For the towns dispatched by Capital Fire Compact, or Southwest New Hampshire dispatch, please visit the Regional Fire Dispatch Centers page. Fire Dispatch for Mount Vernon, Milford and Wilton. Robinson Rd. Southeastern Erie County EMS to Hospital. Firefighters, police pulled the canoe to shore. Facebook. A reputation of a firm but fair approach to law enforcement is invaluable in deterring would be law breakers and unsafe drivers. 460.450 : Police Disp. Police dispatched by Hillsboro Police, Fire dispatched by Capitol Area Armando Barron faces a capital murder charge for killing Jonathan Amerault, his wife's lover, in Jaffrey after finding their text messages. Fire dispatched by SWNHFMA Sta. Freq PL/M Ty Input InpPL Channel . Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street,Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus , Amherst Conservation Commission Recreational Trails, Credits, Exemptions, Abatement Applications & Forms, MS-1 Amherst Summary Inventory of Valuations, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst & Funding Opportunities, Amherst Fire Rescue Mechanical & Life Safety Permit Application, Benefit Strategies Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, COVID 19 Reporting Protocol for Employees, updated Sept 12, 2022, Town of Amherst Employee Policies Handbook, Town of Amherst Employment Application, fillable, Amherst Police Station Renovation Project, Chief John T. Osborn, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, Amherst Recreation Website link (click HERE), Online Property Tax/Utilities Information, Revaluation of Property and the Tax Rate Setting Process: A Discussion, Invitation to Bid: Town of Amherst Annual Town Report 2020, Letter from NH DES regarding an Environmental Review: Finding of No Significant Impact, NH DES Announces PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells, NH DES, Focused Site Investigation Letter and Map, , June 8, 2022, PFAS in New Hampshire: What you need to know, PUBLIC NOTICE: Amherst Water Main Ext 10/24/2022, Sanborn Head Focused Site Investigation Report, Amherst NH, 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule, Amherst Impact Fee Report and Schedule 2022, Amherst Impact Fee Reporting and Expenditure Policy, DRAFT v1.1 (with B Mayberry Letter), FY23 Town of Amherst Warrant, as amended at the Feb 9, 2022 Deliberative Session, FY24 Town Deliberative Presentation, February 8, 2023, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst and Funding Opportunities, Draft CIP Tax Impact Forecast 2024 2028, 2023 Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule, Conservation Commission now has its own website. New England Weather Guy. Middlefield - 66 Elm St. (aka State Route 101A) @ Columbus Ave. Former Sta. Police Departments Law Enforcement Agencies-Government (603) 487-2433. This covers Rockingham County in NH & Essex County in MA. See more. (aka US-3) between Woodbury St. & Railroad Ave. Sta. @ Middle St. (The Bays faced Middle St. at the rear of the bldg.). APD Emergency Notification System. Please mention it on our Forums Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Hillsborough County NH Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS Area Frequencies Amherst NOW HIRING! (aka State Route 28A) between Bridge St. & Tarrytown Rd. #1 (HQ) - 86 Clinton Rd. - 14 Court St. @ Church St. (The Bays face Church St.), Current Sta. Chief Carlo Capano "disgusted" after Russell Debreceni, a man accused of having sexual contact with a girl, gets personal recognizance bail. Facebook page (Amherst NH Police Communications) to help update citizens with relevant public safety and community - oriented information. All emergency communications for Police, Ambulance and Fire are handled by the elite staff of the Amherst Public Safety Communications Center. FMN. Area Frequencies. Fire and Police dispatched by MACC Man accused of stabbing a man twice; man indicted on strangulation, other charges; Milford man accused of trying to lure a girl for assault. Emergency & Public Safety Information Scanner. Sta. A NH State Police K-9 trained in explosive detection cleared the store. Amherst firefighters responded to a fire that extended from a fireplace, with firefighters from surrounding towns dispatched for mutual aid. Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS. Carignan stressed he is not trying to hide information but is trying to protect the officers' safety. #17 - 289 Tirrell Hill Rd. Police are fully encrypted. ( WQAP357) Antrim V.F.D. New Boston, NH 03070. The Amherst Police, Fire, and EMS Dispatch Departments are dispatched by the The Amherst Public Safety Communications Center in Amherst, NH, United States, providing a . Huntington Fire and Police dispatched by Northampton. It is the goal of the police department to prosecute its cases vigorously, always keeping in mind the interests of the citizens, and in particular, the victim and witnesses involved with each case. Sign up with Google. Police Department Community Policing Programs The Amherst Police is a full-time department consisting of both full-time and part-time officers. The center has been very successful at building a team of dispatch professionals, providing excellent service for overnine years now. See Milford Area Communications Center for police dispatch frequency. The center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and handlesover 50,000 calls for service annually. It also owns from above the surface to and including 10,000 in the vicinity of Laconia Municipal Airport (LCI). Return to DB page: Hillsborough County (NH) Physical Therapists in New Hampshire! #1 (HQ) - 177 Amherst St. (aka State Route 122) between Narragansett Rd. Our facility is located in the Amherst Police, Fire and Rescue Complex at 175 Amherst Street. Enjoy the Best Police Scanner Radio App for Windows and Listen to Police Station near me or Listen to a Scanner Radio live from around the world with over 7,000 audio feeds to choose from with categories for Police Radio Scanner, Fire and EMS stations from United States, Canada, and more. #1 (HQ) - 144 N. Stark Hwy. #2 - 797 S. Stark Hwy. 21.54 MB. However, we are also mindful that there is always room for improvement; better and more innovative ways to get the job done, so we encourage comments and feedback from all of you. #1 (HQ) - 4 Center St. between Coventry Ct.,Merrimack, Sta. across from Kienia Rd. The Fitzy sector is one of two Low sectors that overlies the Manchester Airport. Dispatches police, fire and EMS for many Southern NH towns in Hillsborough and Cheshire Counties. @ McElwain St. (Access is off of McElwain St.), 16 Craftsman Ln. between Boston Post Rd. #4 - 141 Hackett Hill Rd. Concurrence should first be sought from the Prosecutors Office, followed by a written request to the Milford District Court, at least five days in advance of the scheduled hearing. Amherst Fire/Rescue - Sta. Tyler Berry killed Sierra Croteau of Milford during a crash in Amherst on Route 101A in April 2019; he will plead guilty to manslaughter. The Amherst Police Department, a progressive law enforcement agency, is seeking motivated, hardworking applicants for the position of full-time police officer. Not a registered user of Streema yet? The center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and handles over 50,000 calls for service annually. #2 - 62 Stearns Rd. A police robot and K-9 flushed him out. #1 - 52 Robinson Rd. - English,, Songs playing in Amherst Police and Fire Dispatch. @ Mill St. Hilltop Sta. At the arraignment you will be required to enter a plea: guilty, not guilty, or nolo. Amherst Police Station Renovation Project. This sector also climbs westbound departures from either Tommy or Fitzy and hands off to Boston Center. Scanner Frequencies for amherst hillsborough county nh us. Several New Hampshire police departments including Manchester and Hudson, have moved to fully encrypted radios. Radios were required to be reprogrammed and some switched out. N. between Holton Crossing Rd. Amherst police assisted in evacuating the store and closed the parking lot access to customers just after 7 a.m. and employees gathered in the parking lot. This sector owns that airspace from the Manchester Airport to about 15miles (24 km) south of Manchester from above the surface to and including 4,000feet (1,200 m). Additionally, you should know that victims of crimes have certain rights in New Hampshire, allowed under RSA 21-M:8-K. Live Feeds - 7,448: Total Listeners - 48,767: Top Listeners - Indianapolis . Police Identify Three People Found Dead Last Week In Manchester Police say the deaths of Steven Larosa, 37, Christopher Upham, 48, Crystal DiFranco, 29 do not appear to be suspicious at this. Fire Operations (Simulcast from trunked system), New Hampshire Air National Guard Aircraft, Veterans Affairs Hospital (Manchester) - Maintenance, Veterans Affairs Hospital (Manchester) - Police. just north of Old Marlow Rd.,Washington (Sullivan Co.), East Washington Sta. across from Oak Hill Ln. . The Tommy sector is either a Final or an Initial Departure sector for the Manchester airport, depending on runway configuration. Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS. The Amherst Police Department will be distributing safe disposal pouches at the police department. United States 's, MACC Base / Hillsb'ro Cty Sheriff Town Unit Numbers, Hillsborough County (NH) Nashua City FD Zones, Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid, Southwestern New Hampshire District Fire Mutual Aid - Dispatch Audio,, Respond With Traffic Codes for Both Cities. Fleet Maint. In recent incidents, Carignan said, people were listening to the radio broadcast and sharing the officer's specific location and movement play by play on social media. Central Sta. - Sta. #5 - 44 Webster St. (aka US-3) @ Chestnut St. Sta. AFSCME: 2020-2024. (The Sta. 155.070 : Police Disp. 463.1125. Scanner frequencies for Hillsborough County NH (Including Milford Scanner Frequencies) Have an update or correction ? Email or phone: Password: . Sign up to leave a comment and share your thoughts with other listeners. Amherst and Merrimack Fire crews received multiple calls for smoke being spread by wind causing difficulty in locating the actual fire. You can listen online with this scanner feed. #10 - 630 Mammoth Rd. The NH. #19 - 656 Mast Rd. The following services are provided by the Amherst Police Department over and above the normal services expected: Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street,Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus , Amherst Conservation Commission Recreational Trails, Credits, Exemptions, Abatement Applications & Forms, MS-1 Amherst Summary Inventory of Valuations, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst & Funding Opportunities, Amherst Fire Rescue Mechanical & Life Safety Permit Application, Benefit Strategies Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, COVID 19 Reporting Protocol for Employees, updated Sept 12, 2022, Town of Amherst Employee Policies Handbook, Town of Amherst Employment Application, fillable, Amherst Police Station Renovation Project, Chief John T. Osborn, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, Amherst Recreation Website link (click HERE), Online Property Tax/Utilities Information, Revaluation of Property and the Tax Rate Setting Process: A Discussion, Invitation to Bid: Town of Amherst Annual Town Report 2020, Letter from NH DES regarding an Environmental Review: Finding of No Significant Impact, NH DES Announces PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells, NH DES, Focused Site Investigation Letter and Map, , June 8, 2022, PFAS in New Hampshire: What you need to know, PUBLIC NOTICE: Amherst Water Main Ext 10/24/2022, Sanborn Head Focused Site Investigation Report, Amherst NH, 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule, Amherst Impact Fee Report and Schedule 2022, Amherst Impact Fee Reporting and Expenditure Policy, DRAFT v1.1 (with B Mayberry Letter), FY23 Town of Amherst Warrant, as amended at the Feb 9, 2022 Deliberative Session, FY24 Town Deliberative Presentation, February 8, 2023, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst and Funding Opportunities, Draft CIP Tax Impact Forecast 2024 2028, 2023 Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule, Conservation Commission now has its own website. 11 were here. Div. You'll frequently see these IDs on many radios used on Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department dispatch. Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street, Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041. Amherst Police Department, 175 Amherst Street, Amherst, NH 03031 Mission Protect the lawful rights, freedoms, and safety of all in the community with compassion, fairness, and respect Vision Further enhance accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in the delivery of police services Please feel free to contact me or any other member of the Amherst Police Department with questions, concerns or comments, via telephone, email, or by stopping in at the police station. NASHUA, NH The Nashua Police Department this week is transitioning to fully encrypted radio transmissions for the officers. If the case is resolved via a negotiated disposition and fines are imposed, then those fines are to be paid tothe Court on that date. Unfortunately, Amherst Police and Fire Dispatch is no longer broadcasting. Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street,Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus , Amherst Conservation Commission Recreational Trails, Credits, Exemptions, Abatement Applications & Forms, MS-1 Amherst Summary Inventory of Valuations, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst & Funding Opportunities, Amherst Fire Rescue Mechanical & Life Safety Permit Application, Benefit Strategies Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, COVID 19 Reporting Protocol for Employees, updated Sept 12, 2022, Town of Amherst Employee Policies Handbook, Town of Amherst Employment Application, fillable, Amherst Police Station Renovation Project, Chief John T. Osborn, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, Amherst Recreation Website link (click HERE), Online Property Tax/Utilities Information, Revaluation of Property and the Tax Rate Setting Process: A Discussion, Invitation to Bid: Town of Amherst Annual Town Report 2020, Letter from NH DES regarding an Environmental Review: Finding of No Significant Impact, NH DES Announces PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells, NH DES, Focused Site Investigation Letter and Map, , June 8, 2022, PFAS in New Hampshire: What you need to know, PUBLIC NOTICE: Amherst Water Main Ext 10/24/2022, Sanborn Head Focused Site Investigation Report, Amherst NH, 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule, Amherst Impact Fee Report and Schedule 2022, Amherst Impact Fee Reporting and Expenditure Policy, DRAFT v1.1 (with B Mayberry Letter), FY23 Town of Amherst Warrant, as amended at the Feb 9, 2022 Deliberative Session, FY24 Town Deliberative Presentation, February 8, 2023, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst and Funding Opportunities, Draft CIP Tax Impact Forecast 2024 2028, 2023 Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule, Conservation Commission now has its own website. #8 - 280 E. Industrial Park Dr. between Island Pond Rd. Bryson Peluso killed Brandon Kluz of Milford at a 2018 Amherst party. Online: Amherst Police and Fire: Public Safety 5 : Online: Bedford Fire Dispatch Official Bedford Fire audio feed: Public . More detailed information regarding your rights as a victim may be obtained from the Amherst Police Department @ 603-673-4900, or the New Hampshire Victims' Assistance Commission @ 1-800-300-4500. Uniden. The radio encryption began on Tuesday and will be transitioning to full encryption this week. It includes 500 channels in 10 banks, so you can search police and fire bands, along with aircraft, amateur radio, and marine transmissions. The log is delayed 30 minutes behind real time for the protection of the officers. Hillsborough County Scanner Frequencies (NH) Scanner frequencies for Hillsborough County NH . across from Bowen School Rd. October 17, 2016 Xander Landen, The Keene Sentinel, N.H. Please mention it on our Forums Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS . Contact Data. Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus Login Amateur Radio 0 : Online: Hillsborough: Amherst Police and Fire: Public Safety 4 : Online: Hillsborough: Bedford Fire Dispatch: Public Safety 1 : Hillsborough County New Hampshire Live Audio Feeds. CLICK HERE to be directed to it, 4th of July Celebration- July 3, 2022 Events, Fourth Of July Committee Statement, May 10, 2021, Fourth of July Committee By-Laws, Approved, 2023 Heritage Commission Meeting Schedule, Amherst Heritage Commission Moose Plate Grant, Historic Records in Amherst Town Hall Vault, Map 1806 of Amherst & Mont Vernon, N.H. (Carrigain manuscript), 2023 Historic District Commission Meeting Schedule & Deadline for Applications, Amherst Village Historic District Preservation Survey and Evaluation, Historic District Commission Introduction & Guidelines, Open Space Advisory Committee proposal, Signed, 2023 Planning Board Meeting Schedule & Deadlines for Applications, Non-Residential Site Plan (NRSP) Application, Non-Residential Site Plan (NRSP) Checklist, Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment Application, Conditional Use Permit Checklist (Wetland and Watershed Conservation District), Conditional Use Permit Checklist (Aquifer Conservation and Wellhead Protection District), Planning Board Rules of Procedures - Amended July 21, 2021, Souhegan Regional Landfill District Agreement, NH Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General, Trustees of the Trust Funds Reference Manual, Ways & Means Committee Guidelines (2022-2023), 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Schedule & Deadlines for Applications. At all times, there is a minimum of two marked patrol vehicles on duty. #5 - 101 Pine Hill Rd. All city agencies use this system. is also here). Three Candidates Running For 2 Seats On Amherst Planning Board, A Rare Opportunity Own A Historic Piece Of Boston & Maine Railroad, Amherst: Dogs, Cats, Pets Up For Adoption