to speak to His prophet. And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then as the archangel He comes down to earth for the resurrection of the dead. There's where Judas fell, and here's where he fell, and there's where the Protestants fall. The next map shows the path of the high-altitude smoke cloud from Vandenberg Airbase towards Flagstaff. "Instant arithmetic" with The Trachtenberg Speed System, Victor and Jeremy Weingast of Newark, New Jersey. The 7 angels gave him a commission. There are not two bright lights (two feet). He obviously never saw the Cloud and was just speculating. I Corinthians 15:50. This is not the saints. Smoke vapour forms a smoke cloud. "And at that time Michael shall stand, the great prince.". Christ in the form of the Angel, come down. There it hangs now in the Life Magazine, still a mystery to them. Now, a shout Jesus does all three of them when He's descending. He once dwelt in the heaven. All right. Humans make mistakes. Is that really them seven thunders fixing to utter out something that the little group that He's gathered together will receive a rapturing faith to go in the rapture when He comes; as quick as those Angels come: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be caught up together with those that is asleep, Sirs is this the Sign of the End ? 62-12-30. Now, there's writing on the inside of the Book, but the backside had. --the seventh angel, when he sounds, all the mysteries of God should be finished up by his sounding. when the Seals are broke and the mystery is revealed, down COMES the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon the land and upon the sea with a rainbow over His head. The normal clouds were dark when the supernatural Cloud suddenly became visible after sunset. Nice full page color Volkswagon ad with red van and sailboat. Dr. McDonald had no explanation for two clouds forming. 140 No. And a great victory is coming just soon, right around the corner. You can find the latest update of this study at ChurchAges.net. The radiosonde run terminated at the 13-millibar level of atmospheric pressure (about 29 km), where the temperature was -46 degrees C. There was very little direction shear in the Winslow wind sounding, a condition known to favor formation of mountain waves and believed to be conducive to nacreous clouds, at least in Scandinavia (2). Watchers struck by the cloud's odd shape and huge size, took pictures, like these four, at different times and from widely scattered locations in the state. That's right. flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. And here He returns back in the 10th chapter. ( Singular. clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. Thus the Archangel is responsible for the resurrection of the dead. They can send earthquakes, turn the moon into blood, the sun can go down or anything at their command. Driving, Bull. Here come seven Angels, come moving down out of the air, picked me up, and said, "Go back to your home, to the East, right away, and bring those Seven Seals. I do believe as described, Glory to God Almighty for choosing us His own, E un grande privilegio fratelli che Dio ci rivelato i suoi misteri averci inviato il Suo Profeta che vi benedica fratelli. This is about 500 miles from the sea. The Cloud was photographed on 28 February 1963. Once they are resurrected, then the seven Thunders will utter their mysterious voices to prepare the living Bride, whose bodies have to change, and the resurrected Bride so that they can be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. Some who saw the cloud, estimated to be 30 miles across and 26 miles high, observed that it remained bright 28 minutes after the sun set. Remember, the Angel only comes down when the Seals are broke or revealed. Also, the same voice that summoned John to come up, is the same voice that summoned dead Lazarus out of the grave, that same voice of the archangel. This is obviously not an accurate datebut places the angel's visit long after 28 February. I was standing just below this. The Bookwas still sealed with Seven Seals when the Cloud was photographed. Let me just read it again. see; to be caught up with It. "Instant arithmetic" with The Trachtenberg Speed System, Victor and Jeremy Weingast of Newark, New Jersey. If you want more pictures or information please don't hesitate to ask. then the mysteries should be finished and time for the Angel to appear. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. Racial hatred approaches flashpoint in Birmingham. We update studies as the Lord Jesus leads us. The Cloud was seen before the revelation of the book being opened. There is wear, please see pictures. We're going towards a dark chamber, a chamber of death. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. But our old bodies cannot be raptured. It's the end of the vials. He died, and the Angels packed him away, and even the devil don't even know where he's buried, and. Now, when is the Gospel returning to the Jews? The main Cloud was photographed and had left the scene before brother Branham went hunting. Some may have very minor defects and address labels. These issues are extremely nice. So which of these events is the coming of the Lord? The Message has to come before the resurrection, to prepare us for it so that we believe the same things that the first church believed. Only the central candlestick is guaranteed which is the first church age. 8 days after the hunting season opened, seven angels came to brother Branham and gave him the commission for the revelation of the Seven Seals. before He broke forth on those Seven Seals to reveal them, that He showed miraculous, He showed it first in the heavens. Now, some sister here, Billy just showed me, was nice enough to go get this Life magazine, this picture, and blow it up, of that of the seven Angels, and have it taken and sent to me. on February 28 1963 which was the day before the hunting season opened on March 1. as the Angels lowered themselves from Heaven. The Cloud was over Flagstaff. I had to go to Houston about getting that little boy saved from the electric chair. Now, the third thing, is a trumpet. And then I went back and I went hunting up there with the brethren, that it was made by the 7 angels as they left him. But going back home to Tucson, there It was all through the papers that had been seen almost nation-wide, or plumb into Mexico, and all the Western States, and I think the Courier over here. Phyllis Diller hits the big time. The Rapture 65-12-04 Volume 5 Number 14. Life Magazine May 17, 1963. Bell of Vandergrift, Pennsylvania in 1933. Who fought the angelic wars in heaven with the devil. It is possible, therefore, that the San Francisco Peaks just north of Flagstaff disturbed the flow so that wave motion was set up in the stratosphere, but this remains a conjecture, pending further study of reports of first appearance. Listen at this now. Typical of this is the first photograph shown above that was taken from the Tucson Observatory which is about 200 miles south of Flagstaff. ), puts one foot upon the land and the other one on the sea, rainbow over His head, eyes and, like--and feet like fire and so forth, raises up His hand and swears by Him that lives forever and ever on the throne, that time shall be no more. 62-1007 THE KEY TO THE DOORThat's what gets things scrupled up, you see. These sermons were the main event as God began to reveal the hidden mysteries of Scripture. The Cloud was photographed on 28 February 1963. Many people felt that it looks like the head of Christ looking down at the earth, although this is not visiblein the original colour photograph on the Life magazine back cover which Dr. James McDonald took. After it's all done completed. And I looked up, there was that white Circle above me there, circling around. Nice full page color Honda ad with Honda 50 motorcycle scooter in redwood forest. Experts estimated its height at about 26 miles, which science says is more than 17 miles higher than clouds can form, and about 15 miles higher than any airplane can fly. If we don't know it, and. Shalom preached at Sierra Vista, Arizona 64-01-12 Volume 13 Number 5. The Message is not anything new. And now the Life magazine picked it up. antigravity houses and hills The House of Mystery in the Oregon Vortex, Gold Hill, Oregon . These mysteries are not part of brother Branhams ministry. He had had a supernatural experience with 7 angels, so he linked the two events. ; he has been forming himself gradually in all past ages and now aworthy token on earth in our age to veil this christ who has been appointed for us in a man ;a prophet messanger ;the only peculiar birth recorded on earth in this age without doubts or contravacy vidicated by the pillar of fire :in a man william marrion branham.+. of those Seven Seals, standing there. And when the great Director comes down and bears that stick down, then, "time shall be no more. They didn't know what It was. So the Angel of Revelation 10 can only come down sometime after 1965 when the mysteries were finished. And just as I looked, right there was them Angels just as plain as They could be, setting right there in that picture. Premature fadeout may have been due to cirrus clouds between the cloud and the ray- tangency point, computed to lie at or very near Los Angeles. On 8 March 1963, while he was hunting, the, seven angels came to him to give him the commission. It now. A couple of months later, while hunting near Sunset Arizona, a supernatural cloud appeared, a blast shook the earth, and the prophet was caught up with the Angels. In there is the end of the trumpets. through those seven thunders will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith; because what we got right now, we wouldn't be able to do it. Here he admits that the Cloud never came down but was just hanging in the sky. Nor can it be the Coming down of the mighty Angel of Revelation Chapter 10, because it never came down. Christ has always been present in His church.
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