At Area Shelters. #1 (HQ) - 432 Daniel Webster Hwy. (aka State Route 77) between Windsong Heights & Weaver Pl. Mapping between unit numbers and towns. Freq PL/M Ty Input InpPL Channel Notes; 46.24 : Fire Disp. Concord NH Patch. Pleas of guilty or nolo will result in a guilty finding and sentencing at the time of arraignment. Login with Facebook All decisions in the prosecutors office are made with these goals in mind, and within the framework of rules governing prosecutorial conduct. has been torn down but sat at the following coordinates: 42.733591/-71.323532). Picks up frequencies clearly in analog and digital modes. Sta. Sort:Default. The Tommy sector is one of two Low sectors that overlies the Manchester Airport. Fire dispatched by SWNHFMA. Live Feed Listing for Amherst County. Defendants: If you have received a motor vehicle summons, you must respond to the summons within 30 days of receiving it. When asked about the dispatch call log which Manchester uses, he was not familiar with the process but said he will quickly look into it to see if it is an option. Plus: Manchester and Amherst residents face driving violation charges. News & media website. Plus: Nashua man indicted on drug dealing charges in Bedford; teen indicted on gun threat charge; sex offender accused of duty to inform. Scanner frequencies for Hillsborough County NH (Including Nashua Scanner Frequencies) Have an update or correction ? APD Field Office at WalMart. Amherst NH Police Communications | Amherst NH Download our app "New Hampshire Police & EMS radio scanner" and be the first to know what is happening with the citizens in New Hampshire state - USA, listen for FREE the live feeds from real radio scanners of public safety: police, sheriff scanner, fire & EMS alarm . 371 DPL. - 38 Arlington St. between Bowers St. & Williams St. Sta. To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Queen City man indicted on child sexual assault, abuse image charges; Bedford man faces 10 images charges; Amherst check cashing indictment. #4 - 8 Baboosic Lake Rd. just east of Ayers Pond Rd.,Washington (Sullivan Co.). - 36 Village Green between Marsh Rd. Northern Erie County EMS to Hospital. between Wason Rd. Sta. @ Depot Rd. - 890 Deering Center Rd. (aka State Route 111A), Former Sta. Best of the Best. & Woodbury Rd. 851.775 : Police/Fire Tac 2: 851.775 : Police/Fire Tac 2: 851.975 NOW HIRING! The Amherst Public Safety Communications Center has been providing dispatching services for Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services and the Department of Public Works since January 1, 2005. Current Sta. CLICK HERE to be directed to it, 4th of July Celebration- July 3, 2022 Events, Fourth Of July Committee Statement, May 10, 2021, Fourth of July Committee By-Laws, Approved, 2023 Heritage Commission Meeting Schedule, Amherst Heritage Commission Moose Plate Grant, Historic Records in Amherst Town Hall Vault, Map 1806 of Amherst & Mont Vernon, N.H. (Carrigain manuscript), 2023 Historic District Commission Meeting Schedule & Deadline for Applications, Amherst Village Historic District Preservation Survey and Evaluation, Historic District Commission Introduction & Guidelines, Open Space Advisory Committee proposal, Signed, 2023 Planning Board Meeting Schedule & Deadlines for Applications, Non-Residential Site Plan (NRSP) Application, Non-Residential Site Plan (NRSP) Checklist, Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment Application, Conditional Use Permit Checklist (Wetland and Watershed Conservation District), Conditional Use Permit Checklist (Aquifer Conservation and Wellhead Protection District), Planning Board Rules of Procedures - Amended July 21, 2021, Souhegan Regional Landfill District Agreement, NH Department of Justice - Office of the Attorney General, Trustees of the Trust Funds Reference Manual, Ways & Means Committee Guidelines (2022-2023), 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Schedule & Deadlines for Applications, NHDOT Press Release: NH Route 101 Project, Recording of the Annual Amherst Candidates Night sponsored by the AAUW, Voter's Guide and Annual Town Report now available, Feedback requested for Hazard Mitigation Plan. & Becca Ln. #2 - 137 Keene Rd. Additionally, the police department will actively seek your input into procedural and sentencing decisions regarding the case. Scanner Frequencies for Amherst Erie county NY US. - 35 Pine St. between Silver St. & Hayward St. Nashua Sta. Register here. clear Sort Sale on Uniden SDS100 FREE Programming #2 - 62 Stearns Rd. Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street,Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus , Amherst Conservation Commission Recreational Trails, Credits, Exemptions, Abatement Applications & Forms, MS-1 Amherst Summary Inventory of Valuations, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst & Funding Opportunities, Amherst Fire Rescue Mechanical & Life Safety Permit Application, Benefit Strategies Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, COVID 19 Reporting Protocol for Employees, updated Sept 12, 2022, Town of Amherst Employee Policies Handbook, Town of Amherst Employment Application, fillable, Amherst Police Station Renovation Project, Chief John T. Osborn, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, Amherst Recreation Website link (click HERE), Online Property Tax/Utilities Information, Revaluation of Property and the Tax Rate Setting Process: A Discussion, Invitation to Bid: Town of Amherst Annual Town Report 2020, Letter from NH DES regarding an Environmental Review: Finding of No Significant Impact, NH DES Announces PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells, NH DES, Focused Site Investigation Letter and Map, , June 8, 2022, PFAS in New Hampshire: What you need to know, PUBLIC NOTICE: Amherst Water Main Ext 10/24/2022, Sanborn Head Focused Site Investigation Report, Amherst NH, 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule, Amherst Impact Fee Report and Schedule 2022, Amherst Impact Fee Reporting and Expenditure Policy, DRAFT v1.1 (with B Mayberry Letter), FY23 Town of Amherst Warrant, as amended at the Feb 9, 2022 Deliberative Session, FY24 Town Deliberative Presentation, February 8, 2023, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst and Funding Opportunities, Draft CIP Tax Impact Forecast 2024 2028, 2023 Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule, Conservation Commission now has its own website. If you have sustained physical and/or mental injury as a result of a felony or misdemeanor crime, or a driving under the influence of alcohol offense, you may be eligible to receive compensation covering areas such as; medical and dental care, mental health counseling, lost wages, funeral and burial expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses. The Amherst Police Department, through the Prosecutors office is responsible for the prosecution of all of the departments motor vehicle and criminal cases in the Milford District Court. between Evergreen Way & Poore Rd. Bicycle Safety. - 380 W. Hollis St. between Simon St. & Dead End. Amherst. 30 tune ins VHF. The dispatch center is located within the Police Department at the Emergency Services Complex, 175 Amherst Street. - 480 Hayward St. @ Lincoln St. Sta. Browse Radio Stations Town of Amherst, 2 Main Street,Amherst NH 03031 603-673-6041, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus , Amherst Conservation Commission Recreational Trails, Credits, Exemptions, Abatement Applications & Forms, MS-1 Amherst Summary Inventory of Valuations, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst & Funding Opportunities, Amherst Fire Rescue Mechanical & Life Safety Permit Application, Benefit Strategies Information, Flexible Spending Accounts, COVID 19 Reporting Protocol for Employees, updated Sept 12, 2022, Town of Amherst Employee Policies Handbook, Town of Amherst Employment Application, fillable, Amherst Police Station Renovation Project, Chief John T. Osborn, Jr., Memorial Scholarship, Amherst Recreation Website link (click HERE), Online Property Tax/Utilities Information, Revaluation of Property and the Tax Rate Setting Process: A Discussion, Invitation to Bid: Town of Amherst Annual Town Report 2020, Letter from NH DES regarding an Environmental Review: Finding of No Significant Impact, NH DES Announces PFAS Removal Rebate Program for Private Wells, NH DES, Focused Site Investigation Letter and Map, , June 8, 2022, PFAS in New Hampshire: What you need to know, PUBLIC NOTICE: Amherst Water Main Ext 10/24/2022, Sanborn Head Focused Site Investigation Report, Amherst NH, 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule, Amherst Impact Fee Report and Schedule 2022, Amherst Impact Fee Reporting and Expenditure Policy, DRAFT v1.1 (with B Mayberry Letter), FY23 Town of Amherst Warrant, as amended at the Feb 9, 2022 Deliberative Session, FY24 Town Deliberative Presentation, February 8, 2023, PFAS Occurrence in Amherst and Funding Opportunities, Draft CIP Tax Impact Forecast 2024 2028, 2023 Conservation Commission Meeting Schedule, Conservation Commission now has its own website.
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